- Paris Dauphine University
Paris-Dauphine University Université Paris-Dauphine Established October 24, 1968 Type Grand établissement President Laurent Batsch Students 9,000 Location Paris, France Website www.dauphine.fr Paris-Dauphine University (Université Paris-Dauphine), often referred as Paris-Dauphine or Dauphine is a public research and higher education institution in Paris. Its complete name is Universtiy of technology in sciences of organisation and decision-making of Paris-Dauphine (Université de technologie en sciences des organisations et de la décision de Paris-Dauphine). Dauphine was founded as a faculty of economic and management sciences in 1968 in the former NATO headquarters in Western Paris. Since its creation, Paris-Dauphine University has enjoyed considerable autonomy in terms of scientific and teaching innovations, and in the process has developed creating the strong identity which today unites its teachers, researchers, administrative staff and students.
In 2004, Dauphine was granted the status of grand établissement by the French Ministry for Higher Education. With this status, the admissions process is selective, not only for its Masters but also for its first year students. It also allowed the University to consolidate an ambitious project based on a coherent range of selective, vocationally oriented courses. While giving the University new freedom in its actions, this status strengthens it in its essential academic objectives: development and valorisation of research, initial training and continuing education. Beside, some laboratories are located at the university as the Lamsade.
Dauphine is ranked 324th best University in the world according to the QS World University Rankings [1] , and among the best universities in France.
Dauphine University in Paris, housed in the Palais de l'Otan, the former NATO headquarters designed by Jacques Carlu.International relations
Dauphine’s international relations cover:
- Paris Dauphine University is also present in Tunis through the Tunis-Dauphine Institute.
- 180 agreements with more than 40 countries
- 6 joint diplomas with two universities:
- The Autonomous University of Madrid
- Goethe University, Frankfurt
- 24.9% international students enrolled in various programmes or diplomas in 2004/2005, including several students from Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia.
Some notable Professors of Dauphine such as Professor Pierre-Louis Lions ( Fields Medal in 1994), Professor Witold Litwin (inventor of linear hashing and the only fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in France).
According to the newspaper Le Nouvel Économiste, Paris-Dauphine University is ranked among the 6 best business schools in France in 2008 (ESSEC, HEC, ESCP EUROPE, Sciences Po, EM LYON, Dauphine) and is ranked among the 4 best institutions in France according to the Challenges - Who's who ranking in 2010 (ENA, Polytechnique, HEC, Dauphine).
National rankings
- 2010: 4th university of France according to the Challenges magazine-Who's Who ranking [2]
International rankings
- 2011: 324th best university in the world accordind to the QS university ranking [3]
- 2010: 97th/1000 business school of the world according to eduniversal ranking [4]
- 2008: 64th university of the world according the Ecole Supérieure des Mines de Paris ranking
Some Masters of Sciences
Magistere Banking Finance Insurance The Magistère BFA was created in 1986 and since its early stage it has ranked among the most highly reputed French Master Degree in Banking, Finance and Insurance. The programme spans 3 full academic years and one year possibly more for an internship between the second and the third year, or one possibly more in a partner institution abroad. Indeed, partner institutions range from London School of Economics and Political Sciences in London, Bocconi in Milano, Washington University in St. Louis or McGill University in Montreal to name a few. The Magistère main objective is to provide students with all the necessary skills likely to enable them to achieve a challenging career in Market and Corporate Finance, Banking and Insurance. Indeed, courses range from not only stochastic calculus, times series-econometrics or actuarial methods to private equity or financial analysis but also economics and law.
Mphil MASEF Mathematics of Finance, Economics and Insurance The master MASEF is a program co-organized by University Paris Dauphine and ENSAE ParisTech. The Master is one of the first Master Mathematics of Finance in France. The program includes two study courses. Both ensure a training of high level in mathematics (stochastic calculus and control, econometrics of finance / insurance) applied to the conception and use of sophisticated models in finance, insurance or more broadly in economy.
1. Quantitative Finance and Risk Management: quantitative methods on financial markets, strong orientation to risk control and portfolio management.
2. Economy and Management of individual risks: modelling of individual behaviours and interaction (important for modelling and management of individual risks in industry, insurance and the bank world).
Master 203 Financial Markets, Commodity Markets and Risk management The Master 203 is designed to train specialists in financial markets who put their skills to work for banks and investment firms, asset management firms, consultancies, insurance companies or major firms. It trains students in all professions linked to investments on financial instruments markets and financing based on market techniques.
Master 225 Corporate Finance and Financial engineering The Corporate Finance and Financial Engineering Masters Programme 225 has trained almost one thousand students to practice financial professions with high levels of responsibility. This Masters Programme provides solid training in two complementary areas of expertise: both corporate finance, and financial engineering and mergers and acquisitions, which are used above all within investment banking.
Master 272 Financial Engineering and Quantitative Economics The Financial Engineering and Quantitative Economics Programme 272 prepares students to topics such as the techniques of quantitative finance, corporate finance, asset management and market risk management. For this, the curriculum combines the teaching of financial theory and its application in business while training students for computational methods in finance.
Master 201 Financial and Monetary Economics The Master 201 provide an excellent program in economics and finance. The program is made with the contribution of many CEOs, financial organizations and banks. In collaboration with the Magistère BFA and Bocconi, this master is mainly focused not only on market finance but also on financial economics. Many alumni succeed as well in other sectors dealing with econometrics in optimization costs, actuarial science, or even marketing thanks to the diversity of courses.
Mphil 106 Financial and Monetary Economics is linked to the Master 201 and presents the same qualities,it is more research-axed.
- Jacques Aigran, ex-Chairman of Swiss Re
- Thierry Aimar, French economist, specialist of the Austrian School of Economics and History of Economic Thought
- Olivier Blanchard, International Monetary Fund chief economist
- Yannick Bolloré, ex-chairman of Bolloré
- Bruno Bonnel, ex-Chairman of Infogrames
- Elie Cohen, French economist
- Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, French politician and president of Debout La Republique
- Jean-Luc Gérard, Chairman of Ford France
- Arnaud Lagardère, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EADS
- Alessandrina Lerner (Sandrine Cornet), author
- Marc Levy, author
- Thierry Morin, Chairman of Valeo
- François Pierson, Chairman of AXA France
- Jean-Marc Sylvestre, French journalist
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of "Fooled by randomness" and "Black Swan"
- Jean Tirole, economist and author of "The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press 2006"
- Boni Yayi, President of the Republic of Benin
- Cédric Villani, awarded the Fields Medal in 2010
Honorary degree
- John Campbell, professor of economics at Harvard University
- Ronald Fagin, computer scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center
- Eleanor Fox, professor at New York University
- Jim Gray, computer scientist and Turing award winner
- Olivier Hart, professor of economics at Harvard University
- Paul Joskow, professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ehud Kalai, professor at Northwestern University and author of Kalai-Smorodinsky model
- Hayne Ellis Leland, professor at University of California, Berkeley
- Henry Mintzberg, professor of management at McGill University
- Edmund Phelps, professor at Columbia University and author of golden rule savings rate
- Myron Scholes, economist and author of Black-Scholes model and Nobel prize
- Robert J. Shiller, professor of finance at Yale School of Management
- Helmut Siekmann, professor at University of California, Berkeley
- Melchior Wathelet, Belgian politician
- ^ http://www.topuniversities.com/institution/universite-paris-dauphine/wur
- ^ http://www.dauphine.fr/fileadmin/mediatheque/Communication/Challenges.pdf
- ^ http://www.topuniversities.com/institution/universite-paris-dauphine/wur
- ^ http://www.eduniversal-ranking.com/business-school-university-ranking-5palms.html
External links
Institutional Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) Amsterdam (UvA) · Athens · Belgrade · Berlin (FUB) · Berlin (HUB) · Bratislava · Brussels (VUB) · Brussels (ULB) · Bucharest · Budapest · Copenhagen · Dublin (UCD) · Helsinki · Lausanne · Lisboa · Ljubljana · London (UCL) · Madrid (UAM) · Madrid (UCM) · Moscow · Nicosia · Oslo · Paris I · Paris III · Paris VI · Paris-Dauphine · Prague · Riga · Rome-La Sapienza · Rome-Tor Vergata · Rome-Tre · Skopje · Sofia · Stockholm · Tallinn (TU) · Tallinn (TUT) · Tirana · Vienna · Vilnius · Warsaw · Zagreb
Categories:- Educational institutions established in 1968
- University of Paris
- Universities and colleges in France
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