Judo technique

Judo technique

There are a variety of techniques recognized by Kodokan(講道館) judo (柔道) and other budo (武道). Below is a partial list, organized by technique type and alphabetically within type.

Nage-waza (投げ技): throwing techniques

Te-waza (手技): hand throwing techniques

* Ippon seoinage (本背負い投げ, or 本背負投): One arm shoulder throw
* Kata guruma (肩車): Shoulder wheel
* Kibisu gaeshi (踵返): One-hand reversal
* Morote gari (双手刈): Two-hand reap
* Obi otoshi (帯落): Belt drop
* Seoi nage (背負い投げ, or 背負投): Lifting shoulder throw or back carry throw
* Seoi otoshi (背負落): Kneeling shoulder drop
* Sukui nage (掬投): Scoop throw
* Sumi otoshi (隅落): Corner drop
* Tai otoshi (体落): Body drop
* Uchi mata sukashi (内股透): Inner thigh throw
* Uki otoshi (浮落): Floating drop
* Yama arashi (山嵐): Mountain storm

;Unrecognized technique

* Te guruma

Koshi-waza (腰技): hip throwing techniques

* Daki age (抱上): Hugging high lift. (Forbidden in competition.)
* Hane goshi (跳腰): Spring hip throw
* Harai goshi (払腰): Sweeping hip throw
* Koshi guruma (腰車): Hip wheel
* O goshi (大腰): Full hip throw
* Sode tsurikomi goshi (袖釣込腰): Sleeve lifting and pulling hip throw
* Tsuri goshi (釣腰): Lifting hip throw
* Tsurikomi goshi (釣込腰): Lifting and pulling hip throw
* Uki goshi (浮腰): Floating half-hip throw
* Ushiro goshi (後腰): Rear throw
* Utsuri goshi (移腰): Hip shift

;Unrecognized techniques

* "'Tobi goshi
* Ushiro guruma

Ashi-waza (足技): foot throwing techniques

* Ashi guruma (足車): Leg wheel
* Deashi harai (出足払): Advanced foot sweep
* Hane goshi gaeshi (跳腰返): Hip spring counter
* Harai goshi gaeshi (払腰返): Hip sweep counter
* Harai tsurikomi ashi (払釣込足): Lift-pull foot sweep
* Hiza guruma (膝車): Knee wheel
* Kosoto gake (小外掛): Minor outer hook
* Kosoto gari (小外刈): Minor outer clip
* Kouchi gari (小内刈): Small inner reap
* O guruma (大車): Large wheel
* Okuri ashi harai (送足払): Foot sweep
* Osoto gaeshi (大外返): Big outer reap counter
* Osoto gari (大外刈): Large outer reap
* Osoto guruma (大外車): Big outer wheel
* Osoto otoshi (大外落): Big outer drop
* Ouchi gaeshi (): Big inner reap counter
* Ouchi gari (大内刈): Major inner reap
* Sasae tsurikomi ashi (支釣込足): Propping and drawing ankle throw
* Tsubame gaeshi (燕返): Swallow counter
* Uchi mata (内股): Inner-thigh reaping throw
* Uchi mata gaeshi (内股返): Inner-thigh reap counter

Sutemi-waza (捨身技): sacrifice techniques

Ma-sutemi (真捨身技): front sacrifices

* Hikikomi gaeshi (引込返): Pulling in reversal
* Sumi gaeshi (隅返): Corner reversal
* Tawara gaeshi (俵返): Rice bag reversal throw
* Tomoe nage (巴投): Circle throw
* Ura nage (裏投): Rear throw

Yoko-sutemi (橫捨身技): side sacrifices

* Daki wakare (抱分): High separation
* Hane makikomi (跳巻込): Springing wraparound
* Harai makikomi (払巻込): Hip sweep wraparound
* Kani basami (蟹挟): Crab or scissors throw. (Forbidden in competition.)
* Kawazu gake (河津掛): One-leg entanglement. (Forbidden in competition.)
* Osoto makikomi (大外巻込): Big outer wraparound
* Soto makikomi (外巻込): Outer wraparound
* Tani otoshi (谷落): Valley drop
* Uchi makikomi (内巻込): Inner wraparound
* Uchi mata makikomi (内股巻込): Inner thigh wraparound
* Uki waza (浮技): Floating drop
* Yoko gake (横掛): Side prop
* Yoko guruma (横車): Side wheel
* Yoko otoshi (横落): Side drop
* Yoko wakare (横分): Side separation

;Unrecognized techniques
* Tama guruma
* Ude Gaeshi
* Yoko Tomoe Nage

Katame-waza: grappling techniques

Turtle turnovers

* Daki Wakare

;Unrecognized techniques

Guard sweeps:

* Elevator Sweep
* Push Sweep

Guard passes:

* Near Knee Guard Pass
* Simple Guard Pass
* Stacking Guard Pass

Turtle turnovers:

* Turtle Flip Over
* Ura-gatame

Back mount:

* Back Mount Escape
* Foot lock counter to rear-mounted position

Osaekomi-waza (押込技): pins or matholds

* Kami-shiho-gatame (上四方固): Upper four quarter hold down
* Kata-gatame (肩固): Shoulder hold
* Kesa-gatame (袈裟固): Scarf hold
* Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame (崩上四方固): Broken upper four quarter hold down
* Kuzure-kesa-gatame (崩袈裟固): Broken scarf hold
* Tate-shiho-gatame (縦四方固): Horizontal four quarter hold
* Yoko-shiho-gatame (横四方固): Side four quarter hold

; Unrecognized techniques

* Uki-gatame (浮固): Floating hold
* Ura-gatame
* Ura-kesa-gatame
* Ushiro-kesa-gatame (後袈裟固): Reverse Scarf Hold. The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as kuzure-kesa-gatame.The Kodokan Judo Institute. [http://www.kodokan.org/e_waza/index.html Kodokan.Org classification of techniques] . "www.kodokan.org". URL last accessed March 4 2006.]
* Sangaku-Gatame : Triangular Hold

Shime-waza (絞技): chokes or strangles

* Do-jime (胴絞): Trunk strangle. Do-jime is a prohibited technique in Judo, and is considered a 'slight infringement' according to IJF rules, Section 27: Prohibited acts and penalties, article 21 [International Judo Federation. [http://www.ijf.org/rule/rule_referee.php IJF Referee Rules] . "www.ijf.org". URL last accessed March 5 2006]
* Gyaku-juji-jime (逆十字絞): Reverse cross strangle
* Hadaka-jime (裸絞): Naked strangle
* Kata-ha-jime (片羽絞): Single wing strangle
* Kata-juji-jime (片十字絞): Half cross strangle
* Katate-jime (片手絞): One-hand strangle
* Nami-juji-jime (並十字絞): Normal cross strangle
* Okuri-eri-jime (送襟絞): Sliding lapel strangle
* Ryo-te-jime (両手絞):
* Sankaku-jime (三角絞): Triangular strangle, triangle choke
* Sode-guruma-jime (袖車絞): Sleeve wheel strangle (Eziquiel/Ezekiel choke)
* Tsukkomi-jime (突込絞):

;Unrecognized techniques

* Jigoku-jime (地獄絞): Hell strangleWolfe, David. [http://pages.prodigy.net/david_wolfe/pmaa/Japanese_terms_J.html The David Brent Wolfe Dictionary of Japanese Martial Art Terms] . "pages.prodigy.net". URL last accessed February 11 2006.]
* Ura-juji-jime

Kansetsu-waza (関節技): joint locks

* Ashi-garami (足緘): Leg entanglement. (Forbidden in competition.)
* Ude-garami (腕緘): Arm entanglement or "figure-four" key lock
* Ude-hishigi-ashi-gatame (腕挫脚固): Side-lying arm bar
* Ude-hishigi-hara-gatame (腕挫腹固): Side-extended arm bar, lower stomach against opponent's elbow.
* Ude-hishigi-hiza-gatame ( 腕挫膝固): Knee arm bar.
* Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame (腕挫十字固): Back-lying perpendicular arm bar.
* Ude-hishigi-sankaku-gatame (腕挫三角固): Triangular strangle, using the legs.
* Ude-hishigi-te-gatame (腕挫手固):
* Ude-hishigi-ude-gatame (挫腕固):
* Ude-hishigi-waki-gatame (腕挫腋固):

; Unrecognized techniques

* Ashi-hishigi
* Sankaku-garami (三角緘): Triangular entanglement [cite book|author=Inokuma, Isao; Sato, Nobuyuki|title=Best Judo|publisher=Kodansha America|year=1987|id=ISBN 0-87011-786-6] [United States Judo association. [http://www.uky.edu/StudentOrgs/Judo/JudoHome_files/srpromo.pdf Exam for all senior Judo ranks] . "www.uky.edu". URL last accessed February 5 2006.] [Judo-club Hadamar. [http://www.judoclubhadamar.de/Judolexikon.htm Judo von A - Z] . "www.judoclubhadamar.de". URL last accessed February 5 2006. (In German)]

Atemi-waza (当て身技): body-striking techniques

Although taught within kata ( or ) and sometimes used within informal randori (乱取), striking techniques are forbidden in standard judo competitions.

Ashi-ate-waza: leg striking techniques

* Mae-ate: Front knee
* Mae-geri: Front kick
* Naname-geri: Front crossing kick
* Taka-geri: High front kick
* Ushiro-geri: Backward kick
* Yoko-geri: Side kick

Ude-Ate-waza: arm striking techniques

* Empi-uchi: Elbow blow
* Kami-ate: Upward blow
* Kirioroshi: Downward knife hand blow
* Naname-ate: Front crossing blow
* Naname-uchi: Slanting knife hand blow
* Ryogan-tsuki: Strike both eyes with fingertips
* Shimo-tsuki: Downward blow
* Tsukiage: Uppercut
* Tsukidashi: Stomach punch with fingertips
* Tsukkake: Straight punch
* Uchioroshi: Downward strike
* Ushiro-ate: Rear elbow strike
* Ushiro-sumi-tsuki: Rear corner blow
* Ushiro-tsuki: Rear blow
* Ushiro-uchi: Rear blow
* Yoko-ate: Side blow
* Yoko-uchi: Side blow

Uke-waza (blocks and parries)

* Tenkan: Outside turning

Ukemi (receiving techniques or breakfall techniques)

* Mae ukemi: Forward roll
* Ushiro ukemi: Backward roll
* Yoko ukemi: Sideways fall accompanied by hard slap of tatami (mat).

See also

* List of Kodokan Judo techniques
* Chokehold
* Grappling hold
* Joint lock
* Throw (grappling)



* Ohlenkamp, Neil (2006) [http://judounleashed.com "Judo Unleashed"] basic reference on judo. ISBN 0071475346.
* Ohlenkamp, Neil. [http://judoinfo.com/gokyo.htm The 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo] . "JudoInfo.com". URL last accessed March 6 2006.
* Sources of kanji: [http://hk.geocities.com/fareastjudoclub/Newaza/Newaza.htm] , [http://www.ejudo.info/waza/compare1.html] , [http://www.plk1984.edu.hk:8001/~cit018/teach2.htm] , [http://www.judokan.org.hk/Waza.htm]
* The Kodokan Judo Institute. [http://www.kodokan.org/e_waza/index.html Kodokan.Org classification of techniques] . "www.kodokan.org". URL last accessed March 4 2006.

External links

* [http://www.webalice.it/davidegiubilato/Pagine/Katame.htm Italian site with good stills]
* [http://judoinfo.com/techjudo.htm Techniques of Judo]
* [http://www.judo-snijders.nl/ categorized judo techniques on video] - Tournaments, champions, Olympics etc.

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