Sumi-Gaeshi — (renversement dans l angle, en japonais : 隅返) est une technique de projection du judo. Sumi Gaeshi est le 1er mouvement du 4e groupe du Gokyo. Sumi Gaeshi est un mouvement du Nage no kata. Voir aussi Technique de projection Nage no kata… … Wikipédia en Français
sumi-gaeshi — … Useful english dictionary
Hikikomi gaeshi — also known as Pulling in counter, is one of the preserved throwing techniques, Habukareta Waza, of judo. It belonged to the fourth group, Yonkyo, of the 1895 Gokyo no Waza lists. [] It is categorized as a front… … Wikipedia
Technique de projection (combat) — Technique de projection, ou nage waza. Les techniques de projections sont utilisés en arts martiaux et sports de combat. Sommaire 1 Judo et ju jitsu moderne … Wikipédia en Français
Judo technique — There are a variety of techniques recognized by Kodokan(講道館) judo (柔道) and other budo (武道). Below is a partial list, organized by technique type and alphabetically within type. Nage waza (投げ技): throwing techniques Te waza (手技): hand throwing… … Wikipedia
Wurftechnik (Judo) — Die Judo Techniken (jap. Waza) lassen sich grob in Standtechniken, Bodentechniken und die Fallschule einteilen (s.u.). Dieser Artikel behandelt nur die Wurftechniken. Tachi Waza: Standtechniken Nage Waza: Wurftechniken Katame Waza bzw. Ne Waza:… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of Kodokan Judo techniques — Like many other martial arts, Kodokan Judoprovides lists of techniques students must learn to earn rank.For a more complete list of judo techniquesby technique classification, including Japanese kanji,see the article judo techniques. Ukemi… … Wikipedia
Deashi harai — Classification Foot sweep Parent style Judo AKA Deashibarai, Forward foot sweep[1], Advanced foot sweep Deashi Harai (出足払 … Wikipedia
Ōuchi gari — (大内刈?)is one of the original 40 throws of Judo as developed by Kanō Jigorō … Wikipedia
Ō guruma — (大車?) is one of the original 40 throws of Judo as developed by Kanō Jigorō. It belo … Wikipedia