

Tate-Shiho-Gatame is one of the seven mat holds,
Osaekomi-waza, of Kodokan Judo.In grappling terms, it is categorized as a
mounted position.

Technique description

[http://www.judoinfo.com/images/osaekomi/tate_shiho_gatame.gifGraphic] from http://judoinfo.com/techdrw.htm

Exemplar Videos:

[http://www.judoclub.ca/mpegs/tate2.mpg Demonstrated] from http://www.judoinfo.com/video6.htm

[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=493255351187144247 Instructional Video]

Technique history

Included systems

*Kodokan Judo, Judo ListsLists:
*The Canon Of Judo
*Judo technique
*Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Theory and Technique



Upa is described as a technique onto itself in the book,"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Theory and Technique",and demonstrated in the video," [http://video.google.com./videoplay?docid=7967365463741374551 Gracie_Jiu-Jitsu_Basics_Vol.1] ".It is also part of the movement described asthe cross lock (juji-jime) defense method in the book,"The Canon Of Judo".

Elbow escape

"The elbow escape from the mounted position" is described in the book,"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Theory and Technique",and demonstrated in the video," [http://video.google.com./videoplay?docid=7967365463741374551 Gracie_Jiu-Jitsu_Basics_Vol.1] ".


*Arm Pull and Roll Over Tate Shiho Gatame Escape


Similar techniques, variants, and aliases


The Canon Of Judolists a variation as a separate technique,where tori secures one of uke's arms instead of uke's neck,as demonstrated in the above animation,while holding onto the belt.


English aliases:
*Horizontal four quarter holdVariants:
*Double Arm Tate-Shiho-Gatame
*Head Lock Tate-Shiho-Gatame
*Reverse Head Lock Tate-Shiho-Gatame
*Arm Hold Tate-Shiho-Gatame
*Thigh on Shouder/Arm Hold Tate-Shiho-Gatame

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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