Tomoe nage

Tomoe nage

nihongo|Tomoe nage|巴投 is one of the traditional forty throws of Judo as developed by Jigaro Kano. It belongs to the third group (Sankyo) of the traditional throwing list, the traditional Gokyo (no waza), [ [ The Traditional Gokyo of Kodokan Judo] ] and the current 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo [ [ The 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo] ] . Tomoe nage is categorized as a front sacrifice technique or Ma-sutemi, because the technique is not a sweep or a trip and tori falls back in front of uke while throwing uke. [ [ Technique classification] ] It is also one of Danzan Ryu's twenty throws in the Nagete list.

Tomoe nage is performed by the attacker ("tori") gripping the opponent ("uke") high and falling backward as in a backward roll. Once "uke" is off balance forward, "tori" plants a foot low on "uke" at waist level and applies strong pressure, rolling onto his own back with "uke" above him. This causes "uke" to flip over "tori" and land on his back. The final position is both practitioners are on their backs, head to head. Variations that maintain the high grip and complete the backward roll allow "tori" to mount "uke" at the completion of the throw.

The counter to tomoe nage is to either crouch or to evade the rising foot of the attacker.

Similar techniques, variants, and aliases

*Stomach throw
*Circular throw


Cultural References

* In both and , Co-op players use the Tomoe Nage to toss their partner across distances.

External links

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* [ Learn the Tomoenage from an animated comic tutorial]

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