List of government and military acronyms

List of government and military acronyms

List of initialisms, acronyms ("words made from parts of other words, pronounceable"), and other abbreviations used by the government and the military:



* "1LT" - First Lieutenant (U.S. Army)
* "2LT" - Second Lieutenant (U.S. Army)

=A= piano
* "A" - analog
* "A2C2" - Army airspace command and control
* "A-3" - (Operations Directorate (COMAFFOR))
* "A-5" - (Plans Directorate (COMAFFOR))
* "AA" - Anti-Aircraft
* "AA" - assessment agent
* "AA" - avenue of approach
* "AAA" - antiaircraft artillery
* "AAA" - arrival and assembly area
* "AAA" - assign alternate area
* "AAAS" - amphibious aviation assault ship
* "AABB" - American Association of Blood Banks
* "AABWS" - amphibious assault bulk water system
* "AAC" - activity address code
* "AAC" - Army Air Corps (British)
* "AAC" - Australian Army Cadets (Australia)
* "AACG" - arrival airfield control group
* "AADC" - area air defense commander
* "AADP" - area air defense plan
* "AA&E" - arms, ammunition, and explosives
* "AAEC" - aeromedical evacuation control team
* "AAFC" - Australian Air Force Cadets (Australia)
* "AAFES" - Army and Air Force Exchange Service
* "AAFIF" - automated air facility information file
* "AAFS" - amphibious assault fuel system
* "AAFSF" - amphibious assault fuel supply facility
* "AAGS" - Army air-ground system
* "AAI" - air-to-air interface
* "AAM" - air-to-air missile
* "AAMDC" - US Army Air and Missile Defense Command
* "AAOE" - arrival and assembly operations element
* "AAOG" - arrival and assembly operations group
* "AAP" - Allied administrative publication
* "AAP" - assign alternate parent
* "AAR" - after action report
* "AAR" - after action review
* "AAS" - Army Apprentice School (Australia)
* "AAST" - aeromedical evacuation administrative support team
* "AAT" - automatic analog test
* "AAT" - aviation advisory team
* "AAU" - analog applique unit
* "AAV" - amphibious assault vehicle
* "AAW" - antiair warfare
* "AB" - airbase
* "ABCA" - American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Program
* "ABCS" - Army Battle Command System
* "ABD" - airbase defense
* "ABFC" - advanced base functional component
* "ADF" - Australian Defence Force (Australia)
* "ADFA" - Australian Defence Force Academy (Australia)
* "ADFC" - Australian Defence Force Cadets (Australia)
* "ADOS" - Active Duty Other Services
* "ADSW" - Active Duty Special Work
* "AFI" - Awaiting Further Instruction
* "AFO" - Another Fucking Observer
* "AFOSI" - Air Force Office of Special Investigations
* "AIM" - Airborne Intercept Missile (U.S. military)
* "AIPD" - Army Institute For Professional Development
* "AIRTC" - Air Training Corps (former name for the Australian Air Force Cadets)
* "AIT" - Advanced Individual Training (U.S. Army)
* "An" - Antonov (Russian)
* "ANZAC" - Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
* "AOL" - Absent Over Leave (U.S. Navy)
* "A&P" - administrative and personnel
* "AP" - Armor-Piercing
* "APC" - Armored Personnel Carrier
* "APFSDS" - Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot
* "APO AE" - Army Post Office Armies in Europe
* "APPN" - Appropriation Number (U.S. Military)
* "APRT" - Army Physical Readiness Test (U.S. Army)
* "ARA" - Australian Regular Army (Australia)
* "ARes" - Army Reserve (Australia)
* "ARM" - Anti-Radar Missile
* "ARM" - Anti-Radiation Missile
* "ARMS" - Automated Recruit Management System (U.S. military)
* "ARVN" - Army of the Republic of (South) Viet Nam (U.S. Military)
* "ASAP" - Army Substance Abuse Program (U.S. military)
* "ASAP" - As Soon As Possible (U.S. military)
* "ASEAN" - Association of South East Asian Nations
* "ASM" - Air to Surface Missile
* "ASM" - Anti-Ship Missile
* "ASV" - Anti-Surface Vessel (airborne radar)
* "ATO" - Antiterrorism Officer
* "ATTRS" - Army Training Requirements And Resources Development
* "AWOL" - Absent Without Leave

* "BCT" - Basic Combat Training (U.S. Army)
* "BDF" - Barbados Defence Force (Barbados)
* "Be" - Beriev (Russian)
* "BEA" - Budget Execution Authority (U.S. Navy)
* "BOHICA" - Bend Over Here It Comes Again (US Military)


* "C1" - Command
* "C2" - Command And Control
* "C3" - Command Control And Communication
* "C4IR" - Command Control Communication Computers Intelligence And Recognition
* "CAC" - Common Access Card (DoD)
* "CAG" - Commander, Air Group (U.S.)
* "CAGE" - Commercial and Government Entity
* "CAS" - Close Air Support
* "CAT" - Combat Application Tourniquets
* "CCIR" - Commanders Critical Information Requirements
* "CDIAC" - Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
* "CENTCOM" - Central Command (U.S. Military)
* "CF" - Cluster Fuck
* "CIA" - Central Intelligence Agency
* "CIC" - Command Intelligence Center (U.S. Navy)
* "CINCLANT" - Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Forces (U.S. Navy)
* "CINCLANTFLT" - Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Fleet (U.S. Navy)
* "CINCPAC" - Commander-in-chief, Pacific Forces (U.S. Navy)
* "CIWS" - Close-In Weapon System
* "CO" - Commanding Officer
* "CO" - Company
* "CODELS" - Congressional Delegations
* "CONUS" - Continental United States (U.S. military)
* "CORDS" - (U.S. military, Vietnam era)
* "COS" - Chief of Staff
* "CPT" - Captain
* "CPX" - Command Post Exercise
* "CQB" - Close Quarters Battle
* "CSM" - Command Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9)
* "CT" - Counter-terrorism Team
* "CVN" - Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier (NOTE: the V comes from the expression "heavier than air flying machine")
* "CZN" - Nuclear-powered Airship Carrier (NOTE: the Z comes from the use of the word Zeppelin although non-Zeppelin airships would also be transported on a CZN)


* "DARPA" - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (U.S. Military)
* "DFAS" - Defense Finance and Accounting Service (U.S. Military)
* "DMS" - Defense Message System (U.S. Military)
* "DMZ" - Demilitarized Zone
* "DoDAF" - Department of Defense Architectural Framework


* "EOD" - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
* "ETA" - Estimated time of arrival
* "EUCOM" - European Command (U.S. Military)
* "Exfil" - Exfiltration


* "FA" - Field Artillery
* "FAR" - Federal Acquistion Regulation
* "FBCB2" - Force XXI Battlefield Command Brigade and Below
* "FBI" - Federal Bureau of Investigation
* "FEBA" - Forward Edge of the Battle Area
* "FLOT" - Forward Line of Troops
* "FLOTUS" - First Lady of the United States (U.S. – see POTUS)
* "FNG" - Fucking New Guy
* "FOB" - Forward Operating Base
* "FOD" - Foreign Object Damage (U.S.)
* "FOD" - Foreign Object Debris (U.S.)
* "FSA" - Force Structure Allowance
* "FSTE" - Foreign Service Tour Extension
* "FTUS" - Full Time Unit Specialist
* "FUBAR" - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair
* "FUBAR" - Fucked Up Beyond All Repair


* "G1" - General Staff Level office for Personnel and Manpower
* "G2" - General Staff Level office for Military Intelligence
* "G3" - General Staff Level office for Operations and Plans
* "G4" - General Staff Level office for Logistics
* "G5" - General Staff Level office for Military/Civil Affairs
* "G6" - General Staff Level office for Signal and Communication
* "G7" - General Staff Level office for Training and Exercises
* "G8" - General Staff Level office for Force Development and Analysis
* "G9" - General Staff Level office for Civil Operations
* "GEN" - General
* "GI" - General Issue
* "GO" - General Officer
* "GOCO" - Government owned, contractor operated
* "GPMG" - General Purpose Machine Gun
* "GPS" - Global Positioning S ystem
* "GROM" - Polish Special Operations Team (Polish Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego)
* "Gulag" - The Chief Administration of Collective Labor Camps (Russian "Главное Управление Лагерей", "Glavnoye Upravleniye Lagerey")


* "HEAT" - High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead
* "HMAS" - Her Majesty's Australian Ship (Australia)
* "HMCS" - Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (Canada)
* "HMMWV" - High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (U.S. Military)
* "HMNZS" - Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship (New Zealand)
* "HMS" - Hans Majestäts Skepp (His Majesty's ship, Sweden)
* "HMS" - Her Majesty's Ship (UK)
* "HOMSEC" - Homeland Security
* "HYT" - High Year Tenure (USAF)


* "IAF" - Indian Air Force
* "IAF" - Israeli Air Force
* "ICBM" - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
* "IED" - Improvised Explosive Device
* "IFF" - Identification Friend or Foe
* "IFV" - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
* "Il" - Ilyushin
* "Interpol" - International Criminal Police Organization
* "ISO" - Inter School Course


* "JETDS" - Joint Electronics Type Designation System


* "KIA" - Killed In Action


* "LZ"- Landing Zone


* "MARCORSYSCOM" - MARine CORps SYStems COMmand (U.S. Military)
* "MBT" - Main Battle Tank
* "MCEN" - Marine Corps Enterprise Network (U.S. Military)
* "MCEITS" - Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Service (U.S. Military)
* "MFA" - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* "MG" - Major General
* "Mi" - Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (Russian)
* "MIA" - Missing In Action
* "MICV" - Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle
* "MiG" - Mikoyan-Gurevich (Russian)
* "MOAB" - Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (U.S. military)
* MOB - Main Operating Base
* "MPDS" - Military Planning Data Allowance
* "MRAP" - Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
* "MRE" - Meal Ready to Eat (U.S. Military)
* "MRX" - Mission Rehearsal Exercise
* "MTOE" - Modified Table Of Organizational Equipment
* "MTS+" - Movement Tracking System Plus


* "NAFTA" - North American Free Trade Agreement
* "NAS" - Naval Air Station
* "NATO" - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
* "NCIS" - Naval Criminal Investigative Service
* "NMC" - Not Mission Capable
* "NMCI" - Naval Marine Corps Internet (U.S. Navy)


* "OBE" - Overcome by Events (DoD)
* "OCONUS" - Outside Continental United States
* "OFO" - Out Fucking Off
* "O&M, MC" - Operations & Maintenance, Marine Corps (U.S. Navy)
* "O&M, N" - Operations & Maintenance, Navy (U.S. Navy)
* "OODA" - Observe, Orient, Decide, And Act
* "OPSEC" - Operations Security
* "OTV" - Outer Tactical Vest


* "PACOM" - Pacific Command
* "PFT" - Physical Fitness Test
* "PLT" - Platoon (U.S. Army)
* "PME" - Professional Military Education
* "PMS" - Planned Maintenance Schedule (U.S. Navy)
* "PO" - Post Office
* "POTUS" - President of the United States
*"POG" - Person Other than Grunt (All Branches save Air Force)
* "POW" - Prisoner Of War
* "PT" - Physical Training


* "RAAF" - Royal Australian Air Force (Australia)
* "RAF" - Royal Air Force (UK)
* "RAN" - Royal Australian Navy (Australia)
* "RCSC" - Royal Canadian Sea Cadets (Canada)
* "RFP" - Request for Proposal (U.S.)
* "RMC" - Royal Military College of Canada (Canada) in Kingston, Ontario
* "RN" - Royal Navy (UK)
* "RNZAF" - Royal New Zealand Air Force (New Zealand)
* "RPG" - Rocket-Propelled Grenade
* "RPM" - Rounds per minute
* "RSS" - Regional Security System (Caribbean)
* "RV" - Rendez-Vous

* "SAAS" - Standard Army Ammunition System (U.S. Army)
* "SAM" - Surface-to-air Missile
* "SARSS" - Standard Army Retail Supply System (U.S. Army)
* "SEAL" - Sea, Air and Land (US Navy SEALs)
* "SFC" - Sergeant First Class (U.S. Army E7)
* "SGM" - Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9 - Sometimes referred to as Staff Sergeant Major)
* "SGT" - Sergeant (U.S. Army E5))
* "SITREP" - Situation Report
* "SMA" - Sergeant Major of the Army (U.S. Army E9 - Senior Enlisted Member)
* "SNAFU" - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
* "SOCOM" - United States Special Operations Command
* "SOL" - Shit Out of Luck
* "SOP" - Standard Operating Procedures
* "SOS" - Shit On a Shingle
* "SSG" - Staff Sergeant (US Army E6))


* "TAD" - Temporary Additional Duty (U.S. Military)
* "TDY" - Temporary Duty (U.S. Military)
* "TFOA" - Things Falling Off Aircraft
* "TU" - Tits Up (Dead)


* "UA" - Unauthorized Absence
* "UAV" - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* "UCAV" - Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
* "ULLS" - Unit Level Logisitics System (U.S. Army)
* "UMA" - Unit Mobilization Assistor
* "UN" - United Nations
* "US" - Unserviceable
* "USAF" - United States Air Force
* "USAFE" - United States Air Forces in Europe
* "USA PATRIOT Act" - Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act
* "USAREC" - US Army REcruiting Command
* "USAREUR" - US Army European Command
* "USMC" - United States Marine Corps
* "USN" - United States Navy
* "USO" - United Service Organizations (U.S. Military)
* "USR" - Unit Status Report
* "UUV" - Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
* "UXB" - Unexploded Bomb (bomb disposal; British)


* "VBIED" - Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
* "VDM" - Visual Distinguishing Mark
* "VFD" - Volunteer Fire Department


* "WIA" - Wounded In Action
* "WO1" - Warrant Officer 1


* "Z" - Zeppelin

ee also

* List of acronyms
* List of U.S. Army acronyms and expressions
* List of U.S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions
* List of U.S. Navy acronyms

External links

* [ AcronymFinder - Military & Government]
* [ - Military Abbreviations]
* [ All Acronyms - Military Acronyms]


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