- List of government and military acronyms
List of
initialism s,acronym s ("words made from parts of other words, pronounceable"), and other abbreviations used by the government and the military:CompactTOC8
* "1LT" - First Lieutenant (U.S. Army)
* "2LT" - Second Lieutenant (U.S. Army)
=A= piano
* "A" - analog
* "A2C2" - Army airspace command and control
* "A-3" - (Operations Directorate (COMAFFOR))
* "A-5" - (Plans Directorate (COMAFFOR))
* "AA" - Anti-Aircraft
* "AA" - assessment agent
* "AA" - avenue of approach
* "AAA" - antiaircraft artillery
* "AAA" - arrival and assembly area
* "AAA" - assign alternate area
* "AAAS" - amphibious aviation assault ship
* "AABB" - American Association of Blood Banks
* "AABWS" - amphibious assault bulk water system
* "AAC" - activity address code
* "AAC" - Army Air Corps (British)
* "AAC" - Australian Army Cadets (Australia)
* "AACG" - arrival airfield control group
* "AADC" - area air defense commander
* "AADP" - area air defense plan
* "AA&E" - arms, ammunition, and explosives
* "AAEC" - aeromedical evacuation control team
* "AAFC" - Australian Air Force Cadets (Australia)
* "AAFES" - Army and Air Force Exchange Service
* "AAFIF" - automated air facility information file
* "AAFS" - amphibious assault fuel system
* "AAFSF" - amphibious assault fuel supply facility
* "AAGS" - Army air-ground system
* "AAI" - air-to-air interface
* "AAM" - air-to-air missile
* "AAMDC" - US Army Air and Missile Defense Command
* "AAOE" - arrival and assembly operations element
* "AAOG" - arrival and assembly operations group
* "AAP" - Allied administrative publication
* "AAP" - assign alternate parent
* "AAR" - after action report
* "AAR" - after action review
* "AAS " - Army Apprentice School (Australia)
* "AAST" - aeromedical evacuation administrative support team
* "AAT" - automatic analog test
* "AAT" - aviation advisory team
* "AAU" - analog applique unit
* "AAV" - amphibious assault vehicle
* "AAW" - antiair warfare
* "AB" - airbase
* "ABCA" - American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Program
* "ABCS" - Army Battle Command System
* "ABD" - airbase defense
* "ABFC" - advanced base functional component
* "ADF" - Australian Defence Force (Australia)
* "ADFA" - Australian Defence Force Academy (Australia)
* "ADFC" - Australian Defence Force Cadets (Australia)
* "ADOS" - Active Duty Other Services
* "ADSW" - Active Duty Special Work
* "AFI" - Awaiting Further Instruction
* "AFO" - Another Fucking Observer
* "AFOSI" - Air Force Office of Special Investigations
* "AIM" - Airborne Intercept Missile (U.S. military)
* "AIPD" - Army Institute For Professional Development
* "AIRTC" - Air Training Corps (former name for theAustralian Air Force Cadets )
* "AIT" - Advanced Individual Training (U.S. Army)
* "An" - Antonov (Russian)
* "ANZAC" - Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
* "AOL" - Absent Over Leave (U.S. Navy)
* "A&P" - administrative and personnel
* "AP" - Armor-Piercing
* "APC" - Armored Personnel Carrier
* "APFSDS" - Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot
* "APO AE" - Army Post Office Armies in Europe
* "APPN" - Appropriation Number (U.S. Military)
* "APRT" - Army Physical Readiness Test (U.S. Army)
* "ARA" - Australian Regular Army (Australia)
* "ARes" - Army Reserve (Australia)
* "ARM" - Anti-Radar Missile
* "ARM" - Anti-Radiation Missile
* "ARMS" - Automated Recruit Management System (U.S. military)
* "ARVN " - Army of the Republic of (South) Viet Nam (U.S. Military)
* "ASAP" - Army Substance Abuse Program (U.S. military)
* "ASAP" - As Soon As Possible (U.S. military)
* "ASEAN " - Association of South East Asian Nations
* "ASM" - Air to Surface Missile
* "ASM" - Anti-Ship Missile
* "ASV" - Anti-Surface Vessel (airborne radar)
* "ATO" - Antiterrorism Officer
* "ATTRS" - Army Training Requirements And Resources Development
* "AWOL " - Absent Without Leave
* "BCT" - Basic Combat Training (U.S. Army)
* "BDF" - Barbados Defence Force (Barbados)
* "Be" - Beriev (Russian)
* "BEA" - Budget Execution Authority (U.S. Navy)
* "BOHICA" - Bend Over Here It Comes Again (US Military)C
* "C1" - Command
* "C2" - Command And Control
* "C3" - Command Control And Communication
* "C4IR" - Command Control Communication Computers Intelligence And Recognition
* "CAC " - Common Access Card (DoD)
* "CAG " - Commander, Air Group (U.S.)
* "CAGE" - Commercial and Government Entity
* "CAS" - Close Air Support
* "CAT" - Combat Application Tourniquets
* "CCIR" - Commanders Critical Information Requirements
* "CDIAC" - Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
* "CENTCOM" - Central Command (U.S. Military)
* "CF" - Cluster Fuck
* "CIA" - Central Intelligence Agency
* "CIC" - Command Intelligence Center (U.S. Navy)
* "CINCLANT" - Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Forces (U.S. Navy)
* "CINCLANTFLT" - Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Fleet (U.S. Navy)
* "CINCPAC" - Commander-in-chief, Pacific Forces (U.S. Navy)
* "CIWS " - Close-In Weapon System
* "CO" - Commanding Officer
* "CO" - Company
* "CODELS" - Congressional Delegations
* "CONUS" - Continental United States (U.S. military)
* "CORDS" - (U.S. military,Vietnam era)
* "COS" - Chief of Staff
* "CPT" - Captain
* "CPX" - Command Post Exercise
* "CQB " - Close Quarters Battle
* "CSM" - Command Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9)
* "CT" - Counter-terrorism Team
* "CVN " - Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier (NOTE: the V comes from the expression "heavier than air flying machine")
* "CZN" - Nuclear-poweredAirship Carrier (NOTE: the Z comes from the use of the word Zeppelin although non-Zeppelin airships would also be transported on a CZN)D
* "DARPA" - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (U.S. Military)
* "DFAS" - Defense Finance and Accounting Service (U.S. Military)
* "DMS" - Defense Message System (U.S. Military)
* "DMZ" - Demilitarized Zone
* "DoDAF " - Department of Defense Architectural FrameworkE
* "
EOD " - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
* "ETA" - Estimated time of arrival
* "EUCOM" - European Command (U.S. Military)
* "Exfil" - ExfiltrationF
* "FA" - Field Artillery
* "FAR" - Federal Acquistion Regulation
* "FBCB2 " - Force XXI Battlefield Command Brigade and Below
* "FBI" - Federal Bureau of Investigation
* "FEBA" - Forward Edge of the Battle Area
* "FLOT" - Forward Line of Troops
* "FLOTUS" - First Lady of the United States (U.S. – see POTUS)
* "FNG" - Fucking New Guy
* "FOB" - Forward Operating Base
* "FOD" - Foreign Object Damage (U.S.)
* "FOD" - Foreign Object Debris (U.S.)
* "FSA" - Force Structure Allowance
* "FSTE" - Foreign Service Tour Extension
* "FTUS" - Full Time Unit Specialist
* "FUBAR" - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair
* "FUBAR" - Fucked Up Beyond All RepairG
* "G1" - General Staff Level office for Personnel and Manpower
* "G2" - General Staff Level office for Military Intelligence
* "G3" - General Staff Level office for Operations and Plans
* "G4" - General Staff Level office for Logistics
* "G5" - General Staff Level office for Military/Civil Affairs
* "G6" - General Staff Level office for Signal and Communication
* "G7" - General Staff Level office for Training and Exercises
* "G8" - General Staff Level office for Force Development and Analysis
* "G9" - General Staff Level office for Civil Operations
* "GEN" - General
* "GI" - General Issue
* "GO" - General Officer
* "GOCO" - Government owned, contractor operated
* "GPMG " - General Purpose Machine Gun
* "GPS" - Global Positioning S ystem
* "GROM" - Polish Special Operations Team (Polish Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego)
* "Gulag " - The Chief Administration of Collective Labor Camps (Russian "Главное Управление Лагерей", "Glavnoye Upravleniye Lagerey")H
* "HEAT" - High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead
* "HMAS " - Her Majesty's Australian Ship (Australia )
* "HMCS " - Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (Canada )
* "HMMWV " - High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (U.S. Military)
* "HMNZS " - Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship (New Zealand )
* "HMS" - Hans Majestäts Skepp (His Majesty's ship,Sweden )
* "HMS" - Her Majesty's Ship (UK)
* "HOMSEC" - Homeland Security
* "HYT " - High Year Tenure (USAF)I
* "IAF" - Indian Air Force
* "IAF" - Israeli Air Force
* "ICBM" - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
* "IED" - Improvised Explosive Device
* "IFF" - Identification Friend or Foe
* "IFV" - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
* "Il" - Ilyushin
* "Interpol " - International Criminal Police Organization
* "ISO" - Inter School CourseJ
* "JETDS" - Joint Electronics Type Designation System
* "KIA" - Killed In Action
* "LZ"- Landing Zone
* "MARCORSYSCOM" - MARine CORps SYStems COMmand (U.S. Military)
* "MBT" - Main Battle Tank
* "MCEN" - Marine Corps Enterprise Network (U.S. Military)
* "MCEITS" - Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Service (U.S. Military)
* "MFA" - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* "MG" - Major General
* "Mi" - Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (Russian)
* "MIA" - Missing In Action
* "MICV" - Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle
* "MiG " - Mikoyan-Gurevich (Russian)
* "MOAB" - Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (U.S. military)
* MOB - Main Operating Base
* "MPDS" - Military Planning Data Allowance
* "MRAP" - Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
* "MRE " - Meal Ready to Eat (U.S. Military)
* "MRX" - Mission Rehearsal Exercise
* "MTOE" - Modified Table Of Organizational Equipment
* "MTS+" - Movement Tracking System PlusN
* "
NAFTA " - North American Free Trade Agreement
* "NAS" - Naval Air Station
* "NATO " - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
* "NCIS" - Naval Criminal Investigative Service
* "NMC" - Not Mission Capable
* "NMCI" - Naval Marine Corps Internet (U.S. Navy)O
* "OBE" - Overcome by Events (DoD)
* "OCONUS" - Outside Continental United States
* "OFO" - Out Fucking Off
* "O&M, MC" - Operations & Maintenance, Marine Corps (U.S. Navy)
* "O&M, N" - Operations & Maintenance, Navy (U.S. Navy)
* "OODA" - Observe, Orient, Decide, And Act
* "OPSEC" - Operations Security
* "OTV" - Outer Tactical VestP
* "PACOM" - Pacific Command
* "PFT" - Physical Fitness Test
* "PLT" - Platoon (U.S. Army)
* "PME" - Professional Military Education
* "PMS" - Planned Maintenance Schedule (U.S. Navy)
* "PO" - Post Office
* "POTUS" - President of the United States
*"POG" - Person Other than Grunt (All Branches save Air Force)
* "POW" - Prisoner Of War
* "PT" - Physical TrainingR
* "RAAF" - Royal Australian Air Force (Australia)
* "RAF" - Royal Air Force (UK)
* "RAN" - Royal Australian Navy (Australia)
* "RCSC" - Royal Canadian Sea Cadets (Canada)
* "RFP" - Request for Proposal (U.S.)
* "RMC" - Royal Military College of Canada (Canada) inKingston, Ontario
* "RN" - Royal Navy (UK)
* "RNZAF" - Royal New Zealand Air Force (New Zealand)
* "RPG" - Rocket-Propelled Grenade
* "RPM" - Rounds per minute
* "RSS" - Regional Security System (Caribbean)
* "RV" - Rendez-Vous* "SAAS" - Standard Army Ammunition System (U.S. Army)
* "SAM" - Surface-to-air Missile
* "SARSS" - Standard Army Retail Supply System (U.S. Army)
* "SEAL" - Sea, Air and Land (US Navy SEALs)
* "SFC" - Sergeant First Class (U.S. Army E7)
* "SGM" - Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9 - Sometimes referred to as Staff Sergeant Major)
* "SGT" - Sergeant (U.S. Army E5))
* "SITREP" - Situation Report
* "SMA" - Sergeant Major of the Army (U.S. Army E9 - Senior Enlisted Member)
* "SNAFU" - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
* "SOCOM" - United States Special Operations Command
* "SOL" - Shit Out of Luck
* "SOP" - Standard Operating Procedures
* "SOS" - Shit On a Shingle
* "SSG" - Staff Sergeant (US Army E6))T
* "TAD" - Temporary Additional Duty (U.S. Military)
* "TDY" - Temporary Duty (U.S. Military)
* "TFOA" - Things Falling Off Aircraft
* "TU" - Tits Up (Dead)U
* "UA" - Unauthorized Absence
* "UAV" - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* "UCAV" - Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
* "ULLS" - Unit Level Logisitics System (U.S. Army)
* "UMA" - Unit Mobilization Assistor
* "UN" - United Nations
* "US" - Unserviceable
* "USAF" - United States Air Force
* "USAFE" - United States Air Forces in Europe
* "USA PATRIOT Act " - Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act
* "USAREC" - US Army REcruiting Command
* "USAREUR" - US Army European Command
* "USMC" - United States Marine Corps
* "USN" - United States Navy
* "USO" - United Service Organizations (U.S. Military)
* "USR" - Unit Status Report
* "UUV" - Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
* "UXB" - Unexploded Bomb (bomb disposal; British)V
* "VBIED" - Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
* "VDM" - Visual Distinguishing Mark
* "VFD" - Volunteer Fire DepartmentW
* "WIA" - Wounded In Action
* "WO1" - Warrant Officer 1Z
* "Z" - Zeppelin
ee also
List of acronyms
*List of U.S. Army acronyms and expressions
*List of U.S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions
*List of U.S. Navy acronyms External links
* [http://milgov.acronymfinder.com/ AcronymFinder - Military & Government]
* [http://www.abbreviations.com/acronyms/MILITARY Abbreviation.com - Military Abbreviations]
* [http://www.all-acronyms.com/?g=2 All Acronyms - Military Acronyms]CompactTOC8
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