List of cities in Lithuania

List of cities in Lithuania

In Lithuania there are 103 cities (in Lithuanian: singularmiestas, pluralmiestai). The term city is defined by the Parliament of Lithuania as compact areas populated by more than 3,000 people of whom at least two thirds work in the industry or service sector. Those settlements which have a population of less than 3,000 but historically had city status are still considered to be cities. Smaller settlements are called miestelis (plural miesteliai) which is translated as towns. Even smaller settlements (villages) are called kaimas (plural kaimai). Often the official status is not clear and people refer to both towns and villages as gyvenvietė (plural gyvenvietės) which in essence means settlement.

The cities started to form in the 13th-14th century together with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The first city to receive city rights was Klaipėda. According to medieval law, a city could have its own fairs, taverns, guilds, courts, etc. Some former cities lost their status are now just towns or villages, for example Kernavė or Merkinė. Most of the cities in Lithuania are old, established before the 18th century. Their location is mostly determined by trade and transportation routes. Some of the newer cities grew because of railroad construction, for example Kaišiadorys, Vievis, Radviliškis, Ignalina or Mažeikiai. In the last century cities grew new to big industry centers, for example Visaginas, Elektrėnai or Naujoji Akmenė. Five citiesBirštonas, Druskininkai, Neringa, Palanga and Anykščiaihave a special resort status.

Most of the cities are small. There are only 19 cities with population of more than 20,000. Cities are quite evenly spread out through the territory of Lithuania. This forms a good network to support economic development throughout the country. About 66.7% (as of 2001 census) of the population lives in cities and the percentage is growing.



Vilnius, Capital of Lithuania
# CoA City Pronunciation
(audio help)
Population (2001) Population (2008) Granted city rights County Municipality
1 Vilnius city COA.gif Vilnius ListenInfo 554,281 552,445 (2011) 1387 Vilnius County Vilnius city municipality
2 Kaunas city COA.gif Kaunas ListenInfo 378,943 321,200 (2011) 1408 Kaunas County Kaunas city municipality
3 Klaipeda city COA.gif Klaipėda ListenInfo 192,954 184,657 1257 Klaipėda County Klaipėda city municipality
4 Siauliai city COA.gif Šiauliai ListenInfo 133,883 127,059 1589 Šiauliai County Šiauliai city municipality
5 Coat of Arms of Panevezys.svg Panevėžys ListenInfo 119,749 113,653 1837 Panevėžys County Panevėžys city municipality
6 Alytus city COA.gif Alytus ListenInfo 71,491 68,304 1581 Alytus County Alytus city municipality
7 Marijampole COA.gif Marijampolė ListenInfo 48,675 47,010 1792 Marijampolė County Marijampolė municipality
8 Mazeikiai COA.gif Mažeikiai ListenInfo 42,675 40,572 1924 Telšiai County Mažeikiai district municipality
9 Coat of arms of Jonava (Lithuania).svg Jonava ListenInfo 34,954 34,446 1864 Kaunas County Jonava district municipality
10 Utena COA.gif Utena ListenInfo 33,860 32,572 1599 Utena County Utena district municipality
11 Kedainiai COA.gif Kėdainiai ListenInfo 32,048 31,055 1590 Kaunas County Kėdainiai district municipality
12 Telsiai COA.gif Telšiai ListenInfo 31,460 30,011 1791 Telšiai County Telšiai district municipality
13 Visaginas COA.gif Visaginas ListenInfo 29,554 28,269 1977 Utena County Visaginas city municipality
14 Taurage COA.gif Tauragė ListenInfo 29,124 27,862 1924 Tauragė County Tauragė district municipality
15 Ukmerge COA.gif Ukmergė ListenInfo 28,759 27,603 1486 Vilnius County Ukmergė district municipality
16 Plunge COA.gif Plungė ListenInfo 23,436 23,187 1792 Telšiai County Plungė district municipality
17 Silute COA.gif Šilutė ListenInfo 21,476 20,945 1941 Klaipėda County Šilutė district municipality
18 Kretinga COA.gif Kretinga ListenInfo 21,423 21,452 1609 Klaipėda County Kretinga district municipality
19 Radviliskis COA.gif Radviliškis ListenInfo 20,339 19,625 1923 Šiauliai County Radviliškis district municipality
20 Druskininkai COA.gif Druskininkai ListenInfo 18,233 16,263 1893 Alytus County Druskininkai municipality
21 Palanga COA.gif Palanga ListenInfo 17,623 17,620 1791 Klaipėda County Palanga city municipality
22 Rokiskis COA.gif Rokiškis ListenInfo 16,746 15,549 1920 Panevėžys County Rokiškis district municipality
23 Birzai COA.gif Biržai ListenInfo 15,262 14,565 1589 Panevėžys County Biržai district municipality
24 Gargzdai COA.gif Gargždai ListenInfo 15,212 16,087 1792 Klaipėda County Klaipėda district municipality
25 Kursenai COA.gif Kuršėnai ListenInfo 14,197 13,670 1946 Šiauliai County Šiauliai district municipality
26 Elektrenai COA.gif Elektrėnai ListenInfo 14,050 13,818 1962 Vilnius County Elektrėnai municipality
27 Jurbarkas COA.gif Jurbarkas ListenInfo 13,797 13,307 1611 Tauragė County Jurbarkas district municipality
28 Garliava COA.gif Garliava ListenInfo 13,322 13,500 1958 Kaunas County Kaunas district municipality
29 Vilkaviskis COA.gif Vilkaviškis ListenInfo 13,283 12,931 1660 Marijampolė County Vilkaviškis district municipality
30 Raseiniai COA.gif Raseiniai ListenInfo 12,541 12,245 14921506 Kaunas County Raseiniai district municipality
31 Naujoji Akmene COA.gif Naujoji Akmenė ListenInfo 12,345 11,468 1792 Šiauliai County Akmenė district municipality
32 Anyksciai COA.gif Anykščiai ListenInfo 11,958 11,829 1516 Utena County Anykščiai district municipality
33 Lentvaris COA.gif Lentvaris ListenInfo 11,773 11,642 1946 Vilnius County Trakai district municipality
34 Grigiskes COA.gif Grigiškės ListenInfo 11,448 11,466 1958 Vilnius County Vilnius city municipality
35 Prienai COA.gif Prienai ListenInfo 11,353 10,984 1609 Kaunas County Prienai district municipality
36 Coat of arms of Joniskis.svg Joniškis ListenInfo 11,329 10,881 1616 Šiauliai County Joniškis district municipality
37 Kelmes-herbas.svg Kelmė ListenInfo 10,900 10,302 1947 Šiauliai County Kelmė district municipality
38 Varena COA.gif Varėna ListenInfo 10,845 10,296 1946 Alytus County Varėna district municipality
39 Kaisiadorys COA.gif Kaišiadorys ListenInfo 10,002 9,729 1946 Kaunas County Kaišiadorys district municipality
40 Pasvalys COA.gif Pasvalys ListenInfo 8,709 8,296 1946 Panevėžys County Pasvalys district municipality
41 Kupiskis COA.gif Kupiškis ListenInfo 8,451 8,082 1791 Panevėžys County Kupiškis district municipality
42 Zarasai COA.gif Zarasai ListenInfo 8,365 7,766 1843 Utena County Zarasai district municipality
43 Skuodas COA.gif Skuodas ListenInfo 7,896 7,358 1572 Klaipėda County Skuodas district municipality
44 Kazlu Ruda COA.gif Kazlų Rūda ListenInfo 7,401 7,162 1950 Marijampolė County Kazlų Rūda municipality
45 Sirvintos COA.gif Širvintos ListenInfo 7,273 7,070 1950 Vilnius County Širvintos district municipality
46 Moletai COA.gif Molėtai ListenInfo 7,221 6,949 1956 Utena County Molėtai district municipality
47 Svencioneliai COA.gif Švenčionėliai ListenInfo 6,923 6,346 1920 Vilnius County Švenčionys district municipality
48 Sakiai COA.gif Šakiai ListenInfo 6,795 6,511 1776 Marijampolė County Šakiai district municipality
49 Salcininkai COA.gif Šalčininkai ListenInfo 6,722 6,563 1956 Vilnius County Šalčininkai district municipality
50 Ignalina COA.gif Ignalina ListenInfo 6,591 6,119 1950 Utena County Ignalina district municipality
51 Kybartai COA.gif Kybartai ListenInfo 6,556 6,209 1947 Marijampolė County Vilkaviškis district municipality
52 Coa pabrade.png Pabradė ListenInfo 6,525 6,236 1946 Vilnius County Švenčionys district municipality
53 Silale COA.gif Šilalė ListenInfo 6,281 6,037 1950 Tauragė County Šilalė district municipality
54 Pakruojis COA.gif Pakruojis ListenInfo 6,057 5,750 1950 Šiauliai County Pakruojis district municipality
55 Nemencine COA.gif Nemenčinė ListenInfo 5,892 5,876 1955 Vilnius County Vilnius district municipality
56 Trakai COA.gif Trakai ListenInfo 5,725 5,373 1409 Vilnius County Trakai district municipality
57 Svencionys COA.gif Švenčionys ListenInfo 5,684 5,566 1800 Vilnius County Švenčionys district
58 Vievis COA.gif Vievis ListenInfo 5,303 5,049 1950 Vilnius County Elektrėnai municipality
59 Lazdijai COA.gif Lazdijai ListenInfo 5,140 4,811 1957 Alytus County Lazdijai district municipality
60 Kalvarija COA.gif Kalvarija ListenInfo 5,090 5,013 1791 Marijampolė County Kalvarija municipality
61 Rietavas COA.gif Rietavas ListenInfo 3,979 3,843 1792 Telšiai County Rietavas municipality
62 Ziezmariai COA.gif Žiežmariai ListenInfo 3,884 3,759 1792 Kaunas County Kaišiadorys district municipality
63 Eisiskes COA.gif Eišiškės ListenInfo 3,765 3,610 1950 Vilnius County Šalčininkai district municipality
64 Ariogala COA.gif Ariogala ListenInfo 3,697 3,458 1792 Kaunas County Raseiniai district municipality
65 Venta COA.gif Venta ListenInfo 3,412 2,959 1978 Šiauliai County Akmenė district municipality
66 Seduva COA.gif Šeduva ListenInfo 3,400 3,200 1654 Šiauliai County Radviliškis district municipality
67 Birstonas COA.gif Birštonas ListenInfo 3,225 3,172 1518? Kaunas County Birštonas municipality
68 Coat of arms of Akmenė (Lithuania).svg Akmenė ListenInfo 3,140 2,690 1792 Šiauliai County Akmenė district municipality
69 TytuvenaiCOA.jpg Tytuvėnai ListenInfo 2,851 2,690 1956 Šiauliai County Kelmė district municipality
70 LIT Rudziszki COA.jpg Rūdiškės ListenInfo 2,559 2,472 1958 Vilnius County Trakai district municipality
71 Pagegiai COA.gif Pagėgiai ListenInfo 2,393 2,236 1923 Tauragė County Pagėgiai municipality
72 Neringa COA.gif Neringa ListenInfo 2,386 3,371 1961 Klaipėda County Neringa municipality
73 Vilkija COA.gif Vilkija ListenInfo 2,338 2,301 1792 Kaunas County Kaunas district municipality
74 Zagare COA.gif Žagarė ListenInfo 2,312 2,115 1924 Šiauliai County Joniškis district municipality
75 LIT Wieksznie COA.jpg Viekšniai ListenInfo 2,270 2,198 1791 Telšiai County Mažeikiai district municipality
76 LIT Skaudwile COA.jpg Skaudvilė ListenInfo 2,140 1,976 1950 Tauragė County Tauragė district municipality
77 Ezerelis COA.png Ežerėlis ListenInfo 2,051 2,014 1956 Kaunas County Kaunas district municipality
78 Gelgaudiskis COA.gif Gelgaudiškis ListenInfo 2,029 1,936 1958 Marijampolė County Šakiai district municipality
79 Kudirkos Naumiestis COA.gif Kudirkos Naumiestis ListenInfo 1,997 1,916 1643 Marijampolė County Šakiai district municipality
80 Simnas COA.gif Simnas ListenInfo 1,980 1,844 1626 Alytus County Alytus district municipality
81 Salantai COA.gif Salantai ListenInfo 1,942 1,825 1746 Klaipėda County Kretinga district municipality
82 Linkuva COA.gif Linkuva ListenInfo 1,797 1,735 1950 Šiauliai County Pakruojis district municipality
83 LIT Wiejsieje COA.gif Veisiejai ListenInfo 1,762 1,592 1956 Alytus County Lazdijai district municipality
84 LIT Remigoła COA.png Ramygala ListenInfo 1,733 1,695 1957 Panevėžys County Panevėžys district municipality
85 Priekule COA.gif Priekulė ListenInfo 1,725 1,663 1948 Klaipėda County Klaipėda district municipality
86 LIT Johaniszkiele COA.jpg Joniškėlis ListenInfo 1,477 1,389 1736 Panevėžys County Pasvalys district municipality
87 Jieznas COA.gif Jieznas ListenInfo 1,476 1,311 1956 Kaunas County Prienai district municipality
88 Daugai COA.gif Daugai ListenInfo 1,458 1,432 1792 Alytus County Alytus district municipality
89 Obeliai COA.gif Obeliai ListenInfo 1,371 1,293 1956 Panevėžys County Rokiškis district municipality
90 Varniai COA.gif Varniai ListenInfo 1,355 1,258 1950 Telšiai County Telšiai district municipality
91 Virbalis COA.gif Virbalis ListenInfo 1,351 1,250 1593 Marijampolė County Vilkaviškis district municipality
92 Vabalninkas COA.gif Vabalninkas ListenInfo 1,328 1,155 1775 Panevėžys County Biržai district municipality
93 Seda COA.gif Seda ListenInfo 1,309 1,189 1950 Telšiai County Mažeikiai district municipality
94 Subačius ListenInfo 1,180 1,105 1958 Panevėžys County Kupiškis district municipality
95 LIT Biała Waka COA.png Baltoji Vokė ListenInfo 1,073 1,073 1958 Vilnius County Šalčininkai district municipality
96 Dūkštas ListenInfo 1,070 930 1956 Utena County Ignalina district municipality
97 Pandelys COA.gif Pandėlys ListenInfo 1,024 941 1956 Panevėžys County Rokiškis district municipality
98 Dusetos COA.gif Dusetos ListenInfo 914 831 1950 Utena County Zarasai district municipality
99 Uzventis COA.gif Užventis ListenInfo 898 811 1746 Šiauliai County Kelmė district municipality
100 LIT Kowarsk COA.jpg Kavarskas ListenInfo 809 692 1956 Utena County Anykščiai district municipality
101 Smalininkai ListenInfo 653 600 1945 Tauragė County Jurbarkas district municipality
102 TroskunaiCOA.jpg Troškūnai ListenInfo 525 504 1956 Utena County Anykščiai district municipality
103 Panemunė ListenInfo 329 318 1837 Tauragė County Pagėgiai municipality


Map showing all cities marked with red dots. Bigger cities are written in larger letters. Click on the map for better resolution.

Lietuva All Cities.png

Notes and sources

  • Population sizes are given according to Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Statistics Lithuania) data for 2008 and census of 2001. The cities are sorted according to 2001 census data because it is more reliable (data from 2008 is derived from census data using various formulas and models).
  • "City rights" means rights to self-governing. For older cities usually it is the date when Magdeburg rights were granted. Most dates are obtained from Lithuanian Wikipedia which assembled the information from several different sources. One of the main sources was Population Statistics. This information cannot be completely trusted.
  • At the time of 2001 census, there were 106 cities in Lithuania. Government of Republic of Lithuania made these changes:
  • On December 16, 2002 Juodupė lost city status and became a town;
  • On February 25, 2003 Kulautuva lost city status and became a town;
  • On April 8, 2003 Tyruliai lost city status and became a town.
  • Cities without coat of arms image do not have it confirmed by the President of Lithuania. Municipalities share coat of arms with their capitals with the exception of cities which are capitals of more than one municipality (i.e. a city municipality and a district municipality) in which case the city municipality shares the coat of arms with the city, while the district municipality has its own distinct coat of arms. Another notable exception is Trakai town, which has different coat of arms than does its municipality (Trakai district municipality).

See also

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