

Infobox Settlement
name = Varniai
nickname =
settlement_type = City

pushpin_label_position =
pushpin_map_caption =Location of Varniai
coordinates_display= inline,title
coordinates_type =region:LT_type:city(1300)
image_shield = Varniai COA.gif
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = LTU
subdivision_type1= Ethnographic region
subdivision_name1= Samogitia
subdivision_type2= County
subdivision_name2= Telšiai County
subdivision_type3= Municipality
subdivision_name3= Telšiai district municipality
subdivision_type4= Eldership
subdivision_name4= Varniai eldership
subdivision_type6= Capital of
subdivision_name6= Varniai eldership
established_date = 1314
established_title =First mentioned
established_date2 = 1950
established_title2=Granted city rights
population_total = 1,310
population_as_of = 2005

Varniai (pronunciation|Varniai.ogg, _pl. Wornie) is a city in the Telšiai County, western Lithuania. In the middle ages the city was known as Medininkai.

It was established in the 14th century, on the bank of the Varnelė River, near an important Samogitian castle. It was the center of Samogitian Catholic church: after the baptism of Samogitia, the Samogitian Bishop resided in the town. Around 14141416 the first church was built, and circa 1464 the first cathedral.

Varniai was the center of Samogitian episcopate until the middle of the 19th century, when authorities of the Russian Empire moved to it Kaunas.

With support of Merkelis Giedraitis, Mikalojus Daukša translated and made ready for publication "Katechizmas", the first Lithuanian language book printed in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

It was also residence of Motiejus Valančius.

Notable residents

* Merkelis Giedraitis
* Mikalojus Daukša
* Motiejus Valančius

External links

*lt icon [ VarniaiA Resourceful Renaissance Center of 16th Century Cultural and National Ideology]
*lt icon [ Park of Varniai and history of Varniai]
*lt icon [ Museum of Samogitian episcopate]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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