Mooney–Rivlin solid

MooneyRivlin solid

In continuum mechanics, a MooneyRivlin solid[1][2] is a hyperelastic material model where the strain energy density function W\, is a linear combination of two invariants of the left CauchyGreen deformation tensor \boldsymbol{B}. The model was proposed by Melvin Mooney in 1940 and expressed in terms of invariants by Ronald Rivlin in 1948.

The strain energy density function for an incompressible MooneyRivlin material is[3][4]

W = C_{1} (\overline{I}_1-3) + C_{2} (\overline{I}_2-3), \,

where C1 and C2 are empirically determined material constants, and \overline{I}_1 and \overline{I}_2 are the first and the second invariant of the unimodular component of the left CauchyGreen deformation tensor:[5]

    \bar{I}_1 & = J^{-2/3}~I_1 ~;~~ I_1 = \lambda_1^2 +  \lambda_2 ^2+ \lambda_3 ^2 ~;~~ J = \det(\boldsymbol{F}) \\
    \bar{I}_2 & = J^{-4/3}~I_2 ~;~~ I_2 = \lambda_1^2 \lambda_2^2 +  \lambda_2^2 \lambda_3^2 + \lambda_3^2 \lambda_1^2

where \boldsymbol{F} is the deformation gradient. For an incompressible material, J = 1.



The MooneyRivlin model is a special case of the generalized Rivlin model (also called polynomial hyperelastic model[6]) which has the form

   W = \sum_{p,q = 0}^N C_{pq} (\bar{I}_1 - 3)^p~(\bar{I}_2 - 3)^q +
       \sum_{m = 1}^M D_m~(J-1)^{2m}

with C00 = 0 where Cpq are material constants related to the distortional response and Dm are material constants related to the volumetric response. For a compressible MooneyRivlin material N = 1,C01 = C2,C11 = 0,C10 = C1,M = 1 and we have

   W = C_{01}~(\bar{I}_2 - 3) + C_{10}~(\bar{I}_1 - 3) + D_1~(J-1)^2

If C01 = 0 we obtain a neo-Hookean solid, a special case of a MooneyRivlin solid.

For consistency with linear elasticity in the limit of small strains, it is necessary that

    \kappa = 2D_1 ~;~~ \mu = 2~(C_{01} + C_{10})

where κ is the bulk modulus and μ is the shear modulus.

Cauchy stress in terms of strain invariants and deformation tensors

The Cauchy stress in a compressible hyperelastic material with a stress free reference configuration is given by

  \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \cfrac{2}{J}\left[\cfrac{1}{J^{2/3}}\left(\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_1} + \bar{I}_1~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_2}\right)\boldsymbol{B} -
   \cfrac{1}{J^{4/3}}~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_2}~\boldsymbol{B} \cdot\boldsymbol{B} \right]  + \left[\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial J} -
\cfrac{2}{3J}\left(\bar{I}_1~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_1} + 2~\bar{I}_2~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_2}\right)\right]~\boldsymbol{\mathit{1}}

For a compressible MooneyRivlin material,

   \cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_1} = C_1 ~;~~ \cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \bar{I}_2} = C_2 ~;~~ \cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial J} = 2D_1(J-1)

Therefore, the Cauchy stress in a compressible MooneyRivlin material is given by

  \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \cfrac{2}{J}\left[\cfrac{1}{J^{2/3}}\left(C_1 + \bar{I}_1~C_2\right)\boldsymbol{B} -
   \cfrac{1}{J^{4/3}}~C_2~\boldsymbol{B} \cdot\boldsymbol{B} \right] + \left[2D_1(J-1)-
\cfrac{2}{3J}\left(C_1\bar{I}_1 + 2C_2\bar{I}_2~\right)\right]\boldsymbol{\mathit{1}}

The quantity

   p := - 2D_1~J(J-1) + \cfrac{2}{3}\left(C_1~\bar{I}_1 + 2~C_2~\bar{I}_2~\right)

has the form of a pressure. The stress can then be expressed in the form

  \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \cfrac{1}{J}\left[-p~\boldsymbol{\mathit{1}} + \cfrac{2}{J^{2/3}}\left(C_1 + \bar{I}_1~C_2\right)\boldsymbol{B} -
   \cfrac{2}{J^{4/3}}~C_2~\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{B} \right]

For an incompressible MooneyRivlin material with J = 1

  \boldsymbol{\sigma} = -p~\boldsymbol{\mathit{1}} + 2\left(C_1 + I_1~C_2\right)\boldsymbol{B} -

Note that if J = 1 then

   \det(\boldsymbol{B}) = \det(\boldsymbol{F})\det(\boldsymbol{F}^T) = 1

Then, from the Cayley-Hamilton theorem,

   \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} = \boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{B} - I_1~\boldsymbol{B} + I_2~\boldsymbol{\mathit{1}}

Hence, the Cauchy stress can be expressed as

  \boldsymbol{\sigma} = -p^{*}~\boldsymbol{\mathit{1}} + 2 C_1~\boldsymbol{B} - 2C_2~\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}

where p^{*} := \tfrac{2}{3}(C_1~I_1 - C_2~I_2). \,

Cauchy stress in terms of principal stretches

In terms of the principal stretches, the Cauchy stress differences for an incompressible hyperelastic material are given by

  \sigma_{11} - \sigma_{33} = \lambda_1~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_1} - \lambda_3~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_3} ~;~~
  \sigma_{22} - \sigma_{33} = \lambda_2~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_2} - \lambda_3~\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_3}

For an incompressible Mooney-Rivlin material,

   W = C_1(\lambda_1^2 +  \lambda_2 ^2+ \lambda_3 ^2 -3) + C_2(\lambda_1^2 \lambda_2^2 +  \lambda_2^2 \lambda_3^2 + \lambda_3^2 \lambda_1^2 -3) ~;~~ \lambda_1\lambda_2\lambda_3 = 1


   \lambda_1\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_1} = 2C_1\lambda_1^2 + 2C_2\lambda_1^2(\lambda_2^2+\lambda_3^2) ~;~~
   \lambda_2\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_2} = 2C_1\lambda_2^2 + 2C_2\lambda_2^2(\lambda_1^2+\lambda_3^2)  ~;~~
   \lambda_3\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_3} = 2C_1\lambda_3^2 + 2C_2\lambda_3^2(\lambda_1^2+\lambda_2^2)

Since λ1λ2λ3 = 1. we can write

   \lambda_1\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_1} & = 2C_1\lambda_1^2 + 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda_3^2}+\cfrac{1}{\lambda_2^2}\right) ~;~~
   \lambda_2\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_2}  = 2C_1\lambda_2^2 + 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda_3^2}+\cfrac{1}{\lambda_1^2}\right) \\
   \lambda_3\cfrac{\partial{W}}{\partial \lambda_3} & = 2C_1\lambda_3^2 + 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda_2^2}+\cfrac{1}{\lambda_1^2}\right)

Then the expressions for the Cauchy stress differences become

  \sigma_{11}-\sigma_{33} = 2C_1(\lambda_1^2-\lambda_3^2) - 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda_1^2}-\cfrac{1}{\lambda_3^2}\right)~;~~
  \sigma_{22}-\sigma_{33} = 2C_1(\lambda_2^2-\lambda_3^2) - 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda_2^2}-\cfrac{1}{\lambda_3^2}\right)

Uniaxial extension

For the case of an incompressible MooneyRivlin material under uniaxial elongation, \lambda_1 = \lambda\, and \lambda_2 = \lambda_3 = 1/\sqrt{\lambda}. Then the true stress (Cauchy stress) differences can be calculated as:

  \sigma_{11}-\sigma_{33} & = 2C_1\left(\lambda^2-\cfrac{1}{\lambda}\right) -2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda^2} - \lambda\right)\\
  \sigma_{22}-\sigma_{33} & =  0

Simple tension

Comparison of experimental results (dots) and predictions for Hooke's law(1, blue line), neo-Hookean solid(2, red line) and MooneyRivlin solid models(3, green line)

In the case of simple tension, σ22 = σ33 = 0. Then we can write

   \sigma_{11} = \left(2C_1 + \cfrac {2C_2} {\lambda} \right) \left( \lambda^2 - \cfrac{1}{\lambda} \right)

In alternative notation, where the Cauchy stress is written as \boldsymbol{T} and the stretch as α, we can write

T_{11} = \left(2C_1 + \frac {2C_2} {\alpha} \right) \left( \alpha^2 - \alpha^{-1} \right)

and the engineering stress (force per unit reference area) for an incompressible MooneyRivlin material under simple tension can be calculated using T_{11}^{\mathrm{eng}} = T_{11}\alpha_2\alpha_3 = \cfrac{T_{11}}{\alpha} . Hence

  T_{11}^{\mathrm{eng}}= \left(2C_1 + \frac {2C_2} {\alpha} \right) \left( \alpha - \alpha^{-2} \right)

If we define

   T^{*}_{11} := \cfrac{T_{11}^{\mathrm{eng}}}{\alpha - \alpha^{-2}} ~;~~ \beta := \cfrac{1}{\alpha}


   T^{*}_{11} = 2C_1 + 2C_2\beta ~.

The slope of the  T^{*}_{11} versus β line gives the value of C2 while the intercept with the T^{*}_{11} axis gives the value of C1. The MooneyRivlin solid model usually fits experimental data better than Neo-Hookean solid does, but requires an additional empirical constant.

Equibiaxial tension

In the case of equibiaxial tension, the principal stretches are λ1 = λ2 = λ. If, in addition, the material is incompressible then λ3 = 1 / λ2. The Cauchy stress differences may therefore be expressed as

  \sigma_{11}-\sigma_{33} = \sigma_{22}-\sigma_{33} = 2C_1\left(\lambda^2-\cfrac{1}{\lambda^4}\right) - 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda^2} - \lambda^4\right)

The equations for equibiaxial tension are equivalent to those governing uniaxial compression.

Pure shear

A pure shear deformation can be achieved by applying stretches of the form [7]

   \lambda_1 = \lambda ~;~~ \lambda_2 = \cfrac{1}{\lambda} ~;~~ \lambda_3 = 1

The Cauchy stress differences for pure shear may therefore be expressed as

   \sigma_{11} - \sigma_{33} = 2C_1(\lambda^2-1) - 2C_2\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda^2}-1\right) ~;~~
   \sigma_{22} - \sigma_{33} = 2C_1\left(\cfrac{1}{\lambda^2} -1\right) - 2C_2(\lambda^2 -1)


   \sigma_{11} - \sigma_{22} = 2(C_1+C_2)\left(\lambda^2 - \cfrac{1}{\lambda^2}\right)

For a pure shear deformation

  I_1 = \lambda_1^2 + \lambda_2^2 + \lambda_3^2 = \lambda^2 + \cfrac{1}{\lambda^2} + 1 ~;~~
  I_2 = \cfrac{1}{\lambda_1^2} + \cfrac{1}{\lambda_2^2} + \cfrac{1}{\lambda_3^2} = \cfrac{1}{\lambda^2} + \lambda^2 + 1

Therefore I1 = I2.

Simple shear

The deformation gradient for a simple shear deformation has the form[7]

   \boldsymbol{F} = \boldsymbol{1} + \gamma~\mathbf{e}_1\otimes\mathbf{e}_2

where \mathbf{e}_1,\mathbf{e}_2 are reference orthonormal basis vectors in the plane of deformation and the shear deformation is given by

   \gamma = \lambda - \cfrac{1}{\lambda} ~;~~ \lambda_1 = \lambda ~;~~ \lambda_2 = \cfrac{1}{\lambda} ~;~~ \lambda_3 = 1

In matrix form, the deformation gradient and the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor may then be expressed as

   \boldsymbol{F} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \gamma & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} ~;~~
   \boldsymbol{B} = \boldsymbol{F}\cdot\boldsymbol{F}^T = \begin{bmatrix} 1+\gamma^2 & \gamma & 0 \\ \gamma & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}


   \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} =  \begin{bmatrix} 1 & -\gamma & 0 \\ -\gamma & 1+\gamma^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}

The Cauchy stress is given by

   \boldsymbol{\sigma} = \begin{bmatrix} -p^* +2(C_1-C_2)+2C_1\gamma^2 & 2(C_1+C_2)\gamma & 0 \\ 2(C_1+C_2)\gamma & -p^* + 2(C_1 -C_2) - 2C_2\gamma^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -p^* + 2(C_1 - C_2)

For consistency with linear elasticity, clearly μ = 2(C1 + C2) where μ is the shear modulus.


Elastic response of rubber-like materials are often modeled based on the MooneyRivlin model. The constants C1,C2 are determined by the fitting predicted stress from the above equations to experimental data. The recommended tests are uniaxial tension, equibiaxial compression, equibiaxial tension, uniaxial compression, and for shear, planar tension and planar compression. The two parameter MooneyRivlin model is usually valid for strains less than 100%.

Notes and references

  1. ^ Mooney, M., 1940, A theory of large elastic deformation, Journal of Applied Physics, 11(9), pp. 582-592.
  2. ^ Rivlin, R. S., 1948, Large elastic deformations of isotropic materials. IV. Further developments of the general theory, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 241(835), pp. 379-397.
  3. ^ Boulanger, P. and Hayes, M. A., 2001, Finite amplitude waves in MooneyRivlin and Hadamard materials, in Topics in Finite Elasticity, ed. M. A Hayes and G. Soccomandi, International Center for Mechanical Sciences.
  4. ^ C. W. Macosko, 1994, Rheology: principles, measurement and applications, VCH Publishers, ISBN 1-56081-579-5.
  5. ^ The characteristic polynomial of the linear operator corresponding to the second rank three-dimensional Finger tensor (also called the left CauchyGreen deformation tensor) is usually written
    p_B (\lambda) = \lambda^3 - a_1 \, \lambda^2 + a_2 \, \lambda - a_3 \,
    In this article, the trace a1 is written I1, the next coefficient a2 is written I2, and the determinant a3 would be written I3.
  6. ^ Bower, Allan (2009). Applied Mechanics of Solids. CRC Press. ISBN 1439802472. Retrieved January 2010. 
  7. ^ a b Ogden, R. W., 1984, Nonlinear elastic deformations, Dover

See also

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