Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)

Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic cast.jpg
The cover of Sonic the Hedgehog #125
Publication information
Publisher Archie Comics
Schedule monthly
Publication date June 1993 – Present
Number of issues 230
Creative team
Writer(s) Ian Flynn

Tracy Yardley
Matt Herms
Steven Butler
Jamal Peppers

Ben Bates

Jim Amash

Terry Austin

John Workman
Teresa Davidson

Phil Felix
Colorist(s) Matt Herms

Paul Kaminski
Mike Pellerito
Victor Gorelick

Daryl Edelman

Sonic the Hedgehog is an ongoing series of American comic books published by Archie Comics, featuring Sega's mascot video game character of the same name. The comic book series debuted in the United States as a 4 part mini-series (issues #0-3) published between November 1992 and February 1993. The ongoing series began in May 1993, nearly two years after the release of the first video game in 1991 for the Sega Genesis. Spin-off publications from the comic include a Knuckles the Echidna series starring the titular character, which ran for 32 issues; 15 48-page "Super Specials"; 8 single 48-page special issues; and 4 short three-issue miniseries, each starring a character from the series. On September 21, 2005, Archie Comics started a new series based on the TV show Sonic X. In February 2009, the Sonic X series was replaced by Sonic Universe, a direct spin-off of the parent comic, Sonic the Hedgehog.

Aside from the Sonic X series, all of Archie Comics' Sonic-related series take place in the same fictional universe (Sonic X takes place in a different dimension from the main series, although crossovers between the two have occurred in issue #40 of Sonic X). This universe features a mixture of characters, settings and storylines from both Sonic the Hedgehog and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog animated series, the Sonic video games by Sega, and various other incarnations of Sonic. (though the comic was initially inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog: the Animated Series) It also includes many elements unique to the comic universe. While the ongoing game series continues to influence the comic series, and there is influence from the different TV series, the games, the various TV series, and comics all exist as entirely different continuities. Sonic the Hedgehog is not to be confused with Sonic the Comic, which ran in the UK until 2002. As of October 2011, there have been 229 issues of the original Sonic the Hedgehog series. Also, the series was recognized by Guinness World Records as the longest running comic series based on a video game.[1]



The main focus of the comic storyline is the title character, world-famous hero Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic is endowed with super speed and a love of freedom, which puts him at odds with the nefarious Dr. Robotnik. Sonic is in many ways different from his game counterpart - in the comics, he is depicted as having important ties with his family and friends, a characteristic absent from other incarnations. He is also portrayed as having a deep sense of duty - although this is not as clearly portrayed in the games, in the comic he holds a personal grudge against the Doctor and understands his ability to protect the world from this menace. Sometimes he does seem to have a fun time fighting Robotnik, but ultimately he seems to treat the ordeal seriously.

Although Sonic normally goes adventuring by himself in the video games (with the occasional company of other player characters), in the comic he is affiliated with the Freedom Fighters, a ragtag rebellion that was formed to counter the tyranny of Dr. Ivo Robotnik (currently known as "Eggman") and his legion of unquestioning, warlike robots. The basis of the original issues were designed to closely mirror the animated television series, as well as the names and likenesses of Sonic's allies in the Freedom Fighters. Since then, the series has integrated many elements from the video games, which has led to ongoing story arcs involving Shadow the Hedgehog and others.


At the beginning of the series the year was 3235, though by now it is approximately 3237 (noted in issue #215 when a side story goes 200 years into the future in the year 3437). Sonic currently lives on Planet Mobius in New Mobotropolis. It was eventually revealed that Mobius is actually a future Earth (in an alternate reality), the year being 14,016 A.D. by the real-life calendar.

Originally, the date of the Xorda attack was said to have been three millennia ago (sometime during the 21st century by our calendar), which was likely what caused the year to reset at 0. However, the date of the Xorda attack was retconned to have occurred roughly twelve thousand years ago from the current Mobian year. This was explained in issues #124, #125 and #148.

At the onset of the series, Sonic's original home was Knothole Village, a secret metal base hidden within the Great Forest. Other main areas of setting include Angel Island, Station Square, Downunda and New Megaopolis.

Storyline Summary (issues 1-225)

The original issues of the series and those soon to follow consisted mostly of isolated stories. That is, there was rarely any continuity between issues. However, there were the additions of new characters (such as Bunnie Rabbot, Knuckles, and Super Sonic) that would become familiar and lasting faces as the series continued. The early issues featured much of Sonic versus Robotnik, in which Sonic would constantly foil Robotnik’s plans whether it be to tear down a forest or find the hidden location of Knothole Village. Eventually though, the issues started to gain a sense of an ongoing story, most notably with the addition of the Mecha Sonic storyline in issue #39, in which Sonic is transformed into a robotic form and does as Robotnik commands. This would later be concluded in a Sonic Special issue where Knuckles gives himself up to be transformed into a robot in order to defeat Mecha Sonic. From here, the storyline would be further developed into what is now a fully continuous one. Following the defeat of Mecha Sonic, the Freedom Fighters come together in issue #46 to discuss ways to attack and defeat Robotnik once and for all. The loyalty of many of the Freedom Fighters comes into question, particularly notable in a feud between Sonic and Geoffrey St. John, member of the Acorn Secret Service. This continues into the renowned End Game saga which takes place over a four issue span, #47 through #50.

The saga begins with a mission by the Freedom Fighters and the Wolf Pack, led by Lupe, to attack Robotnik’s base. Princess Sally reveals thoughts of her father, King Acorn, telling her that it would soon become apparent that Sonic is a traitor. The mission proceeds and Sally is in need of help or she may fall to her death. The Freedom Fighters look on in despair when they think they see Sonic and assume that he will rescue the princess. Much to their surprise, Sonic aids Sally in falling to her death. The mission is called to retreat, and the Freedom Fighters move back to Knothole Village. Meanwhile, Sonic is seen battling Robotnik inside the base (when he apparently left Sally for dead). Robotnik escapes and Sonic leaves the base, wondering where the rest of his companions have gone. Sonic returns to Knothole, only to be arrested and spared the death penalty in light of all his services, so instead he is sentenced to life in prison on the Devil’s Gulag, where other notorious traitors such as Sleuth Doggy Dog (issue #42) will be imprisoned with him. While Sonic is being transported to the Gulag, Swatbots attack the vessel and it crash lands. Sonic remains conscious and takes the opportunity to escape. News bears word and King Acorn demands the recapture of Sonic by St. John. Sonic on the run, takes refuge in a cavern. Meanwhile, Bunnie and Antoine discover that Drago (a member of the Wolf Pack) has been working with Robotnik in order to frame Sonic. This is followed by King Acorn issuing Robotnik as his new Warlord. Sonic, in the meantime, continues his run from St. John and the secret service with aid from Dulcy the Dragon. Robotnik reveals his duplicate of the king by making it self destruct and the true plan has become evident to all. All this would lead up to Sonic's return to Knothole in issue #50, where Sonic clears his name heads to a final showdown with Robotnik. As the issue notes, Sonic is uncharacteristically devoid of humor as he approaches Robotnik, even going so far as to address him as "Julian". In the battle, Robotnik’s Ultimate Annihilator crashes and the room is destined for destruction, but Robotnik and Sonic remain to fight. In the end, Sonic emerges victorious and Robotnik is wiped out. Sonic later revives Sally with a kiss.

Storylines continue to follow after the EndGame saga. Ixis Naugus makes his first appearance in issue #53. Although temporarily defeated, he would later return in issues #64 through #66, along with the appearance of Nate Morgan, former advisor of King Acorn, and Ixis would be defeated this time by Ultra Sonic, one of Sonic's transformations.

Issue #75 reveals that a robotized version of Robotnik from another dimension, that Sonic and friends faced in issue #19, known as Robo-Robotnik, survived the last encounter and killed his dimension's version of Sonic, and after learning about the death of the Robotnik Prime in issue #50, decided to fill out the void for both his and Sonic Prime's life by taking Robotnik Prime's place. His presence is revealed by flashbacks to certain issues between issues #51 and #75. Sonic and the Freedom Fighters head to space to battle Robo-Robotnik, and although they defeat him, they only destroyed his robot body. It is then revealed that he had many back-up bodies on standby with which to download himself into. Robo-Robotnik went into one shaped funny, and became who is now Sonic's familiar arch-enemy, Dr. Eggman (until being transformed back into an organic lifeform by the Bem in issue #118).

Sonic Adventure is readily adapted into the series with the appearance of Chaos, beginning in issue #79. The saga ends with Sonic successfully defeating Perfect Chaos, the final form of Chaos after absorbing all of the Chaos Emeralds, by transforming into Super Sonic in issue #84. Sonic does not actually destroy Chaos, as Chaos returns to his ancient beginnings to live in peace.

Issues #85 and #86 feature the return of Metal Sonic.

Sonic Adventure 2 comes into adaptation for one issue featuring Shadow the Hedgehog.

In issue #125, Sonic's latest battle leaves him stranded in space after saving Knothole. On Mobius, he is assumed to be dead. Sonic's journey through space leads up to many interesting story lines, such as the return of Super Sonic in issue #126, and Sonic's discovery that Tails' parents are still alive on a far off planet. Sonic returns in issue #130 where he reveals to everyone that he is indeed alive and well.

Issues #131 through #144 introduce a sub storyline in which the future of Mobius is the plot. In this future, Sonic is king of Mobotropolis and married to Sally. Knuckles has attained the rank of Guardian and is partnered (not married) to Julie-Su. However, all is not well as the timeline is in danger of collapsing into destruction. Sonic and Knuckles try with the help of Rotor to prevent this catastrophe, but fail and the time line and storyline come to an end.

Issue #145 features the return of Shadow, who then returns to take part of the storyline, frequently battling Sonic in issues #157 through #161.

Sonic was switched with Anti-Sonic (an evil version of himself from a parallel universe first encountered in Issue 11) temporarily and got back to find Anti-Sonic ruining his reputation around Knothole by making romantic advances toward his female friends. Sally was about to marry Patch (the evil version of Antoine from the same parallel universe, masquerading as his doppelganger), whose plan was to kill King Acorn upon the end of the ceremony, effectively making him king of the Acorn Kingdom. Before Patch's plan could go into motion to come back and accept the crown so Sally wouldn't have to be married off. Sonic defeated Patch, sent him back to Anti-Mobius, and rescued the real Antoine. Realizing that it would take a long time before he and Sally could have a healthy relationship, Sonic began dating Fiona Fox.

Issues #160 and #161 feature the creation of Scourge the Hedgehog, Anti-Sonic's green form that resulted from his mutation via the Master Emerald. It is later revealed that Fiona's loyalty belonged to Scourge rather than Sonic, and she subsequently left the Freedom Fighters to be with him, and later return with the other "anti-freedom fighters".

In issue #175-#177 The Freedom Fighters are enjoying respite at the original base when Snively catches them off guard in a mech and vaporizes all the Freedom Fighters except Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sonic then escapes in the top portion of his robot, the body smashes to pieces by an enraged Mighty. Sonic races off to save everyone else in Knothole while Knuckles, Tails, and Amy are trapped in the ruins of the base. Sonic finds Knothole in ruins as the Egg Fleet burns it too the ground. Sonic, in panic, rushes to the still-standing Castle Acorn to save Elias and the castles inhabitants, when Eggman, in a new battle armor, destroys the castle before Sonic's eyes. Eggman reveals that Snively did not kill Sonic's friends, but teleported them too Eggman's Egg Grapes to convert their life-force into energy to power his Eggman Empire. Eggman and Sonic battle but Eggman easily defeats Sonic; his armor outclassing Sonic in strength and speed. As a last ditch effort, Sonic runs as fast as he ever has, crossing the country in only a few seconds.He rushes at Eggman as fast as he can, slamming into Eggman's shield and throwing him into a pile of rubble. Eggman emerges with no damage but a badly dented shield. Eggman leaves Sonic broken and defeated and returns to his Egg Grapes. Sonic returns to his friends and they discover Nicole the supercomputer has survived the attack with a plan to defeat Eggman. Sonic and his friends race to the Egg Vineyard just as Eggman is preparing to activate the Egg Grape containing Charmy the Bee. Sonic and co. break all the citizens of Knothole out of the Egg Grapes and Nicole reprograms Eggmans computer as Eggman and Snively run to their armor. As all the would-be escapees flee the Egg Vineyard, Eggman tries to teleport everyone into his reserve Egg Grapes, but the reprogramed armor, instead, sends them all to New Mobotropolis, a city created entirely out of Nanites by Nicole.

In Issues #198 and #199, the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix proceed to storm Eggman's base. In the process, the team separates and fight against the Dark Legion. Near the end of issue #199, a blocked doorway with a small hole, indicating that Sonic was to Spin-Dash through is discovered. Eggman, who is inside a spider robot, faces off with Sonic. In #200, Sonic once again beats Eggman, who, unexpectedly, goes insane, taking off his eyeglasses and tearing off his mustache. The next issue, Sonic is filled with a dread and remorse, but is cheered up by Sally in order to enjoy the celebration of finally defeating Eggman. However, the party is crashed when Khan appears in a rage. Sonic attacks without hesitation as he is bored, only to find out that the Egg Empire has a new ruler. With Eggman incapacitated, his nephew Snively has given control of the Empire to the Iron Queen, who controls the four ninja clans of the Dragon Kingdom. In a sub story, Espio is seen running off to the empire with a "brother ninja" while on clan business.

The Iron Queen uses her technomagic to take control of Bunnie and then Khan, but both attempts are foiled. Meanwhile, Eggman escapes his cell in Robotropolis only to be taken prisoner in New Mobotropolis. Snively tells the Queen that her technomagic can control Nicole, and the Iron Dominion invades New Mobotropolis. After Sonic and Sally break the Queen's hold on Nicole, they, Tails and Khan head to the Dragon Kingdom and one by one break the Queen's alliance with the ninja clans. With her forces now depleted, the four return to New Mobotropolis and help the rest of their friends defeat and capture the Iron Queen. In the process, Snively escapes with Eggman, who has regained his sainty.

Khan departs after the Iron Queen's defeat, and Sally then tries to win Sonic back. They then proceed to the wolf pack. They then meet with Lupe who has become grand chief of the newly established wolf pack nation. Unexpectedly they meet with Big the Cat when he walks into the city to search for the ancient onyx. Sonic and Big then head to the cat tribes to ask them if they know where it is while Sally goes elsewhere to find the emerald. Sonic is talking to the chief, the wolf pack suddenly ambushes them. They argue about who has the ancient onyx until Sonic gets them to temporaraly cooperate. Both groups then head to the ruins of the failed Echidnaopolis. Sonic and Big rescue Sally while the Felidae and wolf pack drive the dark egg legion away. Sally then talks the trides into establishing a peace agreement and gives both of them the ancient Onyx. All three of them are made honorary members of the wolf pack nation after that. Back in New Mobotropolis, Rotor and Penelope are reorganizing the city's constitution until Hamlin barges in and warns Rotor that his family is in danger. They then watch a transmission by Guntiver who tells them that the walrus herd is being mind controlled by the Dark egg legion. Rotor has to stay with the council so Sonic heads to the northern tundra alone. When he gets there, he meets with the Arctic Freedom Fighters who go over their plans with him. Back at New Mobotropolis, Rotor is working on a new suit design when NICOLE appears next to him. He asks her to build the suit for him and she does. Rotor then blasts off to aid Sonic in his mission. While Sonic and the Arctic freedom fighters prepare to attack the base, Rotor is ambushed by Silver who thinks that he is the traitor. the next story tells how Silver found who he thinks is the traitor. He is about to finish Rotor off when Rotor tells him how important the mission is. Silver agrees to help him. They head to the totem pole base while Sonic and the others fight the walrus herd and the Dark egg legion. Silver destroys the base, scares off the dark egg legion, and permanently sets the walrus's minds so that they will never be mind controlled again. Later in Icebourogh, Sonic explains to Silver how Rotor got his nickname which tells Silver that his theory was false. Silver returns to his future after the failed mission to speak with his master who was revealed to be Mammoth Mogul.

When Sonic returns to Mobotropolis, he is given a new mission:to rendeveous with the freedom fighters in Sand Blast city. Bunnie D'coolete (married with Antoine in issue#174) accompanies Sonic on the mission but is shot by a metal detecting cannon made by the Sand Blast freedom fighters. When she wakes up she is in Dark egg legion territory. She prepares for battle when suddenly her uncle (nicknamed the bandit by his men) comes in and stops her from attacking his men. She discovers that he is part of the DEL. Sonic and the other freedom fighters ambush the DEL but Bunnie stops him. She says that the DEL are misunderstood. Not a moment later Sonic and Bunnie start to battle. They then realize if THEY destroy the oil rig, no one could blame the other for the destruction. After that they set back to Mobotrobolis. In issue #219 Sonic and Geoffrey St. John go to the special zone to retrieve one of the seven chaos emeralds from a god named Feist. Sonic found the emerald and rejoined Geoffrey. Suddenly Geoffrey shot Sonic with a stun arrow and ran off with the chaos emerald to the Casino Night zone to give the emerald to Mammoth Mogul. Mogul isn't surprised until St. John mentioned the revival of the true king, who according to him is Ixis Naugus. Geffory uses the emerald to restore Naugus's sanity (which he had lost after being sent to Eggman's egg grapes) Naugus then makes plans to seize the throne of Acorn with Geffory's help, who is revealed to have been Naugus's apprentice for some time.

During this time, Mina (who has become heavely traumatised from when NICOLE had been taken over by the Iron Dominion and helped them take over the city) decides to write a new song that will help warn the people of the potential "threat" NICOLE is to them now. This however fits into Naugus's plans, as he uses his magic to cause the people to become increasingly paranoid of NICOLE after hearing Mina's new song. This also causes tension between Mina and the Freedom Fighters following her actions. Sonic and Sally go on a date at a free concert when Ixis Naugus and Geoffrey attack. The Freedom Fighters manage to stop Geoffrey with words, as they lose the fight. Sonic fights Naugus (who claims the kingdom is his, as Max Acorn swore fealty to him long ago) in the council's room but is forced to stop when his magic affects the council and turns most of them against him to the point where Elias considers giving up the crown. Eggman, however, has been rebuilding the Death Egg and finally obtains a Chaos Emerald to power it. The Death Egg is launched, forcing Naugus and Sonic to start a truce. Sonic and Sally break into the Death Egg and are distracted by a giant Silver Sonic robot. Sally goes onwards to beat Eggman when a gun comes out of the wall. There are three shots and her goggles are seen broken, lying on the ground as Sonic runs to her. Eggman activates the Death Egg and the world goes white.

Storyline Summary (issues 226-onwward)

The universe is "reset" to a point where nobody knows who Eggman is. Sonic re-meets his friends the Freedom Fighters and together they shut down Eggman's power sources. The universe seems to be tearing itself apart and Sonic and Sally are slowly remembering parts of their previous lives. Sonic fights Eggman in the Death Egg one-on-one and uses power from the ship's Chaos Emerald to become Super Sonic and save the day. He uses Chaos Control to rewind time to before the Death Egg was activated and saves Sally from being killed. Sonic is forced to fight a Metal Sonic and a Silver Sonic while Sally finds a giant "world roboticizer" and is only able to invert it before it fires, crippling the Death Egg, seemingly destroying the robot Sonics, and turning herself into Mecha Sally who is completely under Eggman's control.


The Sonic the Hedgehog comic typically runs original storylines based around characters from various Sonic media, but it has also made a number of adaptations. For instance, it has adapted a couple episodes of Sonic the Hedgehog, as well as complete or partial adaptations of the following video games:

Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) Episodes:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog (#38, starts with Sonic singing the theme song)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (Super Special #8, Episode: "Ghost Busted")
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (#113, Episode: "Cry of the Wolf")

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Episodes:

  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (#2, Episode: "The Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad")
  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (#9, Episode: "Pseudo-Sonic")


  • Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie (Brief reality in #101)

Specials, Miniseries, and Knuckles series

Sonic the Hedgehog was originally published as a four issue mini-series, with the first issue labeled as "issue 0" and the second as "issue 1" (despite the note on issue 1 that it was the "first issue"). At the end of issue 3 (the fourth issue of the series), it was announced that Sonic would return in a regular series, and the next issue was published as "issue 1" of the regular series. (There is a "special" mini-issue #1/4 that was distributed free at Burger King prior to #0 and featured the main story of that issue as a teaser)

In addition to the main Sonic series, Archie Comics published various special issues. Longer than typical issues of the comic, these specials feature stories involving Sonic and other related characters. Several miniseries have also been published, featuring characters such as Sally, Tails and Knuckles.

Because of the popularity of the specials and Miniseries featuring Knuckles, in 1997 Knuckles the Echidna became an ongoing series. Knuckles's stories featured its own cast of Characters, including the Chaotix. Like the Sonic comic, Knuckles's comic is filled with background information about Knuckles's family history. Knuckles's family has split into two factions: the Brotherhood of Guardians and the Dark Legion. Knuckles is a member of the former, and Julie-Su used to be a member of the latter. Much of the conflict of the comic surrounds the relations between these two warring factions.

In 1999, the series was canceled, but the stories were continued in the pages of Sonic the Hedgehog. After Knuckles's cancellation and until issue 125, a typical issue of Sonic included a Sonic story and a Knuckles story, sometimes even including a third story. This led to each story getting considerably less space than it previously had. Recently, Knuckles's appearances have been infrequent but his story continues within Sonic's stories.

The creators also have a comic strip similar to those found in a newspaper at the end of some issues called Off-Panel. Off-Panel was in every issue for a long time and continues in the spinoff series Sonic Universe. In it's early days, the strips parodied the lives of the editor and the writers as they walk around the office and interact with characters from the comic in various ways. From 2009 onward, the strips now revolve entirely around the comics fictional characters, often featuring comical gags relating to the issues main story, often containing forth-wall breaking.


Sonic the Hedgehog occasionally features homages to other mainstream or third-party comic books. The most prominent among these include:

  • The Bunnie-Antoine relationship slightly mirrors that of Rogue and Gambit, one of the better-known couples from X-Men; Bunnie is famous for calling people "Hon" or "Sugah" (like Rogue, who has a Southern accent), and Antoine often peppers his dialog with French phrases (similar to Gambit, who speaks the Cajun variant of English).
  • A multiverse exists in Sonic's world that allows for travel to parallel universes, similar to the DC multiverse or the Marvel multiverse. Sonic and other characters navigate the dimensions using a literal superhighway called the Cosmic Interstate.
  • Certain 48-page specials of Sonic have been devoted to thinly-veiled spoofs or crossovers with different comic publications. The Sonic Super Special "Parallel Paradigm" features a mass crossover with Savage Dragon, Shadowhawk, The Maxx, and other characters from Image Comics as they work together to battle a villain called "The Doctor" who has stolen Knuckles' Master Emerald and taken it back in time to the present 1990s. Some believe that The Doctor is actually another version or the original Doctor Robotnik, since The Doctor hints it throughout the adventure. Other heroes make small "shadowy" cameos in the comic as well. Those include Batman, Spider-Man, and Popeye who seem to be prisoners of The Doctor as he plans to transform Earth into a new Robotropolis which just continues to hint towards him being Robotnik.
  • Issues #103-104 chronicles Sonic's stint in another reality, where he meets a superhero-themed version of the Freedom Fighters that are based on Marvel Comics' Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Scourge the Hedgehog is a reverse-colored version of Sonic. This is similar to The Flash villain Reverse-Flash. Instead of being blue with green eyes, Scourge is green with blue eyes. And instead of being red with a yellow symbol, Reverse-Flash is yellow with a red symbol.
  • Super Sonic Special #08 features a parody of Chibiusa called Chibi Rose. This parody was again brought up in Super Sonic Special #12.
  • Super Sonic Special #12 also features a parody of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman in the form of Chaos Ninja Team Sonicaman, composed of Sonic (as Ken/G1 the Eagle), Knuckles (as Joe/G2 the Condor), Amy (as Jun/G3 the Swan), Tails (as Jinpei/G4 the Swallow) and Rotor (as Ryu/G5 the Owl), while Sally appeared as the villain, Sallactor (a parody of the Galactor, individually representing Sosai X).
  • The Zone Cops are much similar to that of DC comics' Green Lantern Corps since they both are intergalactic military/police force , and have similar suits to those of the Judges from Judge Dredd.

Current progression


The Sonic the Hedgehog comic continuity currently comprises the following comics:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog #1-Ongoing (Published since June 1993) (Published thirteen times a year (every four weeks) until 2007 then published monthly (every month's first Wednesday) thereafter)
  • Knuckles the Echidna #1-32 (Published monthly from April 1997 to February 2000)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Miniseries #0-3 (Published monthly from November 1992 to February 1993)
  • Princess Sally Miniseries #1-3 (Published monthly from April to June 1995)
  • Tails Miniseries #1-3 (Published monthly from December 1995 to February 1996)
  • Knuckles Miniseries #1-3 (Published monthly from July to September 1996)
  • Sonic Quest: The Death Egg Saga Miniseries #1-3 (Published monthly from December 1996 to February 1997, reprinted February 2007)
  • Sonic Specials (Eight individual issues, published quarterly from 1995 to 1997)
    • Sonic: In Your Face! (Winter 1995)
    • Sonic & Knuckles (Summer 1995)
    • Sonic Triple Trouble (Fall 1995)
    • Knuckles' Chaotix (Winter 1996)
    • Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles (Spring 1996)
    • Mecha Madness (Fall 1996)
    • Sonic Live! (Winter 1997)
    • Sonic Blast (Spring 1997)
  • Sonic Super Specials #1-15 (Published quarterly from 1997 to 2001)
    • #1: Battle Royal (Summer 1997)
    • #2: Brave New World (Fall 1997)
    • #3: Sonic Firsts (Winter 1998)
    • #4: Return of the King (Spring 1998)
    • #5: Sonic Kids (Summer 1998)
    • #6: Sonic #50: Director's Cut (Fall 1998)
    • #7: Parallel Paradigm (Winter 1999)
    • #8: Zone Wars Prelude (Spring 1999)
    • #9: Sonic Kids 2 (Summer 1999)
    • #10: Crossover Chaos (Fall 1999)
    • #11: Girls Rule! (Winter 2000)
    • #12: Turnabout Heroes (Spring 2000)
    • #13: Sonic Adventure (Summer 2000)
    • #14: Sonic Stew (Fall 2000)
    • #15: Naugus Games (Winter 2001)
  • Free Comic Book Day 2007 comic (a one-shot comic made for free distribution on Free Comic Book Day 2007.)
  • Free Comic Book Day 2008 comic (a special reprint of Issue #1 of the main comic series, with a new cover—based on the original—by Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante, made for free distribution on Free Comic Book Day 2008)
  • Free Comic Book Day 2009 comic (a one-shot comic made for free distribution on Free Comic Book Day 2009)
  • Free Comic Book Day 2010 comic (a one-shot comic made for free distribution on Free Comic Book Day 2010)
  • Free Comic Book Day 2011 comic (a one-shot comic made for free distribution on Free Comic Book Day 2011)
  • Sonic X #1-40 (Published ten times a year from November 2005, to December 2008) (Based on Sonic X anime series, and continued with Sonic Universe)
  • Sonic Universe #1-Ongoing (Published every month since February 2009)
  • Sonic also has appeared in issue #28 of Sabrina the Teenage Witch as well in a two-part crossover which concluded in Sonic Super Special #10: Crossover Chaos. In this crossover, Sonic was brought to Sabrina's world and brainwashed into fighting the former.
  • In 1998, a mini-comic given away for Halloween entitled 'Archie & Friends: A Halloween Tale' was released and featured a short story called A Festival of Fantasy that included appearances by Sonic, Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik.[2]

Trade Paperbacks

Trade Paperbacks have also been released, typically collecting older, hard-to-find issues and compiling them in a single volume. These include:

  • Sonic Firsts (1998) (Includes the first appearances of Sonic the Hedgehog, Princess Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Super Sonic, and Knuckles the Echidna, taking stories from issue #0 of the original Sonic Miniseries, and issues #3, #4, and #13 of the regular series. The stories are edited to give both Sally her modern brown color and Rotor his modern name instead of the Boomer one. A special electronic edition of this comic is among the special features in the Sonic Mega Collection game. Forwarded by Paul Castiglia, a former editor of the Sonic comics.)
  • Sonic: The Beginning (2003) (A reprint of the original Sonic Miniseries, with a foreword by their author Michael Gallagher) (Eventually rebranded Sonic Archives #0 in February 2009)
  • Sonic Archives #1 (November 2006) (A reprint of issues #1-4 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #2 (December 2006) (A reprint of issues #5-8 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #3 (May 2007) (A reprint of issues #9-12 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #4 (June 2007) (A reprint of issues #13-16 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #5 (September 2007) (A reprint of issues #17-20 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #6 (October 2007) (A reprint of issues # 21-24 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #7 (June 2008) (A reprint of issues #25-28 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #8 (August 2008) (A reprint of issues #29-32 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #9 (October 2008) (A reprint of issues #33-36 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #0 (February 2009) (An Archives rebranding of Sonic: The Beginning)
  • Sonic Archives #10 (March 2009) (A reprint of issues #37-40 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #11 (August 2009) (A reprint of issues #41-44 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #12 (January 2010) (A reprint of issues #45-48 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #13 (August 2010) (A reprint of issue #49 of the regular series and the Sonic #50: Director's Cut Super Special)
  • Sonic Archives #14 (December 2010) (A reprint of issues #51-54 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #15 (June 2011) (A reprint of issues #55-58 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #16 (November 2011) (A reprint of issues #59-62 of the regular series)
  • Sonic Archives #17 (February 2012) (A reprint of issues #63-66 of the regular series)
  • Knuckles Archives #1 (October 2011) (A reprint of issues #1-3 of the Knuckles miniseries and #1-3 of the spin-off series.)
  • Knuckles Archives #2 (April 2012) (A reprint of issues #4-9 of the spin-off series)
  • Sonic Select #1 (April 2008) (A reprint of the 48 page specials, "Sonic In Your Face", "Sonic & Knuckles", "Sonic Triple Trouble", and one story, "The Substitute Freedom Fighters" from "Sonic Live")
  • Sonic Select #2 (November 2008) (A reprint of the 48 page specials, "Knuckles' Chaotix", "Super Sonic VS. Hyper Knuckles", "Mecha Madness" and part 2 of "Knuckles' Quest" as seen in "Sonic Live")
  • Sonic Select #3 (February 2011) (A reprint of the 48 page Sonic Super Specials, "Battle Royal", "Brave New World" and "Return of the King", "Eel of Fortune" from "Mecha Madness" and "Bugged Bunny" from "Sonic Blast")
  • Sonic Select #4: Zone Wars (December 2011) (A reprint of the 48 page Sonic Super Specials, #8, #10, #12 & #14 plus content from "Sonic Blast")
  • Sonic Select #5 (May 2012) (A reprint of the 48 page Sonic Super Specials, "Sonic Kids" and "Sonic Kids 2")
  • Sonic Universe #1: The Shadow Saga (September 2011) (A reprint of issues #1-4 containing the arc "The Shadow Saga")
  • Sonic Universe #2: 30 Years Later (March 2012) (A reprint of issues #5-8 containing the arc "30 Years Later")
  • Sonic Legacy Series #1 (October 2011) (A black and white reprint of issues #0-3 from the Original Sonic miniseries and #1-16 of the regular series)



  1. Sonic HQ (1/17/06): [1]

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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