Miqdad bin Al-Aswad

Miqdad bin Al-Aswad

Miqdad bin Al-Aswad (Arabic: مقداد بن الأسود الكندي) was a companion of Muhammad and later one of the successful commanders of Rashidun army, served under Rashidun caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar. One of the main field commanders during Muslim conquest of Egypt, sent with reinforcement from Madinah served in Egypt from 640 to 642 as a corps commader.

He was a Sahaba of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Miqdad is venerated by Shi'a Muslims as one of the Four Companions, early Muslims who were followers of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Miqdad ibn Aswad is among Shi'as regarded as one of the most respected Sahaba. He is mentioned in one Hadith regarding the perfect Shia, he was one of the Muhajirun and he is also among the List of Sahaba not giving Bay'ah to Abu Bakr.

Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi belonged to the Kunda tribe. He escaped from his tribe and inhabited Mecca. In Mecca, Miqdad belonged to a man named Al-Aswad bin Abid Yaqut. So, people started calling him Miqdad ibn Aswad. Islam rose from the top of the Hira Mount. Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi became twenty-four years old. He heard about the Islamic Prophet Muhammad’s mission. He hurried to believe in the new religion. He kept his Islam a secret. He met the Islamic Prophet Muhammad secretly. Thus, he was among the earlier Muslims. He always felt the Muslims' sufferings.

The Prophet Muhammad ordered his companions to immigrate to Medina. They immigrated one by one or group by group. After some time, he received orders from Allah to immigrate to Medina also. When he reached Medina, Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi rejoiced by seeing him reaching Medina safely. Miqdad admired Ali ibn Abu Talib (the first Shia Imam and the fourth Sunni Caliph) who sacrificed his life to save the Islamic Prophet Muhammad from the polytheists' swords.

His loyalty towards the Prophet Muhammad could be seen at the battle of Badr, when Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi stood up and said: "Allah's Apostle, go on and obey Allah's order! We'll support you! By Allah, we won't say as the Jews had said to their prophet: You and your lord, go and fight! We'll stay here! We say: You and your lord, go and fight, we'll support you"!

Happy expression appeared on the Islamic Prophet Muhammad’s face. Then The Islamic Prophet Muhammad said to the Ansars: “What shall I do"?

Saad ibn Maadh answered: “Allah's Apostle, we've believed in you, we've believed you. We've confessed to what to have said as the truth. We've promised to hear and obey! Then, Allah's Apostle, go on what you've wanted! By Allah! If you asked us to cross the Red Sea, we would do"!

The Muslims were full of enthusiasm. They got ready to face the polytheists with hearts filled with faith.

The polytheists tried to kill theProphet Muhammad to destroy Islam totally. But the sincere companions such as Ali bin Abi Talib, Al-Miqdad, Al-Zubair, Mus`ab ibn `Umair, Abu Dujana Al-Ansari, Sahal bin Hunaif, and others resisted the polytheists bravely. They defended Muhammad against them.

Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi deeply believed in Allah and teachings of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. One day, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah has ordered me to love four (persons), and He has told me that He loves them. The persons are Ali, al-Miqdad, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, and Salman al Farisi.”

When the Prophet Muhammad died, some companions were certain that his successor would be Ali bin Abu Talib. Still some Muhajirun and Ansars held a meeting in Bani Saaida's Saqifah (Shelter). There was a serious competition for the Caliphate, but eventually Abu Bakr was appointed as the caliph.

Al-Miqdad, Salman, Ammar ibn Yasir, Abu-Dhar, Abu-Ayoob al-Ansary, Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, and others were surprised and disappointed at that appointment. So, they stood by Imam Ali bin Abu Talib. Ali ibn Abi Talib insisted on his attitude. Fatima al-Zahra (the wife of Ali ibn Abi Talib and daughter of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad) supported him. Fatima al-Zahra was displeased with what had happened after her great father's passing away. She died six months after Abu-Bakr's Caliphate.

Ali ibn Abi Talib was forced to acknowledge Abu Bakr to avoid disunity, he was forced to take the oath of allegiance. Then the other companions acknowledged him, too. Al-Miqdad paid homage and began waging holy war. He taught people the Qur'an. His reading became famous all over Damascus. Al-Miqdad stayed loyal to Allah and the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. He did not change his opinion.

The Second Caliph appointed six persons. They were Ali bin Abi Talib, Uthman bin Affan, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, Al-Zubayr, and Talha ibn Ubayd-Allah. The appointed persons held a meeting to elect one of them caliph.

Some Companions, once again hoped, that Ali ibn Abi Talib would be elected. Thus al-Miqdad shouted to make the appointed person hear: “If you appoint Ali caliph, we'll hear and obey.” Ammar bin Yasir supported al-Miqdad. But the ambitious persons played an important role. So, Uthman was appointed caliph. Al-Miqdad saw Uthman Ibn Affan deviating from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad’s behavior. However, he stayed loyal to his religion. He became ninety years old. Then he died.

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