- Ammar ibn Yasir
ˤAmmār ibn Yāsir (Arabic: عمار بن ياسر) is one of the most famous
Sahaba and was among theslaves freed by Abu Bakr . He is one of the Four Companions, early Muslims who were followers (Shi'a ) ofAli ibn Abi Talib .He was one of the
Muhajirun . [ [http://www.al-islam.org/peshawar/7.2.html Seventh Session, Part 2 ] ]Before Islam
ˤAmmār was born in the
Year of the Elephant (570), the same year asMuhammad . ˤAmmār was a friend of Muhammad even before Islam. He was one of the intermediaries in his marriage toKhadijat al-Kubra. He was a slave ofBanu Adi .His Islam
His mother was
Sumayyah bint Khabbab , the seventh one to accept Islam, his father wasYasir ibn Amir , Yasir and wife were the first people to convert to Islam out of Muhammad's relatives and close friends. They were pagans converts to Islam. They were tortured and crucified by the Mushrikun in the last year of Muhammad before Hijra (Immigration from Mecca to Medina). Both were the first martyrs of Islam.His torture
Abu Jahl used to torture the prophet's companions. The family of ˤAmmār were tortured the most. His parents died under torture, therefore they were the first martyrs of Islam. Ammar and Bilal were about to face the same fate,But Hamza had found where Ammar and many otheres were being kept in the desert to die but saved them.During Abu Bakr's Rule
During the
Ridda wars , ‘Ammār lost an ear in combat against the forces ofal-Yamama , whose leader and claimant to prophecy wasMusaylimah .During ˤUmar's rule
ˤUmar appointed ˤAmmār governor of Kūfah.
His loyalty to ˤAli
ˤAmmār ibn Yāsir is famous for his loyalty to ˤAlī and is considered by
Shi'a as one ofthe four of the companions of the prophet who stayed most loyal to his right of succession after the death ofMuhammad . He was one of the heroes of thebattle of Badr . He was also a commander of some of the army units.His death
He was killed by a group loyal to
Mu'awiyah in thebattle of Siffin (657)] . His killer wasibn Hawwa Esaksaki and Abu al-Adiyah.References
Tabari, at-Tarikh, vol. 1, pp. 3316-3322; vol. 3, pp. 2314-2319;
Ibn Sa`d, at-Tabaqat, vol. 3, Part 1, pp. 176-189;
Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil, vol. 3, pp. 308-312;
Ibn Kathir, at-Tarikh, vol. 7, pp, 267-272;
al-Minqari, Siffin, pp. 320-345;
Ibn `Abd al-Barr, al-Isti'ab, vol . 3, pp. 1135- 1140; vol. 4, p. 1725;
Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-ghabah, vol. 4, pp. 43-47; vol. 5, p. 267;
Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, Sharh Nahj al-balaghah, vol. 5, pp. 252-258; vol. 8, pp. 10-28; vol. 10, pp. 102-107,
al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, vol. 3, pp. 384-394;
Ibn `Abd Rabbih, al-`Iqd al-farid, vol. 4, pp. 340-343;
al-Mas`udi, Muruj adh-dhahab, vol. 2, pp. 381-382,
al-Haytami, Majma` az-zawa'id, vol. 7, pp. 238-244; vol. 9, pp. 291-298;
al-Baladhuri, Ansab al-ashraf (Biography of Amir al-mu'minin), pp. 310-319.
hi'a view
PresentScholar|Ali Asgher Razwy|20th|Shi'a|Twelver states:
unni view
Sunni Muslims respect him as a righteous Companion of the Islamic prophet
Muhammad .ee also
Yasir (name)
*Ammar (name)
*List of Sahaba not giving bay'ah to Abu Bakr References
External links
*Arabic [http://www.rafed.net/books/seara/ammar/ |كتاب سلسلة الأركان الاربعة ـ عمار بن ياسر ]
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