Yasir ibn Amir

Yasir ibn Amir

Contradictory Sources:

*Ammar's father, Yasir Ibn Amir ( _ar. ياسر ابن عامر), left his native place in Yemen seeking a brother of his. In Makkah he found an appealing place, so he settled there and was in alliance ( = mawla = slave ?) with Abu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah, who married him to one of his slave women, Sumayyah bint Khabbab. Out of this marriage they were granted a son, Ammar ibn Yasir. Their embracing of Islam was early. They had their good share of the Quraish's persecution and terror.

*Yasir was a slave to Abu Hudhaifah, so Abu Hudhaifah married him to Sumayyah and they had Ammar, and Abu Hudhaifah freed his slave. Yasir and his wife and his son were all from the earliest people to accept Islam.

*There is no mention of his death in the most highest Islamic sources including; Ibn Ishaq, Al-Tabari, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Mslim and Sunan Abu Dawud.

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