- Asampurna Melakarta
Carnatic Music Concepts Sruti • Swara • Raga • Tala • Melakarta • Asampurna Melakarta
Compositions Varnam • Kriti • Geetham • Swarajati • Ragam Thanam Pallavi • Thillana
Instruments melody: Vocals • Saraswati veena • Venu • Violin • Chitra veena • Nadaswaram • Mandolin
rhythm: Mridangam • Ghatam • Morsing • Kanjira • Thavil
drone: Tambura • Shruti box
Composers The Asampurna Melakarta scheme is the system of 72 ragas (musical scales) originally proposed in the 17th century by Venkatamakhin in his Chaturdanda Prakasikha.[1] This proposal used scales with notes that do not conform to the sampurna raga system. Skipped notes or repeated notes, etc., were used in some of the ragas.[1] Some of the ragas of any Melakarta system will use Vivadi swaras (discordant notes). The original system is supposed to avoid such ill-effects and was followed by the Muthuswami Dikshitar school. The naming of the original system followed Katapayadi system.[1] Muthuswami Dikshitar's compositions use the name of these ragas in the lyrics of the songs and is still referred to by those names even in radio / TV announcements of these songs.
Later Govindacharya came up with a more mathematical and regular system of 72 ragas, which is currently considered fundamental ragas (musical scales) in Carnatic music (South Indian classical music). These melakarta ragas were sampurna ragas. Some of the names of the ragas had to be modified to fit into the Katapayadi system.
Rules for Melakarta
In the Asampurna Melakarta system, there is no set rule for the ragas in contrast to the currently used system of Melakarta ragas.[1][2] Some ragas though are the same in both systems (like 15 - Mayamalavagowla and 29 - Dheerasankarabharanam), and in some cases the scales are same, while names are different (like 8 - Janatodi and Hanumatodi, 56 - Chamaram and Shanmukhapriya).[1][2][3]
The mela system of ragas was first propounded by Raamamaatya in his work Svaramelakalanidhi c. 1550. He is considered the father of mela system of ragas. Later Venkatamakhin expounded in the 17th century in his work Caturdandi Prakaasikaa a new mela system known today as melakarta.[1] He had made some bold and controversial claims and defined somewhat arbitrarily 6 swaras from the known 12 semitones, at that time, to arrive at 72 melakarta ragas. The controversial parts relate to double counting of R2 (and similar swaras) and his exclusive selection of madyamas for which there is no specific reasoning (also known as asampurna melas as opposed to sampurna ragas). However, today the 72 melakarta ragas use a standardized pattern, unlike Venkatamakhin's pattern, and have gained significant following. Govindhacharya is credited with standardization of rules and giving a different name for such standard ragas, which have different structure but same swaras as that proposed by Venkatamakhin.[1] The scales in this page are those proposed by Govindhacharya.
The 72 melakarta ragas are split into 12 groups called chakras, each containing 6 ragas. The ragas within the chakra differ only in the dhaivatham and nishadham notes (D and N), as illustrated below. The name of each of the 12 chakras suggest their ordinal number as well.[2][4]
- Indu stands for the moon, of which we have only one - hence it is the first chakra.
- Netra means eyes, of which we have two - hence it is the second.
- Agni is the third chakra as it denotes the three divyagnis (fire, lightning and Sun).
- Veda denoting four Vedas is the name of the fourth chakra.
- Bana comes fifth as it stands for the five banas of Manmatha.
- Rutu is the sixth chakra standing for the 6 seasons of Hindu calendar.
- Rishi, meaning sage, is the seventh chakra representing the seven sages.
- Vasu stands for the eight vasus of Hinduism.
- Brahma comes next of which there are 9.
- The 10 directions, including akash (sky) and patal (nether region), is represented by the tenth chakra, Disi.
- Eleventh chakra is Rudra of which there are eleven.
- Twelfth comes Aditya of which there are twelve.
Table of Melakarta ragas [1][5]
The 72 melakarta ragas can be divided into two parts: suddha Madhyamam and prati Madhyamam ragas. See Katapayadi sankhya for more information on how to derive the various swaras of a raga from its melakarta number. See swaras in Carnatic music for explanation of the notations like R1, G2, N2, etc.
'Shuddha Madhyamam ragas' No. Raga Arohana Avarohana Sampurna raga 1.Indu Chakra 1 Kanakambari S R1 M1 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M1 G1 R1 S Kanakangi 2 Phenadyuti S R1 M1 P D1 P N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M1 G1 R1 S Ratnangi 3 Ganasamavarali S R1 M1 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M1 G1 R1 S Ganamurti 4 Bhanumati S R1 M1 P D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M1 G1 R1 S Vanaspati 5 Manoranjani S R1 M1 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M1 G1 R1 S Manavati 6 Tanukeerti S R1 M1 P N3 S' S' N3 D2 N3 P M1 G1 R1 S Tanarupi 2. Netra Chakra 7 Senagrani S R1 G2 R1 M1 G2 M1 P N1 D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M1 G2 M1 G2 R1 S Senavati 8 Janatodi S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 M1 P G2 R1 S Hanumatodi 9 Dhunibhinnashadjam S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S Dhenuka 10 Natabharanam S G2 M1 P N2 D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 N2 P N2 P M1 G2 G2 R1 R1 S Natakapriya 11 Kokilaravam S R1 M1 M1 P M1 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 D2 P M1 G2 R1 S Kokilapriya 12 Rupavati S R1 M1 P S' S' S' N3 D3 N3 P M1 G2 S Rupavati 3. Agni Chakra 13 Geyahejjujji S R1 M1 G3 M1 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M1 G3 R1 S Gayakapriya 14 Vativasantabhairavi[1] (Dhativasantabhairavi[2][3]) S R1 G3 M1 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 M1 G3 M1 P M1 G3 R1 S Vakulabharanam 15 Mayamalavagowla S R1 G3 M1 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M1 G3 R1 S Mayamalavagowla 16 Toyavegavahini S R1 G3 M1 P D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M1 G3 R1 S Chakravakam 17 Chayavati S R1 G3 M1 D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M1 G3 R1 S Suryakantam 18 Jayashuddhamalavi S R1 G3 M1 P N3 S' S' N3 D3 N3 P M1 G3 R1 S Hatakambari 4. Veda Chakra 19 Jhankarabhramari S R2 G2 M1 P D1 N1 D1 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M1 G2 R2 G2 R2 S Jhankaradhwani 20 Nariritigaula S G2 R2 G2 M1 N2 D1 M1 N2 N2 S' S' N2 D1 M1 G2 M1 P M1 G2 R2 S Natabhairavi 21 Kiranavali S R2 M1 P D1 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 P D1 P M1 P G2 R2 S Keeravani 22 Shree raga S R2 M1 P N2 S' S' N2 P D2 N2 P M1 R2 G2 R2 S Kharaharapriya 23 Gourivelavali S R2 G2 S R2 M1 P D2 S' S' N3 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S Gourimanohari 24 Viravasantam S R2 M1 P N3 D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M1 M1 R2 G2 S Varunapriya 5. Bana Chakra 25 Sharavati S M1 G3 M1 P D1 N1 D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M1 G3 R2 S Mararanjani 26 Tharangini S R2 G3 P D1 N2 D1 P D1 S' S' D1 P G3 R2 S R2 G3 M1 G3 R2 S Charukesi 27 Sowrasena S R2 G3 M1 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M1 G3 R2 G3 S Sarasangi 28 Harikedaragaula S R2 M1 P N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S Harikambhoji 29 Dheerasankarabharanam S R2 G3 M1 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S Dheerasankarabharanam 30 Nagabharanam S R2 G3 M1 P N3 D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M1 G3 M1 R2 S Naganandini 6. Rutu Chakra 31 Kalavati S R3 G3 M1 P D1 N1 D1 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M1 R3 G3 M1 R3 S Yagapriya 32 Ragachudamani S M1 R3 G3 M1 P N2 N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M1 M1 R3 S Ragavardhini 33 Gangatharangini S R3 G3 M1 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 P D1 M1 M1 G3 M1 R3 S Gangeyabhushani 34 Bhogachaayaanaata S R3 G3 M1 P N2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 N2 P S' N2 P M1 R3 S Vagadheeswari 35 Shailadeshakshi S M1 G3 P D2 S' S' N3 D2 S N3 P M1 R3 S Shulini 36 Chalanata S R3 G3 M1 P D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M1 R3 S Chalanata 'Prati Madhyamam ragas' 7. Rishi Chakra 37 Saugandhini S G1 R1 G1 M2 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M2 G1 R1 S Salagam 38 Jaganmohanam S R1 G1 M2 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M2 G1 R1 S Jalarnavam 39 Dhalivarali S G1 R1 G1 M2 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M2 G1 R1 S Jhalavarali 40 Nabhomani S G1 R1 M2 P D2 P N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M2 G1 R1 S Navaneetam 41 Kumbhini S G1 R1 G1 M2 P N3 D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M2 G1 R1 S Pavani 42 Ravikriya S G1 R1 G1 M2 P N3 D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M2 G1 R1 S Raghupriya 8. Vasu Chakra 43 Girvani S R1 G2 M2 P D1 N1 D1 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M2 G2 R1 S Gavambhodi 44 Bhavani S R1 G2 M2 P D1 P N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M2 G2 R1 S Bhavapriya 45 Shivapantuvarali S R1 G2 M2 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M2 G2 R1 S Shubhapantuvarali 46 Stavarajam S R1 M2 P D2 S' S' N2 D2 P M2 G2 S Shadvidamargini 47 Sauviram S R1 G2 M2 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 M2 G2 R1 S Suvarnangi 48 Jivantika S R1 G2 M2 P D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M2 G2 R1 S Divyamani 9. Brahma Chakra 49 Dhavalangam S R1 G3 M2 P D1 S' S' N1 P M2 G3 R1 S Dhavalambari 50 Namadeshi S R1 G3 M2 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M2 G3 R1 S Namanarayani 51 Kashiramakriya S G3 R1 G3 M2 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M2 G3 R1 S Kamavardani 52 Ramamanohari S R1 G3 M2 P D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M2 G3 R1 S Ramapriya 53 Gamakakriya S R1 G3 M2 P D2 P S' S' N3 D2 P M2 G3 R1 S Gamanashrama 54 Vamshavati S R1 G3 M2 P D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M2 G3 R1 S Vishwambari 10. Disi Chakra 55 Shamalam S R2 G2 M2 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M2 G2 R2 S Shamalangi 56 Chamaram S R2 G2 M2 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M2 G2 R2 S Shanmukhapriya 57 Sumadhyuti S R2 G2 M2 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M2 G2 R2 S Simhendramadhyamam 58 Deshisimharavam S R2 G2 M2 P D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M2 G2 R2 S Hemavati 59 Dhaamavati S R2 G2 M2 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M2 G2 R2 S Dharmavati 60 Nishadham S R2 G2 M2 P D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M2 G2 R2 S Neetimati 11. Rudra Chakra 61 Kuntalam S R2 G3 M2 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M2 G3 R2 S Kantamani 62 Ratipriya S R2 G3 M2 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M2 G3 R2 S Rishabhapriya 63 Gitapriya S R2 G3 M2 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M2 G3 R2 S Latangi 64 Bhushavati S R2 G3 M2 P D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M2 G3 R2 S Vachaspati 65 Shantakalyani S R2 G3 M2 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M2 G3 R2 S Mechakalyani 66 Chaturangini S R2 G3 M2 P D3 N3 S' S' N3 P M2 G3 R2 S Chitrambari 12. Aditya Chakra 67 Santanamanjari S R3 G3 M2 P D1 S' S' N1 D1 P M2 R3 S Sucharitra 68 Joti S R3 G3 M2 P D1 N2 S' S' N2 D1 P M2 G3 S Jyoti swarupini 69 Dhautapanchamam S R3 G3 M2 P D1 N3 S' S' N3 D1 P M2 R3 G3 S Dhatuvardani 70 Nasamani S R3 G3 M2 P D2 N2 S' S' N2 D2 P M2 R3 G3 S Nasikabhushani 71 Kusumakaram S R3 G3 M2 P D2 N3 S' S' N3 D2 P M2 R3 G3 S Kosalam 72 Rasamanjari S R3 G3 S P M2 P N3 D3 N3 S' S' N3 D3 N3 P M2 P R3 G3 S Rasikapriya Popular Melakarta scheme
Govindacharya learnt the 72 ragas scheme above of Venkatamakin and later proposed the symmetrical scales that is more in vogue today in terms of the official Melakarta scheme.[1]
See also
- Melakarta
- Janya raga
- List of Janya Ragas
- Illustration of the notes in Melakarta ragas in a Keyboard layout at Wikimedia commons
- Katapayadi system
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Shree Muthuswami Dikshitar Keerthanaigal, by A Sundaram Iyer, Music Book Publishers, Mylapore, Chennai
- ^ a b c d Ragas in Carnatic music by Dr. S. Bhagyalekshmy, Pub. 1990, CBH Publications
- ^ a b Raganidhi by P. Subba Rao, Pub. 1964, The Music Academy of Madras
- ^ South Indian Music Book III, by Prof. P Sambamoorthy, Published 1973, The Indian Music Publishing House
- ^ Pocket book of Melakarta ragas from CarnaticIndia website
External links
- The katapayadi sankhya applied to the melakarta ragas
- Explanation of the two melakarta systems
- Explanation of the melakarta and demonstration of ragas with piano keys
- Melakarta Raga Chart
Melakarta Ragas Shuddha
RagasIndu chakraNetra chakraAgni chakra13. Gayakapriya · 14. Vakulabharanam · 15. Mayamalavagowla · 16. Chakravakam · 17. Suryakantam · 18. HatakambariVeda chakra19. Jhankaradhvani · 20. Natabhairavi · 21. Keeravani · 22. Kharaharapriya · 23. Gourimanohari · 24. VarunapriyaBana chakra25. Mararanjani · 26. Charukesi · 27. Sarasangi · 28. Harikambhoji · 29. Dheerasankarabharanam · 30. NaganandiniRitu chakra31. Yagapriya · 32. Ragavardhini · 33. Gangeyabhushani · 34. Vagadheeswari · 35. Shulini · 36. ChalanataPrati
RagasRishi chakraVasu chakra43. Gavambhodi · 44. Bhavapriya · 45. Shubhapantuvarali · 46. Shadvidamargini · 47. Suvarnangi · 48. DivyamaniBrahma chakra49. Dhavalambari · 50. Namanarayani · 51. Kamavardani · 52. Ramapriya · 53. Gamanashrama · 54. VishwambariDisi chakra55. Shamalangi · 56. Shanmukhapriya · 57. Simhendramadhyamam · 58. Hemavati · 59. Dharmavati · 60. NeetimatiRudra chakra61. Kantamani · 62. Rishabhapriya · 63. Latangi · 64. Vachaspati · 65. Mechakalyani · 66. ChitrambariAditya chakra67. Sucharitra · 68. Jyoti swarupini · 69. Dhatuvardani · 70. Nasikabhushani · 71. Kosalam · 72. RasikapriyaCarnatic music · Swaras · Ragas · Asampurna Melakarta Ragas Janya Ragas A-D Abheri · Abhogi · Andolika · Amritavarshini · Anandabhairavi · Arabhi · Atana · Bhairavi · Bhupalam · Bilahari · Devagandhari · DhanyasiG-K M-N Madhuvanti · Madhyamavati · Malahari · Malayamarutam · Mohanakalyani · Mohanam · Nagasvaravali · NiroshtaR-S Ranjani · Revati · Sahana · Saramati · Saveri · Shivaranjani · Shuddha Saveri · Shree ranjani · SunadavinodiniU-V Udayaravichandrika (Shuddha Dhanyasi) · ValajiCarnatic music · Melakarta Ragas · Asampurna Melakarta Ragas · List of Janya Ragas Categories:- Carnatic Ragas
- Carnatic music terminology
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