- List of Janya Ragas
Janya Ragas areCarnatic music "ragas " derived from the fundamental set of 72 ragas called "Melakartha " ragas, by the permutation and combination of the various ascending and descending notes. The process of deriving Janya ragas from the parent "melakarthas" is complex and leads to an open mathematical possibility of around thirty thousand "ragas". Although limited by the necessity of the existence of individual swaroopas for the "janya ragas", a list of janya ragas is never comprehensive or exhaustive. Thus the list below is open to more additions/corrections. Moreover, some musicians experiment and use new scales which had not been used before, leading to new janya ragas.The "melakarthas" are listed by numbers 1-72, with corresponding "asampoorna melakartha" names "Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar Keerthanaigal" by Vainika Vidwan A. Sundaram Iyer (part 2 section II and III), Published 1989, Music Books Publishers, Mylapore, Chennai] and scales listed just below (if different, in bold). Under that are the "janyas" of that "melakartha" raga. If the raga has multiple scales in the same "janya", these are given below the main scale. Other "Janya ragas" that are either not associated with a Melakarta or whose scales are not yet added in this list, are listed at the bottom.
Other janyas
*DEshya keeravaaNi
*Hindustaani bhairavi |- uses all 12 notes
*Hindustaani gaandhaari
*KannaDa kaambhOji
*KarnaaTaka naaTTai
*Mishra kamaaj
*Mishra maanD
*Mishrathilang S G3 M1 P N3 S - S N3 P M1 G3 R2 S
*Shiva kalyaaNam
*Shree chintaamaNi
*Suddha chintaamaNi
* [http://www.karnatik.com/janyalist.shtml karnATik.com]
* [http://carnatica.net/sangeet/handbook.htm carnatic.net]
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