

The Kapi was a Spanish automobile manufactured by Automóviles y Autoscooter Kapi in Barcelona from 1950 until 1955. Designed by Captain Federico Saldaña, the first car was a light three-wheeled two door runabout powered by a 125 cc 2 cv single-cylinder two-stroke engine made by Montessa. The single wheel was at the front.

Other models followed including:

*the Kapiscooter with Hispano-Villiers engine
*the Jip, a miniature Jeep with 197 cc engine
*the Chiqui, a three wheeler with single wheel at the rear
*the Platillo Volante (flying saucer), a four wheel coupé
*the M190 with miniature Mercedes 190 body


* [http://www.microcarmuseum.com/tour/kapi.html The Jip]
* [http://www.3wheelers.com/kapi.html The Platillo Volante]
*David Burgess Wise, "The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Automobiles"

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