Meanings of minor planet names: 3101–3200

Meanings of minor planet names: 3101–3200
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Name Provisional designation Source of name
3101 Goldberger 1978 GB Marvin L. Goldberger, American physicist, teacher and humanitarian, president of the California Institute of Technology, to commemorate his birthday, October 22 [MPC 9217]
3102 Krok 1981 QA Krok, mythical Slavonic prince
3103 Eger 1982 BB Eger a small town NE of Budapest, at one time the sixth largest town in Hungary, known for its medieval streets, castle, and red wine (Bull's Blood)
3104 Dürer 1982 BB1 Albrecht Dürer, 15th-16th-century German master painter, woodcutter, engraver, and scholar [MPC 9217]
3105 Stumpff A907 PB Karl Stumpff, 20th-century German celestial mechanician and professor of astronomy, pioneer of Fast Fourier Analysis, author of the three-volume Himmelsmechanik [MPC 22497]
3106 Morabito 1981 EE Linda Morabito (afterwards Linda Kelly), Education Programs Manager at the Planetary Society
3107 Weaver 1981 JG2 Kenneth F. Weaver, American senior assistant editor for science of the National Geographic magazine [MPC 10311]
3108 Lyubov 1972 QM Lyubov Petrovna Orlova, 20th-century Soviet actress
3109 Machin 1974 DC Arnold Machin, 20th-century British sculptor [MPC 34618]
3110 Wagman 1975 SC Nicholas E. Wagman, 20th-century American astronomer and astrometrist
3111 Misuzu 1977 DX8 Nickname of Shinano Province, now Nagano Prefecture, Japan, the discovery site [MPC 11441]
3112 Velimir 1977 QC5 Velimir (Viktor Vladimirovitch) Khlebnikov, 19th-20th-century Russian poet
3113 Chizhevskij 1978 RO Aleksandr Leonidovich Chizhevskij, 20th-century Soviet biologist, one of the founders of heliobiology
3114 Ercilla 1980 FB12 Don Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga, 16th-century Spanish poet and soldier, who distinguished himself in the campaign in Chile against the Araucanians, inspiration for the epic poem La Araucana [MPC 11160]
3115 Baily 1981 PL Francis Baily, 18th-19th-century English astronomer, one of the founders of the Royal Astronomical Society, and namesake of Baily's beads [MPC 11160]
3116 Goodricke 1983 CF John Goodricke, 18th-century Dutch-English deaf-mute astronomer, who identified Algol as an eclipsing variable and discovered δ Cephei [MPC 10847]
3117 Niepce 1983 CM1 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, 18th-19th-century French photography pioneer [MPC 10548]
3118 Claytonsmith 1974 OD Clayton Albert Smith, 20th-century American astrometrist, director of the Yale-Columbia Southern Observatory and later the United States Naval Observatory's astrometry department
3119 Dobronravin 1972 YX Petr Pavlovich Dobronravin, 20th-century Russian astrophysicist and spectroscopist, deputy director of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 1952–1969
3120 Dangrania 1979 RZ Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin, 20th-century Russian writer
3121 Tamines 1981 EV Tamines, Belgium, now called (Sambreville) [MPC 19333]
3122 Florence 1981 ET3 Florence Nightingale, English nurse and hospital reformer [MPC 21955]
3123 Dunham 1981 QF2 David Waring Dunham, American astronomer, organizer of the International Occultation Timing Association [MPC 10847]
3124 Kansas 1981 VB Kansas, United States, the discoverer's home state, and also the University of Kansas, the discoverer's alma mater, to commemorate the centennial of observational astronomy there, which began with the purchase of an Alvan Clark 6-inch refractor in 1885 [MPC 10045]
3125 Hay 1982 BJ1 William Thompson Hay, 19th-20th-century British music-hall comedian, film star of the 1930s and early 1940s, and amateur astronomer, (re)discoverer of Saturn's Great White Spot in 1933 [MPC 10847]
3126 Davydov 1969 TP1 Denis Vasil'evich Davydov, 18th-19th-century Russian officer, writer and poet, hero of the war of 1812 [MPC 11160]
3127 Bagration 1973 ST4 Petr Ivanovich Bagration, 18th-19th-century Russian (of Georgian descent) general, hero of the war of 1812 who died at the Battle of Borodino [MPC 11160]
3128 Obruchev 1979 FJ2 Vladimir Afanasjevich Obruchev, 19th-20th-century Russian geologist, geographer, and author of popular books on science and science-fiction novels [MPC 12013]
3129 Bonestell 1979 MK2 Chesley Bonestell, American space artist. Named following a competition organized by the Planetary Society
3130 Hillary 1981 YO Sir Edmund Hillary, British mountaineer
3131 Mason-Dixon 1982 BM1 Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, 18th-century British astronomers who observed the 1761 transit of Venus from the Cape of Good Hope, and later (1763–1767) surveyed the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, the Mason-Dixon Line [MPC 10847]
3132 Landgraf 1940 WL Werner Landgraf, German astronomer, who established the orbit (and whose initials appear in the provisional designation)
3133 Sendai A907 TC Sendai, Japan, the "Heidelberg of the East" (this object was discovered from Heidelberg) and the Sendai Municipal Astronomical Observatory [MPC 10045]
3134 Kostinsky A921 VA Sergej Konstantinovich Kostinskij, 19th-20th-century Russian astronomer, after whom the Kostinsky effect is named [MPC 10548]
3135 Lauer 1981 EC9 Tod R. Lauer, American astronomer, who participated in the Palomar Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey while an undergraduate student at Caltech [MPC 13174]
3136 Anshan 1981 WD4 Anshan, China [MPC 21607]
3137 Horky 1982 SM1 Czech hill, site of Antonín Mrkos' first telescope
3138 Ciney 1980 KL Ciney, Belgium, chief town of the Condroz, where the discoverer maintains a residence [MPC 15573]
3139 Shantou 1980 VL1 Shantou, China [MPC 16244]
3140 Stellafane 1983 AO Stellafane, the annual Vermont star party organized by the Springfield Telescope Makers [MPC 13174]
3141 Buchar 1984 RH Emil Buchar, Czech astronomer
3142 Kilopi 1937 AC kilo pi (1000*π, rounds off to 3142) [MPC 9771]
3143 Genecampbell 1980 UA I. Gene Campbell, American systems programmer in the central computing facility at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics [MPC 16244]
3144 Brosche 1931 TY1 Peter Brosche, 20th-century German astronomer [MPC 22497]
3145 Walter Adams 1955 RY Walter Sydney Adams, 19th-20th-century American astronomer, director of the Mount Wilson Observatory (1923–1946), whose spectroscopic studies led to the discovery, with Ernst Arnold Kohlschütter, of the spectroscopic method for determining parallax, and who identified Sirius B as the first white-dwarf star known [MPC 15089]
3146 Dato 1972 KG Dato Kratsashvili, 20th-century Georgian painter [MPC 13174]
3147 Samantha 1976 YU3 Samantha Reed Smith, 20th-century American schoolgirl who became "America's Youngest Ambassador" [MPC 11160]
3148 Grechko 1979 SA12 Georgii Mikhailovich Grechko, Soviet cosmonaut and scientist [MPC 12971]
3149 Okudzhava 1981 SH Bulat Okudzhava, Russian (of Georgian descent) writer, poet and songwriter [MPC 12209]
3150 Tosa 1983 CB Tosa province (Ancient name of Kōchi Prefecture), Japan, the discoverer's place of residence [MPC 10847]
3151 Talbot 1983 HF William Henry Fox Talbot, British pioneer of photography*
3152 Jones 1983 LF Albert F. A. L. Jones, New Zealand astronomer [LDS]
3153 Lincoln 1984 SH3 Abraham Lincoln, American president*
3154 Grant 1984 SO3 Ulysses S. Grant, American president*
3155 Lee 1984 SP3 Robert E. Lee, American general*
3156 Ellington 1953 EE Duke Ellington, American musician*
3157 Novikov 1973 SX3 Alexei Ivanovich Novikov, Soviet aviator and poet
3158 Anga 1976 SU2 Siberian village, birthplace of Russian etnographers Ivan Evseevich Venyaminov and Afanasij Prokopevich Shchapov
3159 Prokof'ev 1976 US2 Vladimir Konstantinovich Prokof'ev, Russian spectroscopist
3160 Angerhofer 1980 LE Phillip Edward Angerhofer, American astronomer and astrophysicist*
3161 Beadell 1980 TB5 Len Beadell, Australian surveyor [LDS]
3162 Nostalgia 1980 YH named in remembrance of good things that are no more
3163 Randi 1981 QM James Randi, magician
3164 Prast 6562 P-L Martin Prast, American citizen and war veteran [LDS]
3165 Mikawa 1984 QE Mikawa Province (Ancient name of eastern half of Aichi Prefecture), Japan
3166 Klondike 1940 FG The brothers Karl F. Joutsen and Anton F. Johnson, who made a fortune in the Klondike Gold Rush
3167 Babcock 1955 RS Horace W. Babcock and his father Harold D. Babcock, American astronomers [LDS]
3168 Lomnický Štít 1980 XM Lomnický Štít, Czech meteorological and solar observatory
3169 Ostro 1981 LA Steven Jeffrey Ostro, American astronomer
3170 Dzhanibekov 1979 SS11 Vladimir Dzhanibekov, Soviet cosmonaut
3171 Wangshouguan 1979 WO Shou-Guan Wang, Chinese astronomer*
3172 Hirst 1981 WW William Parkinson Hirst, South African astronomer
3173 McNaught 1981 WY Robert McNaught, British astronomer*
3174 Alcock 1984 UV George Alcock, British comet and nova hunter
3175 Netto 1979 YP Edgar Rangel Netto, Brazilian astronomer*
3176 Paolicchi 1980 VR1 Paolo Paolicchi, Italian astrophysicist
3177 Chillicothe 1934 AK Chillicothe, OH [LDS]. (There are places of the same name in Missouri and Illinois )*
3178 Yoshitsune 1984 WA Minamoto no Yoshitsune, early samurai
3179 Beruti 1962 FA Colonel Antonio Luis Beruti, Argentinian military officer and patriotic leader in the struggles for independence from Spanish rule
3180 Morgan 1962 RO William Wilson Morgan, American astronomer [MPC 15089]
3181 Ahnert 1964 EC Paul Oswald Ahnert, German astronomer, author of the annual Kalender fur Sternfreunde [MPC 9771]
3182 Shimanto 1984 WC Shimanto River, longest river of the discoverer's home prefecture of Kochi, Japan [MPC 10848]
3183 Franzkaiser 1949 PP Franz Kaiser German astronomer
3184 Raab 1949 QC Herbert Raab, Austrian software engineer and amateur astronomer, author of Astrometrica software
3185 Clintford 1953 VY1 Clinton B. Ford, American amateur astronomer, at one time secretary of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, co-founder of what is now called the Ford Observatory in southern California, and 1987 recipient of the Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific [MPC 15260]
3186 Manuilova 1973 SD3 Olga Maksimilianovna Manuilova, Soviet sculptor
3187 Dalian 1977 TO3 Dalian, China [MPC 22497]
3188 Jekabsons 1978 OM Peter Jekabsons, 20th-century Australian observer and astronomical painter, whose paintings adorn the walls of the Perth Observatory, the discovery site [MPC 18644]
3189 Penza 1978 RF6 Penza, Russia
3190 Aposhanskij 1978 SR6 Vladimir Mikhailovich Aposhanskij, 20th-century Soviet poet and journalist [MPC 11160]
3191 Svanetia 1979 SX9 Svanetia, a mountainous district in Georgia [MPC 12971]
3192 A'Hearn 1982 BY1 Michael Francis A'Hearn, American astronomer
3193 Elliot 1982 DJ James L. Elliot, American professor of physics and astronomy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-discoverer of the Uranian rings [MPC 10848]
3194 Dorsey 1982 KD1 Dorsey Taylor Shoemaker, Jr., American businessman and uncle of the second discoverer [MPC 10311]
3195 Fedchenko 1978 PT2 The 19th-20th-century Fedchenko Russian family: Alexei Pavlovich Fedchenko, naturalist, geographer, and explorer, his wife Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Fedchenko, botanist and plant collector, and their son Boris Alekseevich Fedchenko, botanist, geographer, writer, co-initiator and contributor to the multi-volume "Flora of the U.S.S.R." [MPC 12971]
3196 Maklaj 1978 RY Nicholai Miklukho-Maklai, Russian ethnologist
3197 Weissman 1981 AD Paul Robert Weissman, American cometary physicist [MPC 11160]
3198 Wallonia 1981 YH1 Wallonia (Walloon Region), one of the three federal regions of Belgium, the discoverer's birth place and location of the Institut d'astrophysique (the discovery site operator) [MPC 10848]
3199 Nefertiti 1982 RA Nefertiti, Egyptian queen [MPC 10311]
3200 Phaethon 1983 TB Phaëton, mythological son of Helios, who operated the solar chariot for a day, lost control of it and almost set fire to the Earth (the object, associated with the Geminid meteor stream, had then the smallest known perihelion distance) [MPC 9771]

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