- Core Education & Technologies Ltd
Core Education & Technologies Limited Type Public company Traded as BSE: 512199
NSE: COREEDUTECIndustry Education Founded 2003 Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Area served UK, US, India & Africa, and Caribbean Countries Key people Sanjeev Mansotra Services K12, Higher Education, Vocational Training, Providing Brick & Mortar and Service model worldwide Revenue Rs. 1091 crore (2011)
Employees 1,325 Website core-edutech.com
Formerly known as CORE Projects and Technologies Ltd.[1]CORE Education & Technologies Limited is India's largest global education company[2] that provides technology enabled education solutions for the entire education continuum of K-12, Higher education and Vocational education to Government bodies, universities, schools and students.
Company Overview
The company is headed by Sanjeev Mansotra[3], Chairman and Global CEO (CORE Group) [4] and has it's corporate headquarters at Mumbai, India. The company was founded in 2003 and has its business operations in 3 continents. Their international headquarters are located at Atlanta and London. CORE has diversified into an integrated education company and provides solutions to 7 States in India, 20 States in the US[5], 40 Institutions in UK, 8 African and 3 Caribbean Nations. They have approximately 3,125 employees worldwide.
CORE is listed on the BSE (SCRIP CODE 512199)& NSE (CoreEDUTECH)and has been rated as 'The Fastest Growing IT Company' in the State of Maharashtra,[6] India.CORE is a CMMi Level3 and ISO 9001:2008 certified Company.
Key Executives[7]
Name Designation Sanjeev Mansotra Chairman and CEO, Core Group[8] Maya Sinha Executive Director[9] Nikhil Morsawala Director: Finance[10] Arun Nigvekar Executive Director[11] Chairman's Profile
Mr. Sanjeev Mansotra founded the CORE Education & Technologies Ltd., in 2003, his first venture into the international education space.[12] Apart from education, he has also established business entities in the areas of Wellness[13] and Power. He has been ranked as India’s Most Valuable CEO by Business World in 2010(India’s Most Valuable CEOs’ Survey 2010 - category – Information Technology).[14]
Corporate History
CORE Milestones
- CORE acquires ITN Mark Education Ltd through its subsidiary Core Education & Consulting Solutions UK Ltd[15]
- CORE established the CORE Learning Panorama, focusing on K-12 school segment[16]
- CORE K-12, bags Los Angeles school district contract worth USD 24mm for 375 schools covering 700,000 students
- CORE acquires, The Princeton Review’s K-12 Services division [17]
- CORE collaborates with the Oxford University for Teacher Training and Capacity Building[18]
- CORE achieved a consolidated annual revenues in excess of USD 100 million[19]
- CORE's alliance with Center of Higher Learning - NASA
- CORE establishes its presence in the UK with the acquisition of Hamlet, Symbia and a division of Azzuri[20]
- CORE achieves a $2.3 million Michigan state contract for compliance system
- CORE is awarded the SSA contract for state of Jharkhand - India[21]
- CORE acquires KC Management Group[22]
- CORE achieves a $6.6 million multi-year state contract in Special Education from North Carolina[23]
- CORE enters US Market with the acquisition of first US product company[24]
- CORE acquires ECS[25]
Global Presence
- CORE K12 Education[26]: CORE K12 aims to establish and promote all the functions running in India and abroad covering all the gamut of education from Kindergarten to Standard XII. To establish or run resident schools or day boarding basis in physical or virtual form, affiliated to Indian or foreign boards of studies, including life skill, brain development and soft skill educational programmes for children. CORE K12 will also assist government, other statutory authorities and private bodies to run, conduct and manage their schools, colleges, institutions or education programmes to enhance the quality of education at all levels. [27]
- CORE Higher Education[28] will focus its activities on international research, international studies & continuous interaction with the corporate sector i.e. what we call “Corporate Structure – Academic Ambience”. The structure will resemble corporate philosophy and create an environment for excellence in academic learning
- CORE Skills & Development and Careers [29] is a new division of CORE ECS [30], developing products and services focused on career technical education for high school students and young adults
United States of America
- CORE Education and Consulting Solutions Inc. [31] is an educational publisher and consulting partner, providing technology-based products, services and professional personnel assets for schools, state departments of education, institutions of learning and select business
- CORE K12 is an initiative ranging from research-based instructional materials to innovations in diagnostic assessment, representing the latest in psychometric applications. Core Education has planned to enter the school management business. It is expected to invest Rs 150 crore for setting up schools, and to set up 30 K-12 schools over the next 3 years. The K-12 segment is one of the fastest growing industry segments in the country[32]
- Advanced Technologies[33] aim to bring together all the elements of hardware and software acquisition through installation and maintenance on to monitoring administration
- Consulting & Staffing[34] provides contract staffing, recruiting and consulting services to the education market
United Kingdom
- CORE ECS[35] is a wholly owned subsidiary of CORE Education and Technologies Ltd. It is an educational publisher and consulting partner, providing technology-based products, services and professional personnel assets for schools, state departments of education, institutions of learning and select business[36]
- ITN Mark was established in the late 1990s, ITN Mark Education provides teachers and teaching assistants to schools and nurseries in England and Wales.[37] The Company matches schools looking to cover staff absences with education professionals. ITN Mark, which is head quartered in Manchester, has approximately 3,600 teachers and 1,300 teaching assistants vetted and available for work, and currently serves around 1,600 schools. Apart from teaching assistants, the company also provides laboratory technicians, coaches and other experienced classroom staff without formal professional qualifications. The business operates from 16 locations in the UK and holds the Department for Education Quality Mark. Core Education & Technologies Ltd[38] has acquired ITN Mark Education Ltd through its subsidiary Core Education & Consulting Solutions UK Ltd[39]
Products & Solutions[40]
- Assessment and Intervention[41]
- Compliance and Reporting
- Student Information Systems and Campus Management
- Grants and Financial Management
- Professional Development and Consulting
- e-Content Creation and Management
- Education Portals
- Child Tracking System
- Vocational Training
- Teachers’ Training
- School Management
Client Base[42]
- Michigan Department of Education
- North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
- Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
- Maine Department of Education
- Texas Education Agency
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Palm Beach County Public Schools, Florida
- Shropshire Local Authority
- East Riding Council
- Warwickshire Council
- Norfolk Council
- Royal Institute of Public Health
- Royal College of Surgeons
- State of Jharkhand
- State of Nagaland
- State of Maharashtra
- Karnataka State Open University
- National Council of Science Museums
- Ministry of Education, Mozambique
- Kenya National Examinations Council
- Ministry of Education, Somalia
- Examinations Council, Zambia
List of acquisitions
The table below gives some details of CORE's key acquisitions
Year Company Business Segment Country 2005 Enterprise Computing Services Inc.[43] Technology for Education, Healthcare & BFSI Products United States 2006 Software Technical Services[44] Consulting & Project Management United States 2006 Aarman[45] ERP & SAP Implementation United States 2007 Emacs Technologies[46] ERP & ITeS Consulting United States 2007 Azzurri[47] Learning Management Systems United Kingdom 2007 KC Management Group[48] IT products for Education Sector United States 2007 Symbia Ltd[49] Consulting and Training United Kingdom 2007 Hamlet Computer Group[50] Assessment System United Kingdom 2008 K12 Division of Princeton Review Inc.[51] Assessment & Intervention products for K12 segment United States 2010 Keenan & Keenan Group[52] Education Staffing Solutions United States 2010 Technical Systems Integrators[53] Advance Technologies products for K12 segment United States 2011 ITN Mark[54] Teaching assistance & Training United Kingdom Key alliances
- Center for Higher Learning – NASA[55]
- Indira Gandhi National Open University[55]
- University of Oxford, UK[55]
- Microsoft Gold Partner[56]
- Gujarat Knowledge Society & DVET[57]
- Nationteacher.org[58]
- CORE featured in Forbes Asia’s “Best Companies under a Billion”
- 2nd rank - Technology Fast 50 India 2007
- 20th rank - 2007 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific
- Wisitex Jharkhand Education IT Ratna
- Special Jury Award for the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan program
- Fastest growing IT company in 2006 by Deloitte
- 2011 CORE Projects bag one of India's biggest education projects
- Projects bags second largest contract from Gujarat Governmentorder worth Rs. 1.24bn
- ^ http://money.sulekha.com/core-projects-technologies-ltd-core-dons-new-avatar-core-education_news_46033
- ^ http://bellthebull.com/order-book/CORE-projects-bags-order-from-la-unified-school/
- ^ http://businesstrendz.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/mr-sanjeev-mansotra-chairman-global-ceo-core-projects-technologies/
- ^ http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/CORE-projects-to-foray-into-school-management-biz_481748.html
- ^ http://www.businessworld.in/bw/2010_11_19_Teach_The_World.html
- ^ http://www.7x7business.com/2010/09/12/CORE-projects-technologies-celebrates-the-opening-of-its-new-office-at-the-nasa-john-c-stennis-space-center/990
- ^ http://www.core-edutech.com/board-directors.html
- ^ http://businesstrendz.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/mr-sanjeev-mansotra-chairman-global-ceo-core-projects-technologies/
- ^ http://uk.reutersmedia.net/business/quotes/companyOfficers?symbol=CORE.BO
- ^ http://uk.reutersmedia.net/business/quotes/companyOfficers?symbol=CORE.BO
- ^ http://uk.reutersmedia.net/business/quotes/companyOfficers?symbol=CORE.BO
- ^ http://businesstrendz.wordpress.com/2011/05/07/sanjeev-mansotra-core-project-and-technologie
- ^ http://lite.epaper.timesofindia.com/mobile.aspx?article=yes&pageid=54&edlabel=TOIM&mydateHid=13-03-2010&pubname=&edname=&articleid=Ar05401&format=&publabel=TOI
- ^ http://www.sanjeevmansotra.com/
- ^ http://www.vccircle.com/500/news/core-projects-acquires-uks-itn-mark-education-for-25m
- ^ http://www.business-standard.com/content/research_pdf/core_projects_020410_01.pdf
- ^ http://www.alacrastore.com/deal-snapshot/Core_Projects_Tech_Ltd_acquires_Princeton_Review_Inc_K_12_from_Princeton_Review_Inc-558868
- ^ http://www.ciol.com/BusinessWire/Business-Science-amp-technology-Leisure/Core-Projects-Announces-the-First-Organized-Foray-in-the-Billion-Dollar-Teacher-Capacity-Building-Market-in-India-with-a-Path-Breaking-Collaboration-with-University-of-Oxford/20675/0/
- ^ http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/directorsreport.cms?companyid=4001&year=2008
- ^ http://tripsguru.com/ITCompanies/CORE%20Projects%20and%20Technologies%20Limited.html
- ^ http://www.indiaprwire.com/pressrelease/information-technology/20061109989.htm
- ^ http://business.highbeam.com/company-profiles/info/c985436/kc-management
- ^ http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/core-projects-bags-jharkhand-government-contract_249858.html
- ^ http://www.business-standard.com/content/research_pdf/core_projects_020410_01.pdf
- ^ http://companydatabase.org/c/global-positioning-systems/global-technologies/system-solutions/radio-systems/information-services/systems-engineering/core-projects-technologies-ltd-p.html
- ^ http://www.coreecs.com/k12_education
- ^ http://blog.oregonlive.com/business-watch/2010/12/core_k12_education_names_james_m_luthi_as_national_vice_president_of_sales.html
- ^ http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/core-projects-ventures-into-higher-education/416410/
- ^ http://www.coreecs.com/career_tech_education/career_tech_education_feeds/37
- ^ http://www.coreecs.co.uk/
- ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=37375414
- ^ http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/core-projects-plans-30-k-12-schools-over-next-3-yrs_481756.html
- ^ http://www.coreecs.com/advanced_technologies
- ^ http://www.coreecs.com/consulting_staffing/consulting_staffing_feeds
- ^ http://www.coreecs.com/
- ^ http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=37375414
- ^ http://www.itnmark.com/
- ^ http://www.digitallearning.in/news/news-details.asp?Title=Core-Projects-renamed-as-Core-Education&newsid=18444
- ^ http://www.vccircle.com/500/news/core-projects-acquires-uks-itn-mark-education-for-25m
- ^ http://www.core-edutech.com/profile.html
- ^ http://blogs.coreprojectstech.com/?p=147
- ^ http://www.indiainfoline.com/Markets/Company/Background/Company-Profile/CORE-Education-and-Technologies-Ltd/512199
- ^ http://companydatabase.org/c/global-positioning-systems/global-technologies/system-solutions/radio-systems/information-services/systems-engineering/core-projects-technologies-ltd-p.html
- ^ http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cpt-acquires-software-technical-services-inc_203534.html
- ^ http://companydatabase.org/c/global-positioning-systems/global-technologies/system-solutions/radio-systems/information-services/systems-engineering/core-projects-technologies-ltd.html
- ^ http://companydatabase.org/c/global-positioning-systems/global-technologies/system-solutions/radio-systems/information-services/systems-engineering/core-projects-technologies-ltd.html
- ^ http://www.schoolgrid.net/press/10-02-07PDR%20Core%20PR%20notification%20v2.pdf
- ^ http://www.alacrastore.com/deal-snapshot/Core_Projects_Tech_Ltd_acquires_KC_Management_Group_Global_Bus_from_KC_Management_Group-495831
- ^ http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/core-projectstechnologies-pat-jump-153/323756/
- ^ http://www.insideview.com/directory/hamlet-computer-group-limited
- ^ http://www.alacrastore.com/deal-snapshot/Core_Projects_Tech_Ltd_acquires_Princeton_Review_Inc_K_12_from_Princeton_Review_Inc-558868
- ^ http://www.alacrastore.com/deal-snapshot/CORE_Projects_Tech_Ltd_acquires_Keenan_Keenan_Group-627559
- ^ http://www.alacrastore.com/deal-snapshot/CORE_Projects_Tech_Ltd_acquires_Technical_Sys_Integrators_LLC-627129
- ^ http://www.alacrastore.com/deal-snapshot/Core_Education_and_Consulting_acquires_ITN_Mark_Education_Ltd_from_Ochre_House_Ltd-656837
- ^ a b c http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/stocks-in-news/Core-to-gain-from-demand-in-education-space/articleshow/6661692.cms
- ^ http://smartinvestor.in/BSCMS/PDF/core_proj_240810_01.pdf
- ^ http://www.core-edutech.com/profile.html
- ^ http://www.core-edutech.com/profile.html
External links
Categories:- Companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange
- Companies listed on the National Stock Exchange of India
- Companies of India
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