De Pinte

De Pinte
De Pinte


Coat of arms
De Pinte is located in Belgium
De Pinte
Location in Belgium
Coordinates: 51°00N 03°39E / 51°N 3.65°E / 51; 3.65
Country Belgium
Region Flemish Region
Community Flemish Community
Province East Flanders
Arrondissement Ghent
 - Mayor Martin Van Peteghem (CD&V)
 - Governing party/ies CD&V, VLD
 - Total 17.98 km2 (6.9 sq mi)
Population (1 January 2010)[1]
 - Total 10,227
 Density 568.8/km2 (1,473.2/sq mi)
Postal codes 9840
Area codes 09

De Pinte is a municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders. Before its existence as an independent municipality in 1868, De Pinte was a part of Nazareth. The municipality comprises the towns of De Pinte proper and Zevergem. On January 1, 2006 De Pinte had a total population of 10,235. The total area is 17.98 km² which gives a population density of 569 inhabitants per km².

De Pinte is bordered by Sint-Martens-Latem in the north-west, Ghent in the north, Merelbeke in the east, Gavere in the south and Nazareth in the south-west.



The name of the municipality is issued from an inn, which was called "Het Pijntken", which was situated in the actual Pintestraat 69, and which was firstly used as the name of the municipality when it became independent of Nazareth on 2. June 1868 and it was called 'Little Nazareth" at that time. At the end of the 19th century many horticultural companies came in this area and further on in the 20th century, they were all parceled out. De Pinte became also a train station between Ghent and Kortrijk (as from 1839) and Ghent-Oudenaarde (as from 1857).

The colours of De Pinte are red and white. The flag can be described as semi-red and semi-white, with a shield and three eight-pointed stars of gold (2:1), next to twelve silver blocks(4:1:7). The ratios are 2:3.


1977 the former communities De Pinte and Zevergem were joined into a new community 'De Pinte'. The jagged southern boundary of the borough had been straightened at that time by boundary adjustments until the Scheldt. Inhabitants-wise De Pinte is larger than Zeverge, but when it comes to surface both districts are almost equal. In general the Oudenaardse Steenweg (N60) is considered to be the border between the two.

The community of De Pinte is bordered by the following districts:

a. Sint-Denijs-Westrem (Ghent) b. Zwijnaarde (Ghent) c. Schelderode (Merelbeke) d. Melsen (Merelbeke) e. Vurste (Gavere) f. Eke (Nazareth) g. Nazareth h. Deurle (Sint-Martens-Latem) i. Sint-Martens-Latem


The maire of De Pinte is Martin Van Peteghem. He's the head of a college of maire and Aldermen of the political parties CD&V and Open VLD.


The N60 (Oudenaardse Steenweg) crosses the community of De Pinte. It gives, by means of the exit 8 (Zevergem/De Pinte) an immediate connection to the Highway A14/E17. The railway station of De Pinte gives an immediate connection with Brussels, Kortrijk, De Panne, Ronse and Ghent.


Every year a cycling happening is organized in De Pinte (Sneukeltoer De Pinte), in which about 2300 cyclers participate. The benefits of this happening go fully to the action Kom op tegen Kanker. One of the biggest music-festivals in East-Flanders, Zeverrock, is on a yearly basis organized in the borough Zevergem.


In 1977 the former communities of De Pinte and Zevergem were joined to a new municipality De Pinte. The whimsical South-boarder of the municipality was straightened by boundary adjustments until the Schelde. De Pinte has more inhabitants than Zevergem, but when it comes to surface both communities are almost equally large. The Oudenaardse Steenweg (N60) is generally considered to be the boarder between the two municipalities.

Name Surface Inhabitants
De Pinte 8,85 km²
Zevergem 9,13 km²
Total 17,98 km² (2009) 10.227 (01/01/2010)

The community has boarders at the following communities:


The community of De Pinte is being crossed by the Oudenaardsesteenweg (N60) which gives direct connection to the highway A14/E17. The railway station of De Pinte gives direct connection to Brussels, Kortrijk, De Panne and Ghent.

Each year the cycling tour Sneukeltoer is organised in De Pinte, which has an attendance of about 2300 cyclers. The benefits of this action go to Kom op tegen kanker (an action for the benefits of the treatment of cancer). An annual music festival,one of the largest in East-Flanders, Zeverrock, is organised in the district Zevergem.

Well-known (former) inhabitants of De Pinte/Zevergem

  • Katrien Devious, Flemish actress
  • Tine Ruysschaert, Flemish actress
  • Gabriel Ríos, well-known singer
  • Evy Gruyaert (Zevergem), TV-host and presenter
  • Frederik Sioen (Zevergem), singer-songwriter
  • Paul Van Cauwenberge, rector University of Gent

Partner cities


External links

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