List of Greek Americans

List of Greek Americans

"This is a list of notable "'Greek Americans."



*Thea Andrews - born Canada - Entertainment Tonight in USA. Family originates from Macedonia, Greece
*Jennifer Aniston - Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning film/television actress, best known for her role on the sitcom "Friends" [Aniston - [] "Jen, who is half-Greek, does not even like Greek food." [] "Her Greek father was a sex hound, an actor with a large dick, perhaps hoped that Jennifer would follow in his footsteps, so he made Telly Savalas (TV's "Kojak") her godfather and also changed the family name from their original Greek surname Anastassakis to the more American sounding Aniston. After spending a year living in Greece, the family returned to the States, settling in New York..."]
*John Aniston [ [] [] "John Aniston was born on the island of Crete and is fluent in Greek and Spanish."]
*Dennis Boutsikaris
*Angela Bowie [ [] Born in Cyprus, she has said: "I am a Cypriot by disposition. I don't have a passport or Cypriot nationality but my heart is Cypriot, not Greek or Turkish Cypriot, just Cypriot. I enjoy a passionate love affair with my birthplace. I was born in Ayios Dhometios, part of the Nicosia district. My parents were American."]
*Paula Cale [ [ Greek News - Hellenic Times 15th Anniversary Gala ] ]
*Gabrielle Carteris
*George Chakiris [ [] "And when I saw the film recently and saw George Chakiris, this beautiful guy, Greek guy." [] "Chakiris, the son of Greek immigrants, opposes race based casting."]
*Michael Chiklis [ [] [,2322,306,00.html] "Chiklis got his acting talent from his mother, Kate... his flamboyance from his father, Charlie, a macho second-generation Greek-American who runs a hair salon in the Boston suburb of Lowell, where Chiklis was born."]
*Tim Considine- actor, writer and photographer
*Michael Constantine
*George Costacacos - actor/writer
* Richard Davalos,sexy beastwith a huge hairy dick!
* Elyssa Davalos, daughter of Richard Davalos
* Alexa Davalos, daughter of Elyssa Davalos and granddaughter of Richard Davalos
*Nick Dennis
*Olympia Dukakis [ [] "Olympia Dukakis, Greek-American stage and film actress... will discuss the impact of her Greek-American heritage on her career, as well as past performances, particularly her lead role in the ancient tragedy "Hecuba."" [] "The daughter of Greek immigrants..."]
*Tina Fey [ [] "Fey's mother is Greek-American and her father is German-Scottish, but she's wary of claiming an ethnic identity. "Ive said a few things about being Greek, and now every Greek organization wants to adopt me," Fey told me."]
*Michael Flessas, Actor, Palme d'Or (Golden Palm) winning film "Dancer in the Dark" at the Cannes Film Festival. Paternal grandparents both born in Greece.
*Zach Galifianakis
* Joey Gaydos Actor/musician ("School of Rock")
*Angie Harmon [ [] "Angie Harmon: "It would be shaping my eyebrows. Being half Greek and half American Indian, I have the unibrow. So once I started working on them, I really did see a change. You create another kind of beauty.""]
*Christopher George
*Lindsay Hartley [ [] "Her (Real) Heritage: "I'm Greek, Italian and Jewish. In TV Guide they wrote that I was French, Greek and Jewish. I am mostly Greek. I don't know where French came from." ]
*Marilu Henner [ [ Greek News - Hellenic Times 15th Anniversary Gala ] ]
*Alex Kalognomos [ [ Alex Kalognomos - Biography ] ]
*Ant (Anthony Steven Kalloniatis) - "Last Comic Standing" and "Celebrity Fit Club"
*Melina Kanakaredes [ [] "My grandfather always told me, "You know you're American first, but you're a Greek-American, which makes you a better American.""]
*Andreas Katsulas [ [] "Andreas Katsulas, whose striking Greek visage..."]
*George Maharis [ [] "Maharis was a Kerouac look-alike, a good looking Greek kid from Queens"]
*Constantine Maroulis [ [ - Constantine Maroulis - NY, New York - Rock / Pop - ] ]
*Demetri Martin [ [] "The son of a Greek Orthodox priest (note: Orthodox priests can marry prior to ordination) and a nutritionist, Martin grew up with his brother and sister in Toms River, New Jersey. His parents co-owned a Greek diner with his grandparents and uncle. Martin, the prototypical "good Greek boy," served as an altar boy at church and bused tables at the restaurant."]
*Maria Menounos [ [] "The stunning Maria Menounos had no problem getting her Greek on for our photo shoot, but her heritage hasnt always been easy for her. "My dad was very strict," she says. "A guy would call the house and he would say, ‘I have a gun, and I will use it!’"... My parents said I had to marry a Greek boy. I dated them, but they werent for me. They want slaves. I want someone to be my slave! My mom still puts my dad's socks on him when she wakes him up in the morning."]
* Adoni Meropis
* James Michalopoulos - actor - "Smallville", etc.
*Andy Milonakis [
* Nico Minardos
*Demi Moore actress [] "only Greek-American comic"
*Alexa Nikolas
* Lucas Papaelias Actor/musician ("School of Rock")
*Elizabeth Perkins [ [ Greek News - Hellenic Times 15th Anniversary Gala ] ]
*Chris Sarandon [ [] "It never occurred to me that Chris Sarandon is Greek (for those that don't know, Tarpon Springs is an ethnic Greek community located just north of St. Petersburg), until I thought about it - he very much looks Greek, later explaining that his father was from a "Greek village in Turkey"."]
*Telly Savalas [ [] [] "Born to Greek parents, Savalas served in World War II after he dropped out of Columbia University..." You should not trust yurunalists, Columbia lists him as having graduated in 1950 from their "adult" General Studies school after the army. [] ]
*George Savalas [ [] "Greek-American actor George Savalas"]
*Alexander Scourby - actor and narrator, played 'Old Polo' in "Giant," James Dean's last film
*Amy Sedaris [ [] "As far as religion goes, we were raised Greek Orthodox..." [] "My father's mother, our grandmother, lived with us for a while. She didn't speak any English. She was all Greek and she was freaky. She had long hair, which she wore in braids..." [] ]
*Jamie-Lynn Sigler [ [] "Sigler is half-Cuban and half-Greek (Jewish)"]
*Marina Sirtis [ [] "A raven haired beauty who is equal parts Greek passion and English reserve"] - played Counselor Deanna Troi in "".
*John Stamos [ [] "John is also Greek and part Irish." [] "John Stamos' original family name is Stamopolous, which was shortened by his grandparents when they came to America from Greece."]
* Paul Stassino - Thunderball
*Mena Suvari (1979 - ) - "American Pie", "American Beauty" [ [] "Well were both Greek, which is a shoe-in right there." [] "Mena, the world traveler: Part Estonian and part Greek, Suvari was named for her godmother, who was born in the Mena House, a hotel at the base of the Pyramids in Egypt."]
* Peter Tambakis starred in "A Guide to Recognising Your Saints" with Robert Downey Jnr, Shia LeBeouff and Channing Tatum.
*Tiffani Thiessen [ [] "I'm a mutt. I have so much of everything in me, and half of it I don't even know. German on one side, Greek, Turkish and Welsh on the other. My mom is very olive-skinned; I get my blue eyes from my dad."] - "Valerie Malone on Beverly Hills, 90210"
* Elias Toufexis - actor - Smallville, etc.
*Francis Toumbakaris - actor
*Rita Wilson [ [] . "My mother is Greek and my father is Bulgarian. I am a first-generation American and native Los Angeleno. I was born and raised in Hollywood. I would go to school and be American and then come home and be Greek." [] "Father: worked at a racetrack; changed family name from Ibrahimoff to Wilson, selecting the name from the street on which they lived in Southern California; a Greek-Pomak who was born in Greece but raised in Bulgaria; lived in Turkey before emigrating to the USA. [] Her mother Dorothy Wilson was born and raised in a Greek village on the Albanian border. [] "Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson is of Greek origin and took her family to see this one-woman act. She loved it so much that she went again, this time with her husband. Tom Hanks was so impressed that he offered to produce the movie. His production company Playtone Productions has produced My Big Fat Greek Wedding."]
*Billy Zane (1966 - ) - actor and director ("Titanic") []
*Lisa Zane [ [] "Greek-American entertainer Lisa Zane"]
*Ryan Pinkston- MTV Punk`d, Full of It, Spy Kids 3D
* Nico Minardos
**Daphne Eurydice Zuniga


*Costas Kondylis
*Steven P. Papadatos
*Alexander V. Sapounakis


*Helene Alexopoulos- prima ballerina, New York City Ballet, soloist
*Nick Battis - painter
*Peter Calaboyias - sculptor
*Elias Damianakis - artist, Iconographer
*Chryssa - sculptor
*Euripides "Rip"Kastaris - artist
*Hermes Pan- choreographer for Fred Astaire
*Peter Voulkos - sculptor, ceramics art innovator
*Olga Ganoudis - official "Lost" (ABC serial) artist
*Criss Angel- Mind Freak
*Stephen Antonakos- artist


*Kary Antholis - Senior Vice President for Miniseries at HBO
*George Argyros - founder of real estate company Amel & Affiliates []
*Pete Berges, CPA/CFO Government Contractors
*Jason Calacanis - young entrepreneur & founder of Weblogs, Inc.
*John Calamos - founder of Calamos Investments
*Michael Capellas - terminal CEO of MCI and Compaq
* Dominique Callimanopoulos - philanthropist/founder of "Elevate Destinations." daughter of Gregory Callimanopoulos, and granddaughter of Pericles G. Callimanopoulos, owner of Greece's largest private shipping line, Hellenic Lines.
*John Catsimatidis] - USA 34th wealhtiest, Red-Apple, Gristides, refineries, banks
*Tom Carvel1 - founder of the Carvel franchise
*Christos Cotsakos - co-founder of E-Trade
*Zoe Cruz - ex co-president of Morgan Stanley
*Nickolas Davatzes - president and CEO of A&E Television Networks
*Jim Demos [ [ "] ] Started Demo's Steak and Spaghetti House. Demos family also runs Toot's Restaurants
*the Demoulas Brothers - founders of the DeMoulas' Market Basket
*Jamie Dimon- (Papademetriou) - CEO of JPMorgan Chase, grandson of Smyrna broker
*Peter Diamandis - magazine entrepreneur, founder of the International Space University
* Joanie Danielides - created Danielides Communications
* Maria Foscarini - advocate and runns the National Low Centre on Homelessness and Poverty
*Elena Ford-Niarchos - Ford Motor Company executive. (Greek Father, Niarchos)
* Sid Ganis - Motion Picture Producer and President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
*Jim Gianopoulos - Fox President
* [ Ike Gulas] - President of AHEPA, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association
* Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou - founder and chairman of easyGroup companies
*Bill Jemas - former publisher of Marvel Comics & former executive vice president of Marvel Entertainment Group
*Peter Karmanos, Jr. - founder, president & CEO of Compuware and owner of the NHL team Carolina Hurricanes
* Kostas Katsiris - Grais and Ellsworth, political dynamo
* John Korachis - prominent business and real estate attorney
* Nick Larigakis - American Hellenic Institute (AHI) executive director
*Alyssa LaRoche founder of Aimee Weber Studio Inc.
*Ted Leonsis Vice Chair of AOL
*George P. Mitchell - original developer of The Woodlands
*Peter M. Nicholas - co-founder of Boston Scientific Corporation
* Wayne Pacelle - CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), mother Greek, father Italian
*Alexander Pantages - vaudeville and early motion picture producer and impresario
*Constantine Papadakis - president of Drexel University
*Daniil Papadopoulos - publisher of Fightscene magazine
*Greg Papadopoulos - senior vice president and CTO officer of Sun Microsystems Inc.
*Peter Peterson (Petropoulos) - ex-CEO of Bell & Howell, Lehman Bros, Chair Council on Foreign Relns, chair BlackStone, Nixon Commerce Scy
*George Perlegos - invented EEPROM technology (the basic technology for flash memory), founder and former chairman and CEO of Atmel Corp.
*Ted Phillips - president and CEO of the NFL team the Chicago Bears
*John Rigas - founder of Adelphia Communications Corporation
*Stratton Sclavos - president & CEO of VeriSign
*Charles Skouras1 - movie magnate, president of Fox Coast West and National Pictures
*George Skouras1 - movie magnate, president of United Artists
*Spyros Skouras1 - movie magnate, president of 20th Century Fox
*Alex Spanos - California realty magnate, chaired Amer Bible Society
*Peter Stamos - founder, Chairman, and CEO of Sterling Stamos Capital Management
*Basil Stamos - with Sterling Stamos Capital Management
*Christopher Stamos - with Sterling Stamos Capital Management
*Leo Stefanos - inventor of DOVEBAR
*William Tavoulareas - president of Mobil Oil Corporation
* Anne Thomopoulos - Executive Producer at HBO
*Anthony Thomopoulos - television executive
*Chris P. Tomaras - entrepreneur and philanthropist
*Georgios Tsaoussis (1929–1985)- entrepreneur and philantripist. Co-Owner of Scales Industrial Technologies; Archon of the G.O. Ecumenical Patriarchade
*P. Roy Vagelos - M.D. and former chairman and CEO of Merck "Most Admired USA CEO"
* Spiros J Voutsinos - President, Atlantic Bank
*Ed Zander - CEO of Motorola and former president of Sun Microsystems
*Vasilios Tatsis -CEO of AlphaCourierCo.,Inc-Beta8017Group.,inc


*Patricia Field - fashion designer [ [ Social Diary 4/22/05 - When Too Much of Too Much Is Still Not Enough ] ]
*James Galanos - fashion designer [ [] "Greek-born couturier James Galanos"]
*Peter Speliopoulos - vice President, DKNY design [ [] "Greek American, originally from Springfield, Massachusetts"]
*Patrick Tatopoulos - special effects and creature designer [ [] [] "My father is a Greek from Macedonia. I dont know his roots exactly."]
*Dean Tavoularis - Academy Award winner for Best Art Direction ("Godfather ΙΙ") [ [] "Greek-American production designer Dean Tavoularis"]
*John Varvatos - fashion designer [ [] "To show in Milan is 'the top' according to the Greek American who decided to leave the catwalks of New York and head for those here in Milan."]
*Nick Verreos - American fashion designer [ [] " Im half Greek and half Venezuelan, and I speak fluent Spanish and Greek."]
*Basil Gogos - illustrator
*Niko Vasilakis - Founder of Nightclub Design LLC. "Godfather" of nightclubs in N. America, Studied in Europe and Stateside. Currently resident of Eleven20 of Birmingham, Alabama.


* Diana M Argos - 2nd 2nd Assistant Director, "The Village Barbershop"
*Alexandra Cassavetes - director, daughter of John Cassavetes
*John Cassavetes1 - movie director
*Nick Cassavetes - movie director [ [ Greek News - Hellenic Times 15th Anniversary Gala ] ]
*George Pan Cosmatos1, film director, "Tombstone, "
*Anthony Flessas - film director
*Nick Gaittjis - Director
*Anthony Katagas - producer, .g., "We Own the Night."
*Milton Katselas - director, Hollywood acting teacher
*Elia Kazan1 - movie director, two-time Academy Award winner for "Gentleman's Agreement and On the Waterfront", "A Streetcar Named Desire", "Viva Zapata", "East of Eden"
*John Paul Livadary - sound editor at Columbia, three-time Academy Award winner for "One Night of Love" in 1934, "The Jolson Story" in 1946, and "From Here to Eternity" in 1953.
*Constantine Makris - television director and television producer who has mainly worked on Dick Wolf's series.
*Spiro Carras - film director, producer, editor, liveTV director, teacher, developed film syntax theory, CEO of Cineguild Entertainment Group - Images Du Monde
*Gregory Markopoulos - film director, New American Cinema of the 1960s
*Andrew Moskos - producer/owner of Boom Chicago
* Steve Nicolaides - first assistant director, producer and production manager
*Alexander Payne - Academy Award winning movie director
*Phedon Papamichael - director, cinematographer
*Alexis Poledouris - theater director
* Harris Savides - cinematographer
*Andy Sidaris - film director of cult B-movie films
*Penelope Spheeris - director ("Wayne's World")
*Greg Yaitanes - director
*Billy Zane - actor, director []


*Matthew Bogdanos - colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserves
*Alden Partridge Colvocoresses - USA (Col. Ret.), developer of the first satellite map of the United States
*George Colvocoresses - commander of the Saratoga during the American Civil War []
*George Partridge Colvocoresses, led a distinguished military career rising to the rank of Admiral
*George Dilboy - first Greek-American to receive US Army Medal of Honor
* Nick Madaras - killed in Iraq at age 19, 1200 soccer balls donated in his name to the children of Iraq bearing his name endorsed by his father Nick Madaras
*Charles Moskos - leading military sociologist in the US Military. Author of "".
*William Pagonis, retired three-star U.S. Army General & Chairman of the Board/Director for Railamerica, Inc.
* David Petraeus - General in Iraq
*George Sirian - served in the US Navy with distinction for nearly fifty years
*James G. Stavridis - USN is the current Commander, United States Southern Command
*Peter G. Tsouras - retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army
*LTG Peter G. Burbules - retired United States Army Lieutenant General. U.S. Army Ordnance Hall of Fame.


*Kristi Lauren Glakas - Miss Virginia 2006 []
*Brandon Harami- "Wrangler" magazine and "OshKosh" childhood model
*Joey Hart - "Penthouse" model []
*Patricia Kara - model, actress, TV personality
*Maria Lekkakos - Miss Massachusetts 2003 []
*Becky and Jessie O'Donohue - American Idol contestants and models [] , []
*Suzi Simpson - model, actress, aspiring screenwriter []
*Stacy Burke - fetish/bondage model []


*Anthony Keidis - [ [] ] - lead singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers
*Maurice Abravanel - conductor [ [] "Greek-born U.S. conductor"]
*Teddy Andreadis - keyboardist
*The Andrews Sisters - singers [ [] "Called upon to help support their Greek-Norwegian family when their father's business was wiped out by the Depression"]
*Nick Angel - music supervisor/journalist/filmmaker
*Art Alexakis - singer/songwriter/guitarist, member of Everclear
*Annette Artani - singer/songwriter [ [] "Annette Artani, a native Greek-American New Yorker"]
*John Cacavas - composer, conductor
*Maria Callas - considered one of the greatest opera sopranos of all time [ [] "renowned Greek opera singer whose personal life enthralled Greece in the 1950s and 1960s"]
*Kelly Clarkson - American Idol (Season 1) winner [ [] "I'm Greek, so we have pretty big booties in my family"]
*Greg Dulli - musician [ [] "Mr. Greg Dulli (he's Greek, ya know...)"]
*The Fiery Furnaces - indie rock band [ [] "We were baptized Greek Orthodox, so we are Greek Orthodox", Matt says. "If you're baptized Greek Orthodox, you're in for good. That's it."]
*Diamanda Galás - performance artist, vocalist, and composer [ [] "Well, here I am. I'm an Anatolian Greek - a middle eastern Greek - and I'm an American, which is a bloody weird combination."]
*Steven Karidoyanes - composer, broadcaster and conductor with Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra [ [] "I'm Greek and my wife and I will cook a Greek dinner for eight for the winner. That is a Greek."]
*Wayne Kramer - guitarist for Motor City Five [ [] "I am French/Greek"]
*Tim Lambesis - Lead singer of Metalcore band As I Lay Dying
*Tommy Lee - heavy metal drummer [ [] "Are you a fan of anal sex? TL, "Being Greek, you'd think I'd be a big anal sex fan. It's kinda nasty. I'm not really feeling it too much, although I've done it several times -- but it's not my favorite."]
*Paul Lekakis - singer
*Athan Maroulis - singer, producer, musician, older brother of "American Idol" Season 4 finalist Constantine Maroulis
*Constantine Maroulis - singer, stage actor, American Idol (Season 4) finalist [ [] "Constantine comes from a "massive" Greek American family"]
*Dimitris Mitropoulos - world-renowned symphony conductor [ [] "Greek conductor and composer"]
*Becky O'Donohue - singer and American Idol (Season 5) semi-finalist [ [] "Im half Irish and Im half Greek"]
*Tony Orlando - singer [ [] "the half-Greek, half-Puerto Rican kid"]
*Johnny Otis - rhythm and blues musician [ [] "Born in Berkeley, California, to a Greek immigrant family"]
*Shuggie Otis - rock, blues & funk guitarist and songwriter [ [,robinson,24726,22.html] "Greek American bandleader Johnny Otis"]
*Vangelis Papathanassiou (aka "Vangelis") (1943- ) - composer, performer [ [] "Date of birth (location)29 March 1943, Volos, Greece"]
* Dimitri Pittas - tenor
*Basil Poledouris - film composer [ [] "The other element that influenced me early on had to do with my Greek Orthodox raising where I used to sit in church and just be enthralled with the choir. So, there are a lot of Gregorian modal ideas in my music that go back to that."]
*Zoë Poledouris - composer, singer
*Jim Sclavunos - drummer for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds [ [,,1194728,00.html+Jim+Sclavunos+greek&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=4] "My own band, the Vanity Set, half of whom (including myself) are second-generation Greek-Americans, adore rebetiko music."]
*Derek Sherinian - virtuoso rock and jazz fusion keyboardist
*Chris Spheeris - new age multi-instrumentalist, composer, recording artist, collaborated on several albums with Paul Voudouris [} "Being raised in the midwestern usa and spending summers in his ancestral homeland of Greece..."]
*Chris Trousdale (1985 - ) - singer, former "Dream Street" member [Trousdale - [] "Half and half? Yeah I thinkmy dad is full Greek and my mom's Black Irish."]
*Tatiana Troyanos - mezzo-soprano [ [] "This website is dedicated to preserving the musical memory of the late, great, Tatiana Troyanos, Greek-American Mezzo-Soprano"]
*The Vanity Set - alternative/rebetiko rock band [ [,,1194728,00.html] "My own band, the Vanity Set, half of whom (including myself) are second-generation Greek-Americans"]
*Alex Varkatzas - Lead singer of Hard Rock/Metalcore band Atreyu
*Jim Verraros (1983 - ) - singer, entertainer, one of the top 10 finalists in the first season of "American Idol" [ [] "Jim Verraros: My father was born in Greece, so I am mostly Greek. My mother is German, Irish, French and English."]
*Paul Voudouris - recording artist, singer, composer, lyricist, collaborated on several albums with Chris Spheeris [ [] "My father was a first generation born American, of Greek refugees from Izmir, Turkey. My mother was born in Athens, Greece, to Greek parents."]
*Yanni - new-age musician [ [] "his Greek musician's claims to fame" [] "He divides his time between L.A. and the Seattle, WA area, and is now an American citizen."]
*Frank Zappa - composer - see The Real Frank Zappa Book
*Kalomoira - pop singer [ [] "Kalomira Sarantis is missing the second semester of her first year in college. She is pursuing her lifetime dreama career as a professional singerin a very unorthodox way, as a contestant on the Antenna TV program "Fame Story" in Greece."]


*Nikos Diaman - fine art photographer
*Chris Hondros
*Christopher Makos - photographer for Calvin Klein, "Esquire" and Andy Warhol
* Steven Speliotis - photographer
*George Tames - photographer for the "New York Times" from 1945–1985
*Panagiotis (Peter) Mitoulas - documentary and fine art photographer, featured in numerous publications in North America, South America and Europe
*Constantine Manos
*Eleftherios Kostans


Federal level

*Spiro Agnew1 - former Vice President of the United States
*George Argyros - US ambassador to Spain
*Shelley Berkley - member of Congress
*Gus Bilirakis - congressman, Republican co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues
*Michael Bilirakis - Congressman from Florida
*John Brademas - former member of Congress, former president of New York University, former chair of Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
*Michael Dukakis - former Governor of Massachusetts, 1988 Democratic presidential candidate
*George Gekas - former Congressman from Pennsylvania
* Jack Kalavritinos - former Director of HHS Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Secretary Mike Leavitt
*Ron Klink - former Representative from Pennsylvania
*Tom C. Korologos - U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, Reagan lobbyist
*Nicholas Mavroules - former Congressman from Massachusetts
*Andrew Manatos - former Assistant Secretary of Commerce under Jimmy Carter
*Sylvia Mathews - National Economic Commission staff
*John Negroponte - United States Director of National Intelligence, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations
*Peter Peterson - first Greek American Cabinet Officer, head of Blackstone Group
*John Podesta - White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton
*John Sarbanes - eldest son of Paul Sarbanes, Congressman, Maryland's 3rd congressional district
*Paul Sarbanes - former Senator representing the state of Maryland
*Tasia Scolinos - Justice Department Director Of Public Affairs
*Olympia Snowe - Republican Senator from Maine
*Zack Space - member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Ohio
*George Stephanopoulos - political commentator, former White House Communications Director, Rhodes scholar, Columbia valedictorian
*George Tenet - former CIA director
*Frances Townsend - assistant to the President and Homeland Security Advisor
*Paul Tsongas1 - former senator from Massachusetts
*Gus Yatron - former Pennsylvania Congressman and boxer

tate level

*Phil Angelides - state treasurer of California, 2006 democratic candidate for Governor of California, (GOAL/VOITHIA Archafellinizon)
*James Bacalles - New York State representative
*Adeline Jay Geo-Karis - former Illinois State senator, former naval officer
*Michael N. Gianaris - New York State representative
*Demetrios Giannaros - member of the Connecticut House of Representatives
*Alexi Giannoulias - Illinois State Treasurer
*Theodore Kanavas - Republican senator from Brookfield, Wisconsin.
*Nick Galifianakis - former Representative D-NC.
*Chrysovalantis P. Kefalas - Deputy Counsel to the Governor of Maryland, Robert Ehrlich
*Charlie Crist - Governor of Florida
*Mathew Mironis - former New York State representative
*Sandy Pappas - Minnesota State Senator representing St. Paul
*Justice Costa M. Pleicones South Carolina Supreme Court Justice
*Leonidas Raptakis - Rhode Island Senator
*Dean Skelos - New York State senator
*Dina Titus - current Minority Leader in the Nevada State Senate, United States [Titus - [] "Greek-American State Senator Dina Titus"]
*Robert A. Perakis - former Michigan State Representative-R
*George Panichas Sr.- former Rhode Island State Representative-D
*Philip J. Williamsformer member of the Michigan House of Representatives

Local level

*Art Agnos - former mayor of San Francisco
*Helen Boosalis - mayor of Lincoln NE
*George Christopher1 - former mayor of San Francisco
*Robert Flessas - Brookfield (town), Wisconsin Town Supervisor
*Maria Pappas - Cook County, Illinois Treasurer
*Harry Scolinos - attorney, businessman and politician
*Harry Zikas, Jr. - Councilman & Former Mayor of Alpha, New Jersey
*Alex Zikas - Councilman - Alpha, New Jersey
*Alexander Xanthakis - Councilman-Staten Island, New York
*Bill Saffo- Mayor of Wilmington, North Carolina


*Diogenes Allen - professor of philosophy
*Saul Amarel - artificial intelligence pioneer
*Paul Alivisatos - nanotechnologist
*Chris Argyris - distinguished lifetime contributor to theory and practice of management
*Constantine A. Balanis - electrical engineer
* [ D. James Bidzos] - VeriSign Vice Chairman of the Board (previously CEO of RSA Data Security)
*Lambros D. Callimahos - NSA cryptanalyst
*Demetrios Constantelos - theologian and historical scholar
*Leda Cosmides - psychologist []
* Steve Demos - food visionary - created Silk soymilk.
*Michael Dertouzos - innovator and director of the M.I.T. LCS
*Persi Diaconis - mathematician
*Peter Diamandopoulos - former president of Adelphi University
*Nicholas DeClaris - Professor Electrical Engineering & Pathology at the University of Maryland, College Park
*George A. Economou - optical systems expert
*Stylianos D. Danielopoulos - professor of computer science at University of North Carolina at Raleigh
*Tatiana Flessas - law professor
*Matina Souretis Horner - former president of Radcliffe College which was affiliated with Harvard University
*Menas Kafatos - quantum physicist
*Paris Kanellakis1 - computer scientist
*Demetri Kantarelis - professor of economics, Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts
*Grigorios Savva Kapageridis - mainframe computer programming
*Peter Liacouras - former president of Temple University
*Nicholas Metropolis - physicist
*Andreas Gerasimos Michalitsianos - NASA astrophysicist
*Tom Maniatis - biologist
*Dimitris Nanopoulos - professor of theoretical physics at TAMU
*Nicholas Negroponte - scientist, MIT Media Lab founder and director
*Alexander Nehamas - professor of philosophy
*Kyriacos Costa Nicolaou - chemist
*Constantine Papadakis -president of Drexel University
*Christos Papadimitriou - professor of computer science at University of California, Berkeley
*George Papanicolaou - created the Pap Smear, and more generally, the field of cytopathology
*Spiro Pappas - professor of international business, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA
*John Allen Paulos - mathematician
*George Perlegos - invented EEPROM technology (the basic technology for flash memory), former chairman and CEO of Atmel Corp.
*Nicholas Petrakis - retired chief of epidemiology at University of California, San Francisco
* Dr Artemis Simopoulos - has devoted her life to the study of genetics and nutrition, author of the best seller "The Omega Diet."
*Argyrios N. Theofilopoulos - immunologist
*Andreas Tzakis, M.D., Ph. D., FACS - transplant surgeon
*Tom Ypsilantis - physicist
*Panayiotis Zavos - geneticist


*Harry "the Golden Greek" Agganis1 - College football star and professional baseball player for the Boston Red Sox
*Peter Angelos - MLB owner of the Baltimore Orioles
*Annastasia Batikis - played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League in 1945
*David Batista (Bautista) - WWE SmackDown!, professional wrestler (Greek mother)
*Clay Bellinger - MLB player of the Baltimore Orioles
*Nick Calathes - current Florida Gators basketball player
*Al Campanis - MLB player and executive of the L.A. Dodgers
*Jimmy Carson - NHL hockey player, (Original family surname Kyriazopoulos)
*Chris Chelios - NHL hockey player
*Anton Christoforidis - Professional boxer, NBA World Light Heavyweight Champion 1941
*James Colis - former MLB pitcher with the Chicago White Sox
*Harry Deligianis - former NFL Europe player
*Tara Dakides - pro snowboarder and champion from California
*Chris Farasopoulos - NFL player, played for the NY Jets
*Danielle Fotopoulos - female soccer player, US women's national soccer team
*Nick Galis - basketball player, played in Europe and is regarded as one of Europe's all-time basketball greats
*Nick Gianacakos - former NFL Europe player
*Alex Grammas - MLB manager and infielder for St. Louis Cardinals, Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago Cubs.
*Laird Hamilton (born Laird John Zerfas) - surfer
*Alex Holmes - NFL tight end for the St. Louis Rams, mother is Greek.
*Kurt Kafentzis - NFL player with the Houston Oilers 1987, younger brother of Mark Kafentzis
*Mark Kafentzis - NFL player with the Cleveland Browns and Indianapolis Colts 1982–1984
*Maria Kanellis - WWE RAW
*Dean Karnazes - ultramarathon champion, writer, businessman
*Mike Karakas - NHL player for the Islanders 1935–1946
*Alex Karras - NFL player with the Detroit Lions, wrestler and actor
*Lou Karras - NFL player with the Washington Redskins, older brother of Alex Karras
*Ted Karras - NFL player with the Chicago Bears and Detroit Lions, older brother of Alex Karras
*Gus Kartes - former Olympiakos Piraeus footballer.
*Eric Karros - MLB player for the L.A. Dodgers and baseball broadcaster
*George Kastrinakis - former professional basketball player in Greece
*Bobby Kingsbury - MLB player for the Pittsburgh Pirates
*Frank Klopas - soccer player for the Chicago Sting, U.S. national team and AEK Athens
*Chris Kontos - Former NHL player known for his prolific scoring in the play-offs
*John Korfas - former Greek pro basketball player.
*Niko Koutouvides - NFL linebacker for the Seattle Seahawks
*Kosta Koufos - Basketball player at Ohio State University, declared for NBA Draft
*Nick Kypreos - NHL hockey player
*Alexi Lalas - soccer player for the L.A. Galaxy, U.S. national team
*Steve Lappas - former basketball coach of Villanova University
*Themistocles Leftheris - American pair skater, 2007 U.S. National Pairs bronze medalist
*Kay Lionikas - played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League from 1948–1950
*Billy Loes, MLB Pitcher for the Dodgers and other teams
*Jim Londos - champion wrestler during the 1930s
*Greg Louganis - Olympic divind champion (Greek by adoption; ethnically Samoan and Swedish)
*Nick Markakis (1983 - ) - MLB outfielder who currently plays for the Baltimore Orioles [ [] "Markakis, who is half Greek and half German, led the Greek Olympic team..."]
*Tino Martinez - former MLB first baseman for the N.Y. Yankees (Greek mother)
*Aaron Miles - MLB player for the St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago White Sox, and Colorado Rockies (paternal grandmother)
*Stefanos Miltsakakis - Former NCAA All-American wrestler, MMA record of 3-0, actor
*David Nelson - former professional Greek basketball player
*Gus Niarhos - MLB Yankees, White Sox, Red Sox, Phillies
*Joe Panos - NFL player with the Philadelphia Eagles and Buffalo Bills 1994–2000 (birth name Zois Panagiotopoulos)
*Petros Papadakis - Host of various sports shows on radio, former college football tailback and team captain at USC 1996–2000.
*Eric Pappas - Former MLB player for the St. Louis Cardinals
*Milt Pappas - MLB pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles and Cincinnati Reds and other teams
*Tom Pappas - Track & field decathlete, 2003 world decathlon champion and 2-time Olympian.
*June Peppas - All-American Girls Professional Baseball League 1948–1954
*George Pardos - Ohio State Wrestler and OSU Strength Coach
*George Parros - NHL hockey player
*Tony Pashos - NFL lineman with the Jacksonville Jaguars.
*Lonnie Paxton - NFL New England Patriots long-snapper 2001–2003
*Peter Philipakos - Football (soccer) player, former Olympiacos F.C. player, currently with Ethnikos Piraeus.
*Pete Pihos - NFL player with the Philadelphia Eagles (Pro Football Hall of Fame)
*Joseph Pilates - inventor of Pilates
*Dawn Marie Psaltis (Dawn Marie) - former WWE diva
*Kurt Rambis - Former NBA player, won 4 championships with the L.A. Lakers (birth name Kyriakos Rambidis)
*Dusty Rhodes - MLB player for the New York Giants and the San Francisco Giants
*Pete Sampras - tennis player, holds record for most grand slam titles and is considered one of the best tennis players in history
*Fred Smerlas - NFL player for the Buffalo Bills and the New England Patriots
*Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder1 - sports commentator
*Alex Spanos - NFL owner of the San Diego Chargers
*Trish Stratus - WWE diva
*Matt Stover - NFL player, kicker for Baltimore Ravens
*George Theodore - MLB outfielder for the New York Mets
*Craig Titus - American bodybuilder
*Gus Triandos - MLB player for the Baltimore Orioles and other teams
*Jake Tsakalidis - NBA player for Memphis Grizzlies and Phoenix Suns
*Lou Tsioropoulos - Former NBA player with the Boston Celtics
*Garo Yepremian - NFL player (Greek Cypriot origin)
*George Zaharias - Sports promoter and professional wrestler in the 1930s (birth name Theodore Vetoyanis)
*Gust Zarnas - NFL player with the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers 1938–1940
*Clint Zavaras - MLB Pitcher with the Seattle Mariners in 1989


*Ernie Anastos - WNYW-New York co-anchorman
*Nick Angel filmmaker/journalist
*Thalia Assuras - TV reporter CBS News Born in Canada, moved to U.S.
*John Bolaris - WCBS-New York meteorologist
*Jimmy Cefalo - sportscaster
*Alexis Christoforous- CBS News Early Show
*Bob Costas - NBC sportscaster
*Spero Dedes - Los Angeles Lakers sportscaster
*Mike Galanos - CNN/Sports Illustrated anchor
*Paul Glastris - editor in chief of "The Washington Monthly"
*Nick Gregory - WNYW New York meteorologist for over twenty years
*Chris Hondros - photojournalist
*Soterios Johnson - WNYC- morning anchor
*Harry Kalas - sports announcer
*Demetria Kalodimos - weeknight anchor, WSMV Nashville, NBC affiliate
*Thalia Kalodimos - graphic artist of The Oprah Winfrey Show
*Bill Lekas - sports announcer
*Ernie Manouse - TV anchor/producer, PBS
*John Manuel - co-editor in chief, "Baseball America" magazine
*Rory Markas - sports announcer
*Debbie Matenopoulos - journalist, talk show host
*Maria Menounos- correspondent for Today (NBC program) and Access Hollywood
*John Metaxas - WCBS New York radio correspondent
*Bob Papa - sports anchor and announcer
*Greg Papa - sportscaster
*Petros Papadakis - former USC Trojans running back, sports talk show host
*Maria Papadopoulos - reporter for The Enterprise, Brockton, Massachusetts
*Ike Pappas - former CBS News correspondent
*Ted Sarandis - sports announcer
*Andrea Stassou - reporter for WCBS-TV in New York
*George Stephanopoulos - Host of ABC's "This Week"
*Jason Terzis [] - sports anchor and producer for WOOD-TV in Grand Rapids, MI.
*Maria Kannelis - WWE Smackdown!


*Chloe Aridjis - writer, (daughter of Greek-Mexican Homero Aridjis and American Betty Ferber de Aridjis)
* Paul Attanasio (Gk from Athanasiou from athanasia - immortal - screenwriter
*A. I. Bezzerides - novelist and screenwriter
* John Bradley - poet
**George Costacacos - writer/actor
*Demetrios Constantelos - priest and academic scholar
*Rae Dalven1 - author and academic (Romaniote - Greek Jewish)
* Stefanos Daskalakis - screenplay writer of "The Greek Fisherman'" the story of his paternal grandfather's flight from Smyrna.
*N. A. Diaman - novelist and artist
* Neil Carpathios - poet
*Demosthenes Constantonopoulos Divry (1877–1927) author and publisher
*George Constantonopoulos Divry (1890–1967) author and publisher (brother of D. C. Divry)
*Irene Dorotheos - reporter for "Tiger Beat" magazine
*Jeffrey Eugenides - novelist and short story writer [ [] "Eugenides is himself Greek-American, Detroit-born, suburb-raised-- all sources of inspiration for his second novel."]
*Tina Fey- comedienne, head writer of "Saturday Night Live"
*Christos Gage - DC/Marvel Comics/Wildstorm and "Law & Order" writer []
*Nicholas Gage - reporter for the "Wall Street Journal", author Eleni
*Christopher Galakoutis - business and sports writer, publisher of "" & ""
*Dan Georgakas - writer, critic and member of the editorial board for "Cineaste"
*Panio Gianopoulos - writer and editor for Bloomsbury Publishing [ [] "How I was both Spiderman and a tiny unathletic Greek boy..." [] "As the son of Greek immigrants, he participated in the familiar first generation event of multiple identities"]
* Fay George - poet
*George Gregoriou - William Paterson University professor, writer
* Thea Halo - writer, "Not Even My Name"
*Arianna Huffington (born Arianna Stassinopoulos) - columnist
*Paul Kemprecos
* Edward Kitsis - writer/producer, e.g., "Lost"
* Dean Kostos - poet, "Pomegranate Seeds - An Anthology of Greek-American Poetry"
*David Long
*Nick Mamatas
*Anastasios Manettas
* Grace Metalious - writer of "Peyton Place" - married to Greek-American George Metalious
*Eric Metaxas
*George Pelecanos
*Stephanos Papadopoulos - poet, translator
*David Sedaris - essayist and radio contributor
* Norman Siopis - writer and theatre director, do-writer of the screenplay, "The Greek Fisherman."
* Evan Spiliopoulos - writer of animated movie 'Terra'
* Aristomenis (Meni) Tsirbas _ writer of animated movie 'Terra'
*Vanessa Grigoriadis - contributing editor for "New York" magazine and "Rolling Stone" magazine
*Christopher Bonanos- senior editor at "New York" magazine


*Criss Angel - magician
*Nick Angel - journalist/filmmaker/music supervisor
*Trifon Kelepouris - aka Good Looking
*Pete Athans - mountaineer
*Constantino Brumidi - important artist of the Capitol []
*Yiorgos Caralambo - one of the eight men hired by US Army in 1856 to lead the camel driver experiment in the Southwest.
*Philip Tedro, hired by US Army in 1856 to lead the camel driver experiment in the Southwest.
*Cat Cora - Iron Chef on Food Network's "Iron Chef America"
* Daniel Cotroneo (from Gk. Kotroneos/Koroneos) - Set Lighting Tech. on Women's Murder Club
*Sprio Velentzas--Sakafia Greek Mob Boss
*Nick "the Greek" Dandolos1 - gambler
*Gracia Dura Bin1 - early settler, wife of Dr. Andrew Turnbull
*Natalie Fotopoulos (1983 - ) - dance teacher, contestant on the FOX reality show, "So You Think You Can Dance" [ [] "Because I am Greek, they gave me a pet betta fighting fish for a good-luck mascot"]
*Donald Arigiri Frangos a.k.a "Tony The Greek" - New York City based contract killer and hitman
*Iakovos1 - former Greek Orthodox Archbishop of America, Harvard professor, Selma marcher, President World Council of Churches
*George Lois - advertising executive (ESPN, "USA Today", Xerox, MTV, Wolfschmidt, Tommy Hilfiger), "Fizz Fizz What a Relief it Is", "No Dancing in the (a)Isles" "Crazy People" (Big break hired by Rossides for Javits 1960)
*Athan Manuel - director of Lands Protection, Sierra Club, Washington, DC

*Markos Moulitsas Zúniga - the blogger behind Daily Kos
* Haydn Pazanti (from Gk. Pazantis) - Assistant Camera on Women's Murder Club
*Jack Pierce1 - makeup artist
*Germanos Polyzoides Greek Orthodox priest and bishop
*Valerie Sarnelle - celebrity makeup artist to the stars (granddaughter of a wealthy Greek socialite. "Under the loving and watchful eye of her "ya-ya", Sarnelle's life was transformed forever." [] )
*Valerie Solanas - attempted assassin of Andy Warhol
* Germano Saracco (from Gk. Sarakos) Camera Operator 'B' - Women's Murder Club
*Evan Spiridellis-Jib Jab creator responsible for "This Land" parody, etc.
*Gregg Spiridellis- Jib Jab creator responsible for "This Land" parody, etc.
*Dino Stamatopoulos - television comedy writer, actor and producer who has worked on "Mr. Show", "TV Funhouse", "Mad TV", "Moral Orel", and "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"

*Dina Tsiorvas - Nassau Coliseum in-game Arena Hostess for the New York Islanders and New York Dragons
*Paul Vallas - CEO of the Chicago Public Schools
*Nick Venet - record producer
*Petro Vlahos -Oscar-Awarded Hollywood special effects pioneer

ee also

*Greek Cypriots



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