
ICD-9-CM 57.6-57.7
MeSH D015653
OPS-301 code: 5-576

Cystectomy is a medical term for surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder. It may also be rarely used to refer to the removal of a cyst, or the gallbladder. The most common condition warranting removal of the urinary bladder is bladder cancer.[1] After the bladder has been removed, an Ileal conduit urinary diversion is necessary. An alternative to this method is to construct a pouch from a section of ileum or colon, which can act as a form of replacement bladder, storing urine until the patient desires to release it, which can be achieved by either abdominal straining or self catheterisation. Future treatment for this condition may involve a full replacement with an artificial bladder.

One of the follow-up solutions to a cystectomy is the creation of a neobladder (one form of which is named Studer's Ileal Neobladder or the Studer Pouch). A neobladder is a loop of intestine that is surgically fashioned into a pouch and placed in the location of the original bladder. It is then attached to the ureters and the urethra, thus simulating the function of the original organ. The kidneys filter the urine into the neobladder which can often be emptied by muscle control. There are side effects of this complex surgery, including partial shut down of the digestive system (in response to removal of the piece of intestine), incontinence, and the loss of the nerves that signal a full bladder.


  1. ^ Clark, PE; Stein JP, Groshen SG et al. (July 2005). "Radical cystectomy in the elderly: comparison of clinical outcomes between younger and older patients". Cancer 104 (1): 36–43. doi:10.1002/cncr.21126. PMID 15912515. 

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  • cystectomy — [sis tek′tə mē] n. pl. cystectomies [ CYST(O) + ECTOMY] 1. the surgical removal of a cyst 2. the surgical removal of the gallbladder or of part of the urinary bladder …   English World dictionary

  • Cystectomy — Surgery to remove the bladder. Cystic fibrosis: A common genetic disease inherited as a recessive condition. Thick mucus can clog the lung passages and block the ducts of the pancreas in cystic fibrosis. * * * 1. Excision of the the urinary… …   Medical dictionary

  • cystectomy — /si stek teuh mee/, n., pl. cystectomies. Surg. excision of a cyst or bladder, usually the urinary bladder. [1890 95; CYST + ECTOMY] * * * …   Universalium

  • cystectomy — noun the act of surgically removing the bladder …   Wiktionary

  • cystectomy — n. surgical removal of a cyst in the urinary bladder …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cystectomy — [sɪs tɛktəmi] noun (plural cystectomies) 1》 a surgical operation to remove the urinary bladder. 2》 a surgical operation to remove an abnormal cyst …   English new terms dictionary

  • cystectomy — cys·tec·to·my …   English syllables

  • cystectomy — n. surgical removal of the urinary bladder. This is necessary in the treatment of certain bladder conditions, notably cancer, and necessitates subsequent urinary diversion. The ureters draining the urine from the kidneys are reimplanted into an… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • cystectomy — cys•tec•to•my [[t]sɪˈstɛk tə mi[/t]] n. pl. mies 1) srg the surgical removal of a cyst 2) srg the surgical removal of the urinary bladder • Etymology: 1890–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • cystectomy — /sɪsˈtɛktəmi/ (say sis tektuhmee) noun (plural cystectomies) 1. surgical excision of a cyst. 2. excision of a bladder, usually the urinary bladder …  

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