- Polish Armed Forces rank insignia
Armed ForcesBranches Land Forces
Air Force
Special Forces
History Timeline
WarsPersonnel Senior officers
Rank insignia
OathsEquipment Land Forces
Present Polish system of rank insignia is a direct descendant of various systems used in the past in the Polish Army. Some of the grades trace their name back to Middle Ages, for instance the rank of chorąży literally means a flag bearer. Other names of Polish ranks are of foreign origin and were in most cases introduced by 17th century mercenaries serving for the Polish Crown. These include the rank of kapral is a derivate of Italian caporale - much like the English equivalent of corporal.
Most rank titles are cognates to the ones in English, with some exceptions. Notably colonel's literal meaning is regimental-leader, likewise plutonowy means platoon-leader. Also, the title equivalent to petty officer is identical to the word for boatswain, so a Bosman may or may not be a bosman.
Until World War II, each of the branches of the Land Forces used a set of different names for the same grades. For instance a sergeant was called sierżant in the infantry, ogniomistrz (literally master of fire) in the artillery and wachmistrz (from German Wachtmeister, or Master of the Guards) in the cavalry. This is directly equivalent to the German army calling a cavalry Hauptmann a Rittmeister
Modern polish military practices were heavily influenced by Prussian/German and Russian traditions, as most founding officers after 1918 independence were veterans of those respective armies.
The Polish language requires the use of a prior honorific before stating the addressee's rank e.g. 'Panie Kapitanie...' (Sir Captain...). This is directly equivalent to French practice where the possessive Mon is pre-pended to the addressee's rank. During the communist period use of the formal 'Pan' (Sir) was frowned upon and 'Obywatel' (Citizen) (as in: Obywatelu Kapitanie!) was used. This has reverted to prior style in the post-communist era.
It is customary to include other titles when referring to an officer in writing. This can lead to some interesting abbreviations. For example, a Lt. Col. in the airforce by the name Nowak who is a pilot and has a M.Sc. in engineering would be written ppłk pil. mgr inż. Nowak. (LtCol plt MEng Nowak)
Uniquely, Polish forces use a two-fingered version of the salute, and the saluting custom insists one is saluting the eagle (pinned to almost all headwear) rather than the counterparty, therefore one doesn't salute superiors if they aren't wearing a cap/beret etc.
Land Forces
NATO Code OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 - OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1
Land ForcesMarszałek
Polski1Generał2 Generał
brygadyPułkownik Podpułkownik Major Kapitan Porucznik Podporucznik English equivalent Marshal of Poland General Lieutenant General Major General,
Divisional GeneralBrigadier,
Brigade GeneralColonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Abbreviation marsz. gen. gen. broni gen. dyw. gen. bryg. płk ppłk mjr kpt. por. ppor. - 1 not used currently
- 2 Generał Armii (General of the Army) to 2002
Warrant officers
NATO Code OR-9 OR-8
Land ForcesChorąży Chief Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Class 1 Warrant Officer Class 2 First Warrant Officer Abbreviation st. chor. szt. st. chor. chor. mł. chor. Non Commissioned Officers and Privates
NATO Code OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
Land ForcesSierżant Plutonowy Kapral Szeregowy Staff Sergeant Sergeant Master Corporal Corporal Lance Corporal Private 1st Class Private Abbreviation st. sierż. sierż. plut. st. kpr kpr. st. szer. szer. Air Forces
NATO Code OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 - OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1
Air ForcesPolish rank Generał Generał
brygadyPułkownik Podpułkownik Major Kapitan Porucznik Podporucznik English equivalent General Lieutenant General Major General,
Divisional GeneralBrigadier,
Brigade GeneralColonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Abbreviation gen. gen. broni gen. dyw. gen. bryg. płk ppłk mjr kpt. por. ppor. Warrant officers
NATO Code OR-9 OR-8 OR-8 OR-8
Air ForcesChorąży Chief Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Class 1 Warrant Officer Class 2 First Warrant Officer Abbreviation st. chor. szt. st. chor. chor. mł. chor. Non-commissioned officers and privates
NATO Code OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
Air ForcesPolish rank Starszy
SierżantSierżant Plutonowy Starszy
KapralKapral Starszy
SzeregowySzeregowy Technical Sergeant Flight Sergeant Staff Sergeant Senior Airman Airman 1st Class Airman Airman Basic Abbreviation st. sierż. sierż. plut. st. kpr kpr. st. szer. szer. Officers
NATO Code OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 - OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1
NavyPolish rank Admirał Admirał floty1 Wiceadmirał Kontradmirał Komandor Komandor
marynarkiEnglish rank Admiral Fleet Admiral1 Vice Admiral Rear Admiral,
Counter AdmiralCaptain,
Lieutenant CommodoreLieutenant Commander,
Sublieutenant CommodoreLieutenant,
Ship CaptainLieutenant (junior grade),
Ship LieutenantEnsign,
Ship SublieutenantAbbreviation adm. adm. fl. wadm. kadm. kmdr kmdr por. kmdr ppor. kpt. mar. por. mar. ppor. mar. - 1 introduced in 2002
Warrant officers
NATO Code OR-9 OR-8 OR-8 OR-8
marynarkiChief Warrant Officer,
Chief MidshipmanWarrant Officer Class 1,
Senior MidshipmanWarrant Officer Class 2,
MidshipmanFirst Warrant Officer,
Junior MidshipmanAbbreviation st. chor. szt. mar. st. chor. mar. chor. mar. mł. chor. mar. Non-commissioned officers and sailors
NATO Code OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
bosmanBosman Bosmanmat Mat Starszy
marynarzMarynarz Senior Chief Petty Officer,
Senior BoatswainChief Petty Officer,
BoatswainPetty Officer 1st Class,
Junior BoatswainPetty Officer 2nd Class Ordinary Seaman Seaman Apprentice Seaman Recruit Abbreviation st. bsm. bsm. bsmt st. mat mat st. mar. mar. - All naval rank and insignia information is referenced from the Official Website of the Polish Navy [1]
Historical ranks
Abolished on July 1, 2004
NATO Code OR-9 OR-7 OR-5| Polish rank Senior Warrant Officer Senior Warrant Officer Senior Warrant Officer Second Warrant Officer Second Warrant Officer Second Warrant Officer Sergeant Major Senior Master Sergeant Command Master Chief Petty Officer Master Sergeant Master Sergeant Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Sergeant Senior Staff Sergeant Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Abbreviation chor. szt. chor. szt. chor. szt. mar. mł. chor. szt. mł. chor. szt. mł. chor.
szt. mar.st. sierż. szt. st. sierż. szt. st. bsm. szt. sierż. szt. sierż. szt. bsm. szt. st. plut. st. plut. st. bsmt. Other
- Hetman
- Rotmistrz
- Regimentarz
- Strażnik Wielki
- Strażnik Polny
- Pisarz Polny
- Oboźny Wielki
- Oboźny Polny
- Towarzysz
See also
- Wojsko Polskie (Polish Armed Forces)
- Ranks and insignia of NATO Armies
- Comparative military ranks
- Military Rank
- Polish Scouts rank insignia
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