- Master Corporal
Master Corporal (MCpl) (French: "caporal-chef" or "cplc"), in the
Canadian Forces , is an appointment of the rank ofCorporal in the Army and Air Force. Its Naval equivalent isMaster Seaman (MS) (French: "matelot-chef" or "matc").According to the Queen's Regulations and Orders:
"(1) The
Chief of the Defence Staff or such officer as he may designate may appoint a corporal as a master corporal.
(2) The rank of a master corporal remains that of corporal.
(3) Master corporals have seniority among themselves in their order of seniority as corporals.
(4) Master corporals have authority and powers of command over all other corporals." — " [http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qr_o/vol1/ch003_e.asp QR&O 3.08] "Master Corporal, while formally an appointment, is treated as a "de facto"
non-commissioned member rank, and is often described as such, even in official documents.As mentioned above, the Master Corporal is senior to the Corporal (and its Naval counterpart,
Leading Seaman ). It is junior to the rank ofSergeant (Sgt) and its equivalent naval rank,Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2). Master Corporals and Master Seamen together with Corporals and Leading Seamen make up the cadre of junior non-commissioned officers.is determined by branch or regimental tradition.
Master Corporals are generally initially addressed as "Master Corporal Bloggins" and thereafter as "Master Corporal". The slang term "Master Jack" is never used as a form of address.
Master Corporals normally
mess and billet with theJunior Ranks .History
The Master Corporal appointment came into existence after the Unification of the armed forces of Canada in the late 1960s. A power vacuum was inadvertently created when private soldiers were promoted to the rank of corporal as an incentive for continuing in the Forces at a time when Unification (and the role of the United States in the Vietnam War) made the military an unpopular option for employment. Eventually, corporals who had passed the "B" phase of their leadership training took to wearing a crown over their chevrons, and this arrangement was eventually formalized by having a maple leaf replace the crown, and the new "'B' Corporals", as they were known, became Master Corporals.
The rank, formally an
appointment as a seniorcorporal , gives the MCpl authority over all privates and corporals. As such, a MCpl is a first level supervisor who will be assessed on his/her ability to manage and develop subordinates. Given the structure of the Canadianinfantry platoon , the MCpl is roughly equivalent to the British rank of full corporal, one grade abovelance corporal and therefore, second in command of an infantry section.Requirements
The general requirements for promotion to Master Corporal include a Qualification Level 5 course (known as a Journeyman course in some trades), a primary
leadership qualification course (PLQ), and a time in the rank of Corporal for a minimum of two years.However, certain trades have their own particular qualifications in addition to the above. For example,
infantry combines the Qualification Level 5B course, Qualification Level 6A, and Junior Leader's course in a single Infantry Section Commander's Course. In addition to be promoted to Master Corporal an infantry soldier must have a machine gunner's specialization course.Master Corporals often serve as Training Non-Commissioned Officers for the purposes of training new soldiers. They are often a new recruit's first taste of military life.
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