- Timeline of three longest spans
This is the timeline of the 3 longest man-made spans in the world, all categories, that at least have the strength to carry some persons. It can be the span of any type of
bridge ,aerial tramway , powerline, structuralceiling ordome etc.Overview
In this timeline, only spans that were still standing a particular year are considered for that year. This is perhaps more fair than a timeline of the records of all time, because the old figures might be incorrect. At the points when the old spans falls, new spans with more certain figures are allowed to appear in the timeline. This is a top 3 list of existing longest spans "per day".
When several structures of the same length exists, the oldest is counted as the longest.
Some more rules for this timeline follows as: Only the length of the horizontal projection of the span, that is the distance that can be measured on a map, counts. When the two supports have different height above the sea level the distance between them is longer than the horizontal projection of the distance, but this longer distance doesn't count. This is because it is more difficult to build a 100m horizontal span than a 100m span that is tilted let's say 45 degrees, as if it was the support for an
escalator . The stress in the material is higher for the horizontal span, creating higher engineering difficulty, so only the length of the spanperpendicular to the force ofgravity counts. For many structures in the timeline it is unfortunately not known if the stated length is the desired horizontal projected length, or the direct "laser beam" length.Spanning structures in water counts only if they would still be standing if the water was removed.
The longest 5376 m
Ameralik Span and others have pylons that are not completely man-made. The lines are attached to small man-made pylons that in turn stand on the mountain, which forms the rest of the height of the pylons required for a span of this huge length. If the present man-made pylons were placed in a flat area there would be no span, because the lines would touch the ground. It could be argued that this span should not appear in the timeline because the pylons are not completely man-made. However, as the focus of the engineering design task here is not to make something that is "tall", but to make something that is "long", it is concluded that this type of span is enough man-made to be in this timeline.The spans of ancient structures are short. It would have been easy for somebody to tie a long
rope between two poles and this way create a very long ancient span. However, the ancient people had no reason to do this, and if they did it's not documented and therefore not in this timeline. Only with the discovery of electricity and radio communication people had a reason for tying a wire between two poles, thus creating the simplest form of long spans.The span of
Pantheon, Rome is not 43.3 m because there is a hole at the top of 9.1 m, so the span have been reduced with the size of the hole to 34.2 m. The span of any structure is measured the following way: Place the largest possible imaginary horizontal circular disk under or inside the structure, barely touching any load-bearing pillars or walls, or parts used to stabilize the structure. The disk must also not encircle any objects of this kind. At least onediameter of the disk have to be completely covered, that is rain-sheltered, by the structure. The span of the structure is diameter of the disk. Now, if the structure contains a hole at the center of the disk, as in the case of Pantheon, the span is measured by using a second largest possible imaginary horizontal circular disk that is smaller than the first disk and completely encirceled by it. At least one diameter of the second disk have to be completely covered by the structure. The span of the structure is diameter of the second disk. Applying this method of measurement to Pantheon gives the previously stated result 34.2 m. The method works for many types of structures."Note: almost all information in this timeline have uncertainty."
Longest Spans 1813 - present
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width:364 bar:Gold mark:(line,white) align:center shift:(0,0) from:1993 till:2008 color:Gold1 text:"5376m Ameralik powerline, Greenland" from:1957 till:1993 color:Messina-Paint text:"3646m Messina powerline, Italy" from:1937 till:1957 color:GoldenGate-Paint text:"1280m Golden Gate Bridge" from:1934 till:1937 color:Washington-Paint text:"1067m George Washington Bridge, New York" from:1920 till:1934 color:Gold2 text:"2580m Herzogstand Radio Antenna, Germany" from:1917 till:1920 color:Quebec-Paint text:"549m Quebec Cantilever Bridge, Canada" from:1890 till:1917 color:Forth-Paint text:"521m Forth Cantilever Bridge, Scotland" from:1883 till:1890 color:Brooklyn-Paint text:"486m Brooklyn Bridge, New York" from:1869 till:1883 color:NiagaraC-Paint text:"387m Niagara Clifton Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1866 till:1869 color:Roebling-Paint text:"322m Roebling Suspension Bridge, USA" from:1864 till:1866 color:LewiQueen-Paint text:"317m Lewiston-Queenston Ruin, USA - Canada" from:1851 till:1864 color:LewiQueen-Paint text:"317m Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1849 till:1851 color:Wheeling-Paint text:"308m Wheeling Suspension Bridge, West Virginia" from:1834 till:1849 color:Zaehringen-Paint text:"271m Zaehringen Bridge, Switzerland" from:1826 till:1834 color:Menai-Paint text:"176m Menai Suspension Bridge, UK" from:1813 till:1826 color:IronBridge-Paint text:"137m Iron Bridge, Tibet"
width:225 bar:Silver align:center shift:(0,0) mark:(line,white) from:1994 till:2008 color:Silver1 text:"4597m Sognefjord powerline, Norway" from:1993 till:1994 color:Messina-Paint text:"3646m Messina powerline, Italy" from:1971 till:1993 color:Omega-Paint text:"3500m Omega antenna, Norway" from:1962 till:1971 color:Blanche-Paint text:"2831m Blanche Tramway, France" from:1958 till:1962 color:Silver2 text:"3248m Kootenay powerline, Canada" from:1957 till:1958 color:Bosporus-Paint text:"1782m Bosporus powerline, Turkey" from:1937 till:1957 color:Washington-Paint text:"1067m George Washington Bridge, New York" from:1934 till:1937 color:Rhine-Paint text:"570m Rhine River powerline, Germany" from:1931 till:1934 color:Washington-Paint text:"1067m George Washington Bridge, New York" from:1926 till:1931 color:Rhine-Paint text:"570m Rhine River powerline, Germany" from:1920 till:1926 color:Quebec-Paint text:"549m Quebec Cantilever Bridge, Canada" from:1917 till:1920 color:Forth-Paint text:"521m Forth Cantilever Bridge, Scotland" from:1890 till:1917 color:Forth-Paint text:"521m Forth Cantilever Bridge, second span" from:1889 till:1890 color:NiagaraC-Paint shift:(0,9) text:"387m Second Falls View Bridge, USA - Canada" at:1889 color:Roebling-Paint text:"322m Roebling Suspension Bridge, USA" from:1883 till:1889 color:NiagaraC-Paint text:"387m Niagara Clifton Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1869 till:1883 color:Roebling-Paint text:"322m Roebling Suspension Bridge, USA" from:1866 till:1869 color:LewiQueen-Paint text:"317m Lewiston-Queenston Ruin, USA - Canada" from:1851 till:1866 color:Wheeling-Paint text:"308m Wheeling Suspension Bridge, West Virginia" from:1849 till:1851 color:Zaehringen-Paint text:"271m Zaehringen Bridge, Switzerland" from:1848 till:1849 color:NiagaraF-Paint shift:(0,-5) text:"234m Niagara Falls Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1845 till:1848 color:Hunger-Paint text:"206m Hungerford Bridge, UK" from:1836 till:1845 color:Saint-Paint text:"200m Port-Sainte-Marie Bridge, France] " from:1835 till:1836 color:Menai-Paint shift:(0,-4) text:"176m Menai Suspension Bridge, UK" from:1834 till:1835 color:Saint-Paint shift:(0,-4) text:"200m Port-Sainte-Marie Bridge, France] " from:1826 till:1834 color:IronBridge-Paint text:"137m Iron Bridge, Tibet" from:1820 till:1826 color:Union-Paint text:"137m Union Bridge, UK" at:1816 color:Silver1 text:"120m Philadelphia Footbridge, Pennsylvania" from:1813 till:1820 color:Luding-Paint shift:(0,9) text:"104m Luding Bridge, China"
width:139 bar:Bronze mark:(line,white) align:center shift:(0,0) from:2002 till:2008 color:Blanche-Paint text:"2831m Blanche Tramway, France" from:1993 till:2002 color:Omega-Paint text:"3500m Omega antenna, Norway" from:1971 till:1993 color:Blanche-Paint text:"2831m Blanche Tramway, France" from:1966 till:1971 color:Bronze1 text:"2353m Sandia Peak Tramway, USA" from:1962 till:1966 color:Bosporus-Paint text:"1782m Bosporus powerline, Turkey" from:1958 till:1962 color:Blanche-Paint text:"2831m Blanche Tramway, France" from:1957 till:1958 color:GoldenGate-Paint text:"1280m Golden Gate Bridge" from:1937 till:1957 color:Rhine-Paint text:"570m Rhine River powerline, Germany" from:1934 till:1937 color:Ambassador-Paint text:"564m Ambassador Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1931 till:1934 color:Rhine-Paint text:"570m Rhine River powerline, Germany" from:1929 till:1931 color:Ambassador-Paint text:"564m Ambassador Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1926 till:1929 color:Quebec-Paint text:"549m Quebec Cantilever Bridge, Canada" from:1920 till:1926 color:Forth-Paint text:"521m Forth Cantilever Bridge, Scotland" from:1917 till:1920 color:Forth-Paint text:"521m Forth Cantilever Bridge, second span" from:1903 till:1917 color:Bronze2 text:"488m Williamsburg Bridge, New York" from:1890 till:1903 color:Brooklyn-Paint text:"486m Brooklyn Bridge, New York" at:1889 color:LewiQueen-Paint text:"317m Lewiston-Queenston Ruin, USA - Canada" from:1883 till:1890 color:Roebling-Paint text:"322m Roebling Suspension Bridge, USA" from:1869 till:1883 color:LewiQueen-Paint text:"317m Lewiston-Queenston Ruin, USA - Canada" from:1866 till:1869 color:Wheeling-Paint text:"308m Wheeling Suspension Bridge, West Virginia" from:1851 till:1866 color:Zaehringen-Paint text:"271m Zaehringen Bridge, Switzerland" from:1849 till:1851 color:NiagaraF-Paint text:"234m Niagara Falls Bridge, USA - Canada" from:1848 till:1849 color:Hunger-Paint shift:(0,-5) text:"206m Hungerford Bridge, UK" from:1845 till:1848 color:Saint-Paint text:"200m Port-Sainte-Marie Bridge, France] " from:1839 till:1845 color:Bronze1 text:"198m La Roche-Bernard Bridge, France"
# from:1839 till:1845 color:Bronze1 text:"190m Pont Charles-Albert, France" from:1836 till:1839 color:Menai-Paint text:"176m Menai Suspension Bridge, UK" from:1835 till:1836 color:IronBridge-Paint shift:(0,-4) text:"137m Iron Bridge, Tibet" from:1834 till:1835 color:Menai-Paint shift:(0,-4) text:"176m Menai Suspension Bridge, UK" from:1826 till:1834 color:Union-Paint text:"137m Union Bridge, UK" from:1820 till:1826 color:Luding-Paint text:"104m Luding Bridge, China" at:1816 color:Luding-Paint text:"104m Luding Bridge, China" from:1813 till:1820 color:Bronze2 shift:(0,9) text:"103m Colossus Bridge, Pennsylvania"Longest Spans 62 BC - 1813
#ImageSize = width:1280 height:300ImageSize = width:1280 height:2000PlotArea = left:40 right:235 bottom:75 top:75Colors = id:Gold1 value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light yellow id:Gold2 value:powderblue2 id:Silver1 Value:gray(0.8) id:Silver2 Value:limegreen id:Bronze1 value:claret id:Bronze2 Value:magenta
id:Tashigang-Paint Value:orange id:IronBridge-Paint Value:yellow id:Castel-Paint Value:tan2 id:PontDiable-Paint Value:teal id:Zhauzhou-Paint Value:pink id:Pantheon-Paint Value:yelloworange id:Trajan-Paint Value:skyblue id:Fabricius-Paint Value:oceanblue id:Apurimac-Paint Value:lavender id:PuenteDiablo-Paint Value:green id:Severan-Paint Value:lightpurple id:Luding-Paint Value:red
# id:-Paint Value:gray(0.93)
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BarData = bar:Gold
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# bar:Dummy2 bar:BronzeTextData = fontsize:M
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# pos:(151,280) pos:(151,1980) text:Longest Span fontsize:L
# pos:(470,280) pos:(470,1980) text:Second Longest fontsize:M
# pos:(820,280) pos:(820,1980) text:Third LongestPlotData= textcolor:black fontsize:M
width:364 bar:Gold mark:(line,white) align:center shift:(0,0) from:1430 till:1813 color:IronBridge-Paint text:"137m Iron Bridge, Tibet" from:1416 till:1430 color:Castel-Paint text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy" from:1377 till:1416 color:Gold2 text:"72m Trezzo sull'Adda Bridge, Italy" from:1356 till:1377 color:Castel-Paint text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy" from:1341 till:1356 color:PontDiable-Paint text:"45m Pont du Diable, France" from:825 till:1341 color:Zhauzhou-Paint text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China" from:675 till:825 color:Gold1 text:"63m Maya Bridge at Yaxchilan, Mexico" from:605 till:675 color:Zhauzhou-Paint text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China" from:270 till:605 color:Pantheon-Paint text:"34m Pantheon, Rome" from:105 till:270 color:Trajan-Paint text:"52m Trajan's Bridge, Romania - Serbia" from:-27 till:105 color:Augusto-Paint text:"32m Ponte di Augusto, Italy" from:-62 till:-27 color:Fabricius-Paint text:"24m Pons Fabricius, Italy"
width:225 bar:Silver align:center shift:(0,0) mark:(line,white) from:1706 till:1813 color:Luding-Paint text:"104m Luding Suspension Bridge, China" from:1464 till:1706 color:Tashigang-Paint text:"100m Tashigang Chain Bridge, Bhutan" from:1430 till:1464 color:Castel-Paint text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy" from:1416 till:1430 color:PontDiable-Paint text:"45m Pont du Diable, France" from:1377 till:1416 color:Castel-Paint text:"48m Castelvecchio Bridge, Italy" from:1356 till:1377 color:PontDiable-Paint text:"45m Pont du Diable, France" from:1350 till:1356 color:Apurimac-Paint text:"45m Apurimac bridge, Peru" from:1341 till:1350 color:Zhauzhou-Paint shift:(0,-4) text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China" from:1283 till:1341 color:PuenteDiablo-Paint text:"37m Puente del Diablo, Spain" from:825 till:1283 color:Pantheon-Paint text:"34m Pantheon, Rome" from:675 till:825 color:Zhauzhou-Paint text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China" from:605 till:675 color:Pantheon-Paint text:"34m Pantheon, Rome" from:270 till:605 color:Severan-Paint text:"34m Severan Bridge, Turkey" from:105 till:270 color:Trajan-Paint text:"52m Trajan's Bridge, other span" from:-25 till:105 color:Silver1 text:"31m Ponte Saint-Martin, Italy" from:-27 till:-25 color:Fabricius-Paint shift:(0,4) text:"24m Pons Fabricius, Italy" from:-62 till:-27 color:Fabricius-Paint text:"24m Pons Fabricius, second span"
width:139 bar:Bronze mark:(line,white) align:center shift:(0,0) from:1706 till:1813 color:Tashigang-Paint text:"100m Tashigang Chain Bridge, Bhutan" from:1464 till:1706 color:Bronze1 text:"76m Phuntsholing Chain Bridge, Tibet" from:1430 till:1464 color:PontDiable-Paint text:"45m Pont du Diable, France" from:1416 till:1430 color:Apurimac-Paint text:"45m Apurimac bridge, Peru" from:1377 till:1416 color:PontDiable-Paint text:"45m Pont du Diable, France" from:1356 till:1377 color:Apurimac-Paint text:"45m Apurimac bridge, Peru" from:1350 till:1356 color:Zhauzhou-Paint text:"37m Zhaozhou Bridge, China" from:1341 till:1350 color:PuenteDiablo-Paint shift:(0,-4) text:"37m Puente del Diablo, Spain" from:1283 till:1341 color:Pantheon-Paint text:"34m Pantheon, Rome" from:825 till:1283 color:Severan-Paint text:"34m Severan Bridge, Turkey" from:675 till:825 color:Pantheon-Paint text:"34m Pantheon, Rome" from:605 till:675 color:Severan-Paint text:"34m Severan Bridge, Turkey" from:270 till:605 color:Augusto-Paint text:"32m Ponte di Augusto, Italy" from:105 till:270 color:Trajan-Paint text:"52m Trajan's Bridge, other span" from:-25 till:105 color:Fabricius-Paint text:"24m Pons Fabricius, Italy" from:-27 till:-25 color:Fabricius-Paint shift:(0,4) text:"24m Pons Fabricius, second span" from:-62 till:-27 color:Bronze2 text:"Ponte di Pietra, Italy"
Known incorrect construction years
In this table the finishing years of construction of the structures shown in the timeline, that are known to be incorrect, are listed. If a guess was not made for the years of construction that are unknown, the graphical timeline could not be drawn.
See also
List of spans
*List of longest suspension bridge spans
*List of longest cantilever bridges
*Arch bridge External links
*Structurae|id=s0004742|title=La Roche-Bernard Bridge
*Port-Sainte-Marie Bridge http://www.bridgemeister.com/bridge.php?bid=1765
*Philadelphia Footbridge http://www.bridgemeister.com/bridge.php?bid=20
*http://www.bhutanstudies.org.bt/admin/pubFiles/Chakzampa.pdf Chakzam/Iron Bridge p78, Tashigang Bridge p94, Phuntsholing Bridge p69
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.