Deep branch of medial circumflex femoral artery

Deep branch of medial circumflex femoral artery
Artery: Deep branch of medial circumflex femoral artery
Circumflex femoral arteries.png
The profunda femoris artery, femoral artery and their major branches - right thigh, anterior view. Circumflex femoral arteries labeled.
Latin ramus profundus arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis
Gray's subject #157 630
Source medial circumflex femoral artery   

The deep branch runs obliquely upward upon the tendon of the obturator externus and in front of the quadratus femoris toward the trochanteric fossa, where it anastomoses with twigs from the superior gluteal artery and inferior gluteal artery.

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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