Anterior tibial artery

Anterior tibial artery

Infobox Artery
Name = Anterior tibial artery
Latin = arteria tibialis anterior
GraySubject = 160
GrayPage = 634

Caption = Back of left lower extremity, showing surface markings for bones, vessels, and nerves. (Anterior tibial artery labeled at bottom left.)

Caption2 =
Width = 200
BranchFrom = popliteal artery
BranchTo = post. tibial recurrent
ant. tibial recurrent
musc. branches
ant. medial malleolar
ant. lateral malleolar
dorsalis pedis
Vein = anterior tibial vein
Supplies = anterior compartment of the leg
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = a_61
DorlandsSuf = 12156393
The anterior tibial artery of the lower limb carries blood to the anterior compartment of the leg and dorsal surface of the foot, from the popliteal artery.

It is accompanied by a deep vein, the anterior tibial vein, along its course.

It crosses the anterior aspect of the ankle joint, at which point it becomes the dorsalis pedis artery.


The branches of the anterior tibial artery are:
*post. tibial recurrent artery
*fibular artery
*ant. tibial recurrent artery
*muscular branches
*anterior medial malleolar artery
*anterior lateral malleolar artery
*dorsalis pedis artery
*Circumflex fibular artery


External links

* - The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
* - Ankle joint
* - "Arteries of the lower extremity shown in association with major landmarks."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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