Arturo Vittori

Arturo Vittori

Arturo Vittori (Viterbo, Italy, born October 1, 1971), is an Italian Architect and Designer.



Arturo Vittori is co-founder of the architecture and design team Architecture and Vision. From 1989 to 1993 Vittori studied Fine Arts in Viterbo and in 1993 he began to study architecture at the University of Florence, where, after a two-year experience at the Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany, he graduated in 1996 with an award-winning thesis project entitled “International Space Station: Travelling Network.” In 1997 he did his Master in ‘Technician in Architectural Diagnostic’ in Modena. After that he gained experience collaborating with architects such as Jourda Architects in 1997, Duepiù France in 1998, Santiago Calatrava in 2000 and Jean Nouvel in 2001. In 2002-2004 he was Manager of Cabin Design at Airbus in Toulouse, participating in the interior cabin design for a variety of airline companies and in particular for the A380, currently the largest existing airliner. In 2005 he worked with Future Systems in London, collaborating with Anish Kapoor in the design of the Monte Sant’Angelo subway station in Naples and in 2006 he practiced yacht design at the London-based studio of Francis Design.

In 2002 Vittori began collaborating with the Swiss architect Andreas Vogler. In 2003, they co-founded Architecture and Vision, an international and multidisciplinary studio working in architecture and design, engaged in the development of innovative solutions and technology transfer between diverse fields for aerospace and terrestrial applications. In 2006, a prototype of the extreme environment tent, DesertSeal (2004), became part of the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art in New York, after being featured in SAFE: Design Takes on Risk (2005), curated by Paola Antonelli. In the same year, the Museum of Science and Industry Chicago selected Vogler and Vittori as “Modern-day Leonardos” for its Leonardo da Vinci: Man, Inventor, Genius exhibition. In 2007, a model of the inflatable habitat MoonBaseTwo (2007), developed to allow long-term exploration on the Moon, was acquired for the collection of the Museum of Science and Industry Chicago while MarsCruiserOne (2007), the design for a pressurized laboratory rover for human Mars exploration, was shown at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, as part of the exhibition “Airs de Paris” (2007).

Vittori has spoken at numerous international conferences on the topics of aerospace architecture, technology transfer to architecture and sustainability, and led workshops on a variety of related themes.








  • Paola Antonelli (ed.), Safe: Design Takes on Risk, Museum of Modern Art, New York 2005, p. 64. ISBN 0870705806
  • Valérie Guillaume, architecture + vision. Mars Cruiser One 2002-2006, in Airs de Paris, Diffusion Union-Distribution, Paris 2007, pp. 338-339. ISBN 978-2844263254
  • Namita Goel, The Beauty of the Extreme, Indian Architect & Builder, March 2006, pp. 82-83.
  • Arturo Vittori, Architecture and Vision, in L'Arca, October 2004, 196, pp. 26-38.
  • Un veicolo per Marte. Mars Cruiser One, in L'Arca, April 2007, 224, p. 91.
  • Ruth Slavid, Micro: Very Small Buildings, Laurence King Publishing, London, pp. 102-106, ISBN 978-1856694957
  • Wüstenzelt Desert Seal / Desert Seal Tent, in Detail, 2008, 6, pp. 612-614

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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