
Marrons is also a culinary name for chestnuts, as in marron glacé.

Marron is a name given to two closely related species of crayfish in Western Australia. Formerly considered a single species, it is now thought to comprise two species, the critically endangered Cherax tenuimanus, and the species which is outcompeting it, Cherax cainii.[1][2]

Two grilled marron, ready to eat.

Marron make excellent eating, very similar in taste to lobster. Given that they are a freshwater species, they are far less salty and provide an overall sweeter taste. Distinct from all other similar freshwater species is the fact that they do not burrow and do not take on as much waste into their flesh.

Also, they do not suffer from terminal growth, as do most other shellfish, so even very large and old specimens maintain excellent eating texture quality. They can be prepared in a variety of ways, such as boiling or grilling, and again similarly to lobster, the shells will turn a bright red colour when cooked.

Marron are considered a luxury product and are the subject of a developing aquaculture industry in Western Australia and other Australian states. Total Australian production of farmed marron was 30 tons in 1996. In Western Australia, recreational fishing for marron is tightly controlled, with a limited season, permits are required and minimum sizes are enforced.

Marron have been introduced to Kangaroo Island in South Australia, where they have been commercially farmed, and have established feral populations in local waterways.


  1. ^ Stephen J. Beatty, David L. Morgan & Howard S. Gill (2005). "Life history and reproductive biology of the gilgie, Cherax quinquecarinatus, a freshwater crayfish endemic to southwestern Australia". Journal of Crustacean Biology 25 (2): 251262. doi:10.1651/C-2518. "Despite the conservation and ecological importance of the freshwater crayfish species of Western Australia (aside from that on the larger, recreationally and commercially important marron C. cainii (sensu Austin and Ryan, 2002) formerly known as C. tenuimanus), distribution, and occurrence in a wide range of habitats (where it is often locally abundant) have resulted in it being targeted by recreational fishers and forming an important component of the traditional diet of local Aboriginals." 
  2. ^ "Hairy marron (Cherax tenuimanus)". ARKive. Retrieved March 6, 2007. "Range. The marron was split into two distinct species in 2002, when it was realised that some individuals were hairy (Cherax tenuimanus) and others were smooth (now known as the smooth marron, Cherax cainii). The newly named hairy marron is endemic to the Margaret River in southwest Western Australia." 

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