- Acocil
name = Acocil
image_caption = "Cambarellus montezumae"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
subphylum = Crustacea
classis =Malacostraca
ordo =Decapoda
infraordo =Astacidea
familia =Cambaridae
genus = "Cambarellus "
species = "C. montezumae"& "C. zempoalensis"
binomial = "Cambarellus montezumae"
binomial_authority = Saussure, 1857
binomial2 = "Cambarellus zempaolensis"
binomial2_authority =Villalobos , 1943Acocil is the name for either of two
species offreshwater crayfish endemic toMexico - "Cambarellus montezumae" and "Cambarellus zempoalensis". The former species is widespread inpond s,lake s,lagoon s and reservoirs, including, for example, theGuadalupe Victoria dam ; the latter is known only from its type locality, theLagunas de Zempoala in the State ofMorelos . They both feed ondecay ing plants and animals. The name acocil is derived from the Nahuatl word "acotzilli". Acocil were an important food source for the ancient Mexicans orAztec s. Acocil have a yellow, translucent exoskeleton.
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