Context tree weighting

Context tree weighting

The context tree weighting method (CTW) is a lossless compression and prediction algorithm by Willems, Shtarkov, and Tjalkens (1995) . The CTW algorithm is among the very few such algorithms that offer both theoretical guarantees and good practical performance (see, e.g., Begleiter, El-Yaniv, and Yona (2004) ). The CTW algorithm is an “ensemble method,” mixing the predictions of many underlying variable order Markov models, where each such model is constructed using zero-order conditional probability estimators.

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  • Context tree weighting — CTW (англ. Context Tree Weighting  взвешивание контекстного дерева) алгоритм предсказания и сжатия без потерь, созданный Willems, Shtarkov, and Tjalkens (1995), «» . CTW является одним из немногих алгоритмов, которые обеспечивают… …   Википедия

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