List of Burmese monarchs

List of Burmese monarchs
History of Burma
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This is a list of the monarchs of Burma (Myanmar), covering the monarchs of all the major kingdoms that existed in the present day Burma (Myanmar). Although Burmese tradition maintains that various monarchies of Burma (Mon, Burman, Arakanese), began in 9th century BCE, historically verified data date back only to 1044 CE at the ascension of Anawrahta of Pagan. The farther away the data are from 1044, the less verifiable they are. For example, the founding of the city of Pagan (Bagan) in 9th century is verifiablealthough the accuracy of the actual date, given in the Chronicles as 849, remains in questionbut the founding of early Pagan dynasty, given as 2nd century, is not.[1]

The names of monarchs and their English spellings as well as the dates here generally follow those by G.E. Harvey and Htin Aung. In some cases, the list uses more accurate dates given by later historians, taking into account that the traditional Burmese calendar straddles the Western calendar. For example, the death years of Kyansittha, Wareru and Nyaungyan are respectively given as 1113, 1307 and 1606 (not 1112, 1306 and 1605 per Harvey and Htin Aung.) Likewise Razadarit's death year is given as 1422in the middle of 1421 given by Mon sources and 1423 given by Burmese sources.


Early kingdoms

The monarchs of this era are mostly legendary, and none is attested.[1]

Arakan (to 1430)

  • See List of Arakanese monarchsArakanese Chronicles report dates back to 2666 BCE. Dates prior to Pagan's conquest of Arakan are completely unattested.

Early Pagan (107849)

Burmese Chronicles report the founding of Tagaung in 850 BCE by King Abhiraza of the Sakya clan (of the Buddha), and that the Buddha himself visited Burma in his lifetime. The dates here are unattested.

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Thamudarit 107152
Yathekyaung 152167
Pyusawhti 167242 Son-in-law of Thamudarit
Htiminyin 242299 Son
Yinminpaik 299324 Son
Paikthili 324344 Son
Thinlikyaung I 344387 Son
Kyaungdurit 387412 Son
Thihtan 412439 Son
Several usurpers 439494
Tharamunhpya 494516 Grandson of Thihtan
Thaiktaing 516523 Son
Thinlikyaung II 523532 Son
Thinlipaik 532547 Brother
Hkanlaung 547557 Brother
Hkanlat 557569 Brother
Htuntaik 569582 Son
Htunpyit 582598 Son
Htunchit 598613 Son
Popa Sawrahan 613640 Usurper
Shwe Onthi 640652 Son-in-law
Peitthon 652660 Brother
Peittaung 660710 Son
Ngahkwe 710716 Brother
Myinkywe 716726 Usurper
Theinkha 726734 Elected by court; of royal blood
Theinsun 734744 Son
Shwelaung 744753 Son
Htunhtwin 753762 Son
Shwemauk 762785 Son
Munlat 785802 Brother
Sawhkinhnit 802829 Son
Hkelu 829846 Son

Early Hanthawaddy (8251057)

The list here is per Harvey who reported it from Shwemawdaw Thamaing; the dates are unattested.[2] Other Mon Chronicles give a similar list of rulers from 573 to 781 with no records thereafter, leaving a gap of 276 years to Pagan's conquest of Pegu in 1057.[3] Harvey's list better synchronizes with historically confirmed Pagan dates.

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Thamala 825837 Founds Pegu (Bago) in 825
Wimala 837-854 Brother
Atha 854861 Nephew
Areindama 861885 Son
A monk 885902
Geinda 902917
Migadeippa I 917932
Geissadiya 932942
Karawika 942954
Pyinzala 954967 Son
Attatha 967982 Brother
Anuyama 982994 Nephew
Migadeippa II 9941004
Ekkathamanda 10041016
Uppala 10161028
Pontarika 10281043 Founds Dagon
Tissa 10431057

Thaton Kingdom (to 1057)

Mon Chronicles report the Thaton kingdom was founded in the lifetime of the Buddha, and that its first king Thiha Raza died in the same year as the Buddha c. 543 BCE.[4] Its last king Manuha, captured by Anawrahta, supposedly was the 59th king of Thaton.

Pagan (8491287)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Pyinbya 846878;[5] (874906)[6] Founded Pagan in 3rd year of reign
Tannet 878906 (906934) Son
Sale Ngahkwe 906915 (934943) Usurper
Theinhko 915931 (943959) Son
Nyaung-u Sawrahan 931964 (959992) Usurper
Kunhsaw Kyaunghpyu 964986 (9921014) Son of Tannet
Kyiso 986992 (10141020) Son of Nyaung-u Sawrahan
Sokkate 9921044 (10201044) Brother
Anawrahta 10441077 Son of Kunhsaw Kyaunghpyu Founder of Pagan Empire
Sawlu 10771084 Son
Kyanzittha 10841113 Half-brother Elected
Alaungsithu 11131167 Grandson Also grandson of Sawlu
Narathu 11671170 Son
Naratheinkha 11701173 Son
Narapatisithu 11731210 Brother
Htilominlo 12101234 Son
Kyaswa 12341250 Son
Uzana 12501254 Son
Narathihapate 12541287 Son Last sovereign king of Pagan
Kyawswa 12871298 Son of Narathihapate Mongol vassal
Sawhnit 12981325 Son Viceroy of Pagan to Myinsaing
Uzana II 13251369 Son Viceroy of Pagan

Small kingdoms

Myinsaing (12981313)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Brothers and co-regents

Pinya (13131364)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Thihathu 13131324 Brother of Athinhkaya and Yazathingyan
Uzana I 13241343 Adopted son Son of Kyawswa of Pagan
Kyawswa I (Ngarsishin) 13431350 Half-brother Son of Thihathu, brother of Sawyun of Sagaing
Kyawswa II 13501359 Son
Narathu of Pinya 13591364 Brother
Uzana II 1364 Brother

Sagaing (13151364)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Sawyun 13151323 Son of Thihathu Brother of Kyawswa I of Pinya
Tarabya I 13231336 Half-brother from mother's side
Shwetaungtet 13361340 Son
Kyaswa of Sagaing 13401350 Uncle Son of Sawyun
Nawrahta Minye 1350 Brother
Tarabya II 13501353 Brother
Minbyauk Thihapate 13531364 Brother-in-law Assassinated by stepson Thadominbya

Ava (13641555)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Thadominbya 13641368 Grandson of Sawyun
Swasawke 13681400 Elected Grandson of Kyawswa of Pagan and grandnephew of Thihathu
Tarabya 14001401 Son
Minkhaung I 14011422 Half-brother
Thihathu 14221426 Son
Minhlange 1426 Son Assassinated
Kale Kyetaungnyo 14261427 Uncle
Mohnyin Thado 14271440 Descended from Kyawswa I of Pinya
Minyekyawswa 14401443 Son
Narapati 14431468 Brother
Thihathura 14691481 Son
Minkhaung II 14811502 Son
Thihathura II 14871502 Son Joint-king during Minkhaung II's reign
Shwenankyawshin 15021527 Son of Minkhaung II
Thohanbwa 15271543 Son of Sawlon of Mohnyin
Hkonmaing 15431546 Saopha of Thibaw
Mobye Narapati 15461552 Son Saopha of Mobye (Mong Pai)
Sithu Kyawhtin 15521555 Saopha of Salin

Prome (14821542)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Thado Minsaw 14821527 Son of Narapati of Ava
Bayin Htwe 15271533 Son
Narapati 15331539 Son
Minkhaung 15391542 Brother

Hanthawaddy (12871539)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Wareru 12871307
Hkun Law 13071311 Brother
Saw O 13111324 Nephew
Saw Zein 13241331 Brother
Zein Pun 1331 Usurper
Saw E 1331 Nephew of Saw Zein
Binnya E Law 13311348 Uncle Son of Hkun Law
Binnya U 13481384 Nephew Son of Saw Zein
Razadarit 13841422 Son
Binnya Dhammaraza 14221426 Son
Binnya Ran I 14261446 Brother
Binnya Waru 14461450 Nephew
Binnya Kyan 14501453 Cousin Son of Binnya Dhamaraza
Leik Munhtaw 1453 Cousin Son of Binnya Ran
Shin Sawbu 14531472 Aunt Daughter of Razadarit
Dhammazedi 14721492 Son in law
Binnya Ran II 14921526 Son
Takayutpi 15261539 Son
Smim Sawhtut 1550 Claimant to throne
Smim Htaw 15501552 Brother of Takayutpi Claimant to throne

Mrauk-U (14301784)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Min Saw Mon 14301434 Son of Razathu Moved capital to Mrauk-U in 1433
Min Khari 14341459 Brother
Ba Saw Phyu 14591482 Son
Dawlya 14821492 Son
Ba Saw Nyo 14921494 Uncle, son of Min Khari
Ran Aung 1494 Nephew, son of Dawlya
Salin Gathu 14941501 Maternal uncle
Min Raza 15011523 Son
Gazapati 15231525 Son
Min Saw O 1525 Granduncle, brother of Salin Gathu
Thatasa 15251531 Son of Dawlya
Min Bin 15311553 Son of Min Raza
Dikha 15531555 Son
Saw Hla 15551564 Son
Min Setya 15641571 Brother
Min Palaung 15711593 Son of Min Bin
Min Razagyi 15931612 Son
Min Khamaung 16121622 Son
Thiri Thudhamma 16221638 Son
Min Sani 1638 Son reigned 28 days
Narapati 16381645 Great-grandson of Thasata
Thado 16451652 Nephew
Sanda Thudhamma 16521684 Son
Thiri Thuriya 16841685 Son
Wara Dhammaraza 16851692 Brother
Muni Thuddhammaraza 16921694 Brother
Sanda Thuriya I 16941696 Brother
Nawrahta Zaw 1696 Son reigned 15 days
Mayokpiya 16961697 Usurper
Kalamandat 16971698 Usurper
Naradipati I 16981700 Son of Sanda Thuriya
Sanda Wimala I 17001706 Grandson of Thado
Sanda Thuriya II 17061710 Grandson of Sanda Thudhamma
Sanda Wizaya 17101731 Usurper
Sanda Thuriya III 17311734 Son-in-law
Naradipati II 17341735 Son
Narapawara 17351737 Usurper
Sanda Wizaya 1737 Cousin reigned 8 months
Madarit 17371742 Brother
Nara Apaya 17421761 Uncle
Thirithu 1761 Son reigned 3 months
Sanda Parama 17611764 Brother
Apaya 17641773 Brother-in-law
Sanda Thumana 17731777 Brother-in-law
Sanda Wimala II 1777 Usurper Reigned 40 days
Sanda Thaditha 17771782 Lord of Ramree
Thamada 17821784

Toungoo (15101752)

Capitals: Toungoo (15101539), Pegu (15391635), Ava (16351752)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Mingyinyo 15101530 Viceroy of Toungoo, 14861510
Tabinshwehti 15301550 Son
Bayinnaung 15511581 Brother-in-law
Nanda 15811599 Son Assassinated; nephew of Tabinshwehti
Nyaungyan 15991606 Half-brother
Anaukpetlun 16061628 Son
Minyedeippa 16281629 Son
Thalun 16291648 Uncle
Pindale 16481661 Son
Pye 16611672 Brother
Narawara 16721673 Son
Minyekyawdin 16731698 Nephew
Sanay 16981714 Son
Taninganway 17141733 Son
Mahadhammaraza Dipadi 17331752 Son

Restored Hanthawaddy (17401757)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Smim Htaw Buddhaketi 17401747 Abdicated
Binnya Dala 17471757

Konbaung (17521885)

Capitals: Shwebo (17521760); Sagaing (17601764); Ava (17641783, 18231837), Amarapura (17831823, 18371857), Mandalay (18571885)

Monarch Reign Relationship Notes
Alaungpaya 17521760
Naungdawgyi 17601763 Son
Hsinbyushin 17631776 Brother Alaungpaya's second son
Singu 17761782 Son Assassinated
Phaungka 1782 Cousin Son of Naungdawgyi
Bodawpaya 17821819 Uncle Alaungpaya's fourth son
Bagyidaw 18191837 Grandson Deposed
Tharrawaddy 18371846 Brother
Pagan 18461853 Son Deposed
Mindon 18531878 Brother
Thibaw 18781885 Son

See also


  1. ^ a b GE Harvey (1925). "Genealogical Tables". History of Burma. London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.. p364. 
  2. ^ Harvey, History of Burma, p. 368
  3. ^ Lt. Gen. Sir Arthur P. Phayre (1883). History of Burma (1967 ed.). London: Susil Gupta. p289. 
  4. ^ Phyare, p. 288
  5. ^ As given in various chronicles, which fix Anawrahta's year of ascension as 1010 or 1017 both of which have been proven incorrect.
  6. ^ Calculated by Anawrahta's verified year of ascension, 1044
  • Htin Aung, A History of Burma, Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1967
  • Harvey, G.E., History of Burma: From the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., London, 1925
  • Phayre, Lt. Gen. Sir Arthur P., History of Burma, London, 2nd Edition, 1967

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