PASPY cards.

PASPY (パスピー Pasupī?) is a rechargeable contactless smart card ticketing system for public transit in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Its name is a portmanteau of pass, happy, and speedy. Like other electronic fare collection systems in Japan, the card uses RFID technology developed by Sony corporation known as FeliCa. Multiple operators introduced the system on January 26, 2008. On March 1, they also accepted ICOCA, a system already used by JR West in the area. JR West, however, does not accept PASPY.

Operators accepting PASPY

Those with card colors issue the cards, while others just accept them. As of March 2008, those in italics still have not introduced the card yet. All the operators will introduce the card before April 2010.

Card color Operator Mode of transport
Light green Hiroshima Electric Railway (Hiroden) Railway (tram), bus
Yellow Hiroshima Rapid Transit (Astram Line) Railway (people mover)
Hiroshima Tourism Promoting (Miyajima Ropeway) Railway (aerial tramway)
Pink Hiroshima Bus Bus
Orange Hiroshima Kōtsū (Hirokō Bus)
Dark blue Geiyō Bus
Blue Chūgoku JR Bus
Light blue Bihoku Kōtsū
Green Tomotetsudō (Tomotetsu Bus)
Purple Kure City Transportation Bureau
HD Nishi-Hiroshima (Bon-Bus)
Daiichi Taxi
Hirokō Kankō
Chūgoku Bus
Ikasa Tetsudō
Angel Cab
Setonaikai Kisen Ship (ferry, and cruise ship)
Miyajima Matsudai Kisen Ship (ferry)


  • Non registered PASPY
  • Registered PASPY: When a user loses their card, they can stop the account or have the card reissued.
  • Child's PASPY: Needs registration.
  • Discount PASPY: For handicapped users.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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