nihongo|SAPICA|サピカ|Sapika is a rechargeable contactless
smart card ticketing system for public transport in Sapporo,Japan . The nihongo|Sapporo IC Card Council|札幌ICカード協議会|Sapporo Aishī Kādo Kyōgikai will introduce the system from January 2009. The council is composed ofSapporo City Transportation Bureau and the three bus companies, namelyJR Hokkaidō Bus ,Jōtetsu , andHokkaidō Chūō Bus . The name of the card means "Sapporo's IC card". nihongo|"Sa' "|サッ is also the sound (onomatopoeia ) of quickly pulling a card out and nihongo|"pi' "|ピッ is the sound equivalent to "beep".The integrated service with
Kitaca , a smart card system to be introduced by JR Hokkaidō from autumn 2008, was once considered. However, the integration plan was canceled because of the cost.From 2001 to 2004,
Sapporo Municipal Subway experimented a different smart card called nihongo|S.M.A.P. Card|S.M.A.P.カード|Sumappu Kādo.Usable area
Sapporo Municipal Subway will accept the card from January 2009.It is not yet announced when or whether the bus operators of the council will accept the card.
Types of cards
*Unregistered SAPICA: For adults only.
*Registered SAPICA: For adults and children. A card can be reissued when a user lost it.
*SAPICA commuter's pass: For adults and children, with registrations.External links
* [http://www.city.sapporo.jp/st/ic_name.pdf Official press release by Sapporo City Transportation Bureau]
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