Murat Soygeniş

Murat Soygeniş

Murat Soygeniş (born 1961) is a Turkish architect.



Soygeniş was born in Ankara, and went to school at Kabataş Erkek Lisesi. He received a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1982 from Istanbul Technical University. He started his Master of Architecture studies at Middle East Technical University and went to University at Buffalo upon receipt of a fellowship and received his Master of Architecture degree there in 1985. He worked as architect in the USA between 1985 and 1990 and traveled in North America, Europe and Turkey to experience architectural spots. He founded his own architectural studio in 1990. He has been a faculty member at the Yildiz Technical University School of Architecture since 1995. His work has been published in various magazines, books and newspapers, and exhibited in the USA, Europe and Turkey. His approach to architecture was reviewed in the Middle East Journal as "defining the purpose of architecture as that of creating space for a designated function. Sema and Murat Soygeniş examine interior and exterior space, simple and innovative detailing and the advancement of quality and functionality." He is member of many organizations including the UIA Chamber of Architects, the American Institute of Architects, and professionally registered as architect by State of Maryland.


Murat Soygeniswork include industrial plants, houses, post-disaster housing proposals, urban design projects and furniture design. Common design denominator of all projects regardless of scale is the impetus to emphasize components and hardware of each designed product by careful application of color, innovative detailing and use of ordinary materials. At first look, every designed productan urban design project, a small-size, renovated interior space or storage unit - displays its prominent parts. Details of an industrial plant with hundreds of squaremeters of area or aluminum plate, bolt, washer and nut holding doors of a small storage unit all brought together meticulously.


Various personal and group exhibition of architectural work in USA, Europe and Turkey.

  • Projects were on display in Baltimore, Buffalo, Philadelphia, New York and throughout Turkey, 1981-today
  • Baltimore American Institute of Architects, Architects' Gallery, 1990, 2002
  • University at Buffalo, School of Architecture and Planning, 2002
  • Polytechnic University of Turin, School of Architecture, 2007
  • Milan Build Up Expo, 2007
  • 20 th Century Turkish Architecture, House of Architects Moscow, 2008


Authored books

  • Soygenis, M., Yapi 2 (Building Construction 2), Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2000.
  • Soygenis, M., Yapi 3 (Building Construction 3), Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2002.
  • Soygenis, M., Yapi 4 (Building Construction 4), Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2003.
  • Eldem, S.H., Soygenis, M., Yapi 1-2-3-4, Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2005.
  • Soygenis, S., Soygenis, M., Istanbul Bir Kent Yorumu / An Urban Commentary, Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2006.
  • Soygenis, M. (Giriş / Introduction), Turkiye'de Mimarlik (Architecture in Turkey), Canakkale Seramik Kalebodur, Istanbul, 2007.

Monographs and related books

  • Altinok, S. (Ed.), Sema-Murat Soygenis / Buildings and Projects 1982-1997, Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 1997.
  • Adali, S. (Ed.), Yildiz Bulusmasi: Mimarlik Uygulamalari Tartismasi (Yildiz Meetings: Discussions on Architectural Work), Tasarim Yayin Grubu, Istanbul, 1999.
  • Soygenis, M., Tumertekin, H., and others, Ucuncu Mesaj / Third Message, Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2000.
  • Adali, S. (Ed.), Yildiz Bulusmasi 2001 (Yildiz Meetings 2001), Birsen Yayinevi, Istanbul, 2001.
  • Yuksel, E. (Ed.), Sema-Murat Soygenis / Buildings + Projects 2 (Giris / Introduction U. Alsac), Birsen Yayin, Istanbul, 2003.
  • Adali, S. (Ed.), Yildiz Bulusmasi 04 (Yildiz Meetings 04), Betonart, Istanbul, 2004.
  • Adali, S. (Ed.), bulusmalar 06 meetings / Suha Ozkan - Introduction, Canakkale Seramik Kalebodur, Istanbul, 2007.
  • Barbano, G. (Ed.), Architetti 'americani' in Europa - AIA Continental Europe, Aracne, Rome, 2007.
  • Soygenis, M., Ozkan, S., et al., Sedat Gurel Projeleri ve Yasami / Projects and Life, Sedat Guzin Gurel Sanat ve Bilim Vakfi, Istanbul, 2008.
  • Celik, B. (Ed.), Cifteler kayitlari (Cifteler records), MAT Yapim, Istanbul, 2009.


2001 Kanbur, H. “Kitap” (Book), Mimarlara Mektup (Book review : Ucuncu Mesaj, Birsen Yayinevi, Istanbul, 2000), July 2001, p.15.

2001 Tanju, B. “Yildiz Bulusmasi : Mimarligi neden tartisalim?” (Yildiz Meeting : Why discussing architecture?), Domus m (Turkey), No. 11, June-July 2001, p.32-34.

2001 Alsac, U. “Mimarlik kitaplari” (Architectural books), Cumhuriyet Kitap (Turkey) (Book review : M. Soygenis, Yapi 2, Birsen Yayinevi, Istanbul 2000), No. 587, 17 May 2001, p.14-15.

2001 -----. The International Urban Competition / Sarajevo, The Institute for Planning and Reconstruction of the Sarajevo Canton, Sarajevo, March 2001.

2001 Acımert T., Cenker, E. (Eds.) “Ogrenci Projeleri” (Student Projects), (Turkey), No. 1, Winter 2001, p.110-115.

2000 Kuloglu, N. “Bir Temel Egitim Dersi Uygulamasi ve Deneyimler” (A basic educational course and experiences), Mimarlik (Turkey), No. 00/06, 2000, p.44-48.

2000 -----. “Ucuncu Mesaj : Ucuncu Dunyadan Mimarlik ve Kultur Perspektifleri / M. Soygenis (Book review), Radikal Cumartesi (Turkey), No. 208, 21 Oct 2000, p.13.

2000 Komurcuoglu, G. “YTU Davutpasa Kampusunde Fakulte Tasarimi” (A school design at YTU Davutpasa Campus), Tasarim (Turkey), No. 103, July-Aug 2000, p.133-139.

2000 -----. “Yapi 2 / Murat Soygenis (Book review)”, Arredamento Mimarlik (Turkey), No. 2000/02, Feb 2000, p.134.

1999 Sunalp, A. “19. Yuzyil Galata ve Pera Apartman Konutlarinda Orta Sofa-Hol Tipolojisi Gelisimi” (Development of Central Hall Typology in 19 th Century Galata and Pera Apartments), Osmanli Mimarliginin 7 Yuzyili / Uluslarustu Bir Miras (7 Centuries of Ottoman Architecture / A supranational heritage), YEM Yayinlari, 1999, p. 303-307.

1998 -----. “Chemical Factory in Istanbul”, Architecture Europe, (Project Profile / Ed. F. Vonier), Paris, Summer 1998, p.14.

1997 -----. Baskanlik Hizmet Binasi Proje Yarismasi (Project Competition for Municipality Headquarters), Cankaya Belediyesi, no publication place and date.

1997 -----. “Bursa Uluslararasi Fuar Alanı Kongre-Kultur Merkezi ve Konaklama-Agirlama Tesisleri Mimari Proje Yarismasi" (Bursa International Fairgrounds / Congress Center Architectural Competition), Mimarlik (Turkey), No. 278, 1997, p.20.

1997 -----. “Konya Cifte Kumbetler Parki ve Cevresi Kentsel Tasarim Proje Yarismasi” (Konya Cifte Kumbetler Park Urban Design Competition), MimarTSMD (Turkey), No. 10-11, 1997, p.5.

1997 -----. “Yapilar ve Projeler 1982-1997 / Sema ve Murat Soygenis (Book review), Arredamento Dekorasyon (Turkey), No. 96, Oct 1997, p.138.

1997 Alsac, U. “Mimarlik kitaplari arasinda bir gezinti” (Stroll amongst architectural books), Cumhuriyet Kitap (Turkey) (Book review : S.M. Soygenis, Yapilar ve Projeler 1982-1997, Birsen Yayinevi, Istanbul 1997), No. 401, 23 Oct 1997, p.8.

1996 Yucel, A. “Istanbulda 19. Yuzyilin Kentsel Konut Bicimleri” (Urban housing typology in 19 th century Istanbul), Tarihten Gunumuze Anadoluda Konut ve Yerlesme / Housing and Settlement in Anatolia : A Historical Perspective, Tarih Vakfi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1996, p.298-312.

1996 -----. Moshe Safdie : A Bibliography, Website reference, (

1996 Kacel, E. (Ed.) “Anadoluhisarinda Deniz Sporlari Kulubu ve Rekreatif Alan Duzenlemesi” (Water sports club and recreation area design at Anadoluhisari), Tasarim (Turkey), No. 58, 1996, p.117-119.

1992 Karduz, A.R. “Asitane Restaurant / Lifestyle”, Star (Turkey), No. 28, 26 Apr 1992, p.24-25.

1992 ----- “Sapanca Bildirisi” (Sapanca Declaration), Ege Mimarlik (Turkey), No. 4, Jan 1992, p.9.

1992 -----. “3. Ulusal Mimarlik Sergisi ve Odulleri 1992” (3 rd National Architectural Exhibition and Awards 1992), Mimarlik (Turkey), No. 248, 1992, p.28-31.

1992 -----. “Asitane Restaurant”, Show (Turkey), No. 38, 13 Dec 1992, p.36.

1991 -----. Kariye Oteli / Asitane Restaurant (Brochure), Istanbul, no date.

1991 -----. “Yasam : Buharli Trende Mimarlik Paneli” (Architecture meeting in steam train), Nokta (Turkey), 17 Nov 1991, p.52-53.

1991 -----. “Sapanca Bildirisi” (Sapanca Declaration), Arkitekt (Turkey), No. 10, 1991, p.55-82.

1991 -----. “Sapanca Bildirisi” (Sapanca Declaration), Arkitekt (Turkey), No. 19, 1991, p.4.

1990 -----. “Studio Soygenis”, Broadsheet, Baltimore Chapter / The American Institute of Architects, Baltimore MD, Sep-Oct 1990.

1988 Shibley, R. Buffalo, New York : Design Research On The Retail Core, SUNYAB, Buffalo NY, 1988.

1986 Stea, D. “Placemaking and Production in Prehistory: A Comparative Study in Dialectical Perspective”, Architecture in Cultural Change / Essays in Built Form & Culture Research (Ed. D.G. Saile), Built Form and Culture Studies, School of Architecture and Urban Design, The University of Kansas, 1986, p.91-107.

1984 ADPSR. Quonset Huts on The River StyxThe Bomb Shelter Design Book, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley CA, 1987, p.46.

1984 Soong, T.T., Bilgutay, A., Schmitz, G. “Aesthetics of Tall Structures with Aerodynamic Appendages” (Paper prepared for the International Conference on Tall Buildings, Singapore), Innovative Building Technology Information 11, Department of Architecture, SUNYAB, 5 pages, Buffalo NY, May 1984.

1984 Schmitz, G., Bilgutay, A. “Building with Fabrics and Cables : A Bibliography”, Innovative Building Technology Information 6, Department of Architecture, SUNYAB, 38 pages, Buffalo NY, Apr 1984.

1984 -----. “TAC Odulleri Verildi” (TAC Awards given, Cumhuriyet (Turkey), 24 May 1983.

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