List of Robert College alumni

List of Robert College alumni

The following is a list of notable graduates of Robert College and Robert Academy (RA), American College for Girls (ACG), Robert Yuksek, which were the subsections of Robert College until the merger of 1971.


* Mustafa Kemal Abadan, Architect
* Esin Acıman, Writer
* Halide Edip Adıvar, Novelist
* Vural Akışık, Businessman
* Suay Aksoy, Media
* Mustafa Akşin, Diplomat
* Zeki Alasya, Actor (expelled)
* Beklan Algan, Actor, Playwright
* Şahin Alpay, RA 63, Essayist and commentator
* Deniz Alphan, Media
* Sema Anak
* Alexandros Anas, Economist/Professor
* Engin Ardıç, Writer
* Ercan Arıklı, Businessman / Media
* Hale Arpacıoğlu, Artist
* Semahat Arsel, Businesswoman, philanthropist
* Nur Atabay, Businesswoman
* Tomur Atagok, Artist, painter
* Türkkaya Ataov, Academic * [ Prof. Ataov's CV] (Can someone who knows this thing please populate a Wikipedia page for Prof. Ataov? Thanks.)
* Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, Media


* Haim Baruh, Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers State University
* İnci Başarır, Opera Singer
* Henry J. Barkey, Chair of the Department of International Relations at Lehigh University
* Daniel G. Bates, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Research Associate at Hunter College and the Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York.
* Deryal Batıbay, Diplomat
* İbrahim Betil, Businessman, founder of ENKA schools, politician
* Feyyaz Berker, Businessman
* Halil Berktay, Historian
* Serdar Bilgili, Businessman
* İbrahim Bodur, Entrepreneur
* Behica Boran, Politician
* Cem Boyner, Businessman, politician
* Birim Bozok, Artist
* Ayşe Buğra, Sociologist, economist
* Berna Büyükuncu, National Swimmer

C and Ç

* Engin Cezzar, Actor
* Alev Lytle Croutier, ACG 63, Novelist
* Vedat Çakmak, RA 68, Instructor at Galatasaray University
* Aziz Çalışlar, Novelist
* Cevat Çapan, Writer
* Burcu Çetinkaya, Turkey Ladies Rally Champion 2006, Turkish Hill Climb Category 1st, 2nd standing ( Mixed standing)
* Yavuzer Çetinkaya, Actor
* Emrah Çevik, Intellectual
* Sait Çiftçi
* Tansu Çiller, first female Turkish prime minister
* Nuri Çolakoğlu, Businessman / Media


* Arwa Damon, Journalist, CNN Correspondent
* Zeynep Davran, philosopher
* Fuat Dayanıklı, Politician
* Jak Deleon
* Osman Derinsu, Diplomat
* Gül Derman, Artist
* Şirin Devrim, Actress
* Agop Dilaçar, Linguist
* İlham Dilman, philosopher
* Ömer Dinçkök, Businessman
* Abidin Dino, Artist
* Özgen Doğan, Doctor
* Michalis Dorizas, Sportsman, bronze medal winner for stone throw and javelin throw in the 1906 Summer Olympics
* Haldun Dormen, Actor, Playwright
* Emin Doybak, National Athlete
* Tsanko Dyustabanov, Bulgarian revolutionary


* Bülent Ecevit, former Turkish prime minister
* Rahşan Ecevit, Politician
* Nejat Eczacıbaşı, Entrepreneur
* Şakir Eczacıbaşı, Businessman
* Esin Eden, Actress
* Berent Enc, Scholar of Philosophy
* Orhan Eralp, Diplomat
* Nazlı Eray, Writer
* Neşe Erberk, Businesswoman, Miss Europe '84
* Aslı Erdoğan, Writer
* Refik Erduran, Actor
* Tunç Erem, Academic
* Nuri Eren, Diplomat
* Serdar Erener, Businessman
* Sedat Ergin, Media
* Üstün Ergüder, Academic
* Genco Erkal, Actor, playwright
* Nazan Erkmen, Artist
* Tunç Erkmen, Physicist
* Beril Erkut, Artist
* Münir Ertegün, Diplomat
* Ayşe Erzan, physicist, Loréal Unesco Award recipient 2003
* Şenes Erzik, UEFA Vice President


* Ersin Faralyali, Politician
* Moris Farhi, Vice-President of International PEN
* SEniye Fenmen, Artist
* Refik Fersan, Composer
* Andrew Finkel, Journalist and Academic
* Mansur Forutan, columnist, editor
* Maureen Freely, ACG 71, Journalist, novelist


* Ivan Evstratiev Geshov, former Bulgarian prime minister
* Buğra Giritlioğlu, Musician
* Can Göknil, Artist
* Nedim Göknil, Public Relations
* Mebrure Gönenç, Among the first female members of Turkish Parliament
* Emre Gönensay, Politician
* Haydar Görk, Ambassador to the U.S.
* Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, President of the National Geographic Society (19201954)
* Levent Güları, RC 76, Novelist
* Kasım Gülek, Politician, Former Secretary General of Republican People's Party
* Bülent Gültekin, Businessman
* Mustafa Gürsel, Media
* Dikmen Gürun, Actor
* Can Gürzap, Actor


* Algan Hacaloglu, Politician
* Ali Hortaçsu, Economist
* Talat Sait Halman, Turkey's First Minister of Culture, academic
* Erdem Helvacıoğlu, Composer, Sound Designer, Musician


* Evin Ilyasoglu, musician, professor of music history
* Nebil Ilseven, economist
* İsmail Cem İpekçi, Politician, former Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Gürol Irzık, philosopher
* Leyla İsmier, Media
* Nuran İşvan, Media
* Todor Ivanchov, former Bulgarian prime minister


* Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı, Writer
* Özer Kabaş, Artist / Sculptor
* Cem Karaca, Musician
* Ömer Karacan, Owner of the Number One radio station and music tv (first to be established in Turkey)
* Burhan Karaçam, Businessman
* Binnur Karaevli, Film Director
* Melih Karakullukçu
* Memduh Karakullukçu
* Mehmet Emin Karamehmet, Entrepreneur
* Ali Karatay, mathematician, philosopher
* Aydın Karlıbel, Pianist
* Ali Koyuncu, Electrical-Electronics Engineer, CTO at a telecommunications company
* Osman Kavala, Businessman
* Ömer Kavur, Movie producer
* Muharrem Kayhan, Businessman
* Berç Keresteciyan, Turkish-Armenian Politician (Deputy for three terms in Grand National Assembly of Turkey), Businessman
* Hagop Kevorkian, Historian of art, orientalist
* Altemur Kılıç, Media
* Suna Kıraç, Businesswoman
* Suna Kili, Academic
* Emre Kocaoglu, Politician
* Ömer Koç, Businessman
* Rahmi Koç, Businessman
* Halis Komili, Businessman
* Sinan Korle, Diplomat
* Göksel Kortay, Actress
* Vasif Kortun, Musician, curator
* Cem Kozlu, Politician, former CEO of Turkish Airlines and Coca Cola Euroasia
* Ayşe Kulin, Female writer, columnist
* Kaan Kural, Sports media
* Kerem Kurdoğlu, Actor
* Sibel Kutman, Businesswoman
* Aptullah Kuran, Academic
* Pınar Kür, Female writer, professor


* Ahmet Levendoğlu, Actor


* Mihail Madzharov, Bulgarian politician and diplomat
* Ömer Madra, journalist and environmental activist
* Perihan Mağden, RC 79, Writer and commentator
* Etyen Mahçupyan, Media
* Betul Mardin, Businesswoman
* Latife Mardin, Writer
* Roni Margulies, Poet and Writer
* Nursuna Memecan, MP
* Aydın Menderes, Politician
* Turgut Menemencioğlu, Diplomat
* Ata Mermerci, Businessman
* Konstantin Vladov Muraviev, former Bulgarian prime minister
* Lale Müldür, Poet and Writer


* Apostolos Nikolaidis, athlete and founder of Panathinaikos
* Jan Nahum, Businessman
* Leyla Neyzi, Anthropologist, historian
* Nurver Nureş, Diplomat
* Özdemir Nutku, Academician


* Kamil Ocak, Politician
* Roksan Okan, National Swimmer
* Hüsnü Onaran, Pianist
* İpek Ongun, Female author
* Mim Kemal Öke, Media/ Academic
* Nedim Ölçer, Businessman
* Oya Özdilek, Media
* Nüvit Özdoğru, Actor
* Soli Özel, International Relations Expert
* Hüsnü Özyeğin, Businessman


* Orhan Pamuk, RA 70, Writer (2006 Nobel Laureate in Literature)
* Şevket Pamuk, Professor of Economic History at Bogazici University, Former President of European Historical Economics Society
* Jale Parla, ACG 64, Writer, Literature professor
* Burak Pekoglu , Designer
* Mihri İffet Pektaş, Among the first female members of Turkish Parliament and wife of Hüseyin Pektaş who was the first Turkish Director of Robert College and among the first Muslim graduates
* Hüseyin Pektaş, Academic, first Turkish Director of Robert College and among the first Muslim graduates
* Selim Pars , Bussinesman


* Halit Refiğ, Movie producer
* Metin Renksizbulut, Professor
* Dani Rodrik, Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University


* Nedim Saban, Playwright, actor
* Nur Sabuncu, Actress
* Selim Sarper, Ambassador to the U.N., Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Çiğdem Selışık, Actress
* Nevra Serezli, Actress
* Murat Rauf Sertel, Mathematical Economist (see Game Theory)
* Cem Sertoglu, Venture Capitalist
* Sema Soygeniş, Architect, Faculty member Bahcesehir University
* Ayşe Soysal, Current Interim President of Boğaziçi University
* Konstantin Stoilov, former Bulgarian prime minister
* Hasan Subaşı, Bussinessman
* Eve Sussman, Artist
* Kenan Sahin, Entrepreneur, scientist
* Fikret Şenes, Composer
* Bülent Şenver, Bussinessman


* Çiğdem Talu, Composer
* Ülkü Tamer, Poet
* Yağız Tanlı, Actor
* Sabih Tansal, Physicist, former President of Boğaziçi University
* Abdülhak Hamit Tarhan, Poet, diplomat, politician
* Mehmet Taşer, Diplomat
* Ali Taygun, Actor
* Uğur Terzioğlu, RC 54, President of Turkish American Business Association
* Tosun Terzioğlu, President of Sabancı University, mathematician
* Salih Semih Tezcan, First President of Bogazici University
* Yıldırım Türker, Journalist


* Osman Ulagay, Media
* Ömer Uluç, Artist
* Mehmet Uluğ, Co-founder of the first jazz club in Turkey, musician
* Ahmet Uluğ, Co-founder of the first jazz club in Turkey, musician
* Leyla Umar, Media
* Tomris Uyar, Writer
* Engin Ünal, Swimmer
* Osman Ünsal, Bussinessman


* Gündüz Vassaf, RA 64, Essayist
* Gregory Vlastos, Writer, scholar of ancient philosophy
* İhsan Emre Vural, RC 04, Athlete (Rowing), the first and only Turkish world champion in rowing.


* Gaffar Yakın, Politician
* Derya Yannier, National Basketball Player
* Alp Yalman, Bussinessman, ex President of the Galatasaray Sports Club
* Nur Yalman, Social Anthropologist
* Tunç Yalman, Playwright, actor
* Nergis Yazgan
* Cem Yegül, Co-founder of the first jazz club in Turkey, musician
* Nihal Yeğinobalı, Writer
* K. Aslihan Yener, Archaeologist
* Emre Yılmaz, Novelist
* Nuyan Yiğit, Media
* Merve Yöneyman, National Equestrian Team, International Medalist


* Uğur Ziyal, Diplomat


* cite news|url=
title=Boğaz sırtlarından Türkiye

External links

* [ Robert College website]
* [ Robert College Alumni Association]

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