- Comparison of social networking software
Social Network Engine Comparison
Social Network Engines or Social Engines provide the basis for community driven content and social/business networking.
Category Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware BoonEx Dolphin BuddyPress EngineY PeopleAggregator ELGG Mugshot (Discontinued) Drupal Telligent Community iScripts Socialware ImpressCMS Joomla! PHPizabi ODS Oxwall Jcow phpFox v2 XOOPS JomSocial webNetwork Noosfero SocialEngine Last Access 2011-02-21 2010-09-9 2010-03-25 2010-02-26 2007-03-05 2009-03-21 2008-10-31 2008-11-02 2009-06-23 2008-10-10 2009-10-07 2007-03-05 2007-03-05 2008-03-06 2011-05-07 2010-03-29 2011-03-10 2010-06-06 2011-07-14 2011-05-02 2011-05-15 2010-07-01 License LGPL 2.1[1] CC-BY GPL 2.0 Apache 2.0 Custom[2] [5] Open source under the GPL 2.0[3] [6] GPL 2.0 GPL 2.0[4] [7] Custom Custom GPL 2.0 GPL 2.0 Custom Custom[5] (based on GPL 2.0) CPAL 1.0 Creative Commons Custom[6] GPL 2.0 GPL 2.0 Custom AGPL Custom Cost Free Free, $99 Free Free Free (not free, $2700–$20,000)[clarification needed] Free (free trial for 15 days, $29/month or $49/month thereafter.) Free Free Per License Per License, $147.00 Free Free Free Free Free 30 Day Trial, $199, $219, $299 $99, $199, $299 Free $99, $149, $499 $199 Free $299 Source Code Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Freely available via stable releases and development SVN Terminated[7] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version 7.0 7.0.x 1.2 N/A 1.2pre6 1.7.8 N/A 5.12, 6.16 5.0 2.2 1.1.3 1.5.20 0.848b C1 HFP1 5.0.5 1.1.1 1.3.5 2.0.7 2.4.4 2.2.3 ? 0.31.0 4.7 Installation Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box ? Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box/hosted ? Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box ? Out of the box on Debian or manual install Out of the box Codebase PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL Ruby, Rails PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL/PostgreSQL ? PHP, MySQL ASP.NET 3.5 / Microsoft SQL Server PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL VSP/VSPX PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL ? Ruby, Rails PHP, MySQL SSO support OpenID + LDAP + Active Directory built in Facebook Connect OpenID Janrain Facebook Connect Twitter Connect LDAP OpenID (via plugins) Facebook Connect OpenID Yahoo Flickr ID, OpenID , VardSpace (under dev) LDAP built in, OpenID by plugin No OpenID, module OpenID LDAP Active Directory Facebook Cookie Forms No OpenID + LDAP + Active Directory built in OpenID, module ? OpenID and Yadis compliant Facebook Connect OpenID, module Facebook Connect LDAP + Active Directory built in Facebook Connect ? Under development, scheduled for 0.32 Facebook Connect, module RSS Yes Yes Yes Yes Blog Blog, Files, Groups, Users, Tags Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ? RSS Reader/Aggregator Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Simple aggregator from many sites Module Yes Yes Yes ? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ? Access control Yes User levels, Groups, Page blocks, Pages User levels, Groups Yes Group-based Users, groups (extensible via plugins) Group-based Yes Yes Users, Groups Users, Groups Yes ? Users, Groups Users roles Users roles Users, Groups Users, Groups Yes ? Users roles Users levels, Groups, Pages Wiki Yes Plugin Plugin Under development No Plugin No Module Yes No Module No No Yes No No Plugin Module Component ? No, but collective articles No Forum Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Plugin No Yes Yes Yes Module Component Yes Yes Plugin Yes Yes Module Component ? Yes Plugin Blog Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Module Yes Yes Yes Plugin Yes Yes Module Component ? Yes Plugin Media sharing File Galleries (Image, Video, Audio) and Kaltura integration[8] Image, Video, Audio, Boards, Files via choice of plugins Yes Image, Video, Audio Image, video, audio, documents, any filetype, automatic podcast support (Kaltura Elgg Plugin)[9] ? Module (Kaltura All-in-One Video Module)[10] Yes Image, Video, Audio Yes ? Yes Yes via plugins Image, Video, Audio Yes Yes Yes ? Media on Articles, Media directory, Image Gallery Yes Messaging Yes Text, Video Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Module Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Plugin Yes Yes Yes Yes ? XMPP over web. Community talk and friends talk Yes Event Calendar Yes Yes Plugin Yes Personal & Group Plugin ? Module Module Yes Module Plugin Yes Yes Plugin Application Yes Module Yes ? Yes Plugin Social Grouping Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Module Yes Yes Module Plugin Commercial module Yes Plugin Yes Yes Module Yes ? Yes Plugin Tagging Yes Yes Forum tagging and Group tagging via plugin Yes Yes Yes ? Module Yes Yes Module ? No SKOS, SCOT and MOAT Yes Yes Yes Module Yes ? Yes Plugin Connectivity Webservices Facebook (more via plugins) Plugin (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube) Facebook MySpace, Facebook, Google Service, YouTube, AIM, Flickr Plugin (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, VEOH) ? via third party integration like Octazen scripts Facebook, Google, Content Mirroring, RSS importer, External Widgets YouTube @all by Module ? Facebook, Flickr, Amazon, Ebay, Google, del.icio.us, Web importer, Mash-ups Open ID Yes Yes Module Facebook, Various video providers ? RSS importer Yes Bookmark Sharing / Management Yes Yes ? Yes ? via plugin ? ? Module ? @all by Module ? Yes Yes Plugin Yes Yes Yes Yes ? No Facebook, Twitter Poll Generation/Tally Yes Yes, with sharing ? ? ? Plugin ? Yes ? Module Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes Module via plugins ? ? Yes Contact Management Yes Yes ? ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? Module ? Yes ? Yes Yes Yes Module Component ? Yes Yes Supports the Semantic Web ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? Yes, and Linked Data ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Supports DataPortability ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Customizable Yes Templates, page builders, database builders, open-source, extensions, plugins Yes, based on WordPress theme and plugin architecture Yes Under development Extensible via plugins with a flexible API; skinnable; available in many languages ? Module Extensible via plugins, widgets, tasks, events, REST; skinnable; available in many languages Skinnable, Module Manager Module, Plugins, ImpressCMS Persitable Framework (IPF) ? ? Open Source, Skinnable, and more Open source, Plugins, Themes, Events, Widgets Yes Yes Module Yes ? Site configurations, Templates, Plugins, CMS (for each profile), and open-source Yes Comment Comes with iPhone App, Android App, Desktop App, Flash Players and Converter. Backed by large community. Hundreds of extensions. Based on WordPress, should be familiar to anyone who has used or developed with WordPress before. Integration of many services "Clean, simple" More like RSS aggrators Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal supports a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites. Community and collaboration platform with many integrated core applications Supports Free and paid membership plans Install only if you like with modules. ImpressCMS = Make a Lasting Impression Content management All component applications fully integrated, and all data accessible by multiple means including SPARQL/RDF, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, XMLA, and other protocols. Simple, plugin-based, user-friendly, SEO-friendly, customizable Facebook-style newsfeed Ajax comment Modular approach, with hundreds of free modules and thousands of free themes.[11] A Joomla component, can be installed alongside other Joomla components Focus on a content productizer user, has professional support by Colivre, has enterprise specific profile type with products showroom and global search. plugin based, white label Category Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware BoonEx Dolphin BuddyPress EngineY PeopleAggregator ELGG Mugshot (Discontinued) Drupal Telligent Community iScripts Socialware ImpressCMS Joomla! PHPizabi ODS Oxwall Jcow phpFox v2 XOOPS JomSocial webNetwork Noosfero SocialEngine References
- ^ "Tiki Wiki License (GNU Lesser General Public License v. 2.1)". Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. http://tiki.org/license. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "PeopleAggregator FAQ". PeopleAggregator. http://wiki.peopleaggregator.de/faq.php. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "Elgg License". Elgg Open Source Social Networking Engine. http://elgg.org/license.php. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "About Drupal". Drupal Open Source CMS. http://drupal.org/about. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "Vituoso Open-Source License Terms". Virtuoso OpenLink Software. Archived from the original on 24 October 2011. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q-6A1MaEfB0J:virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSLicense+openlink+virtuoso+license.
- ^ "phpFox License Agreement". phpFox Social Networking Script. http://www.phpfox.com/license/. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "Subversion". Mugshot Developer Wiki. Archived from the original on 13 October 2008. http://web.archive.org/web/20081013090205/http://developer.mugshot.org/wiki/Subversion.
- ^ "Kaltura". Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. http://tiki.org/Kaltura. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "Kaltura Collaborative Video Plugin". The Elgg Community. http://community.elgg.org/pg/groups/282/kaltura-plugin/. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "Kaltura's Open Source All-in-One Video Module for Drupal". Drupal Open Source CMS. http://drupal.org/project/Kaltura. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
- ^ "Why XOOPS?". XOOPS Web Application System. http://www.xoops.org/modules/wfchannel/index.php?wfc_cid=24. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
Social network services Websites Personal websitesProfessional websitesDefunct websitesWhite-label services- Ning
- Wall.fm
Tools General - Comparison of software
- Online identity
- User profile
- Virtual community
- 100+ million users
Applications - Social network advertising
- Social network hosting service
- Groups
- Online dating service (comparison)
- Internet petitions
- Reblogging
- Mobile
- Polling
- Activity stream
Implications - User gender difference
- Use in investigations
Related concepts Categories:- Software comparisons
- Social networking services
- Social software
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.