Elgg (software)

Elgg (software)

Infobox Software
name = Elgg

developer = [http://curverider.co.uk/ Curverider Ltd] and the open source community
latest release version = 1.0
latest release date = 18th August, 2008
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = Social Networking
license = GPL
website = [http://elgg.org/ elgg.org]
weblog = [http://news.elgg.org/ news.elgg.org]

Elgg is a white label, open source social networking platform. It offers blog, networking, community, collecting of news using feeds aggregation and file sharing features. Everything can be shared among users with access controls and everything can be cataloged by tags as well.

1.0 version was released on August 18th, 2008 [http://news.elgg.org/pg/blog/Dave/read/47/elgg-v10-has-left-the-building Elgg v1.0 has left the building] . This version was a from scratch rewrite and included many powerful features [http://news.elgg.org/pg/blog/marcus/read/46/summary-of-elgg-1 Summary of Elgg 1] including; A new data model [http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Engine/DataModel Elgg 1.0 data model] , Import / export [http://www.marcus-povey.co.uk/2008/07/31/import-and-export-in-elgg-10-2/ Import and Export in Elgg 1.0] (including support for OpenDD [http://www.opendd.net/ OpenDD] ), and more [http://www.elgg.org/features.php Elgg 1.0 List of features] .

Elgg is licensed under the GPL, and runs on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) platform. It can be setup to integrate with MediaWiki, Vanilla (forum) and Drupal, as well as use plug-ins to provide a calendar, a wiki and more. Details can be found on the main project [http://elgg.org website] . Elgg was originally started by [http://ben.elgg.com Ben Werdmuller] and [http://dave.elgg.com David Tosh] , who subsequently founded [http://curverider.co.uk Curverider] . It has been under development since 2004.

Elgg has a book titled [http://www.packtpub.com/elgg-social-networking/book "Elgg Social Networking"] written by [http://geekybodhi.net/ Open Source journalist Mayank Sharma] which was published by Packt Publishing in March 2008. The book is [http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/product/1847192807/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?%5Fencoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1 endorsed by Elgg's lead-developer Ben Werdmuller] .

Elgg has just won [http://news.elgg.org/pg/blog/bwerdmuller/read/43/its-official-elgg-is-the-best-social-networking-platform open source social networking platform 2008]


Elgg had gained a lot of traction in the educational sphere, where it has been used to power social networks for the various institutions.
* [http://community.brighton.ac.uk/ Community@Brighton] (University of Brighton)
* [http://conversation.cgu.edu/ Claremont Conversation] (Claremont Graduate University)
* [https://elgg.leeds.ac.uk/ Leeds Elgg] (University of Leeds)
* [http://stoa.usp.br Stoa] (University of São Paulo)
* [http://www.commun-it.org/ Commun-IT]
* [https://tugll.tugraz.at/ TU Graz] (Graz University of Technology)
* [http://portfolio.hawaiitokai.edu/ HTIC] (Hawaii Tokai International College)
* [https://redgloo.sse.reading.ac.uk/ Redgloo] (School of Systems Enginnering, University of Reading)
* [http://blogs.univ-paris5.fr/ Les carnets de Paris Descartes] ( [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universit%C3%A9_Paris_Descartes Université Paris Descartes] )It is also being used in the academic research sphere to support collaborating researchers. * scispace.net

ee also

* Comparison of social networking software

External links

Official Elgg resources

* [http://elgg.org/ Official website]
* [http://news.elgg.org/ Official Elgg blog]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/elgg/ Elgg on SourceForge (downloads)]
* [http://docs.elgg.org/ Project & developer documentation]

News and press

* RWW Interviews David Tosh of Elgg, The Open Source Social Networking Platform (25/09/08)
* [http://news.elgg.org/pg/blog/bwerdmuller/read/43/its-official-elgg-is-the-best-social-networking-platform Infoworld's Best Of Open Source Software Awards] (2008-08-04) Elgg named as best open source social networking platform
* [http://education.guardian.co.uk/evaluate/story/0,,1775347,00.html The writing's on the wall for paper and pencil] (2006-05-16) and [http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearning/story/0,,1724614,00.html A space on the web that we control] (2006-03-07), The guardian
* [http://blogs.zdnet.com/social/?p=17 Run your own ‘MySpace’ with Elgg Spaces] , ZDNet on 2006-11-10
* [http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/elgg.php Elgg - social network software for education] , Read/WriteWeb on 2006-08-11
* [http://www.networkworld.com/allstar/2006/092506-open-source-saugus-union-school-district.html An open source education] , Network World on 2006-09-25
* [http://www.techlearning.com/showArticle.php?articleID=191901615 Community 2.0] , TechLearning on 2006-08-15
* [http://www.wired.com/culture/education/news/2007/04/myspaceforschool Don't Tell Your Parents: Schools Embrace MySpace] , Wired on 2007-04-19
* Elgg was a finalist in the [http://www.newstatesman.com/200707030002 New Statesman New Media awards 2007]
* [http://www.packtpub.com/article/wordpress-wins-best-open-source-social-networking-cms Elgg second best Open Source Social Networking CMS]
* Elgg wins best open source social networking platform 2008 [http://www.infoworld.com/slideshow/2008/08/169-best_of_open_so-7.html]

Leading Elgg Custom Developers and Service Providers

* [http://cubettech.com/ Cubet Technologies]


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