- Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Gamma Delta ΦΓΔFounded May 1, 1848
Jefferson College in Canonsburg, PennsylvaniaType Social Scope International
United States
Motto Friendship, the sweetest influence.
(Φιλοτης Γλυκυτατη Δυναστεια) [1]Colors Royal Purple Symbol Flower Purple Clematis Chapters 120, 13 colonies Nicknames FIJI, Phi Gam Headquarters Lexington, Kentucky, USA Homepage www.phigam.org The international fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta (also known as FIJI) is a collegiate social fraternity with 120 chapters and 18 colonies across the United States and Canada. It was founded at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1848, and its headquarters are located in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Phi Gamma Delta is a member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference and, along with the Fraternity of Phi Kappa Psi, forms the Jefferson Duo.[2]
Origins of Phi Gamma Delta
Historical sketch of Jefferson College
See also: Greek organizations at Washington & Jefferson CollegeIn 1803 only a small percentage of Americans attended college.[3] Those who did had relatively few choices, especially in what was then the frontier lands of western Pennsylvania near Canonsburg. There a Presbyterian clergyman named John A. M'Millan[4] (1752–1833) had just arrived from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) to begin his ministry.[5] In the year 1776, M'Millan, called the "Apostle of the West",[6] was called to take charge of all the lands west of the Allegheny Mountains. This he did, and soon after he established a Latin school in a small log cabin.[7] This small school grew with time to become the Canonsburg Academy in 1791 and, by 1802, Jefferson College.[8] At the time, Jefferson College was one of the largest institutions of higher learning in North America, boasting 207 enrolled students and ten professors.[9] Thus the origins of Washington and Jefferson College, and Phi Gamma Delta, are inextricably linked to a log cabin on the Pennsylvania frontier.[10][11]
Founding of Phi Gamma Delta
On the night of Saturday, April 22, 1848, at Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, six college students gathered in a dormitory room (known by the students as "Fort Armstrong")[12] and determined to establish a secret society.[13] The society they formed was called "The Delta Association". The founders, reverently referred to by Brothers today as the "Immortal Six", are John Templeton McCarty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Jr., Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts, and Naaman Fletcher.[14] The first regular meeting of Phi Gamma Delta and the adoption of the Fraternity's Constitution took place on May 1, 1848.[15] Consequently, May 1 was chosen to be "Founder's Day" at the 43rd Convention held in 1891 and has traditionally been celebrated as the founding date of the Fraternity ever since.[16][17]
Immortal Six
The "Immortal Six" are the six men who founded the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. Each of them graduated from Jefferson College in 1848 except for Naaman Fletcher who graduated a year later in the class of 1849.[15]
John Templeton McCarty (1828 - 1860)Samuel Beatty Wilson (1824 - 1889)James Elliott, Jr. (1824 - 1883)Ellis Bailey Gregg (1827 - 1854)Daniel Webster Crofts (1828 - 1852)Naaman Fletcher (1824 - 1864)Beliefs of Phi Gamma Delta
The rewards of membership extend far beyond one's college years through continued commitment to the values, the brothers, and the Educational Foundation. This is why Fiji did not adopt the name "alumni." Rather, post collegiate members are known as "Graduate Brothers," implying that membership extends far beyond the undergraduate experience. The commitment exemplifies another motto by which Phi Gams live, "Not For College Days Alone",[18] and an organization of fathers and sons within Phi Gamma Delta known as "Sires and Sons".[19]
Mission statement
"Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships, to reaffirm high ethical standards and values, and to foster personal development in the pursuit of excellence. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to provide opportunities to each brother to develop responsibility, leadership, scholarship and social skills in order to become a fully contributing member of society."[20]
The values
We are united by Friendship. It is the basis of our brotherhood. Because of it, we accomplish far more than we do as individuals. Friendship is the sweetest influence.[21][22]
We promote the pursuit of Knowledge. It is the key to a fuller, richer life. We gain it through education, the harmonious development of the powers of the individual.[21][23]
We encourage Service. We have the ability, the opportunity, and the duty to serve our fellow human beings. Our reward is the satisfaction that comes from serving.[21][24]
We believe in Morality. As gentlemen of quality, we must do what is right as individuals and as a group. Moral behavior is the basis of society’s existence.[21][25]
We strive for Excellence. It is attained only when we fulfill our total potential. Mankind benefits when each of us becomes all that we can be.[21][26]
Priorities of a Phi Gamma Delta
A brother of Phi Gamma Delta has his life ordered by three priorities:[27]
- First, Scholarship.
- Second, Fraternity.
- Third, Self.
Practices and customs of Phi Gamma Delta
Use of Greek letters and origins of the "Fiji" nickname
Phi Gamma Delta limits the written display of its Greek letters.[28] In accordance with the fraternity's international bylaws, Fiji chapters and members only inscribe their letters in the following seven locations:[29]
- On a uniform diamond-shaped member badge
- On the Fraternity's official seal
- On the Fraternity's official flag
- On a chapter house marker
- On memorials to deceased brothers
- On a brother's certificate of membership
- On a brother's official college ring
The fraternity's letters are considered sacred and are never to be displayed on an object that can be easily destroyed. Whereas other fraternities often display their letters on clothing or other items, this tradition prevents Fijis from doing so. In place of the actual Greek letters, "Fiji," "Phi Gam," or the English spelling of "Phi Gamma Delta" are used in their place.
The Fiji nickname started at New York University and was officially adopted by the national fraternity in 1894 in the belief that the term would be distinctive and appeal to the imagination.[30] Prior to its formal appropriation by the organization at large, nicknames for members of the fraternity varied greatly; ranging from "Phi Gamm" and "Delta" by brothers across the nation, "Fee Gee" in New York, and "Gammas" in the South.[30] As of now though, "Fiji" and "Phi Gam" are considered the only appropriate nicknames for Phi Gamma Delta members on the international scale, though local nicknames related to a chapter's Greek name or other colloquialisms do exist.[31]
How Phi Gamma Delta is organized
The fraternity is composed of chapters of two types. Most chapters serve primarily undergraduate students and are established at a single college or university . There are also chapters to serve members of the fraternity who have graduated from college and are established to serve a city or larger region. The chapters are governed by the fraternity's international headquarters in Lexington, Kentucky.
Honors and awards within Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Gamma Delta recognizes the many accomplishments of its various chapters and individual undergraduate and graduate Brothers in many ways. The Honors and awards within Phi Gamma Delta list describes each of them.
Pig Dinner
Norris Pig Dinner is an annual alumni dinner held by all Phi Gamma Delta chapters. The dinner is named for author Frank Norris, a member of the Fiji chapter at the University of California, Berkeley where the first Pig Dinner was held in 1893. Pig Dinner is sanctioned by the International Fraternity and it serves to welcome graduate brothers back to their undergraduate chapters.
It is the longest continually running, chapter-based, annual Graduate event in the world of fraternities and sororities.
The International Fraternity stores a list of annual Pig Dinners.
Fiji Islander
Affectionately built upon the "Fiji" nickname, many chapters hold an annual "Fiji Island" party. These are typically large festivities with tropical themes often times using banana trees as decoration; although, they can vary widely from chapter to chapter with some being large parties where alcohol, sand and banana trees are present, others being alcohol free, and some Fiji Island events are charity projects rather than parties.
After graduating from Jefferson College in June 1848 and studying law in Indiana, John T. McCarty headed west along the California Trail during the Gold Rush. He left in the spring of 1849 and along the trail, near the continental divide in what is today Wyoming, one of the most amazing incidents in Phi Gamma Delta's early history occurred. McCarty met Bolivar G. Krepps[32] (Jefferson College, 1849), a member of Phi Gamma Delta whom McCarty had never previously met. The two had attended Jefferson College but Krepps was initiated into Phi Gamma Delta after McCarty had graduated. Yet, on July 7, 1849 here they stood, on the banks of the Sweetwater River, by complete coincidence. Both had decided to go West independently to seek their fortunes and, at a time when the total number of Phi Gamma Delta initiates was 25, two of them were shaking hands and drinking a toast to the "Delta Association", as it was known then, and to all Brothers who should live after them. [33]
Founding of Kappa Alpha Theta
Fijis at the Lambda chapter at Indiana Asbury University (now known as DePauw University) played an important role in the founding of Kappa Alpha Theta women's fraternity. Bettie Locke, the sister of George W. Locke (DePauw, 1871), was one of the first women enrolled at DePauw. [34] Bettie had many Fiji friends and one of them asked her to wear his badge.[35] She contended that she would do so only if she knew the secrets behind the letters.[35] The Fijis, after considerable debate, declined to initiate her.[35] So, upon suggestion of her father, Dr. John Wesley Locke, a Beta Theta Pi, she formed Kappa Alpha Theta with Alice Allen, Bettie Tipton and Hannah Fitch; four of just a handful of women enrolled at DePauw at the time.[35] Kappa Alpha Theta made its debut on January 27, 1870. The Fijis, in a spirit of friendship and appreciation, later presented Bettie Locke with an engraved silver cake basket.[35]
Images of Phi Gamma Delta
The Snowy Owl, aka Gamma, is the Mascot of Phi Gamma Delta.
Notable Fijis
Chapters and colonies
Main article: List of Phi Gamma Delta chapters and coloniesReferences
- ^ "North American College Fraternities: The 'Jefferson Duo'", page 68. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Census Data for the Year 1800". http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/censusbin/census/cen.pl?year=800#cat. Retrieved 2007-08-31.
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: Chartiers Church and John M'Millan Grave". Archived from the original on 2007-08-15. http://web.archive.org/web/20070815052015/http://www.phigam.org/history/Sites/canonsburg.htm#Chartiers%20Church. Retrieved 2007-08-24.
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: The 'Apostle of the West'", page 811. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: The 'Apostle of the West'", page 81. The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: Old Jefferson College", page 81. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: Old Jefferson College", pages 81-82. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: Old Jefferson College", page 82. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: The Log Cabin". Archived from the original on 2007-08-15. http://web.archive.org/web/20070815052015/http://www.phigam.org/history/Sites/canonsburg.htm. Retrieved 2007-08-24.
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: Old Jefferson College", pages 79-83. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: Fort Armstrong". Archived from the original on 2007-08-15. http://web.archive.org/web/20070815052015/http://www.phigam.org/history/Sites/canonsburg.htm. Retrieved 2007-08-24.
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: The Founding of Phi Gamma Delta", page 85. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: The Immortal Six", pages 85-92. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ a b "The Phi Gamma Delta Story: The Founding of Phi Gamma Delta", page 84. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: Record of Conventions and Ekklesiai". Archived from the original on 2007-08-14. http://web.archive.org/web/20070814123133/http://www.phigam.org/history/Lists/conventions_and_ekklesiai.htm. Retrieved 2007-08-24.
- ^ "Fiji Heritage - Customs and Traditions: Founders Day", page 121. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Not for College Days Alone", page 177. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Not for College Days Alone: Sires and Sons", pages 183-184. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Mission of Phi Gamma Delta", page 5. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ a b c d e "Phi Gamma Delta: About Phi Gamma Delta". Archived from the original on 2007-07-01. http://web.archive.org/web/20070701202220/http://www.phigam.org/page.aspx?pageid=104. Retrieved 2007-08-24.
- ^ "The Values of Phi Gamma Delta: Friendship", page 41. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Values of Phi Gamma Delta: Service", page 49. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Values of Phi Gamma Delta: Morality", page 53. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Values of Phi Gamma Delta: Excellence", page 57. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Scholarship - a Phi Gam's Top Priority", page 135. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: Our Greek Letters". Archived from the original on 2007-08-24. http://web.archive.org/web/20070824165939/http://www.phigam.org/page.aspx?pageid=104. Retrieved 2007-08-28.
- ^ "Greek Letters", pages 123-124. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ a b "Fiji Heritage - Customs and Traditions: Origins of 'Fiji'", page 119. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004
- ^ "The Origins of 'Fiji'", page 140. The Purple Pilgrim: A Manual for the Education of the Pledges of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. 1984
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: Photograph of Bolivar G. Krepps". Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. http://web.archive.org/web/20070927195317/http://www.phigam.org/history/images/People/Krepps300.jpg. Retrieved 2007-08-25.
- ^ "Phi Gamma Delta: Bolivar G. Krepps". http://www.phigam.org/netcommunity/page.aspx?pid=1053&chid=9. Retrieved 2010-09-30.
- ^ "DePauw University: A Pictorial History". http://www.depauw.edu/library/archives/ehistory/chapter1/bettielocke.htm. Retrieved 2007-08-31.
- ^ a b c d e "Phi Gamma Delta: Phi Gamma Delta and Kappa Alpha Theta". http://www.phigam.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=1057. Retrieved 2010-09-30.
External links
Categories:- Organizations established in 1848
- International student societies
- North-American Interfraternity Conference
- Phi Gamma Delta
- Fraternities and sororities in the United States
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.