- List of Phi Gamma Delta chapters
As of May 9, 2008, there are 107 active undergraduate chapters of
Phi Gamma Delta and 7 colonies:Chapters
1848 - " [http://www.washjeff.edu/content.aspx?section=1290&menu_id=361&crumb=362&id=1467 Alpha] " -Washington & Jefferson College
*1851 - " [http://www.epsilonpgd.com Epsilon] " - University of North Carolina
*1855 - "Theta" -University of Alabama
*1856 - " [http://www.baylorfiji.org/index.swf Kappa] " -Baylor University
*1856 - " [http://www.depauwfiji.com Lambda] " -DePauw University
*1858 - " [http://www.gettysburg.edu/about/offices/college_life/greek/organizations/fiji/index.dot Xi] " -Gettysburg College
*1858 - " [http://www.uvafiji.org Omicron] " -University of Virginia
*1864 - " [http://studentlife.hanover.edu/greeklife/phigammadelta.php Tau] " -Hanover College
*1866 - " [http://www.wabash.edu/orgs/fraternity/Fiji/ Psi] " -Wabash College
*1866 - " [http://www.columbiafiji.com/ Omega] " -Columbia University
*1866 - "Alpha Deuteron" -Illinois Wesleyan University
*1867 - " [http://deptorg.knox.edu/fiji/ Gamma Deuteron] " -Knox College
*1867 - " [http://aquavite.northwestern.edu/maps/buildinglookup.cgi?lookupid=146 Phi] " -Northwestern University
*1868 - " [http://fiji.wlu.edu/ Zeta Deuteron] " -Washington & Lee University
*1870 - " [http://people.hsc.edu/organizations/phigamma/ Delta Deuteron] " -Hampden-Sydney College
*1871 - " [http://www.uga.edu/fiji/ Kappa Deuteron] " -University of Georgia
*1871 - " [http://www.zetafiji.org/ Zeta] " - Indiana University
*1875 - " [http://studentaffairs.case.edu/greek/chapters/fraternities/fiji.html Xi Deuteron] " -Case Western Reserve University
*1878 - " [http://ohiounion.osu.edu/greek_life/chapters.asp?Organization=55/ Omicron Deuteron] " - The Ohio State University
*1879 - " [http://www.mdfiji.com/ Phi Deuteron] " - University of Maryland
*1881 - " [http://calfiji2.org/ Delta Xi] " -University of California, Berkeley
*1881 - " [http://www.kufiji.org/default.aspx/ Pi Deuteron] " -University of Kansas
*1882 - " [http://www.orgs.bucknell.edu/fiji/ Delta] " -Bucknell University
*1883 - " [http://ww2.lafayette.edu/~pgd/ Sigma Deuteron] " -Lafayette College
*1883 - " [http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/gle/chapter_orgpage.php?id=34 Tau Deuteron] " -University of Texas at Austin
*1884 - " [http://www4.wittenberg.edu/student_organizations/greek/fiji/ Sigma] " -Wittenberg University
*1885 - " [http://www.michiganfiji.com/ Alpha Phi] " -University of Michigan
*1886 - "Zeta Phi" -William Jewell College
*1887 - " [http://www.fijilehigh.com/ Beta Chi] " -Lehigh University
*1888 - " [http://psufiji.org/history.html Gamma Phi] " -Pennsylvania State University
*1888 - " [http://www.fiji-cornell.org/ Kappa Nu] " -Cornell University
*1890 - " [http://www.student.richmond.edu/~fiji/main.php Rho Chi] " -University of Richmond
*1890 - " [http://www.mnfiji.org/ Mu Sigma] " -University of Minnesota
*1890 - " [http://www.utkifc.com/page.php?page_id=3457&profile=324 Kappa Tau] " -University of Tennessee
*1891 - " [http://www.jhu.edu/fiji Beta Mu] " -Johns Hopkins University
*1891 - " [http://www.wpifiji.com/index.php Pi Iota] " -Worcester Polytechnic Institute
*1892 - " [http://www.nyufiji.com Nu Epsilon] " -New York University
*1893 - " [http://www.phigam.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=299&srcid=212 Mu] " -University of Wisconsin "'(Colony)
*1897 - " [http://www.illinifiji.org Chi Iota] " - University of Illinois
*1898 - " [http://www.fiji.org Lambda Nu] " -University of Nebraska
*1899 - " [http://www.umaine.edu/greek/database/chapterinfo.asp?chapter=Phi%20Gamma%20Delta&myBack=Fraternity%20Chapter Omega Mu] " -University of Maine
*1900 - " [http://students.washington.edu/fiji/ Sigma Tau] " -University of Washington
*1901 - " [http://www.sufiji.org Sigma Nu] " -Syracuse University
*1902 - " [http://fiji.uchicago.edu/index.html Chi Upsilon] " -University of Chicago
*1902 - " [http://www.purduefiji.com Lambda Iota] " -Purdue University
*1907 - " [http://www.aifiji.com/public/ Alpha Iota] " -Iowa State University
*1908 - " [http://www.coloradocollege.edu/students/greek/fiji/default.html Chi Sigma] " -Colorado College
*1916 - " [http://www.fijiou.com Nu Omega] " -University of Oklahoma
*1919 - "Gamma Sigma" -Sewanee (a.k.a.The University of the South )
*1920 - " [http://www.uidaho.edu/greek/fiji/ Mu Iota] " -University of Idaho
*1921 - " [http://www.oregonstateifc.com/page.php?page_id=5666&profile=860 Kappa Omicron] " -Oregon State University
*1923 - " [http://www2.davidson.edu/studentlife/stu_orgs/fiji/fiji.html Delta Kappa] " -Davidson College
*1923 - " [http://www.phigammadelta.ca/ Tau Kappa] " -University of Toronto
*1926 - " [http://www.gtfiji.com Gamma Tau] " -Georgia Institute of Technology
*1929 - " [http://www.pigam.org/ Pi Gamma] " -University of British Columbia
*1931 - " [http://arizonafiji.org Upsilon Alpha] " -University of Arizona
*1940 - " [http://grove.ufl.edu/~fiji/ Upsilon Phi] " -University of Florida
*1948 - " [http://www.fiji-smu.org/ Delta Tau] " -Southern Methodist University
*1950 - " [http://www.cougfiji.org/HomePage.htm Pi Mu] " -Washington State University
*1950 - " [http://www.fijiuri.com/ Kappa Rho] " -University of Rhode Island
*1954 - " [http://www.techfiji.com/ Lambda Tau] " -Texas Tech University
*1958 - " [http://www.ukfiji.org/ Upsilon Kappa] " -University of Kentucky
*1962 - " [http://www.auburn.edu/student_info/greeks/phi_gamma_delta/ Alpha Upsilon] " -Auburn University
*1962 - " [http://www.okstatefiji.org/ Sigma Omicron] " -Oklahoma State University
*1964 - " [http://www.ketteringfiji.com/ Alpha Gamma] " -Kettering University : [http://www.KetteringFiji.com/ A-section] , [http://www.agfiji.com/ B-section]
*1965 - " [http://www.asufiji.org/ Alpha Sigma] " -Arizona State University
*1966 - " [http://www.anphigam.com/ Alpha Nu] " -University of New Mexico
*1967 - " [http://www.fsuphigam.com/ Phi Sigma] " -Florida State University
*1968 - " [http://www.utafiji.com Phi Tau] " -University of Texas at Arlington
*1968 - " [http://www.ksu.edu/fiji Chi Deuteron] " -Kansas State University
*1968 - " [http://www.csufiji.org/ Phi Kappa] " -Colorado State University
*1969 - " [http://www.uaphigam.com Phi Alpha] " -University of Arkansas
*1969 - " [http://www.rhophifiji.org/ Rho Phi] " -Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
*1969 - " [http://www.uvm.edu/~fiji2/ Beta Upsilon] " -University of Vermont
*1970 - " [http://www.phigam.ca/ Epsilon Alpha] " -University of Alberta
*1970 - " [http://www.msstate.edu/org/fiji/rush.html Sigma Mu] " -Mississippi State University
*1972 - " [http://www.vtfiji.com/ Rho Alpha] " -Virginia Tech
*1972 - " [http://www.memphisfiji.com/ Mu Tau] " -University of Memphis
*1974 - " [http://www.wvu.edu/~fiji/ Mu Alpha] " -West Virginia University
*1974 - " [http://www.fijiuna.com/ Phi Upsilon] " -University of North Alabama
*1975 - " [http://www.uwec.edu/pgd/index.html Epsilon Chi] " -University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
*1977 - " [http://www.riversidefiji.com/ Rho Upsilon] " -University of California at Riverside
*1979 - " [http://www.aggiefiji.org/ Alpha Mu] " -Texas A & M University
*1980 - " [http://www.tcufiji.org/ Tau Chi] " -Texas Christian University
*1981 - " [http://www.ttufiji.com Theta Tau] " -Tennessee Technological University
*1982 - " [http://www.greek.tulane.edu/orgs/fiji.php Tau Upsilon] " -Tulane University
*1982 - " [http://www.ixfiji.com/ Iota Chi] " -University of California, Irvine
*1982 - " [http://www.bufiji.com/ Beta Pi] " -Bradley University
*1983 - " [http://organizations.ju.edu/fijimen/ Delta Phi] " -Jacksonville University
*1984 - " [http://www.uofcfiji.com/ Upsilon Chi] " -University of Calgary
*1984 - " [http://www.bgfiji.com/home.html Beta Gamma] " -Bowling Green State University
*1984 - " [http://www.taunufiji.com Tau Nu] " -Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
*1985 - " [http://www.phigamlsu.com Upsilon Lambda] " -LaSalle University
*1985 - " [http://www.csmfiji.org Gamma Kappa] " -Colorado School of Mines
*1986 - " [http://www.uakron.edu/fiji Alpha Omicron] " -University of Akron
*1990 - " [http://www.greek.villanova.edu/phigammadelta/index.htm Phi Pi] " -Villanova University
*1993 - " [http://www.utsa.edu/sa/so/student_orgs.cfm?Show=byLetter&Letter=P Sigma Alpha] " -University of Texas at San Antonio
*1993 - " [http://wailua.ucsd.edu/studentorg/StudentOrgDetail.aspx?frmID=430 Chi Lambda] " -University of California at San Diego "'(Colony)
*1994 - " [http://www.fijiucf.com/ Omega Phi] " -University of Central Florida
*1994 - " [http://www.drakefiji.com/ Delta Iota] " -Drake University
*1994 - " [http://www.jmufiji.com/ Mu Chi] " -James Madison University
*2000 - " [http://fiji.evansville.edu/ Epsilon Iota] " -University of Evansville
*2001 - " [http://www.ballstatefiji.org/ Beta Sigma] " -Ball State University
*2001 - " [http://www.williamwoods.edu/services/studentlife/GreekLife/Fiji.asp Kappa Chi] " -William Woods University
*2002 - " [http://www.ncsufiji.com/ Nu Sigma] " -North Carolina State University
*2004 - " [http://www.fiufiji.com Sigma Phi] " -Florida International University
*2005 - " [http://www.utfiji.com Upsilon Tau] " -The University of Toledo
*2006 - " [http://www.chapmanfiji.com Omega Chi] " -Chapman University
*2007 - " [http://www.fijimostate.com/ Delta Colony] " -Missouri State University
*2007 - " [http://cupfiji.com/ Delta Colony] " -California University of Pennsylvania
*2007 - " [http://copland.udel.edu/stu-org/fiji/ Delta Colony] " -University of Delaware
*2007 - " [http://www.uncwpgd.com Delta Colony] " -University of North Carolina Wilmington
*2008 - " [http://fijiunk.com/about.htm Delta Colony] " -University of Nebraska at Kearney Colonies
Other colonizations/re-colonizations are planned for the Fall of 2008 and the Spring of 2009. These include:
University of Cincinnati
*University of Pennsylvania
*Western Kentucky University
*University of North Texas
*Michigan State University
*Appalachian State University
*East Carolina University Chapter house facts
* Gamma Phi (Penn State): The first known purpose-built fraternity house was built for Gamma Phi in 1889, one year after Gamma Phi was founded. A loan of $5000 from Milton W. Bohn (Muhlenberg 1884, Penn State 1888) made possible the purchasing of a lot and house construction. ["North American College Fraternities: Twentieth Century Growth", page 71. The Purple Pilgrim: A Manual for the Education of the Pledges of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. 2004] [citeweb|url=http://www.phigam.org/history/images/Chapters/Penn%20State%20First%20house.jpg|title=First House|accessdate=2007-08-30]
* Mu Sigma (Minnesota): Mu Sigma's 1912 chapter house has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. [citeweb|url=http://www.mnfiji.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=82|title=Mu Sigma’s 1912 Historic Chapter House |accessdate=2007-08-30]
* Delta Xi (California at Berkeley): The Delta Xi chapter house, formerly the Sigma Pi house, has been designated a Berkeley Landmark by the Landmarks Preservation Commission in Berkeley, California. [citeweb|url=http://www.berkeleyheritage.com/berkeley_landmarks/landmarks101-200.html|title=Phi Gamma Delta house is a Berkeley Landmark|accessdate=2007-10-05]
*Mu (Wisconsin): The Mu chapter's house listed at #72 on the "Madison Landmarks" website. [citeweb|url=http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/planning/landmark/Madison%20Landmarks.htm|title=Phi Gamma Delta house is a Madison Landmark|accessdate=2007-10-05]
* Some chapters in Phi Gamma Delta, such as Pi Deuteron (Kansas State), Delta Xi (California at Berkeley), Gamma Sigma (University of the South), Zeta (Indiana) and Psi (Wabash), have their own unique Phi Gamma Delta artwork adorning their chapter houses. [citeweb|url=http://www.phigam.org/history/Headquarters/exhibitsArt.htm|title=Phi Gamma Delta: Chapter Art |accessdate=2007-08-31]
External links
* [http://www.phigam.org Official Site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.