- List of Phi Kappa Psi chapters
A list of chapters of the
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.Unlike some other college fraternities The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity has no international chapters.
Those marked with an asterisk are inactive.
** [http://www.phipsiala.com/ Alpha] -University of Alabama
** [http://www.auburn.edu/student_info/greeks/phi_kappa_psi/ Beta] -Auburn University
** [http://www.phipsiuofa.com/ Alpha] -University of Arizona
**Beta -Arizona State University ****Suspended 2006
** [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ArkansasAlpha/ Alpha] -University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas*
**Alpha - University of the Pacific*
** [http://phipsi.stanford.edu/ Beta] -Stanford University (foundedDecember 18 ,1891 )
**Gamma -University of California, Berkeley *
**Delta -University of Southern California *
**Epsilon -University of California, Los Angeles
**Zeta -University of California, Santa Barbara *
** [http://www.phipsislo.com/index.php Eta] -California Polytechnic State University
**Theta- California State University, Northridge*
**Iota -University of California, Davis
** [http://www.uciphipsi.com Kappa] -University of California, Irvine
**Lambda -San Diego State University
**Mu-Occidental College (Founded April 26, 2008)
**Nu-University of California, Riverside (Colony)
**Alpha -University of Colorado-Boulder
**Alpha - Trinity College*
**Alpha - University of Delaware*
*District of Columbia
** [http://www.dcphipsi.com/ Alpha] -The George Washington University (formerly Columbian College)
** [http://www.floridaalpha.com/ Alpha] -Florida State University
**Beta - University of Florida, Gainesville*
**Alpha -University of Georgia
** [http://www.gtphipsi.org/ Beta] -Georgia Institute of Technology (foundedMay 20 ,2000 )
** [http://www.rushphipsi.com/ Alpha] -Northwestern University
**Beta - University of Chicago*
**Gamma - Monmouth College*
** [http://www.phipsiuiuc.com/ Delta] -University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
** [http://www.ilstuphipsi.com/ Epsilon] -Illinois State University
** [http://www.phipsidepaul.org/ Zeta] -DePaul University
** [http://www.siuephipsi.com/ Eta] -Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
** [http://www.uicphipsi.com/ Theta] -University of Illinois at Chicago
** [http://www.niuphikappapsi.org/ Iota] - Northern Illinois University
** [http://www.phikappapsi.com Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Headquarters] - Indianapolis
**Alpha -DePauw University
**Beta - Indiana University
**Gamma -Wabash College
** [http://www.purdue.edu/phipsi/ Delta] -Purdue University
** [http://www.valpophipsi.org/ Epsilon] -Valparaiso University
**Zeta -Butler University
**Eta -Indiana State University
**Theta - Indiana University - Purdue University - IndianapolisIUPUI
**Alpha -University of Iowa
** [http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/phipsi/Home/main.php Beta] -Iowa State University
**Gamma - Cornell College*
**Delta - Simpson College*
**Alpha - University of Kansas
**Alpha - Kentucky University, Harrodsburg*
** [http://kybeta88.com/ Beta] -University of Kentucky
**Alpha - LSU
**Beta -University of Louisiana at Lafayette
** [http://phikappapsilag.com/ Gamma] -Loyola University New Orleans
** [http://phikappapsimda.com Alpha] -Johns Hopkins University
**Beta -University of Maryland, Baltimore County
** [http://phipsiumd.com Gamma] -University of Maryland, College Park
**Alpha - Amherst College*
** [http://www.phipsibrandeis.com/ Beta] -Brandeis University
** [http://www.umich.edu/~mialpha/ Alpha] -University of Michigan
** [http://www.msuphipsi.com/ Beta] -Michigan State University
**Alpha - Carleton College*
** [http://www.mnbeta.org Beta] -University of Minnesota
**Gamma - Minnesota State University, Mankato
** [http://www.umdphipsi.com Delta] -University of Minnesota Duluth
** [http://www.olemissphipsi.com Alpha] -University of Mississippi
**Beta - Clinton*
** [http://students.missouri.edu/~phipsi Alpha] -University of Missouri
**Beta [http://home.earthlink.net/~missouri_beta] - Westminster College*
**Alpha - University of Montana, Missoula*
**Alpha -University of Nebraska-Lincoln
**Beta -Creighton University
*New Hampshire
**Alpha - Dartmouth College*
*New Jersey
**Alpha - Rider University*
**Beta - Monmouth College*
**Gamma - Rutgers University*
**Delta - [http://www.tcnj.edu/~phikpsi/ The College of New Jersey] (Ewing, NJ)
** [http://www.njepsilon.com/ Epsilon] -Rowan University
*New Mexico
**Alpha - Eastern New Mexico University
*New York
**Alpha -Cornell University
** [http://www.suphipsi.com Beta] -Syracuse University
**Gamma - Columbia University*
**Delta - Hobart College*
**Epsilon - Colgate University*
**Zeta - Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute*
** [http://www.buffalophipsi.com Eta] -University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
** [http://www.ritphipsi.org Theta] -Rochester Institute of Technology
** [http://www.phikappapsi.net Iota] -Binghamton University
** [http://www.http://organizations.oneonta.edu/phikappapsi/ Kappa] -State University of New York - Oneonta
*North Carolina
**Alpha - Duke University*
**Beta - East Carolina University
**Alpha -Ohio Wesleyan University
**Beta -Wittenberg University
**Gamma - Wooster College*
**Delta -Ohio State University
** [http://phipsi.case.edu Epsilon] - Cleveland -Case Western Reserve University
**Zeta - Bowling Green State University (Colony)
** [http://www.phipsiut.com Eta] -University of Toledo
** [http://www.ashland.edu/~phipsi Theta] -Ashland University
**Iota - University of Akron
**Kappa - Kent State University*
** [http://www.ohiolambda.com Lambda] -Miami University
** [http://www.daytonphipsi.com Mu] -University of Dayton
** [http://www.ohiou.edu/~phikpsi Nu] -Ohio University
** [http://www.phipsiok.org Alpha] - University of Oklahoma
**Beta - Oklahoma State University*
**Alpha -University of Oregon (recolonization)
**Beta -Oregon State University
** [http://www.phikappapsialpha.com Alpha] -Washington & Jefferson (first chapter - foundedFebruary 19 ,1852 at then Jefferson College)
**Beta [http://www.pennbeta.com] -Allegheny College Fourth founded and longest continuously running fraternity chapter, celebrating the 150th anniversary of its uninterrupted charter in 2005.
** [http://www.penngamma.org/ Gamma] -Bucknell University
**Delta - Washington College - merged with Pennsylvania Alpha when their host institutions merged
**Epsilon - Gettysburg College - site of Miller Hall, 1882, the first chapter house erected in the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and the first college fraternity house in the state of Pennsylvania.
**Zeta - Dickinson College
** [http://www.penneta.org Eta] -Franklin and Marshall College
** [http://www.penntheta.com Theta] -Lafayette College
** [http://www.penniota.com Iota] -University of Pennsylvania
**Kappa -Swarthmore College (renounced national affiliation in 1960s, changed name to simply "Phi Psi")
**Lambda - Pennsylvania State University
**Mu - Carnegie Mellon University*
**Nu - Indiana University of Pennsylvania
**Xi - Edinboro State University
**Omicron - Lehigh University*
**Pi - Temple University*
**Rho -York College of Pennsylvania
**Sigma - University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
**Tau - Penn State-Altoona*
** [http://www.duphipsi.com Upsilon] -Drexel University
**Phi - Lycoming College
*Rhode Island
**Alpha -Brown University
**Beta - University of Rhode Island
*South Carolina
**Alpha - University of South Carolina*
**Alpha - LaGrange Synodical College*
**Beta - Cumberland University*
**Gamma - Nashville University*
**Delta -Vanderbilt University Nashville
** [http://www.utkphipsi.com/ Epsilon] - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
**Zeta - Memphis State University*
** [http://www.utphipsi.com/ Alpha] -University of Texas at Austin , Austin (Keepers of the SHAH)
** [http://www.texastechphipsi.org/ Beta] -Texas Tech University Lubbock
** [http://www.pkptxgamma.com/ Gamma] -Texas State University San Marcos
**Delta -Southern Methodist University Dallas*
**Epsilon -Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches
**Zeta -Houston Baptist University Houston
**Alpha - University of Virginia
** [http://phipsi.wlu.edu/ Beta] -Washington & Lee University
**Gamma - Hampden-Sydney College*
**Delta - Bethany College, now in West Virginia*
**Epsilon - Randolph-Macon College*
** [http://www.vtphipsi.com/ Zeta] - [http://www.vt.edu/ Virginia Tech] , Blacksburg
** [http://www.uwphipsi.com/ Alpha] -University of Washington
*West Virginia
**Alpha - West ("by God") Virginia University
**Alpha -University of Wisconsin-Madison * (colony existed from 1987-91)
**Beta - Racine College* (College No Longer Exists)
** [http://www.beloit.edu/~phipsi Gamma] -Beloit College (CharteredNovember 1 ,1881 .External links
* [http://www.phikappapsi.com/ National homepage]
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