PCI-Media Impact

PCI-Media Impact

PCI-Media Impact empowers communities worldwide to inspire enduring change through the creative use of storytelling. Founded in 1985, Media Impact has trained hundreds of organizations and community leaders in the effective use of media to address critical social issues. To date, Media Impact has helped produce and broadcast more than 242 productions in 27 countries, including radio and television serial dramas, comic books, documentaries and public service announcements. Media Impact is the leader in Entertainment-Education. From producing national programs, to developing and implementing partner-driven My Community campaigns, Media Impact engages and empowers audiences around the world to improve their lives. Working with local partners, Media Impact seeks to change the world one story at a time.


What Media Impact Does

Media Impact's unique approach to communications combines the principles of Entertainment-Education with the reach of mass media to mobilize individual, community and political action and catalyze positive change. Entertainment-Education is a form of entertainment designed to educate and amuse audiences and can be done with a variety of formats, ranging from comic books, to TV and radio productions, to street theatre, to name just a few. Programs primarily focus on promoting sexual and reproductive health, prevention of HIV/AIDS, biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, human rights and democracy.


My Community: Capacity, Community and Change

To achieve its mission, Media Impact works with partners around the world to produce Entertainment-Education programs rooted in a three-pronged My Community approach to communications. Using a combination of serial dramas, call-in shows and community mobilization, Media Impact:

  • Strengthens the capacity of local partners to effectively use communications to catalyze change.
  • Creates a community of constituents who support its collaborative work.
  • Promotes positive changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviors around targeted social and environmental issues through creative storytelling and media broadcasting.

Telling Stories, Saving Lives

The Power of Stories

Stories capture the dynamics of everyday life, offering the opportunity to reach people on a deeply personal level. Stories are grounded in social learning theory, and include positive characters who are rewarded, negative characters who are punished, and transitional characters whose experiences embody the difficult choices we all face in everyday life. Over the course of a broadcast, the audience bonds with these transitional characters and, as a result, they begin to emulate the positive behaviors included in the stories.Next to peer and parental role models, role models from mass media are of particular importance in shaping cultural attitudes and behaviors.

The power of story-telling has shaped cultures and captivated people around the globe for centuries. Powerful stories in song, drama, and poetry impact our knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, and remind people of their identity, the responsibility to help others, and the need to protect the world in which they live.

Throughout the last 25 years, Media Impact has demonstrated the power of dramas:

  • Dramas help establish social norms and provide positive role models that encourage audience to take action;
  • Reality is represented in a less confrontational manner through a fictional storyline;
  • Dramas appeal to emotions, facilitating deep and lasting learning;
  • Dramas allow for complex and integrated messages that encompass health, environment, social pressures, and other dimension of real life;
  • Dramas provoke people to talk to each other; and
  • Dramas reinforce our belief that we have the capacity to change our own lives.

Entertainment Education media can serve as a social mobilizer, an advocate or an agenda setter, influencing public and policy institutions in a socially desirable direction- Professor Everett M. Rogers, University of Mexico

The Power of Partnerships

There are countless local organizations around the world with the energy and determination to create lasting social change in their communities. Media Impact helps these organizations shape their stories with scripting, character development, timing, and pacing, and issue focus. With this training, they are able to harness the power of broadcast media to positively impact their communities.

Media Impact works with local organizations to produce, air, and sustain programs with health and poverty messages, and facilitate the dissemination of these programs as widely as possible.

Media Impact is a leading provider of technical assistance to governments, non-governmental organizations and foundations working on media campaigns (television, radio and research) with a social marketing dimension.

Effective Media Delivery

Media Impact knows that different groups of people respond better to different forms of media. Programs have ranged from national-scale television and radio shows, to grassroots community radio initiatives, to partnership programs with education ministries. Media Impact strives to create programs that best engage the target audience-notone size fits allinitiatives, but comprehensive communications strategies tailored to the needs and concerns of partner needs.

Documenting Results

Dozens of independent, university-based researchers have examined the effectiveness of entertainment-education methodology and the impact of Media Impact's programs on family planning, the prevention of HIV and other STDs, promotion of gender equality, and environmental sustainability. Numerous books have been written and five research papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals documenting the important role that serial dramas play in changing the attitudes and behavior of their audience members.

My Community

My Community is Media Impacts approach to social change communications developed during 25 years of work. Using a unique blend of Entertainment-Education (E-E) storytelling, community dialogue and My Community mobilization campaigns, trained coalitions engage and empower audiences to motivate positive social and environmental change in their communities around the world.


My Communitys three-pronged methodology trains coalitions of community leaders to develop communication programs tailored to local needs. Through interactive training workshops and mentoring, Media Impact works to strengthen the capacity of all coalition members to effectively use media and storytelling to reach audiences with critical information and messages relevant to them. My Community Campaigns complement this work by directly engaging the target audience in all stages of program design and implementation, giving them tools to build a brighter future. The methodology can be used with any media platform: radio, TV, theater, podcasts and print.



Media Impact works with local partners to identify and recruit a diverse group of coalition members. Coalitions include a variety of members: non-profit organizations, service providers, radio stations and government ministries, among others.

2) Train

Representatives from each coalition attend an introductory training workshop. During the workshop, experienced trainers provide instruction in both thematic issues and the My Community methodology. Participants learn the fundamentals of designing successful E-E dramas, engaging audience members in critical conversations and implementing sustainable and impactful campaigns.

3) Implement

My Community partners work together to conduct formative research, create an E-E storyline, produce high quality content, host a weekly talk show and launch a My Community Campaign. A Media Impact mentor provides both on-site and virtual mentoring through all stages of program design and implementation.

4) Learn

Coalitions learn to use a variety of qualitative and quantitative monitoring and evaluation tools to design and strengthen the program to achieve the greatest possible impact.

5) Share

My Community provides coalitions the skills needed to lead social change communication campaigns over the long term. Some partners have used these skills to design projects for organizations such as UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNIFEM. Media Impact also works to maintain partnership through continued collaboration, training and knowledge-sharing networks.


For 25 years, Media Impact has positioned itself as a leader in E-E and social change communications. The organization has played an integral role in harnessing the potential of storytelling and effective media delivery to rally constituents to positively transform attitudes and behaviors in order to marshal tangible and sustainable change around the world.

Since the organizations first venture in India, Media Impact has remained at the forefront of the E-E field. For 25 years, Media Impact has empowered communities worldwide to inspire enduring change through the use of creative storytelling. The organization has produced more than 2,800 episodes of 100 productions in 34 countries and its programs have reached over 1 billion viewers and listeners.

In 1984 Hum Log (We People) soared to the top of entertainment charts in India. The television soap opera was an immediate success, drawing a viewership of 50 million people and broadcasting 156 episodes over a two year period. But this hit show was different from the rest. Hum Log was a pioneering experiment in Entertainment-Education (E-E) designed to share critical information about family planning and promote related behavior changes.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Media Impact produced and broadcast high-level productions throughout Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. These programs addressed sexual and reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, gender equality, education and poverty. In 2006, Media Impact revolutionized the field of social-change communications by unveiling the My Community approach. To date, Media Impact and its partners have produced and broadcast more than 900 episodes of 50 series in eight countries throughout Latin America, reaching more than 19 million listeners.

Beginning in 2010, Media Impact applied the My Community approach to address environmental sustainability. With the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and more than 20 regional partner organizations, Media Impact launched My Island-My Community. Media Impact is reentering the world of television this year. Media Impact will provide assistance to produce a radio and television drama in Chiapas, Mexico.

Years Program Geographic Location Issues Covered
19841986 Hum Log (We People) India Women's empowerment and family planning
1987 Tushauriane Kenya
19911994 Hum Raahi (Come Along with Me) India Early marriage, pregnancy, and women's empowerment
19871989, 19982004 Ushikwapo Shikamana (If Assisted, Assist Yourself) Kenya Teenage sexuality, women's empowerment, and STDS and HIV/AIDS
1992 Kuelewana Ni Kenya
19932002 Twende Na Wakati (Let's Go with the Times) Tanzania Reproductive and sexual health and STDS and HIV/AIDS
19961997 Tinka Tinka Sukh (Little Steps to a Better Life) India
19962000 Apwe Plezi (After Pleasure) Caribbean Family planning, women's empowerment, STDS and HIV/AIDS, and environmental degradation of the island's fragile ecosystem
1997 Zimachitika Malawi
1997 Sexualidad en Tu Propia Mexico
1997 Osigo Uunake Yakwetu Namibia
19971999 Sarivolana Madgascar
19992000 Velugu Poolu (Flowers of Light) India STDS and HIV/AIDS
19982001, 20042005 Bai Xing China
1998 JAM PACKED United States
20012002 Dukh Sukh Apney (Our Sorrows and Happiness) Pakistan Reproductive and sexual health, family planning, and maternal and child health
20002001 Belakinangala (Courtyard of Light) India Reproductive and sexual health and regional pollution issues
20002001 Kochu Kochu (Little Bits of Dreams) India Religious tolerance
20012005 Ombligos al Sol (Belly Buttons to the Sun) Mexico Reproductive and sexual health
20012002 Muthu Muthu Mazhai (Pearly Drops of Rain) India
20002001 coconut Bay Caribbean Drug abuse, spousal abuse, family planning, STD/HIV prevention, environmental degradation, teenage pregnancy
2002 Taru India Reproductive and sexual health and women's empowerment
19982001 and 20042005 Bai Xing (Ordinary People) China Women's empowerment and STDS and HIV/AIDS
20032005 Loma Luna (Moonscapes) Peru Reproductive and sexual health and STDS and HIV/AIDS
20052006 Empezando a vivir (Beginning to Live) Peru Reproductive and sexual health, sexual abuse, and inter-generational communication
2006 El Despertar de Margarita (Margarita's Awakening) Peru Children and youth rights and reproductive and sexual health
2006 Huracan de Esperanza Guatemala
2006 Ukux Kaj Ukux Ulew (Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth) Guatemala Environmental conservation, waste management, depletion of water sources, and air pollution
2006 El Destino de la Esperanza (Hope's Destiny) Guatemala Promote community involvement with environmental and rural health issues
2006 Y Dios me Hizo Mujer (And God Made Me a Woman) Mexico Reproductive and sexual health
2006 Cortando Suenos (Cutting Dreams) Mexico Reproductive and sexual health, teen pregnancy, and STDS and HIV/AIDS
2006 Esta Boca es Mi Boca (this Mouth is My Mouth) Mexico Reproductive and sexual health and rights within the communities of Oaxaca, Mexico
20062008 La Ruleta (The Roulette) Guatemala Reproductive and sexual health, teen pregnancy, and STDs and HIV/AIDS
2006 Ke Ondas con Tu Vida (What's Up with Your Life Honduras Reproductive and sexual health
2006 Un Mundo Invertido (A World Upside Down) Mexico
2006 Embellezcamos las Verapaces Guatemala
2006 Nocturnal Stories Mexico
20062007 Montana de Pasiones (Mountain of Passions) Nicaragua Sustainable agriculture, reduce wood extraction, and preserve native flora and fauna
20072008 Vamos a la Fija (Let's Got For It) Colombia
2007 Los Colores de la Vida (The Colors of Life) Bolivia Economic opportunities and reproductive and sexual health
2007 Ellos dicen que soy joto, yo digo que soy Juan Mexico
20072008 Domingo 7 (Knocked Up) Ecuador Teen pregnancy
2007 Con el Viento a favor (With the Wind in My Sails) Peru STDS and HIV/AIDS
2007 Entre Luces y Sombra (Between Lights and Shadows) Bolivia STDS and HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancies, and domestic violence
2007 Del Sur Para El Sur (From the South to the South) Bolivia Empower people to take advantage of their rural resources to overcome poverty and malnourishment and environmental sustainability
2007 Alla esta el Dinero (The money is there) Mexico
2007 K'ulb alib'Tz'Ixamal (Around the Fire) Guatemala Improve food security and prevent child malnutrition
2007 El Reciclaje del Amor (the Recycle of Love) Guatemala Promote recycling, local waste management policies, commercial opportunities for youth, and income generation from recycling inorganic waste material
2007 Al Otro Lado Esta el Dinero (In the Other Side is the Money), Entre la Linea del Bien y el Mal (Between Good and Evil - A Man's Game), Cuando Ella se enferma (When She Gets Sick) Mexico All three programs were in partnership with Universidad de Guadalajara to address issues of poverty reduction, reproductive and sexual health, and women's empowerment
2007 El Faro: Luz y Sombra del Amor (The Lighthouse: Light and Shadow of Love) Mexico Reproductive and sexual health
2007 Entre Luces y Sombras (Between Light and Shadows) Peru STDS and HIV/AIDS, domestic abuse, and unwanted pregnancy
2007 Uj Mox pero Uj saq (Crazy but Clean) Guatemala
2007 Ke Ondas Con Tu Vida II Honduras
2007 D10@19 (From 10 to 19) Mexico
2007 La Ruleta II: Donde las Emociones se Funden Guatemala
20072008 Jach b'al Re Loq'b'al K'u'x II (The Love Recycle) Guatemala
2008 Con Nombre de Mujer (With a Woman's Name) Bolivia Reproductive and sexual health and family planning
2008 La Lora Serrana Colombia
2008 Reviviendo con el Canas (Revival with Canes) Colombia Promote management of household waste, conservation of the local river, and sustainable waste management
2008 Toque Magico (Magic Touch) Ecuador Women's empowerment and reproductive and sexual health
2008 Asi Somos (The Way We Are) Ecuador Promote rural organization, fair trade, and sustainable development to improve poverty
2008 El Intruso (The Intruder) Guatemala Reproductive and sexual health and STDS and HIV/AIDS
2008 Cultivando Amor (Harvesting Love) Nicaragua Promote diverse cultivation practices and increases environmental conservation awareness
2008 Bueno Nicaragua
2008 Encuentro de Expresiones Guatemala
2008 Esta es Mi Gente Nicaragua
2008 Ke Ondas Con Tu Vida III Honduras
2008 La Ruleta III Guatemala
2008 La Vida es una Gota Ecuador
2009 Nuestras Voces (Our Voices) Bolivia Increase local broadcast and production capacity to improve access to high-quality native language radio content on democracy
2009 Agua de Angel (Angel Water) Honduras Environmental conservation and safe water use habits
2009 Dah All a wih Bizniz (All of Our Business) Belize Teen pregnancy, reproductive and sexual health, STDS and HIV/AIDS, peer pressure, homophobia
2009 Aqui No Pasa Nada (Nothing Happens Here) Peru Reproductive and sexual health
2009 Camino al Paraiso (The Road to Paradise) Nicaragua Promote agricultural sustainability and using local resources for economic advancement
2009 yajual Banamil (God of the Earth) Mexico Promote the preservation of ancient traditions and environmental conservation
2009 El Intruso II...Nueva Temporada (The Intruder...New Season) Guatemala STDS and HIV/AIDS, reproductive and sexual health, and inspire social change amongst community members
2009 Entre Botas, Asfalto, y Rock 'n' Roll (Between Boots, Asphalt, and Rock 'n' Roll) Ecuador STDS and HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, and teen pregnancy
2009 II Asi Somos (The Way We Are) Ecuador Environmental conservation and agricultural sustainability
2009 II Buscando Amor (Looking for Love) Bolivia Reproductive and sexual health and domestic abuse
2009 Entre Trenzas, Amores y Amarres Peru
2009 La Huenca de la Putagana Ecuador
2010 Vivir Bonito Colombia
2010 Urban Cultures Mexico
2010 Ciudad Espesa Bolivia Access to information, democracy, professionalism of the journalism field in Bolivia
2010 Buscando Amor III Bolivia
2010 Aqui No Pasa Nada II Peru
2010 Asi Somos III Ecuador
2010 Aprendiendo a Vivir (Dulce Brisas) Ecuador
2010 Agua de Angel II Honduras
2010 El Intruso III Guatemala
2010 Fruta Fresca...Cronicas de Adolescentes Ecuador
2010 Slok'Obal Jk'Optik Mexico
2010 Pachaimama Waija Peru


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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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