- Nikita Petrov
Nikita Vasilyevich Petrov (Russian: Никита Петров) is a Russian historian. He works at Memorial, a Russian organization dedicated to Soviet political repression. Petrov specializes in Soviet security services.
The book about Nikolai Ezhov written by Nikita Petrov and Marc Jansen is based on the archives made accessible after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Petrov's part was tracking original archival documents, while Jansen worked with published sources.
- With Marc Jansen, "Stalin's Loyal Executioner: People's Commissar Nikolai Ezhov, 1895-1940". Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2002. ISBN 0-8179-2902-9. (review)
- "The First Chairman of the KGB: Ivan Serov" (Pervy predsedatel KGB : Ivan Serov), Moscow: Materik ISBN 5-85646-129-0
- "GULAG", By Nikita Petrov (Russian)
- With K.V.Skorkin (К.В.Скоркин) Who Headed the NKVD. 1934-1941 ("Кто руководил НКВД. 1934–1941. Справочник"), Moscow 1999 -
- With A.B.Roginsky (А.Б.Рогинский) "Polish Operation of the NKVD 1938-1938" ("Польская операция» НКВД 1937–1938 гг."), a chapter in the book "Repressions of Poles and Polish Citizens" (Репрессии против поляков и польских граждан), 1997, Moscow, Zvenya
- "The Role of the MGB in Sovietization of Poland" (Роль МГБ СССР в советизации Польши (Russian)), in "Сталин и холодная война", М. Институт всеобщей истории РАН, 1998
- "Repressions in the MGB Apparatus uring the Last Years of Stalin's Life, 1951-1953" (Репрессии в аппарате МГБ в последние годы жизни Сталина 1951-1953" (Cahiers du monde russe, 2003, No. 44/2-3 pp. 403–436, Les pratiques administratives en Union soviétique, 1920–1960)) (Russian)
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