War of the Pyrenees

War of the Pyrenees
War of the Pyrenees
Part of the French Revolutionary Wars
Vista Panissars.jpg
The Panissars blockhouse, looking south from the Fort de Bellegarde into Spain. The town of La Junquera is left of center and Montroig (Black Mountain) is in the center distance.
Date 7 March 1793 - 22 July 1795
Location Pyrenees
Result French victory,
Peace of Basel & Second Treaty of San Ildefonso
France France Spain Spain
Portugal Portugal
Kingdom of France French Émigrés
Commanders and leaders
France Louis de Flers

France Eustache d'Aoust
France Luc Dagobert
France Louis Marie Turreau
France J. Dugommier 
France Dominique Pérignon
France Barthélemy Schérer
France Bon-Adrien Moncey
France Pierre Augereau
France Pierre Sauret
France Claude Victor
France Henri Delaborde

Spain Antonio Ricardos

Spain Luis de la Union 
Spain Jerónimo Girón
Spain José Urrutia
Spain Gregorio Cuesta
Spain Juan de Courten
Spain Eugenio Navarro
Spain Duke of Osuna
Spain Juan de Lángara
Spain Federico Gravina
Portugal João Forbes
Kingdom of France Duke of Ghent

Casualties and losses
6 530 killed[1]
3 556 wounded[1]
5 281 captured
20 844 killed[1]
5 046 wounded[1]
5 124 captured

War of the Pyrenees refers to the Pyrenees front of the First Coalition's war against the First French Republic. Also known as Great War, War of Roussillon, or War of the Convention, it pitted Revolutionary France against the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal from March 1793 to July 1795 during the French Revolutionary Wars.

The war was fought in the eastern Pyrenees, the western Pyrenees, at the French port of Toulon, and at sea. In 1793, a Spanish army invaded Rousillon in the eastern Pyrenees and maintained itself on French soil through April 1794. The French army drove the Spanish back into Catalonia and inflicted a serious defeat on it in November 1794. After February 1795, the war in the eastern Pyrenees became a stalemate. In the western Pyrenees, the French began to win in 1794. By 1795, the French army controlled a portion of northeast Spain.

The war was brutal in at least two ways. First, the Committee of Public Safety decreed that all French royalist prisoners be executed. Second, French generals who lost battles or otherwise displeased the all-powerful Representatives-on-mission were sent to prison or the guillotine with alarming frequency. Army of the eastern Pyrenees commanders and generals were especially unlucky in this regard.




On 21 January 1793, the National Convention of France executed King Louis XVI of France by guillotine, enraging the other monarchs of Europe. France was already at war with Habsburg Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia, and the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont. Since winning the Battle of Jemappes, the French army occupied the Austrian Netherlands. Emboldened, the government decreed annexation of the territory (modern Belgium), provoking a diplomatic break with Great Britain. On 1 February, France declared war on Britain and the Dutch Republic. On 7 March, France declared war on her ancient ally Spain.[2]

Eastern Pyrenees

At the outbreak of war, King Charles IV of Spain appointed Captain General Antonio Ricardos to command the Army of Catalonia in the eastern Pyrenees. Ricardos invaded the Cerdagne and captured Saint-Laurent-de-Cerdans on 17 April 1793. Three days later, he routed a French force Céret on the Tech River. In despair, the elderly French commander in charge of Rousillon, General Mathieu Henri Marchant de La Houlière committed suicide. On 30 April, the French government split the Army of the Pyrenees into the Army of the eastern Pyrenees and the Army of the western Pyrenees.

In the Battle of Mas Deu on 19 May, Ricardos defeated General of Division (MG) Louis-Charles de Flers. This allowed the Spanish to invest the Fort de Bellegarde on 23 May. The Siege of Bellegarde ended when the French garrison surrendered on 24 June. In the Battle of Niel on 17 July, de Flers turned back the Spanish, though French losses were heavier.[3] On 28 August, MG Luc Siméon Auguste Dagobert defeated a Spanish force under General Manuel la Peña at Puigcerdà in the Cerdagne.[4]

In September, Ricardos sent two divisions under Lieutenant General (LG) Jerónimo Girón-Moctezuma, Marquis de las Amarilas and LG Juan de Courten to cut off the fortress of Perpignan. But MG Eustache Charles d'Aoust rallied the French to win the Battle of Peyrestortes on 17 September. This represented the farthest Spanish advance in Rousillon. Five days later Ricardos defeated Dagobert at the Battle of Truillas, before falling bach to the Tech valley. Ricardos repulsed d'Aoust at Le Boulou on 3 October.[5] The Battle of the Tech (Pla del Rey) on 13–15 October saw the Spanish repel the assaults of MG Louis Marie Turreau.[6] A 5,000-man Portuguese division led by LG João Forbes joined Ricardos in time to defeat d'Aoust at the Battle of Villelongue-dels-Monts on 7 December.[7] LG Gregorio García de la Cuesta captured the port of Collioure from the French on 20 December.[8]

War of the Pyrenees, Eastern Theater

Ricardos died on 13 March 1794, and Spanish success died with him. CG Alejandro O'Reilly died ten days after the man he was to succeed, and LG Luis Firmin de Carvajal, Conde de la Union was appointed to command the Army of Catalonia instead. The Army of the eastern Pyrenees also had a new commander in MG Jacques François Dugommier. At the Battle of Boulou from 29 April to 1 May, Dugommier drove de la Union's army south of the border, forcing the Spanish to abandon all their artillery and trains. Collioure fell to the French in late May and LG Eugenio Navarro's 7,000-man Spanish garrison became prisoners. The French royalist defenders fled in fishing boats before the surrender to avoid execution.[9] Dugommier imposed a blockade on Bellegarde starting on 5 May.[10] The inconclusive Battle of La Junquera was fought on 7 June.[11] In the Battle of San-Lorenzo de la Muga on 13 August, MG Pierre Augereau repulsed a Spanish attempt to relieve Bellegarde. The fortress fell on 17 September after the Spanish garrison was starved out.[10] On 17 to 20 November, the climactic Battle of the Black Mountain saw both Dugommier and de la Union killed in action. MG Dominique Catherine de Pérignon took command of the French and led them to victory. Figueres and its San Fernando (Sant Ferran) fortress quickly fell to the French with 9,000 prisoners.[12]

MG Pierre François Sauret successfully concluded the Siege of Roses on 4 February 1795. An attempt by MG Barthélemy Louis Joseph Schérer to cross the Rio Fluvià on 14 June was defeated by LG José Urrutia y de las Cases at the Battle of Bàscara.[13] After peace was signed, but before word reached the fighting front, Cuesta recaptured Puigcerdà and Bellver from the French on 26 and 27 July.[14]

Western Pyrenees

Bon-Adrien de Moncey

Historian Digby Smith lists no battles in the western Pyrenees for the year 1793.[15] However, a number of clashes occurred, including actions fought by Colonel Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey's 5th Light Demi-brigade at Chateau-Pignon on 6 June, Aldudes in June, and Saint-Jean-de-Luz on 23 July.[16]

On 5 February 1794, MG Louis Dubouquet successfully defended the fortified Sans Culottes Camp on a hilltop near Hendaye against 13,000 Spanish infantry and 700 cavalry and artillery led by Lieutenant General (LG) José Urrutia y de las Cases. Spanish casualties numbered 335 while French losses are unknown.[17] On 3 June, a 2,300-man French brigade commanded by General of Brigade (BG) Lavictoire stormed the Casa Fuorte position at Izpegi Pass (Col d'Ispeguy) 13.5 airline km west of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. The 1,000 defenders, including a battalion of the Spanish Zamora Infantry Regiment, three companies of the Aldudes Rifles, and the French Émigré Légion Royal battalion, lost 94 killed and wounded, plus 307 captured. The losses of the French brigade, part of Mauco's division, were described as "light". The same day, Colonel Jacques Lefranc's 2,000 French republican troops seized the Izpegi Ridge.[18]

Near Bera (Vera) on 23 June, Captain General Don Ventura Caro with 8,000 infantry and 500 cavalry and artillery tried unsuccessfully to oust a French force from a fortified position atop Mont Calvari. The Spanish suffered 500 killed and wounded, plus 34 captured. The French admitted 30 killed and 200 wounded. On 10 July, BG Antoine Digonet with a brigade of 4,000 troops overwhelmed the Zamora Infantry and the Légion Royal defending Monte Argintzo (Mont Arquinzu). The height is located at 43°3′23″N 1°29′40″W / 43.05639°N 1.49444°W / 43.05639; -1.49444 (Monte Argintzo), 10 km south of Elizondo. Spanish losses numbered 314, including French royalist commander LG Marquis de Saint-Simon badly wounded. On this occasion, the French republicans executed 49 French royalist prisoners.[19]

War of the Pyrenees, Western Theater

On 23 July, the Army of the Western Pyrenees attacked Spanish fortified positions with the divisions of MG Moncey, MG Henri Delaborde, and MG Jean Henri Guy Nicolas de Frégeville. Though MG Jacques Léonard Muller commanded the army at the time, Moncey exercised tactical control of operations during the Battle of the Baztan Valley. In the fighting near Elizondo and Doneztebe (Santesteban), Moncey overran the Spanish defenses. The French then followed the Bidasoa River northward in late July to seize the heights of San Marcial and the town of Hondarribia (Fuenterrabia) near the coast. In the latter operation, Moncey captured LG Don Vicente de los Reyes, 2,000 Spanish soldiers, and 300 cannon on 1 August. Moncey followed this exploit by capturing San Sebastián on 3 August, with an additional 1,700 Spanish soldiers and 90 cannon falling into French hands. Soon after, the French also captured the town of Tolosa. Moncey was soon promoted to army commander.[20][21]

From 15 to 17 October, Moncey, launched a broad front offensive from the Baztan valley and the Roncevaux Pass to the south in the direction of Pamplona. The Battle of Orbaitzeta saw clashes at Mezkiritz (Mezquiriz), Orbaitzeta, Lekunberri, and Villanueva. The 46,000-man French army drove back 13,000 Spanish troops under the command of LG Pedro Téllez-Girón, 9th Duke of Osuna with 4,000 casualties and the loss of 50 cannon. French losses are unknown. The arms foundries at Orbaitzeta and Egui, as well as the Spanish navy's mast store at Irati, fell to the French. However, the onset of winter weather and the outbreak of disease caused operations to be suspended for the year.[21][22] A final clash occurred at Bergara on 7 November when the French inflicted losses of 150 killed, plus 200 men and one cannon captured on a 4,000-man division led by Marquis de Ruby.[23]

During the winter Moncey reorganized his army, which had lost 3,000 men to disease. He finally secured a siege train and, in June 1795 12,000 reinforcements arrived from the Army of the West. Moncey's offensive began on 28 June and it soon drove back LG Crespo's Spanish forces. Vitoria fell to the French on 17 July and Bilbao two days later. When news of the Peace of Basel arrived in early August, Moncey had crossed the Ebro and was preparing to invest Pamplona.[24]


Spanish forces took part in the Siege of Toulon, which lasted from 18 September to 18 December 1793. The French were led by Dugommier while the Anglo-Spanish defenders were commanded by Admirals Juan de Lángara, Federico Gravina, and Samuel Hood, and General Charles O'Hara. The Allies abandoned the port after a young officer of artillery, Napoleon Bonaparte took the fleet's anchorage under cannon fire. The French navy lost 14 Ships of the line burnt and 15 more captured. French casualties numbered 2,000 while Allied losses were twice as great. Afterward, the victors massacred up to 2,000 French royalists taken as prisoners.[8]

Naval action

The Action of 14 February 1795 in the Gulf of Roses was a defeat for the French navy.


The Peace of Basel ended the War of the Pyrenees on 22 July 1795. An alliance convention between France and Spain was signed at the Second Treaty of San Ildefonso on 19 August 1796. All in all, it was a victory for the French republic. Portugal remained in combat, however, as peace was not concluded with the Portuguese.


  1. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named wufaq; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  2. ^ Durant, p 53
  3. ^ Smith, p 49
  4. ^ Smith, p 53
  5. ^ Smith, p 57
  6. ^ Prats, Turreau
  7. ^ Smith, p 63
  8. ^ a b Smith, p 64
  9. ^ Smith, pp 81-82
  10. ^ a b Smith, p 91
  11. ^ Ostermann-Chandler, p 407
  12. ^ Smith, p 96
  13. ^ Smith, p 103
  14. ^ Smith, p 104
  15. ^ Smith, pp 41-66
  16. ^ Beckett-Chandler, p 299
  17. ^ Smith, p 72. Smith locates the camp "between Hendaye and Ainhoe", but this is unhelpful since the towns are 23 km apart. Beckett cites a battle at Hendaye on 5 February, so it is probable that the action was fought near that town.
  18. ^ Smith, p 83
  19. ^ Smith, p 87. Smith calls the battle "Mount Arquinzu".
  20. ^ Smith, p 88
  21. ^ a b Beckett-Chandler, p 300
  22. ^ Smith, p 93
  23. ^ Smith, p 95
  24. ^ Beckett-Chandler, pp 300-301



  • Robert Batty: Campaign of the left wing of the Allied Army, in the Western Pyrenees and South of France, in the years 1813-14, J. Murray, London 1823

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