- Boden Fortress
Infobox Military Structure
name=Boden Fortress
location=Boden,Norrbotten ,Sweden
caption=Rödberget Fort, part of Boden Fortress, seen from the north. Thecaponier ditch and the armored turrets are clearly visible, as well as the magnificent view one has from the fort.
built=Complete fortress: 1900–1916
Main forts: 1901–1908
materials=Concrete, stone, steel
garrison=Complete fortress: 15,000 menFästningsguiden i Norr AB, [http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/ Bodens fästning & Rödbergsfortet] . Other sources mention other numbers; Hagerfors, [http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?a=39046 Topphemlig fästning blev turistmål] says that the five forts could accommodate up to 25,000 men, and Nyström, p. 220 says that calculations in 1926 put the wartime force in and around Boden at 16,521 men.]
Main forts: 2,000 menStatens fastighetsverk, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/pressmeddelanden/2000/Bodens_fa_63.pdf Bodens fästning öppnas] .]
battles=NoneBoden Fortress ( _sv. Bodens fästning) is a modern fortress consisting of several major and minor forts and fortifications surrounding the city of Boden,
Norrbotten , in northernSweden . Although the main forts were finished in 1908, many of the supporting fortifications were not completed until the start of the First World War. Improvements were also continuously made during, and between, bothWorld War s. The fortress was originally intended to stop or delay attacks from the east or coastal assaults, which at the time of construction meant Russian attacks launched from Finland. It was primarily the expansion of the railway net inNorrland , which in turn was a consequence of the rising importance of the northern iron ore fields, that led to the increased strategic value of northern Sweden and the construction of the fortress.Boden Fortress is made up of five primary self-supporting forts excavated out of the
bedrock in five of the mountains surrounding Boden: Degerberget, Mjösjöberget, Gammelängsberget, Södra Åberget and Rödberget. Eight fortified secondaryartillery positions were constructed between the forts to give flanking support and to cover areas not in range of the main forts' artillery. In addition, 40bunker s for infantry, along with dugouts and other fortifications, were built to cover even more terrain. During the Second World War manyanti-tank gun emplacements and additional bunkers and shelters were built, and tens of kilometers of dragon's teeth were placed around the fortress and the city itself. Owing to the end of the Cold War and the reduction of the threat from theSoviet Union , Boden Fortress became less important to the defence of Sweden, and began to be decommissioned. The last fort of the complex was decommissioned on 31 December 1998.Background
Central and peripheral defence
The two dominating theories of how to use fortifications in the strategic perspective during the 18th and 19th century were the central fortress system ("centrala fästningssystemet") and the peripheral fortress system ("perifera fästningssystemet"), the latter also called the cordon system. The two systems were also known as central defence and
peripheral defence . The peripheral defence theory was based on building several smaller fortifications along the coast and borders of the country to meet the enemy at an early stage, while the central defence theory was meant to step by step weaken the enemy in minorskirmish es andambush es carried out by forces supplied and supported by central fortresses not located in thefront line . In short words, one theory advocated many minor fortifications built to directly engage the enemy, while the other advocated only a few major fortifications built not to directly engage the enemy, but to support the troops that engaged the enemy.In the beginning of the 19th century the peripheral system—at least in Sweden—was deemed unmodern,Nyström, p. 31.] possibly due to the extremely long border and coastline of the country, which required a lot of personnel to maintain and support, leading to high costs. The peripheral system was also meant to contain the enemy to a specific area, the coast and borders, but as time went and new tactics were taken into practice, the thin line of fortifications would be easily penetrated by the enemy forces, and when the enemy had advanced through the peripheral line, there was nothing there to stop the attacker. The central fortress system was better adjusted to
defence in depth , it was not until the enemy attack had reached itsculminating point that fullcounterattack s would be launched. The central defence had also proven effective in theSeven Years' War —used byFrederick II of Prussia —and inNapoleon's Invasion of Russia —used by the Russians.Nyström, p. 32.]Carl von Clausewitz , in his military treatise "On War ", even mentioned Sweden's good conditions for this kind of war of attrition:The fourth principle, the "Assistance of the Theatre of War", is naturally an advantage on the side of the defensive. [...] the army on the defensive continues to keep up its connection with everything, that is, it enjoys the support of its fortresses, is not weakened in any way, and is near to its sources of supply. [...] The campaign of 1812, gives as it were in a magnifying glass a very clear illustration of the effect of the means specified under principles 3 and 4. [...] It is true that with the exception of Sweden there is no country in Europe which is situated like Russia, but the efficient principle is always the same, the only distinction being in the greater or less degree of its strength.Clausewitz, [http://www.clausewitz.com/CWZHOME/VomKriege2/BK6ch03.html book VI, chapter III] .]
Fortification of Sweden
Sweden had just lost one third of its mainland, as Russia had conquered the eastern part and created the
Grand Duchy of Finland out of it during theFinnish War in 1808–1809. Shortly after, in 1814, the west flank had been secured by the personal union with Norway, and after theNapoleonic Wars , the former main enemy of Sweden in the south,Denmark , was no longer any threat. The only threat left was Russia, that now stood just across the border in the north, and had possession of the Åland Islands less than 150 km from the Swedish capitalStockholm . TheSwedish Navy was considered superior to the Russian in theGulf of Bothnia , so a seaborne invasion against the coast ofNorrland was not likely to happen. And even though the Russians had invaded northern Sweden via Finland in the previous war, the general opinion was that in case of a new war, their main attack would be conducted towards Stockholm and southern Sweden.Nyström, pp. 32–33.]This opinion led to the thought of finding a good rear defence area where the Riksdag and the Swedish government could move if the capital was in danger. This in turn naturally strengthened the central defence theory. The core land ("kärnlandet") would be the place from where the main part of the field army would conduct its operations, supported by a few fortresses. The area between the two large lakes of
Vänern andVättern was the choice for this core land, with approximately the same border asSkaraborg County . Sweden above the province ofDalarna was not even considered to be included in this strategy.Nyström, p. 34.] The realisation of the middle Sweden central defence system was finally made 5 February 1819 when King Charles XIV John decided that one main fortress, the central fortress, and two smaller "operational fortresses" were to be built. The central fortress becameKarlsborg Fortress atKarlsborg , while the two operational fortresses meant to be located at either end of Vättern never were built due to lack of funds.While
Norrland was not supposed to be included in the central defence strategy, studies on how to defend this major part of the country were still conducted. However northern Sweden was generally considered to be a wasteland and not suited for larger military operations. Reasons why Norrland was considered of very limited military interest included the bad state of most of the roads, the many uninhabited areas, the large rivers and the very limited economical gain that the lands provided.Nyström, p. 36.] The first of these studies, laid down by the Fortification Committee of 1819 ("1819 års befästningskommitté")—which was largely influenced by the committee'ssecretary Johan Peter Lefrén Nyström, p. 37.] —led to nothing more than the opinion that the many large rivers up north—especially theÅngerman River —would benefit the defence and that no major fortifications were to be built. In another study from 1824,colonel —and much later Swedish Minister for War—Gustaf Oscar Peyron suggested that it would be better to fortify positions just south of Boden—along the more northernLule River —for example at Sävast or Avan.NF: uggleupplagan, [http://runeberg.org/nfbc/0463.html "Boden"] .] However no major changes were made, partially due to the limited military interest, but also because of the large amounts of money that was spent on building Karlsborg Fortress and modernizing other older fortifications in southern Sweden.Kartaschew, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/kulturvarden/2000_03/bodens_fastning.pdf p. 12] .]Railroads speed up planning
It was not until fifteen year later, when yet another committee—the Coastal Fortification Committee of 1839 ("1839 års kustbefästningskommitté")—studied the defence of Norrland, that the
Swedish Armed Forces started to focus a bit more on the northern provinces.Kartaschew, p. 12.] This study however mainly presented plans for middle Norrland, and the provinces ofMedelpad ,Ångermanland andJämtland . Those provinces had a more significant role as it was there that the main roads of Sweden started to intersect with the road network ofNorway , which at the time was allied with Sweden. The road network north of this area consisted of the large coastal road—the only majornorth –south road—fromHaparanda and all the way through Norrland down toGävle . All the other major roads exclusively had a southeast–northwest stretch—that followed the run of the large rivers—before they ended up in nowhere and thus did not provide any route further west into Norway and on to the Atlantic coast.Nyström, p. 37.] The plans to strengthen Norrland by building a central fortress either onFrösön outsideÖstersund , or closer to the coast atBorgsjö outsideÅnge , once again fell flat due to lack of money and lower priority compared to fortifications in southern Sweden.By the 1860s, the first Swedish railway trunk lines ("stambanor") were completed in the southern part of the country, and by 1881 the trunk line through Norrland had reached Ånge. This, and the opening of the railway line connecting
Sundsvall –Östersund –Trondheim four years later strengthened the plans for a defensive line in the middlemost provinces of Norrland.Nyström, pp. 43–44.] At the same time, on the other side of the Bothnian Gulf, the Finnish main railway toOulu had almost been completed, and would soon be of great use for the Russians to transport military personnel and supplies towards the Swedish border in case of war. Combined with the plannedLuleå –Boden–Gällivare –Kiruna –Narvik railway line, this would pose a great opportunity for the Russians to fulfill their latent wish to seize control of northernScandinavia and the Atlantic ports on the Norwegian coast. At least according to some officers—both Swedish and Norwegian—which in the second half of the 1880s noticed the increased strategic importance of northern Scandinavia andLapland as an effect of the construction of the railway lines in the area.Nyström, pp. 41–42 & p. 53.] The length of the railway lines started to affect strategic planning, and in some cases military decisions influenced the planning of new railway lines.Even though the northernmost stretch of the trunk line in Norrland had long been planned, it was not until 1887 and the victory of the protectionists in that year's election that the financial means and the political will allowed the completion of the railway through Överluleå, which Boden was sometimes called. The "slumbering resources and the rapid expansion"Nyström, p. 44.] in Upper Norrland were two reasons to build a railway to the sparsely populated area; another factor that had a big part in the decision to complete the northern trunk line was the government's takeover of the Luleå–Gällivare line which had previously been in the hands of an English company. The stretch was very lucrative, as it considerably eased the transport of
iron ore from the ore fields around Kiruna and Gällivare down to the coast for further transport by boat. Another English company had in the 1860s tried to construct a combination of a railway and a canal—theEnglish Canal —for the stretch, but went bankrupt before their plans were completed. The company contracted for the new railway line experienced similar economic difficulties and the Swedish state decided to buy the nearly completed line to finish it in 1891.Nyström, pp. 45–46.]The decision to complete the railway through to Boden sparked interest in
Norrbotten among the members of the Swedish General Staff, and the chief, Axel Rappe, conducted a survey trip to the region in 1887. His report mentioned the changed strategic options due to the railway lines on both sides of the Gulf and a need for some kind of fortification in Boden, but he also toned down the earlier thoughts on the Russian interest in the Luleå–Narvik line. Rappe's report directly affected the future stretch of the railway line in Norrbotten. His recommendations, largely based on his and the General Staff's military planning, not to build the line along the coast, or build it all the way to the Swedish-Finnish border at Haparanda were later followed. The subsequent report completed in 1890 by the Neutrality Committee of 1888 ("1888 års neutralitetskommitté")—with Axel Rappe as one of its members—proposed a budget of 1.3 million SEK, corresponding in today's money to around 9 million USDStatistics Sweden, [http://www.scb.se/templates/tableOrChart____33838.asp Price level in Sweden 1830-2005] .] for the construction of permanent fortifications in Boden.Nyström, p. 59.]Reason and decision
Why Boden?
The following year, in 1892, Rappe wrote a memorandum that explained in more detail the budget, which suddenly had risen to 4.5 million SEK, and would finance the construction of two strongpoints at Paglaberget and Åberget (see map) with a total of six long
cannon , tenhowitzer s and eight quick-firing cannon, all in armoured turrets, along with severalmachine gun s and bunkers,barracks and supply depots. The plan included a reserve battalion of 1,000 men, an artillery battalion of 600 men, an engineer company of 120 men, and supply and depot personnel. Axel Rappe's large study on the permanent fortifications of Sweden (named "Underdånigt betänkande angående Sveriges fasta försvar") was published in 1892 and cemented the view that a central fortress was needed in Boden to support and supply troops gathering between the Lule River and the eastern border.Although Rappe did not completely rule out the possibility of a German or British attack on southern Sweden if the opportunity arose, he felt that Russia was the most realistic threat.Nordhagen Ottosen, [http://www.hf.uio.no/iakh/forskning/forskningsprosjekter/1905/publikasjon/ottosen.pdf p. 56] .] There were only two plausible cases of war against them, either Sweden got involved in a war between Germany and Russia which would feature southern and central Sweden as the battleground—and Rappe made no attempt to hide which country the General Staff wanted Sweden to side with in that case—or Russia would make a limited attack on Norrbotten to reach northern Norway and the Atlantic—an attack he earlier said was not very likely. Rappe probably said that to get more focus on the importance of the railway line to Boden, which was under discussion at that time, and he thus hoped that it would speed up its completion.Nyström, p. 60.] A railway line to Boden was of utmost need to be able to bring up troops to Lule River—the main line of defence—and a future fortress there.
During the following years a fierce debate raged between the supporters of the army on one side and the navy on the other. The proposed expansion of several of the Swedish fortifications, which in turn would see less money spent on the fleet, upset many naval proponents, amongst them
Wilhelm Dyrssen —later Minister for Defence—and Herman Wrangel, but alsoFredrik von Otter —later Admiral andPrime Minister of Sweden .Nyström, pp. 63–64.] They argued that the theory of central defence would leave large swaths of Swedish land in the hands of the enemy, and instead suggested several smaller fortifications at the border, along with a strengthened navy.Nordhagen Ottosen, [http://www.hf.uio.no/iakh/forskning/forskningsprosjekter/1905/publikasjon/ottosen.pdf p. 98] .] The debate was inconclusive and a request for 500,000 SEK to initiate construction of the fortress was not accepted by the government. Instead, they wanted a committee to further investigate all Swedish fortifications and possible new constructions of such. Thus the Fortification Committee of 1897 was formed. The committee, led by chairmanJesper Crusebjörn , discussed and examined the defence of Norrland very thoroughly, and also travelled to Boden where they climbe several of the heights and mountains that were considered for the fortifications.Even the chairman which—according to assistant secretary Melander—had "a pretty extensive corpus to carry around, did not fear toil and in own person climbed, even though slowly, the highest of all the mountains." Bergmark, pp. 526–527.] The selection of Boden as the most suitable place for the fortification, according to the committee's final report published 25 July 1898, had several reasons:
*The rail trunk line through Norrland crossedLule River there.
*The intersection of the trunk line and theLuleå –Narvik line was located there.
*The most important road intersection in Norrbotten was located there.
*The most suitable river crossing sites over Lule River were located there.
*The distance to the coast was long enough to prevent a surprise attack by a naval landing force.
*Thetopography of the area was suitable for a modern fortress.Kartaschew, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/vara_fastigheter/Tidningen_340.pdf p. 3] .] Nyström, p. 104.]Final decision
The report calculated the costs to 8.7 million SEK—the same sum that Axel Rappe had proposed in 1896—which corresponds in today's money to around 60 million USD, spent over a total construction schedule of one four-year period and two three-year periods. The cost was still considerably lower than that of many of the recently built or modernised fortifications on the continent;
Belgium had spent the equivalent of 62 million SEK on fortifications along the Meuse, andRomania had spent around the same to strengthen the defence ofBucharest .Bergmark, p. 519.] In 1899, Rappe proposed to the Swedish Riksdag—in line with the plans of the Fortification Committee—that construction of already existing fortificatory works in Sweden would commence, while the question on Boden would be postponed to the next year. The plan gained support from the first chamber but not from the second chamber, and thus the joint vote decided, which was in favor of the proposition. Even though the result did not really mean anything concrete for the possible construction in Boden, many considered this a great success for that question as well.Nyström, pp. 69–70.] During the last years of the century, the Riksdag's general attitude towards the army became more positive, most likely due to the increasedRussification of Finland , increased tension in the Union, and rumors that the Russiansawfiler s that worked in Sweden also worked for theOkhrana , the secret Russian police.Despite this progress, Axel Rappe left as Minister for War in 1899, due to a number of setbacks on other issues. He was replaced by
Jesper Crusebjörn , who inherited the Boden fortification project. Crusebjörn followed in the footsteps of Rappe—who was later referred to as "the spiritual father of Boden Fortress"Nyström, p. 51.] — as he proposed, in accordance with the Committee's plan, that the Riksdag should allocate an initial sum of 560,000 SEKAccording to Bergmark, p. 528. In Nyström, p. 70 the sum 260,000 SEK is instead mentioned.] which would be used to initiate construction of Boden Fortress. Crusebjörn also maintained the belief of his predecessor, and of the committee in which he was chairman, that Boden Fortress when completed should act as the operational base for all troops attached for the defence of Norrbotten, that it should serve as a supply fortress for troops stationed between it and the front line, and that it also should serve as a blocking fortress in case of a Russian surprise attack. The 1897 committee also had set the goal to have Boden Fortress in a finished state when the trunk line through railway found its way through to the border against Finland.Bergmark, p. 527.]The result of the votes—held 7 May 1900,Nyström, p. 79.] a date which can be seen as the birth of the fortress—in the first and second chambers were the same as the previous year. The result in the first chamber was overwhelmingly for the proposal at 108–16, but the proponents feared a defeat in the second chamber. During the debate both the
Prime Minister of Sweden Erik Gustaf Boström and Jesper Crusebjörn threatened to resign from their posts if the proposal was not accepted, to exert pressure on the second chamber. Boström expressed the following that day:For believe me gentlemen, I consider this question so important that in the same moment I get the definite answer that it is not embraced by the Swedish Riksdag, I will no longer stay in this place.Bergmark, p. 528.]
Even after this, the second chamber voted against the proposal, with a vote count of 73–130. Neither Boström nor Crusebjörn resigned, since after further discussion and voting it was decided that the matter should be settled by a joint vote. The first chamber voted in favor, 125–14, while the second chamber voted against, 87–135, with a total outcome of 212–149 in favour of constructing Boden Fortress and allocating the funds needed to start construction. Funding for the purchase of the land that the fortifications were to be built on had largely been provided several years in advance by two voluntary organizations. The Organization for the Fortified Defence of Upper Norrland ("Föreningen för Övre Norrlands fasta försvar") and the Swedish Women's Organization ("Svenska Qvinnoföreningen") had collected 71,000 SEK out of the 131,000 SEK needed for land purchase.Bergmark, p. 532.] NF: första utgåvan, [http://runeberg.org/nfas/0484.html "Supplement Boden"] .]
Initial work
The main inspiration for the design—in which the forts are blasted into the mountains rather than constructed on top of them—came from
Vaberget Fortress nearKarlsborg Fortress . Vaberget Fortress was built in the 1890s and its southern fort was the first fort in the world that fully used the protection provided by the bedrock itself by having all of its functions embedded in the mountain.Svensson, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/kulturvarden/2000_01/var_forsta_moderna_befastning.pdf p. 19] .] Vaberget Fortress served as a prototype for Boden Fortress and many more future fortifications in Sweden, including the late 20th century fixed army and coastal artillery batteries that gave theSwedish Fortifications Administration world renown.Kartaschew, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/vara_fastigheter/Tidningen_340.pdf p. 1] .] Preparatory work was started in 1900 and consisted of a diverse number of tasks, ranging from purchase of beds for the construction workers, construction of a new loading site for the railway, building roads to the various construction sites and clearing the land of those sites. The plan for the Fortifications at Boden ("Befästningarna vid Boden")—which was the term used until the First World War when the present name Boden Fortress came into widespread useNyström, pp. 126–127.] —was largely based on the proposal laid forward by the Fortification Committee of 1897, with only minor modifications.Already before any construction work had started, the cost of the forts had been estimated to exceed the previous calculations by 50 % and in December 1901, only few months after the first blasting work that had been done at Gammelängsberget in July 1901, the cost for the four forts northeast of the river was expected to be 65 % more expensive than the initial calculation.Nyström, p. 157.] The blueprints of the forts at Degerberget, Gammelängsberget and Södra Åberget were the first to be confirmed, which happened on 11 May 1901. The fort at Mjösjöberget followed suit on 3 April 1902 and the last fort to get a confirmed blueprint was the fort at Rödberget, on 19 May 1903. The last proposed fort, at Paglaberget, was deleted from the plans in 1906—along with the batteries at Fällberget and Slumpberget as well as the fortifications at Avan and Svartbyträsket—before any work on the fort had started, due to the proposal of the new Fortification Committee of 1905, which was formed following the reports of the large rise in costs.Nyström, p. 166.] On 9 February 1906, the current Minister for War
Lars Tingsten calculated the total cost to end at 19,220,000 SEK, more than twice the cost reported by the 1897 committee.Bergmark, p. 533.]All work on the large masses of bedrock was conducted by hand, without any help of powered machines. The first work that was done at the site was to create a large
ditch , 9–12 m wide and width a depth of 6 m or more, that would surround the core of the fort. Creating patrol trenches and placements for the turrets on the top of the forts was also work done early on. The teams of workers would first bore down in the bedrock using pinch bars and sledgehammers, then usedynamite to blast the rock into manageable pieces which could be transported away from the site, using wheelbarrows, horse-drawn carriages and in some casesDecauville railways. When the ditch, or parts of it, had been completed, work started on the inner part of the fort by boring horizontally from the bottom of the ditch into the mountain itself. This work was a lot harder—the cost for eachcubic metre of blasted tunnel was five times the cost of a cubic metre of blasted ditch—both due to the confined space in the tunnels and the risk of damaging the bedrock. Dynamite was replaced byblack powder which reduced the risk of doing so but it also increased the time needed to complete the tunnels.Nyström, pp. 158–160.] All in all, the amount of bedrock bored, blasted, loaded and transported away from the forts has been estimated to be between 250,000 m³ and 350,000 m³.Nyström, p. 329 gives the number 241,000 m³, while Lidström, [http://www.forsvarsutbildarna.se/index.php?dispatchTo=Renderer&action=download&file=11866 p. 4] mentions 350,000 m³.]Finishing touch
When the ditches and tunnels were finished, concrete works started, including flooring, construction of joist systems if a second floor inside the fort was wanted, staircases, partition walls and
counterscarp galleries.Water well s were bored to a depth of several hundred meters to guarantee water supply since the forts were supposed to be self-supporting.Bergmark, p. 536.] However, the most demanding part of the project was the construction, transport and installation of the armoured turrets and the armament itself. Two companies had been previously contracted for the construction of other fortifications in Sweden, Swedish AB Bofors-Gullspång and FrenchCompagnie des Forges de Châtillon , offers from both companies existed already in 1901, but it was not until after tests conducted in December 1902 that the Swedish company was contracted and given royal approval on 26 May 1903. The order was for the 8.4 cm and 12 cm pieces that was to be mounted on the first three forts. The following two forts at Rödberget and Mjösjöberget were to have 15 cm pieces, an order Bofors would get as well, but due to the time factor a few of those were actually delivered by the French company.Nyström, pp. 161–163.]The cost of a single armoured turret for a 12 cm piece was almost 100,000 SEK—around 700,000 USD in today's money—and it could weigh as much as 100
tonne s. It was delivered in parts to simplify transport, but the heaviest part still had a weight of 26 tonnes. The parts were delivered by rail up to Boden and unloaded with the help ofgantry crane s. As the roads of the time could not handle the weight during summer, transport had to wait until winter when thefrost had hardened the ground. The turret parts were lifted ontosleigh s drawn by 16–30 horses depending on the situation. The toughest stretch, up the mountain, was handled with the help ofblock and tackle , the ditch was crossed on temporarily built sturdy wooden bridges and the mounting of the turret was finished with cranes. A major part of the mounts for the turrets were completed by the end of 1905, despite the harsh winter working conditions, with temperatures falling below −40 °C from time to time.Nyström, pp. 164–165.] The peak workforce amounted to around 900 men,According to Nyström, p. 167 and Bergmark, p. 534. Fästningsguiden i Norr AB, [http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/ Bodens fästning & Rödbergsfortet] gives a slightly higher number of 1,200 men.] but was fluctuating with the lowest number of active workers during the winter months. The first artillery test firing was conducted on 15 January 1907 when the guns at Gammelängsberget fired their first rounds, and all five forts "were in a defensible state" by 1908.Nyström, p. 168.]Other fortificatory works
Apart from the forts, the garrison itself was heavily expanded during the initial construction years and became one of the largest garrisons in Sweden, still at the start of the 21st century Boden was the largest garrison city in the
Swedish Army . Still, no other fortifications than the forts themselves were finished by 1908, and work now started to fill the holes in between them. It was realized that prepared positions were needed for the mobile batteries, and apart from those, three larger battery positions (sometimes called "fästen", strongholds) were also constructed at Leåkersberget, Norra Åberget and Svedjeberget. These works were started in 1911 and were finished during the First World War. The last of the three strongholds was positioned in the mountain itself with embrasures in the mountain side,The battery on Svedjeberget is often referred to as a fort—especially in post-decommission promotional and tourist material—but that is incorrect, see for example Kartaschew, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/vara_fastigheter/Tidningen_340.pdf pp. 4–6] .] and Leåkersberget had parts of the battery position inside the mountain, but the gun emplacements outside—the other positions were concrete fortifications above the ground, some inside abunker , and others behind aparapet .The main fortifications for infantry consisted of 44 concrete bunkers, 23 dugouts and 26 fortified observation posts.Boden Fortress exhibition.] The concrete bunkers ("infanteriskansar", redoubts) were long and narrow, the longest, Abramsskansen, was 155 m long and had room for 160 men and four machine guns, but most had room for less than 80 men—usually a rifle
platoon reinforced with a machine gun section and an anti-tank section.Dig Maps AB, [http://www.bodenkartan.com/bodfastningkarta.htm Bodens fästnings karta] .] Due to their length, their curved shapes following the mountain sides, and other characteristics, the bunkers were popularly referred to as "sausages" ("korvar"). The construction of these started in 1911. Many officers still considered the fortress to have inadequate and to few fortifications for the infantry, and one officer compared the fortress to "a shoe, which is to large for the foot."Bergmark, p. 537.] 1 million SEK was allocated in 1915 to fix that problem, and many minor fortifications were built during the First World War. Blockhouses were also built by the railway bridge at Trångforsen and the—during 1911–1912 built—road bridge "Hedenbron" located just 1½ kilometres southeast of the Trångforsen bridge. The later was built to accommodate easier access to Rödberget Fort and the military training area on the southwestern shore of Lule River and was at the time of completion the longest single span road bridge in Sweden.Nyström, pp. 170–171.]Both internal and external communication systems as well as means of reconnaissance were needed, both directed by the
commandant located in the headquarters building. The building—finished in 1910—had three floors, the upper two functioned as home and workplace for the commandant and the chief of staff, while the ground floor had extra thick walls and functioned ascommand post for the fortress. A large field telephone network was built, connecting all forts with the headquarters. Liaison with higher commands was at first maintained by regular post, telegraph and telephone. The fortress' radio station was finished by 1914 and was located south of Degerberget on abog now known as the "Radio Mire" ("Radiomyren"). The fortress also hadhoming pigeon s for sending messages. At the end of the Second World War, around 280 such pigeons were stationed in Boden. The pigeons were part of the balloon department whose main task was to operate the balloon of the garrison. For this, a hangar with inner measurements of 35×10×10 m was built near the radio station. More than fifty men were attached to the department, of which two could follow the balloon up to its maximum height of 1,000 m, limited by the length of the wire connecting it to the ground. The hydrogen-filled balloon itself was of German make and measured 27 m in length, had a diameter of around 7 m and a total volume of 750 m³.Strandell, [http://www.fortv.se/templates/Page.aspx?id=165 Spaning från ballong i Boden] .]Never in use
Two World Wars
Most parts of the fortress were finished during the First World War, and many minor works were started and completed during the course of the war. Even though Sweden remained neutral during the First and Second World War, the start and outcome of both had large impact on the fortress.
Finland declaring its indepencence during the First World War created abuffer state between Sweden and Imperial Russia's successor state, theSoviet Union , which radically changed the strategic value of Northern Sweden, and questioned the usability of Boden Fortress. Only the most necessary needs were satisfied during theinterwar period , even apparent needs—based on the experiences from the war—such as betterair defence and fortifications to halt or temporarily impede attacks by armoured forces were neglected. Thanks to local commanders, construction of new fortifications and improvements to already existing ones were done with the help of garrisoned troops. Engineer companies built new shelters and trenches as training, and the telephone network was improved and completed by the garrisoned telegraph company. This cut the cost drastically as the only expenditure was the needed material.Nyström, p. 178.]Only a few necessary projects were funded, including an underground headquarters bunker, improvement of the garrison hospital and new training areas. It was not until the increased tension in Europe following
Adolf Hitler 's rise to power,Benito Mussolini 'sMarch on Rome and the outbreak of theSpanish Civil War that focus once again was put on military readiness and prepared fortifications. Several improvements were made to fortifications in many parts of Sweden during the last years of the 1930s following the German annexation of Austria and occupation of Czechoslovakia. In Boden, this included building underground storage rooms for ammunition and food, replenishing already existing stocks, increasing protection for other important supply functions—such as the waterworks—as well as further military planning and also preparations for destruction of—for an advancing enemy—important bridges and roads.Nyström, pp. 178–179.]When the Second World War broke out, only limited resources where allotted to the defence of Northern Sweden, but following the Soviet attack on Finland a few months later and the German
Operation Weserübung againstNorway andDenmark the next year, major work on improving and extending the defensive lives was commenced. Many bunkers, bomb shelters, gun emplacements—particularly for anti-tank guns—were built by the units that had been mobilised and stationed in the vicinity of Boden. The Finnish experiences gained from meeting superior armoured forces during the Winter War were adopted in Sweden, and triple rows of large stones or blocks of reinforced concrete, dragon's teeth, soon formed a continuous line—defended by anti-tank guns in concrete bunkers and machine-gun nests—around the fortress and city. As the war continued and advances in most fields of warfare were made, Boden Fortress was continually improved to meet new or increased threats such as air, armoured or gas attacks. The command, supply and intelligence services were improved as well.Nyström, pp. 179–182.]As Sweden has remained neutral since 1816, Boden Fortress was never put to the test. Nonetheless, there are a few indications on how Boden, the garrison, the fortress and its crew would have come through a wartime attack. Already in 1904, Lars Tingsten—later Minister for War and also the first commander of Boden Fortress—expressed worries over the low number of soldiers that were planned to garrison the town. The 1892 army war plans had two infantry
battalion s stationed in the area, and allowed for three or four more to be transferred there,Nyström, p. 109.] while Tingsten reported that the battalions should number at least 24 and perhaps even 33.Nyström, pp. 117–118.] The lack of personnel, and even more the lack of organisation, was shown when the fortress was tested against acoup de main in April 1913. Led by its commanderBror Munck , the cavalry regimentKronprinsens husarregemente managed to seize control of the railway station, the railway bridge, the ordnance depot, the electric works and the waterworks in the matter of a day. When the unit reached the headquarters building, Lars Tingsten—now commandant of the fortress—saw his earlier worries come true.Björhammar, pp. 31–32.] Nyström, pp. 201–202.] Despite this, the wartime infantry garrison was no more than four battalions in 1937. But as the Second World War came to its end, the fortress had been given a new role. It was no longer meant to stand on its own against a besiegeing enemy, and instead became only one piece in a larger network of fortifications.Nyström, pp. 132–139.]Espionage
Strict secrecy surrounded the fortress for a very long time, and there were several attempts made by foreign powers to gain knowledge of various kinds of information. One early possible attempt at
espionage were the Russiansawfiler s who travelled through Sweden, mostly in Norrland during the last years of the 19th century and the years leading up to theFirst World War . A large part of the Swedish population believed that the sawfilers, no more than 300 in total in Sweden, were spies hired by theOkhrana , the Russian secret police. While some sources are of the belief that the sawfilers were never sent out on specific missions—but instead acted as unknowing spies—only having contact with the Okhrana who interrogated them regarding their experiences when they returned to Russia,Nyström, p. 89.] other sources claim that at least some of the sawfilers that the Okhrana found most useful were educated in the art of espionage, and were in fact given specific missions, as well as being paid 300 rouble per season for their work.Forsberg, pp. 14–15.] Another form of this kind of legal espionage is believed to have been conducted by the GermanWandervogel movement during the late interwar period.Nyström, p. 88.]The first known attempt of purposeful espionage against the fortress was conducted in 1913–14. A former
lieutenant in the Danishcoastal artillery , A. B. Fredrikssen, was enlisted inCopenhagen by the Russianmilitary attaché inStockholm ,colonel Assanovitch. Fredrikssen was sent to Boden with the task to explore the fortress and its surroundings. He and his wife stayed at aboarding house in the city, and had regular correspondence with his employer who stayed in Copenhagen. It was also the correspondence that exposed the attempt, which was not very successful in terms of information gained by the Russians. They had better luck in late 1914 with two brothers named Hiukka, who both served with one of the artillery regiments in Boden,Norrlands artilleriregemente . They were discovered due to their extravagant living, and it was found out that one of the brothers—despite his employment in the army—had Finnish-Russian citizenship. They had provided intelligence to Russia, but the full extent of the affair was never disclosed.Nyström, pp. 86–87.] A minor case of German espionage was exposed during the Second World War. The first permanently stationed German officer in Luleå, aHauptmann Schultz, was caught in the act photographing parts of the fortifications, and was deported. It is probable that his espionage was not ordered from any higher command, but was rather an act on own initiative.Gyllenhaal, p 29. In a private conversation with the author, he stated that it is likely that the officer's name was Schulte rather than Schultz, however it is not entirely clear which name is correct.]Two extensive espionage cases in Sweden during the
Cold War involved Boden Fortress, both exposed in 1951. The first case involvedFritjof Enbom , a former worker at the Swedish State Railways in Boden, and later as local editor for the communist newspaper "Norrskensflamman". He was exposed by his own careless talk—often under the influence of alcohol—to the owners of the house inStockholm where he had lodged since he moved there from Boden. The family told theSwedish Security Service after theChristmas holidays of 1951, and Enbom was arrested on 16 February 1952. During interrogation, he confessed that he—from February 1943 to April 1951—had met with Soviet employers around 25 times. Enbom had provided a large variety of intelligence, most of it from public sources, but also secrets, of which the armament of one of the forts in the fortress was one of many pieces of information that concerned Boden Fortress and nearby fortifications.Forsberg, pp. 220–224.] He was sentenced to lifetime hard labour, but was released after ten years. The other case involvedErnst Hilding Andersson , who was arrested on 21 September 1951. He had carried out seven missions for the Soviets and had provided them primarily with information regarding theSwedish Navy , but also information on the fortifications along the Norrland coast, and an initiated report about Boden Fortress and the airforce unit located in Boden and Luleå, Norrbottens flygbaskår. Andersson was, like Fritjof Enbom, sentenced to lifetime hard labour.Forsberg, pp. 253–254.]Cold War and myths
The fortress was gradually modernised in the decades following the Second World War, including newer main artillery for some of the forts and newer secondary artillery for all forts as well as other improvements. But the development of new weapons and the evolution of warfare during the
Cold War gradually decreased the importance of the fortifications.Nyström, p. 140.] Weapons such ascruise missile s and smart bombs dealt the death blow to Boden Fortress when they demonstrated their worth during theGulf War in 1991.Englund, [http://www.peterenglund.com/textarkiv/binladinboden.htm Om terroristskräcken i vårt land] .] Mjösjöberget Fort had been decommissioned and removed from the wartime organisation twelve years earlier in 1979,According to Fästningsguiden i Norr AB, [http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/historia.htm Kort historik om Bodens fästnings kärnanläggningar] . Dig Maps AB, [http://www.bodenkartan.com/bodfastningkarta.htm Bodens fästnings karta] says that Mjösjöberget Fort was removed from the wartime organisation one year earlier, in 1978.] and less than ten years after the Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the four other forts had followed suit. The last shot was fired from Rödberget on 14:11 local time on 31 December 1997,Fästningsguiden i Norr AB, [http://rodbergsfortet.com/sistaskottet.htm Sista skotten från Rödbergsfortet] .] and exactly one year later, on 31 December 1998, that last fort was decommissioned after 90 years in service.All five forts and three battery positions—Leåkersberget, Norra Åberget and Södra Slumpberget—have been declared historic buildings and are to be preserved for the future. Two forts, Rödberget and Södra Åberget are held in operation, and the former is used as a
tourist attraction with guided tours, and there is also a possibility for companies to hold smaller conferences inside the fort. Over 10,000 visitors were expected to visit Rödberget Fort in 2002, averaging 300 a day during the summer.PM, Turistmålet som skulle stoppa ryssen.] Hagerfors, [http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?a=39046 Topphemlig fästning blev turistmål] .] Boden Fortress is also still one of thesalute batteries of Sweden, which fire a21-gun salute at special occasions such as theNational holiday of Sweden and birthdays of some members of theSwedish Royal Family . The fortress was made a salute battery on 2 June 1931, but since the forts have been decommissioned, the salute is now fired with four cannon located at Kvarnängen in central Boden.Gallin, [http://www.boden.se/db/web/external.nsf/0/8E6D25EDF6838DA6C12570C20053C165?OpenDocument Bodens salutstation] .]Due to the strict security surrounding the garrison, many rumors circulated during the fortress' lifetime, some were later dismissed as myths or as disinformation, but others were confirmed. One common rumor was that the artillery of the main forts had a range of fire that made it possible to shoot at the important
Luleå harbour more than 40 km away, but in reality, the maximum range of the farthest shooting pieces was less than half.Anundby, [http://www.nsd.se/artikel.aspx?artid=28219 Många myter om fortet] .] Another widespread myth was that all the forts were connected to each other with a complex system of tunnels beneath the city. A rumor that on the other hand has been confirmed, is that the forts were used as storage for a large part of the Swedish gold reserve. Around a third of the total Swedish gold holdings of 280tonnes was kept in Degerberget Fort from 1941—transported there disguised as boxes of ammunition—until the lastingot s were brought from the fort by six armoured cars in 1982.The total cost of the project—somewhere around 20 million SEK at the time—would correspond to around 800 million SEK today according to the consumer price index which the government agency
Statistics Sweden uses. Despite this, the cost has been claimed to correspond to 4 billion SEK of today,Råde, Sveriges hemliga rum.] Boden Fortress exhibition at [http://www.forsvarsmuseum.se/ Försvarsmuseum Boden] .] and it has also been claimed that the project was more expensive than theJAS 39 Gripen project,Prage, [http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/kulturvarden/2005_04/Artikel__676.pdf p. 22] .] which cost 106 billion SEK in total, each aircraft costing between 300 and 500 million SEK depending on what to include in the calculation.Michélsen, [http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=147&a=225094 Jas Gripens nota: 106 miljarder] .] No matter what the actual cost was, Boden Fortress has been called boastful and the "JAS project of the turn of the century" by some, while others has claimed that the fortifications kept Sweden out of two World Wars. Others point at the psychological aspect of the fortress, that its existence had—justly or unjustly—kept a tight grip of people not only in Norrland during times when Sweden was in the shadow of war.Nyström, p. 141.]Forts
Degerberget Fort ("Degerbergsfortet") was planned and constructed on Degerberget Mountain, north of Boden and west of the lake Buddbyträsket, between 1900 and 1908. It was the only fort in the northern fort group as defined in the 1914 defensive plans for Boden Fortress.Nyström, p. 128.] The main artillery consisted of four 12 cm Kanon m/99, backed up by another four 8.4 cm Kanon m/94-04 which were replaced by 8.4 cm Kanon m/47 in the early 1950s.Persson, [http://www.tfd.chalmers.se/~m95perm/vapen/kanon/80.html Breech-loaded Guns in cal 8 - 9 cm, used by the Swedish Armed Forces] .] Surrounded by a caponier ditch on all sides, the fort area also features one observation post, two searchlight sites and two larger bunkers. Part of the Swedish gold reserve was kept here from 1941 to 1982.Fästningsguiden i Norr AB, [http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/historia.htm Kort historik om Bodens fästnings kärnanläggningar] .] Degerberget Fort was decommissioned in 1992 together with Gammelängsberget Fort.
Mjösjöberget Fort ("Mjösjöfortet") was planned and constructed between 1900 and 1908. A part of the eastern fort group together with Gammelängsberget Fort, it was situated on Mjösjöberget Mountain to the east of Boden. As Rödberget Fort it was fitted with the 15 cm Fästningshaubits m/06 as main artillery, together with the standard secondary 8.4 cm cannon and teritary 57 mm caponier cannon. Since Rödberget Fort was refitted with new main artillery in the 1970s, Mjösjöberget Fort is the only to still feature 15 cm main artillery as it was decommissioned in 1979, some 20 years earlier than the other forts. Like the other two forts northeast of Boden, it is surrounded on all sides by a ditch. The fort also has a large bunker and two searchlight sites close by.
Planned and constructed between 1900 and 1908, Gammelängsberget Fort ("Gammelängsfortet") situated on Gammelängsberget Mountain east of Boden was the first of the five forts to be finished and the first to fire any guns when a test firing was conducted in 1907. It was part of the eastern fort group—together with the close by Mjösjöberget Fort—in the 1914 defensive plans. Just as on the other forts, the original secondary guns, 8.4 cm Kanon m/94-04, were replaced by 8.4 cm Kanon m/47 between 1950 and 1952. The main artillery, 12 cm Kanon m/99, and the caponier artillery, 57 mm Kaponjärkanon m/07, served with the fort until it was closed down in 1992. Gammelängsberget Fort is surrounded by a caponier ditch on all sides, and a large concrete bunker is located in proximity of the fort.
Södra Åberget
The only fort not to feature four distinct sides, Södra Åberget Fort ("Södra Åbergsfortet") instead features the for all forts originally planned triangular design,Nyström, p. 157.] and the southwestern side is formed by the mountain scarp rather than a caponier ditch. The fort—planned and constructed on Södra Åberget Mountain south of Boden between 1902 and 1908—was together with Rödberget Fort part of the southern fort group. Södra Åberget Fort had the standard armament in the form of 12 cm Kanon m/99, 8.4 cm Kanon m/94-04 and 57 mm Kaponjärkanon m/07. The 8.4 cm artillery was modernised between 1950 and 1952. Just like the neighbour Rödberget Fort on the other side of Lule River, Södra Åberget Fort has four bunkers, two observation posts and two searchlight sites in its surroundings.
Perhaps the best known of the five forts, Rödberget Fort ("Rödbergsfortet") situated on Rödberget Mountain southwest of Boden was the last in line for construction, which started in 1903. The fort was finished in 1908 and originally featured four 15 cm Fästningshaubits m/06 which in 1976 were replaced by four 12 cm Kanon m/24 taken from scrapped
Swedish Navy destroyer s.Boden Fortress exhibition at [http://www.forsvarsmuseum.se/ Försvarsmuseum Boden] says that the modernisation took place in 1976, while Dig Maps AB, [http://www.bodenkartan.com/bodfastningkarta.htm Bodens fästnings karta] says that the year was 1979. It is also possible that the change of armament was made over several years.] At the same time, another two 12 cm cannon were fitted on a newly constructed small satellite fortification to the north of the fort. Rödberget Fort was part of the southern fort group together with Södra Åberget Fort on the other side of Lule River. These two forts—unlike the other forts—do not have a caponier ditch on all sides, as the western side of Rödberget Fort is protected by the natural scarp of the mountain. The surroundings feature four large bunkers, two observation posts and two searchlight sites. Today, Rödberget Fort is the only larger fortification of Boden Fortress that is open to the public.In media
Boden Fortress is mentioned in
Tage Danielsson 's "Sagan om Karl-Bertil Jonssons Julafton ", the story was made into ashort film in 1975 and has been shown onSwedish television everyChristmas Eve since that year. Karl-Bertil Jonsson, the young boy of the story, works extra at the post office where he steals Christmas gifts addressed to rich people and instead gives them to the poor,Robin Hood -style. One of all the gifts he steals is amatch stick picture ("tändstickstavla") of the fortress. When telling the intended receiver of the gift, senior administrative officer H. K. Bergdahl, what he had done Bergdahl answers "Thank you, my lad, for sparing us of Boden Fortress!"Danielsson, [http://web.telia.com/~u13106607/karl-ber.htm paragraph eight (of ten)] .]The fortress also plays a part in "
Operation Garbo ", a three-volumenovel written byHarry Winter , apseudonym for an undisclosed number of people. Thetechno-thriller novel is about a Soviet invasion of Sweden, and while Boden Fortress is not a main part of the story, one chapter in the first volume briefly mentions Åberget fort,Winter (1988), pp. 389–391.] and two chapters in the second volume are devoted to events at and around the forts, Åberget and Mjösjöberget Forts are mentioned by name while Rödberget Fort is described more in detail.Winter (1989), pp. 32–35 & 182–185.]References
All sources in sv icon unless otherwise noted.;Print
*cite news |last=Anundby |first=Nils |title=Många myter om fortet |url=http://www.nsd.se/artikel.aspx?artid=28219 |publisher=Norrländska Socialdemokraten |date=2006-07-18 |accessdate=2007-01-02
*cite book |last=Bergmark |first=Ragnar (ed.) |title=Bodens kommun: från forntid till nutid |year=1980 |publisher=Bodens kommun |location=Boden
*cite journal |last=Björhammar |first=Anders |year=1998 |title=Sista skottet från fästningen: nu ska Bodens hemligheter bli turistmål |journal=Populär historia |issue=5 |pages=29–32
*cite book |last=Clausewitz |first=Carl von |authorlink=Carl von Clausewitz |others=trans. J. J. Graham |title=On War |url=http://www.clausewitz.com/CWZHOME/VomKriege2/ONWARTOC2.HTML |accessdate=2006-09-04 |year=1873 |publisher=N. Trübner |location=London en icon
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*cite news |last=Englund |first=Peter |authorlink=Peter Englund |title=Om terroristskräcken i vårt land |url=http://www.peterenglund.com/textarkiv/binladinboden.htm |publisher=Dagens Nyheter |date=2005-08-18 |accessdate=2007-01-02
*cite journal |last=Ericson Wolke |first=Lars |coauthors=Eriksson, Sten Olof; Törnquist, Leif & others |year=2007 |title=Militära hemligheter: svenska fort och fästningar |journal=Populär historia |issue=7 |pages=36–46
*cite book |last=Forsberg |first=Tore |title=Spioner och spioner som spionerar på spioner: spioner och kontraspioner i Sverige |year=2003 |publisher=Hjalmarson & Högberg |location=Stockholm |id=ISBN 91-89660-18-8
*cite book |last=Gyllenhaal |first=Lars |coauthors=Gebhardt, James F. |title=Slaget om Nordkalotten: Sveriges roll i tyska och allierade operationer i norr |edition=2nd edition (paperback edition) |year=2001 |publisher=Historiska media |location=Lund |id=ISBN 91-89442-26-1The chapter used as source in this article was added to the book for the 2nd edition, and can thus not be found in the 1st edition (hardcover edition).]
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*cite journal |last=Lidström |first=Hans |year=2005 |title=Rödbergsfortet - Ett monument |journal=Ledaren - Tidskrift för Västerbottens Befälsutbildningsförbund |issue=1 |pages=4 |url=http://www.forsvarsutbildarna.se/index.php?dispatchTo=Renderer&action=download&file=11866 |accessdate=2006-12-27
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*cite book |last=Nyström |first=Bror Oscar (ed.) |coauthors=Skeppstedt, Sven (ed.) |title=Boden: fästningen, garnisonen, samhället |year=1990 |publisher=Ekblad |location=Västervik
*cite news |author=PM |title=Turistmålet som skulle stoppa ryssen |publisher=Helsingborgs Dagblad |page=22 |date=2002-08-25
*cite journal |last=Prage |first=Göran |year=2005 |title='Bombsäkra' lokaler att hyra |journal=Tidskriften Kulturvärden |issue=4 |pages=22–23 |url=http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/kulturvarden/2005_04/_bombsakra_lokaler_att_hyra.pdf |accessdate=2008-06-22|format=PDF
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*cite press release |publisher=Statens fastighetsverk |title=Bodens fästning öppnas |date=2000-06-20 |url=http://www.sfv.se/cms/showdocument/documents/sfv/pressmeddelanden/2000/Bodens_fa_63.pdf |accessdate=2007-03-09|format=PDF
*cite book |last=Winter |first=Harry |title=Operation Garbo: en thriller om en möjlig verklighet |year=1988 |publisher=Timbro |location=Stockholm |id=ISBN 91-7566-146-2
*cite book |last=Winter |first=Harry |title=Operation Garbo II: slutet |year=1989 |publisher=Timbro |location=Stockholm |id=ISBN 91-7566-213-2;Online
*cite web |url=http://www.bothnianarc.com/svensk/kultur/boden.html |title=Kultur & Nöje - Boden |accessdate=2006-09-04 |author=Bothnian Arc |year=n.d.
*cite web |url=http://www.bodenkartan.com/bodfastningkarta.htm |title=Bodens fästnings karta |accessdate=2006-09-04 |author=Dig Maps AB |year=2001The main page image is missing, but klicking on it bring up parts of the map.]
*cite web |url=http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/ |title=Bodens fästning & Rödbergsfortet |accessdate=2006-09-15 |author=Fästningsguiden i Norr AB |year=n.d.
*cite web |url=http://www.boden.se/db/web/external.nsf/0/8E6D25EDF6838DA6C12570C20053C165?OpenDocument |title=Bodens salutstation |accessdate=2007-07-21 |last=Gallin |first=Christer |publisher=Bodens kommun |year=2006
*cite web |url=http://www.tfd.chalmers.se/~m95perm/vapen/kanon/lista.html |title=Breech-loaded Guns and Cannon used by the Swedish Armed Forces |accessdate=2007-06-04 |last=Persson |first=Mats |year=2002 en icon
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*cite web |url=http://www.spangsberg.esenet.dk/borgsverige.html |title=Bodens fästning - Nordens største bjergforter |accessdate=2006-09-04 |last=Spangsberg |first=Svend |year=n.d. no icon
*cite web |url=http://www.sfv.se/cms/sfv/vara_fastigheter/sverige/bd_norrbottens_lan/Bodens_fastning.html |title=Bodens fästning |accessdate=2006-09-04 |author=Statens fastighetsverk |authorlink=Swedish National Property Board |year=n.d.
*cite web |url=http://www.scb.se/templates/tableOrChart____33838.asp |title=Price level in Sweden 1830–2005 |accessdate=2006-09-04 |author=Statistiska centralbyrån |authorlink=Statistics Sweden |year=2006 en icon
*cite web |url=http://www.fortv.se/templates/Page.aspx?id=165 |title=Spaning från ballong i Boden |accessdate=2006-09-04 |last=Strandell |first=Monica |publisher=Fortifikationsverket |year=n.d.;Other
*Boden Fortress exhibition at [http://www.forsvarsmuseum.se/ Försvarsmuseum Boden] . Visited on2006-07-28 .
*Rödberget Fort guided tour by [http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/ Fästningsguiden i Norr AB] . Visited on2006-07-28 .Notes
External links
* [http://www.sfv.se/cms/sfv/engelska/holiday/Boden_fortress.html Swedish National Property Board - Boden Fortress] en icon
* [http://www.rodbergsfortet.com/ Bodens fästning & Rödbergsfortet] sv icon
* [http://www.spangsberg.esenet.dk/borgsverige.html Bodens fästning - Nordens største bjergforter] no icon* Rödberget Fort is at coordinates coord|65.7911|21.6572|type:landmark|name=Rödberget Fort
* Södra Åberget Fort is at coordinates coord|65.7848|21.7025|type:landmark|name=Södra Åberget Fort
* Gammelängsberget Fort is at coordinates coord|65.8268|21.7712|type:landmark|name=Gammelängsberget Fort
* Mjösöberget Fort is at coordinates coord|65.8333|21.7626|type:landmark|name=Mjösöberget Fort
* Degerberget Fort is at coordinates coord|65.8598|21.6497|type:landmark|name=Degerberget Fort
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.