List of birds of Singapore

List of birds of Singapore

Singapore has 364 species of birds on the official checklist. In addition to these are some ornamental birds, escapees and free-ranging birds from the Singapore Zoo or Jurong Bird Park, making a total of about 400 bird species. This is a substantial number for a small country like Singapore. However, with the rapid industrialization of this small island nation, more of nature is making way for human usage. Nevertheless, many nature areas are of easy access, making Singapore one of the best places for some good birding.

Human impact


Like all developing and developed nations, nature is often sacrificed for man-made structures, like housing estates, golf courses and factories. Many native species have disappeared since the 1950s. Gone are the magnificent trogons, and most of the broadbills, hornbills and woodpeckers - mainly forest birds. And many are joining the unfortunate fate of these birds. Senoko was a bird-rich site that was totally destroyed to make way for an industrial estate in the 1990s. Poyan Reservoir was enlarged and hence destroying the marsh around it and possibly decimating the breeding population of cotton pygmy geese and purple swamphen there. This was also a great place for migrant ducks and coots. Tanah Merah marsh is also gone forever. Many areas were also cleared in anticipation of future development and remained unused many years after, e.g. Simpang. Also many became designated military areas barring public access.

However, it was not always a losing battle. The establishment of Sungei Buloh Bird Sanctuary (now known as Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve) in 1993 was a huge success for the local birding community and rightfully so because it is an important roosting ground for many wintering waders, as well as being one of the remaining mangroves of Singapore. The preservation of Chek Jawa was another such victory.

Despite all the development, there are still 'bird-worthy' areas in Singapore. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is the last substantial primary forest in Singapore. Central Catchment Nature Reserve at the centre of Singapore comprises a secondary forest, a swamp forest and four large reservoirs, making it a haven for forest birds. Singapore Botanic Gardens is a manicured nature area but is a surprising great place to get up close and personal with some rare birds. Also of noteare the various nature areas which are not designated protected areas, but are Important Bird Areas (IBA). Some of these are Changi Reclaimed Land, Pulau Ubin, Lorong Halus, Bukit Batok Nature Park.


A number of species were originally aliens, but have become so established in Singapore that their status were changed to reflect their presence. The House Crow is the most successful introduced bird in Singapore. It was originally brought in from Sri Lanka for the purpose of controlling the caterpillar population, but the plan back-fired and instead of attacking the caterpillars, they became a pest. Now, the House Crow is found in almost all corners of Singapore (including offshore islands) except deep in the forests. Some exotic pets have also established themselves in Singapore. They were either escapees or released. These include various parrot species, Javan Myna, and House Sparrow.

The act of releasing animals for religious purpose is strongly discouraged but people are still doing it. Not only does doing so disrupt the ecosystem, most of the time, the released animals could not adapt to the new environment and die prematurely. However, birds are less prone to it as they could fly off from the alien environment they were released to more familiar ground. Some like the Rock Pigeon have gained a strong foothold in urban areas. It is difficult to determine which species was released and which are escapees and it could well be a combination of both throughout the years. Hence, they are lumped under the status 'Introduced'.

Most of the time, alien introduction brings negative effects like predators that prey on local life forms, competition with local community and diseases. The House Crow has driven the native Large-billed Crow into the forests. Javan Myna has become more abundant than the Common Myna. However, on rare occasion, alien introduction can have positive effect to a particular species. The introduction of the House Crow has benefited the Asian Koel, which brood-parasitizes the crow. Birders used to go to offshore islands to search for the Koel, now their loud characteristic "ko-el" call can be heard at all neighbourhoods.


Despite being a developed nation, poaching is still going on in Singapore. Baya Weaver nests have been collected for sale. Even forest birds like the Olive-winged Bulbuls can be found in pet bird shops. Spotted Doves and Zebra Doves are constantly being trapped. Poachers bring their own doves and used their calls to attract other doves. Some use tape recorders to attract them. The only legalized killing of birds in Singapore, is the culling of House Crows.

Bird-watching in Singapore

Bird-watching (or simply birding) is a growing hobby everywhere. This is due to the availability of equipment like binoculars, scopes and digital photography to capture the beauty of birds. Also, birds are the animals one is most likely to encounter in a great variety due to their power of flight. The typical binocular for birding is an 8x30 or 10x42 (magnification x lens diameter in mm). The larger the magnification the larger the bird appears, but the tradeoff is less stability as our hands are always quivering. The larger the lens diameter the more light it can collect and channel to the eyes, but the tradeoff is the bulkiness. For faraway birds, a telescope will come in handy. The best can go up to 60X magnification. Coupled with a digital camera, the scope can be transformed into a great photography tool (digiscope). Digiscoping has become quite a popular substitute for DSLR photography because for someone who already has a scope, adding a camera attachment is comparatively cheap. However, digital SLR camera remains the tool professional bird photographers prefer due to the various lens adjustments, filters and settings they can play with.

Besides the optical tools, birders always carry a field guide. It is helpful for quick reference to identify the bird out in the field. A good field guide has descriptions of the birds and make comparison with similar birds, highlighting the subtle differences. It also shows the various morphs and breeding, non-breeding, immature, juvenile plumages of each species. While photographic guides are good (especially if one has a matching photo to compare), they do not easily show all these points. A well-drawn guide will be a better choice. Habitats, calls and songs, and behavioural details are also essential to identification of birds. A Field Guide to the Birds of South-east Asia by Craig Robson, is the authoritative guide for Singapore birders.

Getting hold of a local checklist is also helpful because sometimes identification of a bird depends on elimination. Does it have yellow feet? Does it prefer mangrove or grassland? Does it have an undulating flight? Birders carry pen and paper to note down the birds they see or hear and any interesting features or behaviour they observe. They wear dull-coloured clothes so as not to stand out in the field and disturbing the birds. The ethics of birding dictates that birders put the welfare of birds before the tick on the checklist.

List of birds


VC = Very Common C = Common U = Uncommon
R = Rare VR = Very Rare Ex = Extinct


I = Introduced rI = Reintroduced Es = Escapee
O = Ornamental F = Free-ranging RB = Resident Breeder
R = Resident WV = Winter Visitor PM = Passage Migrant
MB = Migrant Breeder V = Vagrant NBV = Non-breeding Visitor

Birding spots

BB = Bukit Batok BC = Bukit Brown Cemetery BG = Botanic Gardens
BT = Bukit Timah CF = Central Forests CR = Changi Reclaimed Land
FC = Fort Canning JL = Jurong Lake KB = Khatib Bongsu
KD = Kranji Dam/Reservoir KM = Kranji Marsh KR = Kent Ridge Park
LH = Lorong Halus MF = Mt Faber MM = Mandai Mudflat
MS = Marina South NT = Neo Tiew Lane PG = Punggol Grassland
PH = Pulau Hantu PP = Pulau Punggol PR = Pasir Ris
PS = Pulau Semakau PT = Pulau Tekong PU = Pulau Ubin
PY = Poyan SB = Sungei Buloh SG = Simpang Grassland
SJ = St John's Island SL = Seletar SR = Sarimbun
SS = Sungei Serangoon ST = Sentosa TB = Telok Blangah Hill
TG = Tuas Grassland TP = Tampines WC = West Coast

Order Galliformes (Fowl)

Family Phasianidae (Pheasants and relatives)
*Blue-breasted Quail ("Coturnix chinensis") - U/RB - CR, PG
*Red Junglefowl ("Gallus gallus") - U/RB+IRB - RB: PU. IRB: Northern and Western Singapore
*Black Wood Partridge ("Melanoperdix nigra") - Ex/RB
*Crestless Fireback ("Lophura erythropthalma") - Ex/RB
*Malaysian Peacock Pheasant ("Polyplectron malacense") - Ex/RB
*Great Argus Pheasant ("Argusianus argus") - Ex/RB

Order Anseriformes (Waterfowl)

Family Anatidae (Ducks, geese and swans)
*Mute Swan ("Cygnus olor") - U/O - BG
*Black Swan ("Cygnus atratus") - U/O - BG
*Domestic Goose ("Anser anser") - U/O - BG
*Cotton Pygmy Goose ("Nettapus coromandelianus") - VR/RB - PY
*Lesser Whistling Duck ("Dendrocygna javanica") - C/RB - BG, KM, LH, MS, SB, SS, WC
*Wandering Whistling Duck ("Dendrocygna arcuata") - U/IRB - BG, MS
*Gadwall ("Anas strepera") - VR/V
*Northern Shoveler ("Anas clypeata") - R/WV - CR, LH
*Eurasian Wigeon ("Anas penelope") - VR/V
*Garganey ("Anas querquedula") - R/WV - CR
*Northern Pintail ("Anas acuta") - VR/WV - PY
*Common Teal ("Anas crecca") - VR/WV
*Tufted Duck ("Aythya fuligula") - R/WV - CR
*Radjah Shelduck ("Tadorna radjah") - U/O - BG
*Mandarin Duck ("Aix galericulata") - U/O - BG

=Order Podicipediformes (Grebes)=

Family Podicepidae
*Little Grebe ("Tachybaptus ruficollis") - U/RB - LH, "KR, NT, TP"

Order Procellariiformes (Tubenoses)

Family Hydrobatidae (Storm-petrels)
*Swinhoe's Storm-petrel ("Oceanodroma monorhis") - U/PM - PU
*Wilson's Storm-petrel ("Oceanites oceanicus") - VR/V - Singapore StraitsFamily Procellariidae (Shearwaters)
*Wedge-tailed Shearwater ("Puffinus pacificus") - VR/V - CR, Singapore Straits
*Short-tailed Shearwater ("Puffinus tenuirostris") - VR/V - Woodlands
*Streaked Shearwater ("Calonectris leucomelas") - VR/V - Singapore Harbour

Order Pelecaniformes (Pelicans and relatives)

Family Pelecanidae (Pelicans)
*Dalmatian Pelican ("Pelecanus crispus") - VR/F - JL
*Australian Pelican ("Pelecanus conspicillatus") - VR/F - Pioneer CircleFamily Sulidae (Gannets and boobies)
*Brown Booby ("Sula leucogaster") - VR/VFamily Fregatidae (Frigatebirds)
*Christmas Island Frigatebird ("Fregata andrewsi") - VR/V - PU
*Lesser Frigatebird ("Fregata ariel") - VR/VFamily Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and shags)
*Great Cormorant ("Phalacrocorax carbo") - U/F - CR, KD, MM, TG

Order Ciconiiformes (Herons and relatives)

Family Ciconiidae (Storks)
*Milky Stork ("Mycteria cinerea") - U/F - SB
*Painted Stork ("Mycteria leucocephala") - U/F - SB
*Lesser Adjutant ("Leptoptilos javanicus") - Ex/RB, VR/Es+V - SB, SG, SSFamily Ardeidae (Herons, egrets and bitterns)
*Grey Heron ("Ardea cinerea") - C/RB - Waterbodies
*Purple Heron ("Ardea purpurea") - C/RB - Waterbodies
*Great-billed Heron ("Ardea sumatrana") - R/RB - JL, KR, PU, Southern Islands, TG
*Great Egret ("Ardea alba") - C/WV - Waterbodies
*Intermediate Egret ("Mesophoyx intermedia") - C/WV - Waterbodies
*Little Egret ("Egretta garzetta") - VC/RWV - Waterbodies
*Chinese Egret ("Egretta eulophotes") - R/WV - LH, PH, PR, PU, SB, SL, SS
*Pacific Reef Egret ("Egretta sacra") - U/R - Kembangan MRT canal, PH, PU, Sungei Punggol, SS
*Cattle Egret ("Bubulcus ibis") - C/F+WV - Grassfields
*Chinese Pond Heron ("Ardeola bacchus") - C/WV - CR, JL, LH, MS
*Javan Pond Heron ("Ardeola speciosa") - R/WV - LH, SS
*Striated Heron ("Butorides striatus") - VC/RBWV - Waterbodies
*Black-crowned Night Heron ("Nycticorax nycticorax") - C/RB - Waterbodies
*Malayan Night Heron ("Gorsachius melanolophus") - R/WVPM - CF
*Cinnamon Bittern ("Ixobrychus cinnamomeus") - U/RBWV - JL, LH, NT, SB, TG
*Schrenck's Bittern ("Ixobrychus eurhythmus") - R/WV - JL, LH, Sengkang, SB, TG
*Black Bittern ("Ixobrychus flavicollis") - U/WVPM - BG, CF, Hindhede Quarry, JL, LH, SB
*Yellow Bittern ("Ixobrychus sinensis") - C/WV - ReedbedsFamily Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills)
*Glossy Ibis ("Plegadis falcinellus") - VR/V - SB, SS
*Black-headed Ibis ("Threskiornis melanocephalus") - VR/F - PY, SB

Order Falconiformes (Birds of prey)

Family Pandionidae (Osprey)
*Osprey ("Pandion haliaetus") - C/NBV - CR, MM, PP, PU, SB, SL, SSFamily Accipitridae (Eagles, hawks and relatives)
*Black Baza ("Aviceda leuphotes") - C/WVPM - Islandwide
*Jerdon's Baza ("Aviceda jerdoni") - VR/WV - JL, MS, PR, PY, Maju Camp
*Oriental Honey Buzzard ("Pernis ptilorhyncus") - C/WVPM - Islandwide
*Bat Hawk ("Macheiramphus alcinus") - VR/NBV - PU
*Black-winged Kite ("Elanus caeruleus") - C/RB - Grasslands
*Black Kite ("Milvus migrans") - U/WV - BB, CR, MS, PG, SL
*Brahminy Kite ("Haliastur indus") - C/RB - Islandwide
*Japanese Sparrowhawk ("Accipiter gularis") - C/WVPM - CF, CR, JL, LH, MS, PU, SB, SL
*Chinese Goshawk ("Accipiter soloensis") - U/PM - BG, CF, JL, NT, SL, WC
*Crested Goshawk ("Accipiter trivirgatus") - VR/RB+NBV - BG, BT, CF, CR, KD, NT, PG, PU
*Besra ("Accipiter virgatus") - VR/PM
*Grey-faced Buzzard ("Butastur indicus") - U/WV - BB, CR
*Common Buzzard ("Buteo buteo") - U/WV - CR
*Blyth's Hawk Eagle ("Spizaetus alboniger") - VR/NBV - KR
*Changeable Hawk Eagle ("Spizaetus cirrhatus") - U/RB - BB, BG, BT, CF, CR, LH, NT, PG, PU, PY, SL, SR, TP
*Rufous-bellied Eagle ("Hieraaetus kienerii") - R/WV - BB, CF, LH, SB
*Booted Eagle ("Hieraaetus pennatus") - R/V - Bukit Panjang, CF, PP
*Greater Spotted Eagle ("Aquila clanga") - VR/WV - CR, Murai, PY
*Imperial Eagle ("Aquila heliaca") - VR/V
*Steppe Eagle ("Aquila nipalensis") - VR/V - BG, CR
*White-bellied Sea Eagle ("Haliaeetus leucogaster") - C/RB - Islandwide near water
*Grey-headed Fish Eagle ("Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus") - R/RB - BB, BG, CF, JL, SB, SL
*Himalayan Griffon Vulture ("Gyps himalayensis") - VR/V - BT, CR, SG, Orchard Road, Ang Mo Kio, Johor Straits
*Short-toed Eagle ("Circaetus gallicus") - VR/PM - NT, TG
*Crested Serpent Eagle ("Spilornis cheela") - R/R - BG, BT, CF, JL, SB, SL, Sembawang
*Northern Harrier ("Circus cyaneus") - VR/WV
*Pied Harrier ("Circus melanoleucos") - R/WV - CR, TG
*Eastern Marsh Harrier ("Circus spilonotus") - U/WV - CR
*Western Marsh Harrier ("Circus aeruginosus") - R/WV - CRFamily Falconidae (Falcons and relatives)
*Black-thighed Falconet ("Microhierax fringillarius") - R/R - BB, JL
*Common Kestrel ("Falco tinnunculus") - R/WV - CR, KD
*Lesser Kestrel ("Falco naumanni") - VR/WV
*Amur Falcon ("Falco amurensis") - VR/V - CR
*Oriental Hobby ("Falco severus") - VR/WV - PU
*Eurasian Hobby ("Falco subbuteo") - VR/WV - CR
*Peregrine Falcon ("Falco peregrinus") - U/WV - BB, CF, CR, KB, KD, PU, Punggol Park, Woodlands

Order Turniciformes (Buttonquails)

Family Turnicidae (Buttonquails)
*Barred Buttonquail ("Turnix suscitator") - C/RB - NT, PG, PP, PU, TG

=Order Gruiformes (Cranes and relatives)=

Family Heliornithidae (Finfoots)
*Masked Finfoot ("Heliopais personata") - VR/RB - SB (1999)Family Rallidae (Rails and relatives)
*White-breasted Waterhen ("Amaurornis phoenicurus") - VC/RBWV - Islandwide
*Common Coot ("Fulica atra") - VR/V - PY
*Watercock ("Gallicrex cinerea") - U/WV - "Jurong East", KM, LH, PY, SB, TG
*Common Moorhen ("Gallinula chloropus") - U/RB - LH, KM, MS, PY, WC
*Slaty-breasted Rail ("Gallirallus striatus") - C/RB - Tall grass areas
*Purple Swamphen ("Porphyrio porphyrio") - R/RB - KM, PY
*White-browed Crake ("Porzana cinerea") - U/RB - LH, KM, PG, SB
*Ruddy-breasted Crake ("Porzana fusca") - U/RBWV - LH, MS, PG, PP, SL, TG, TP
*Baillon's Crake ("Porzana pusilla") - R/WVPM - BB, LH, TP, TG
*Slaty-legged Crake ("Rallina eurizonoides") - VR/WVPM
*Red-legged Crake ("Rallina fasciata") - U/RBWV - BB, BC, BG, BT, CF, PU, SB

Order Charadriiformes (Shorebirds)

Family Charadriidae (Plovers and lapwings)
*Kentish Plover ("Charadrius alexandrinus") - U/WVPM - CR
*Little Ringed Plover ("Charadrius dubius") - C/WVPM - Open areas, rivers, coasts
*Common Ringed Plover ("Charadrius hiaticula") - R/PM - CR
*Greater Sand Plover ("Charadrius leschenaultii") - U/WVPM - CR, SB
*Lesser Sand Plover ("Charadrius mongolus") - C/WVPM - Rivers, coasts, mudflats
*Malaysian Plover ("Charadrius peronii") - R/RB - CR, PS
*Oriental Plover ("Charadrius veredus") - VR/PM - CR
*Pacific Golden Plover ("Pluvialis fulva") - VC/WVPM - Rivers, coasts, mudflats, open areas
*Grey Plover ("Pluvialis squatarola") - U/WVPM - CR, PU, SB
*Grey-headed Lapwing ("Vanellus cinereus") - VR/V - SB
*Red-wattled Lapwing ("Vanellus indicus") - U/RB - BB, CR, Kranji grassland, NT, PG, PT, PU, SR, TGFamily Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and relatives)
*Eurasian Woodcock ("Scolopax rusticola") - VR/WV
*Common Snipe ("Gallinago gallinago") - C/WV - CR, JL, PG, PY, TG, Venus Drive Carpark
*Swinhoe's Snipe ("Gallinago megala") - R/WV - CR, PG, NT
*Pintail Snipe ("Gallinago stenura") - C/WV - CR, Kranji grassland, LH, PG, SB, TG
*Asian Dowitcher ("Limnodromus semipalmatus") - U/WVPM - CR, LH, PU, SB
*Bar-tailed Godwit ("Limosa lapponica") - U/WVPM - CR, MM, PU, SB
*Black-tailed Godwit ("Limosa limosa") - U/WVPM - CR, MM, SB
*Eurasian Curlew ("Numenius arquata") - U/WVPM - CR, PU, SB
*Far Eastern Curlew ("Numenius madagascariensis") - R/PM - CR, SB
*Little Curlew ("Numenius minutus") - VR/V
*Whimbrel ("Numenius phaeopus") - C/WVPM - Rivers, coasts, mudflats
*Great Knot ("Calidris tenuirostris") - U/PM - CR, SB
*Red Knot ("Calidris canutus") - R/WV
*Sanderling ("Calidris alba") - U/WV - CR
*Dunlin ("Calidris alpina") - VR/PM
*Rufous-necked Stint ("Calidris ruficollis") - C/WVPM - CR, MM, PU, SB
*Long-toed Stint ("Calidris subminuta") - R/WVPM - CR
*Temminck's Stint ("Calidris temminckii") - VR/PM
*Sharp-tailed Sandpiper ("Calidris acuminata") - R/V - CR
*Curlew Sandpiper ("Calidris ferruginea") - C/WVPM - CR, SB
*Pectoral Sandpiper ("Calidris melanotos") - R/V - CR, "Tanah Merah marsh (1999)"
*Spoon-billed Sandpiper ("Eurynorhynchus pygmeus") - VR/WV - CR, LH, "Jurong, WC"
*Broad-billed Sandpiper ("Limicola falcinellus") - U/WVPM - CR, SB
*Terek Sandpiper ("Tringa cinerea") - U/WVPM - CR, SB
*Wood Sandpiper ("Tringa glareola") - C/WVPM - CR, PG, TG
*Common Sandpiper ("Tringa hypoleucos") - VC/WVPM - Waterbodies
*Green Sandpiper ("Tringa ochropus") - VR/WV
*Marsh Sandpiper ("Tringa stagnatilis") - C/WVPM - Rivers, coasts, mudflats
*Common Redshank ("Tringa totanus") - C/WVPM - Rivers, coasts, mudflats
*Spotted Redshank ("Tringa erythropus") - VR/WV
*Common Greenshank ("Tringa nebularia") - C/WVPM - Rivers, coasts, mudflats
*Nordmann's Greenshank ("Tringa guttifer") - VR/WV - CR, LH, "Jurong, WC"
*Grey-tailed Tattler ("Tringa brevipes") - R/WVPM - CR, SB
*Ruddy Turnstone ("Arenaria interpres") - U/WV - CR, LH, SB
*Ruff ("Philomachus pugnax") - R/WV - CR
*Red-necked Phalarope ("Phalaropus lobatus") - VR/WVFamily Rostratulidae (Painted snipes)
*Greater Painted-snipe ("Rostratula benghalensis") - R/RB - PG, KM, TGFamily Jacanidae (Jacanas)
*Pheasant-tailed Jacana ("Hydrophasianus chirurgus") - VR/WV - KMFamily Burhinidae (Thickknees)
*Beach Stone-curlew ("Esacus giganteus") - R/R - Southern IslandsFamily Recurvirostridae (Stilts and avocets)
*Black-winged Stilt ("Himantopus himantopus") - R/WVPM - CR, SBFamily Glareolidae (Pratincoles and Coursers)
*Small Pratincole ("Glareola lactea") - VR/PM
*Oriental Pratincole ("Glareola maldivarum") - U/PM - CR, KM, PG, PSFamily Stercorariidae (Skuas and jaegers)
*Parasitic Jaeger ("Stercorarius parasiticus") - VR/VFamily Laridae (Gulls and terns)
*Brown-headed Gull ("Larus brunnicephalus") - VR/WV
*Black-headed Gull ("Larus ridibundus") - R/WV - MM, PU
*White-winged Tern ("Chlidonias hybridus") - C/WVPM - Rivers, coasts
*Whiskered Tern ("Chlidonias leucopterus") - R/WVPM
*Little Tern ("Sterna albifrons") - C/RBWV - Rivers, coasts
*Aleutian Tern ("Sterna aleutica") - VR/V - Singapore Straits
*Bridled Tern ("Sterna anaethetus") - U/RB - Pedra Blanca
*Lesser Crested Tern ("Sterna bengalensis") - C/WV - Johor Straits, MM, Pedra Blanca, PU
*Great Crested Tern ("Sterna bergii") - C/WV - CR, Johor Straits, MM, Pedra Blanca, PU
*Caspian Tern ("Sterna caspia") - R/WV - MM
*Roseate Tern ("Sterna dougallii") - VR/V
*Common Tern ("Sterna hirundo") - U/WV - CR, MM
*Gull-billed Tern ("Sterna nilotica") - R/WVPM - CR, MM, PU
*Black-naped Tern ("Sterna sumatrana") - U/RB - Johor Straits, Pedra Blanca, PU, PT

Order Columbiformes (Pigeons)

Family Columbidae (Pigeons)
*Zebra Dove ("Geopelia striata") - C/RB - Urban
*Spotted Dove ("Streptopelia chinensis") - VC/RB - Urban
*Red Collared Dove ("Streptopelia tranquebarica") - U/IRB - CR, LH, NT, PU
*Emerald Dove ("Chalcophaps indica") - U/R - BT, CF, PU, SB
*Jambu Fruit Dove ("Ptilinopus jambu") - U/NBV - BB, BG, CF, JL
*Thick-billed Green Pigeon ("Treron curvirostra") - U/RB - BT, CF, MS, SJ, ST
*Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon ("Treron fulvicollis") - VR/NBV - PU, SB
*Little Green Pigeon ("Treron olax") - R/R - BT, CF
*Pink-necked Green Pigeon ("Treron vernans") - C/RB - Wooded areas
*Rock Pigeon ("Columba livia") - VC/IRB - Urban
*Pied Imperial Pigeon ("Ducula bicolor") - R/NBV+F - BB, JL, Labrador Park, PY, Southern Islands
*Green Imperial Pigeon ("Ducula aenea") - Ex/RB, VR/V - BB

Order Psittaciformes (Parrots)

Family Psittacidae (Parrots)
*Tanimbar Cockatoo ("Cacatua goffini") - C/EsRB - BG, Changi Village, SL, ST
*Yellow-crested Cockatoo ("Cacatua sulphurea") - U/EsRB - Changi Beach, Clementi, Dover Road, MF, TB
*Sulphur-crested Cockatoo ("Cacatua galerita") - R/EsRB - ST
*Umbrella Cockatoo ("Cacatua alba") - R/Es - ST
*African Grey Parrot ("Psittacus erithacus") - R/Es - Dempsey Road
*Eclectus Parrot ("Eclectus roratus") - R/Es
*Blue-rumped Parrot ("Psittinus cyanurus") - R/R - CF
*Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot ("Loriculus galgulus") - U/RB - BB, BG, CF
*Vernal Hanging Parrot ("Loriculus vernalis") - R/Es - BG
*Red-breasted Parakeet ("Psittacula alexandri") - C/EsRB - Tall tree areas
*Rose-ringed Parakeet ("Psittacula krameri") - U/EsRB - BG, PY, SL
*Long-tailed Parakeet ("Psittacula longicauda") - C/RB - Tall tree areas
*Rainbow Lorikeet ("Trichoglossus haematodus") - U/EsRB - BG, JL
*Red Lory ("Eos bornea") - R/Es - BG
*Dusky Lory ("Pseudeos fuscata") - R/Es - BG
*Blue-eared Lory ("Eos semilarvata") - R/Es - BG
*Peach-faced Lovebird ("Agapornis roseicollis") - VR/Es - CF

Order Cuculiformes (Cuckoos and relatives)

Family Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
*Plaintive Cuckoo ("Cacomantis merulinus") - U/RB - NT, PU, PY, SB
*Rusty-breasted Cuckoo ("Cacomantis sepulcralis") - U/RB - BT, CF, KB, NT, PY, PT, PU, SB, ST
*Banded Bay Cuckoo ("Cacomantis sonnerati") - U/RB - BB, BT, CF
*Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo ("Chrysococcyx basalis") - VR/WV - Changi Beach, Kranji, Marina East, MS, PT, ST
*Little Bronze Cuckoo ("Chrysococcyx minutillus") - C/RB - Wooded areas
*Violet Cuckoo ("Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus") - U/RBWV - BB, BT, CF, PU, PY, SL
*Chestnut-winged Cuckoo ("Clamator coromandus") - U/WVPM - CF, JL, KB, Murai, SB, SG
*Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo ("Cuculus nisicolor") - U/WVPM - BT, CF
*Malaysian Hawk Cuckoo ("Cuculus fugax") - R/R - CF, JL
*Indian Cuckoo ("Cuculus micropterus") - C/WVPM - BG, BT, CF, JL, PY, SB
*Oriental Cuckoo ("Cuculus saturatus") - R/PM
*Large Hawk Cuckoo ("Cuculus sparverioides") - R/WVPM - CF, KB
*Asian Koel ("Eudynamys scolopacea") - VC/RB - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
*Drongo Cuckoo ("Surniculus lugubris") - U/RBWV - BB, BT, CF, PY, SB
*Chestnut-bellied Malkoha ("Phaenicophaeus sumatranus") - R/RB - BT, CF, TB
*Black-bellied Malkoha ("Phaenicophaeus diardi") - Ex/RB
*Raffles's Malkoha ("Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus") - Ex/RB
*Red-billed Malkoha ("Phaenicophaeus javanicus") - Ex/RB
*Lesser Coucal ("Centropus bengalensis") - C/RB - Grasslands
*Greater Coucal ("Centropus sinensis") - U/RB - Wooded areas

Order Strigiformes (Owls)

Family Tytonidae (Barn and Bay owls)
*Barn Owl ("Tyto alba") - U/RB - Under bridges, JL, KD, ST
*Bay Owl ("Phodilus badius") - Ex/RBFamily Strigidae (Typical owls)
*Barred Eagle Owl ("Bubo sumatranus") - Ex/RB, VR/NBV - CF
*Short-eared Owl ("Asio flammeus") - VR/WVPM - CR
*Buffy Fish Owl ("Ketupa ketupu") - R/RB - CF, PY, PU, SB, ST
*Brown Hawk Owl ("Ninox scutulata") - C/RBWV - BT, CF, PU, ST
*Sunda Scops Owl ("Otus lempiji") - C/RB - Alexandra Hill, BC, BT, CF, PU, SB, ST
*Oriental Scops Owl ("Otus sunia") - VR/WVPM - BT, CF, FC, KR, MF, SB
*Spotted Wood Owl ("Strix seloputo") - U/RB - BG, Chinatown, Dover Road, JL, PR, PU, PY, SJ, ST, TB, Toa Payoh

Order Caprimulgiformes (Nightjars and relatives)

Family Podargidae (Frogmouths)
*Gould's Frogmouth ("Batrachostomus stellatus") - Ex/RBFamily Caprimulgidae (Nightjars)
*Savanna Nightjar ("Caprimulgus affinis") - C/RB - CR, NT, TG
*Grey Nightjar ("Caprimulgus indicus") - R/WVPM - CF, JL
*Large-tailed Nightjar ("Caprimulgus macrurus") - C/RB - Islandwide
*Malaysian Eared Nightjar ("Eurostopodus temminckii") - R/R - CF

Order Apodiformes (Swifts)

Family Apodidae (True swifts)
*House Swift ("Apus nipalensis") - VC/RB - Islandwide including urban, forests
*Fork-tailed Swift ("Apus pacificus") - U/WVPM - CF, PU
*Asian Palm Swift ("Cypsiurus balasiensis") - U/RB - Palmed areas
*Glossy Swiftlet ("Collocalia esculenta") - R/R - BB, BT, CF
*Edible-nest Swiftlet ("Collocalia fuciphaga") - C/RB - Islandwide
*Black-nest Swiftlet ("Collocalia maxima") - C/RB - Islandwide
*Himalayan Swiftlet ("Collocalia brevirostris") - U/WVPM
*Germain's Swiftlet ("Collocalia germani") - R/PM
*Silver-backed Needletail ("Hirundapus cochinchinensis") - U/WVPM - BT, CF
*Brown-backed Needletail ("Hirundapus giganteus") - U/WVPM - BT, CF
*White-throated Needletail ("Hirundapus caudacutus") - VR/PM - BT
*Silver-rumped Spinetail ("Rhaphidura leucopygialis") - VR/NBVFamily Hemiprocnidae (Treeswifts)
*Whiskered Treeswift ("Hemiprocne comata") - VR/NBV
*Grey-rumped Treeswift ("Hemiprocne longipennis") - C/RB - BB, BG, CF

Order Coraciiformes (Kingfishers and relatives)

Family Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
*Common Kingfisher ("Alcedo atthis") - C/WV - Water edges
*Blue-eared Kingfisher ("Alcedo meninting") - R/RB - CF, PU, PY, SB
*Black-backed Kingfisher ("Ceyx erithacus") - Ex/RB, R/WV - BT, CF, SB, Tuas
*Banded Kingfisher ("Lacedo pulchella") - Ex/RB
*Rufous-collared Kingfisher ("Actenoides concretus") - Ex/RB
*Ruddy Kingfisher ("Halcyon coromanda") - R/RB+WV - RB: PT. WV: BG, CBD, FC, JL, PU, SB
*Black-capped Kingfisher ("Halcyon pileata") - U/WV - Water edges
*White-throated Kingfisher ("Halcyon smyrnensis") - VC/RB - Water edges
*Stork-billed Kingfisher ("Pelargopsis capensis") - U/RB - Water edges
*Collared Kingfisher ("Todirhamphus chloris") - VC/RB - Water edgesFamily Meropidae (Bee-eaters)
*Blue-tailed Bee-eater ("Merops philippinus") - C/WV - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
*Blue-throated Bee-eater ("Merops viridis") - C/MB - Islandwide (including offshore islands)Family Phoeniculidae (Wood-hoopoes)
*Green Wood-hoopoe ("Phoeniculus purpureus") - VR/F - Pioneer CircleFamily Coraciidae (Rollers)
*Dollarbird ("Eurystomus orientalis") - C/RBWV - Wooded areasFamily Bucerotidae (Hornbills)
*Oriental Pied Hornbill ("Anthracoceros albirostris") - U/RB - "CF", Changi Beach, PU, "SJ", Woodleigh
*Rhinoceros Hornbill ("Buceros bicornis") - Ex/RB, VR/Es - BT
*Great Hornbill ("Buceros rhinoceros") - VR/Es - BT, "MF", "ST"
*Helmeted Hornbill ("Rhinoplax vigil") - Ex/RB
*White-crowned Hornbill ("Aceros comatus") - VR/Es
*Bushy-crested Hornbill ("Anorrhinus galeritus") - VR/Es - "Ulu Pandan"
*Black Hornbill ("Anthracoceros malayanus") - VR/Es
*Southern Ground Hornbill ("Bucorvus leadbeateri") - VR/Es

Order Trogoniformes (Trogons)

Family Trogonidae (Trogons)
*Red-naped Trogon ("Harpactes kasumba") - Ex/RB
*Diard's Trogon ("Harpactes diardii") - Ex/RB

Order Piciformes (Woodpeckers and relatives)

Family Picidae (Woodpeckers)
*Sunda Woodpecker ("Dendrocopus moluccensis") - VC/RB - Areas with trees, including carparks
*Common Flameback ("Dinopium javanense") - C/RB - Wooded areas
*Olive-backed Woodpecker ("Dinopium rafflesii") - Ex/RB
*Buff-rumped Woodpecker ("Meiglyptes tristis") - Ex/RB
*Buff-necked Woodpecker ("Meiglyptes tukki") - Ex/RB
*Grey-and-buff Woodpecker ("Hemicircus concretus") - Ex/RB
*Banded Woodpecker ("Picus miniaceus") - C/RB - Forests
*Crimson-winged Woodpecker ("Picus puniceus") - Ex/RB, VR/NBV - BT
*Checker-throated Woodpecker ("Picus mentalis") - Ex/RB
*Laced Woodpecker ("Picus vittatus") - C/RB - Forests
*Great Slaty Woodpecker ("Mulleripicus pulverulentus") - Ex/RB, VR/NBV
*White-bellied Woodpecker ("Dryocopus javensis") - VR/R - CF
*Rufous Woodpecker ("Celeus brachyurus") - U/RB - Wooded areas
*Greater Flameback ("Chrysocolaptes lucidus") - Ex/RB
*Orange-backed Woodpecker ("Reinwardtipicus validus") - Ex/RB
*Maroon Woodpecker ("Blythipicus rubiginosus") - Ex/RBFamily Megalaimidae (Barbets)
*Coppersmith Barbet ("Megalaima haemacephala") - C/RB - Wooded areas
*Lineated Barbet ("Megalaima lineata") - U/IRB - BB, BT, PY
*Red-crowned Barbet ("Megalaima rafflesii") - U/RB - BB, BT, CF
*Blue-eared Barbet ("Megalaima australis") - Ex/RB
*Red-throated Barbet ("Megalaima mystacophanos") - Ex/RB
*Yellow-crowned Barbet ("Megalaima henricii") - Ex/RB
*Brown Barbet ("Calorhamphus fuliginosus") - Ex/RB
*Red-and-yellow Barbet ("Trachyphonus erythrocephalus") - VR/Es

=Order Passeriformes (Perching birds)=

=Family Pittidae (Pittas)=

*Mangrove Pitta ("Pitta megarhyncha") - R/RB - PU, PT, "Jurong"
*Blue-winged Pitta ("Pitta moluccensis") - U/WVPM - BB, BG, BT, CF, Jurong Island, Sembawang, WC
*Hooded Pitta ("Pitta sordida") - U/WVPM - BT, CF, WC
*Garnet Pitta ("Pitta granatina") - Ex/RB

Family Eurylaimidae (Broadbills)

*Black-and-red Broadbill ("Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos") - Ex/RB, VR/NBV - PU
*Black-and-yellow Broadbill ("Eurylaimus ochromalus") - Ex/RB
*Banded Broadbill ("Eurylaimus javanicus") - Ex/RB
*Green Broadbill ("Calyptomena viridis") - Ex/RB
*Dusky Broadbill ("Corydon sumatranus") - Ex/RB

Family Pardalotidae (Gerygones and relatives)

*Golden-bellied Gerygone ("Gerygone sulphurea") - C/RB - Wooded areas

Family Pachycephalidae (Whistlers and relatives)

*Mangrove Whistler ("Pachycephala grisola") - U/RB - LH, PH, PS, PU, SB

Family Dicruridae (Monarchs, paradise flycatchers, drongos and relatives)

*Black-naped Monarch ("Hypothymis azurea") - VR/R - PU
*Japanese Paradise Flycatcher ("Terpsiphone atrocaudata") - VR/PM
*Asian Paradise Flycatcher ("Terpsiphone paradisi") - Ex/RB, C/WVPM - Forested areas
*Pied Fantail ("Rhipidura javanica") - C/RB - Wooded areas
*Crow-billed Drongo ("Dicrurus annectans") - U/WVPM - BG, CF, NT, PU, SB
*Ashy Drongo ("Dicrurus leucophaeus") - R/WV - CF, PS
*Black Drongo ("Dicrurus macrocercus") - U/WVPM - CR, SL, TG
*Greater Racket-tailed Drongo ("Dicrurus paradiseus") - VC/RB - Forested areas
*Bronzed Drongo ("Dicrurus aeneus") - Ex/RB

Family Prionopidae (Helmetshrikes and relatives)

*Large Woodshrike ("Tephrodornis gularis") - Ex/RB
*Maroon-breasted Philentoma ("Philentoma velatum") - Ex/RB
*Rufous-winged Philentoma ("Philentoma pyrhopterum") - Ex/RB

=Family Campephagidae (Cuckoo-shrikes, trillers, minivets and relatives)=

*Lesser Cuckoo-shrike ("Coracina fimbriata") - VR/R - BT
*Bar-bellied Cuckoo-shrike ("Coracina striata") - Ex/RB
*Pied Triller ("Lalage nigra") - C/RB - Lightly wooded areas
*Ashy Minivet ("Pericrocotus divaricatus") - C/WVPM - CF, JL, NT, SL, PY
*Scarlet Minivet ("Pericrocotus flammeus") - VR/R
*Fiery Minivet ("Pericrocotus cinnamomeus") - Ex/RB

Family Oriolidae (Old World orioles)

*Black-naped Oriole ("Oriolus chinensis") - VC/RB - Parks, wooded areas
*Dark-throated Oriole ("Oriolus xanthonotus") - Ex/RB

Family Corvidae (Crows and relatives)

*House Crow ("Corvus splendens") - VC/IRB - Urban
*Large-billed Crow ("Corvus macrorhynchos") - C/RB - Forests
*Black Magpie ("Platysmurus leucopterus") - Ex/RB
*Green Magpie ("Cissa chinensis") - VR/Es - BB
*Blue Magpie ("Urocissa erythrorhyncha") - VR/Es - MF, SB

Family Irenidae (Fairy bluebirds)

*Asian Fairy Bluebird ("Irena puella") - C/RB - BT, CF

Family Chloropseidae (Leafbirds)

*Blue-winged Leafbird ("Chloropsis cochinchinensis") - C/R - BT, CF
*Greater Green Leafbird ("Chloropsis sonnerati") - U/R - BT, CF
*Lesser Green Leafbird ("Chloropsis cyanopogon") - U/R - BT, CF

Family Laniidae (Shrikes)

*Brown Shrike ("Lanius cristatus") - C/WVPM - Grasslands
*Long-tailed Shrike ("Lanius schach") - C/RB - Grasslands
*Tiger Shrike ("Lanius tigrinus") - C/WVPM - Secondary forests

Family Aegithinidae (Ioras)

*Common Iora ("Aegithina tiphia") - C/RB - Wooded areas
*Green Iora ("Aegithina viridissima") - Ex/RB

Family Turdidae (Thrushes)

*Eyebrowed Thrush ("Turdus obscurus") - R/WVPM - BT, CF, PU
*Orange-headed Thrush ("Zoothera citrina") - R/WV - BG, BT, WC
*Siberian Thrush ("Zoothera sibirica") - VR/PM - BT, CF, KR, JL
*White-throated Rock Thrush ("Monticola gularis") - VR/WVPM
*Blue Rock Thrush ("Monticola solitarius") - VR/PM

Family Muscicapidae (Old World flycatchers)

*Brown-chested Jungle-flycatcher ("Rhinomyias brunneatus") - R/WVPM - BB, CF, SB
*Asian Brown Flycatcher ("Muscicapa dauurica") - C/WVPM - Wooded areas
*Dark-sided Flycatcher ("Muscicapa sibirica") - U/WVPM - BB, CF
*Ferruginous Flycatcher ("Muscicapa ferruginea") - VR/WVPM - CF
*Grey-streaked Flycatcher ("Muscicapa griseisticta") - R/PM
*Brown-streaked Flycatcher ("Muscicapa williamsoni") - R/WVPM - BB, CF
*Mugimaki Flycatcher ("Ficedula mugimaki") - U/PM - BB, BT, CF, MF
*Green-backed Flycatcher ("Ficedula elisae") - R/WVPM - Bishan Park, CF, KB, MS
*Yellow-rumped Flycatcher ("Ficedula zanthopygia") - C/PM - Wooded areas
*Blue-and-white Flycatcher ("Cyanoptila cyanomelana") - R/PM - BG, BT, CF
*Blue-throated Flycatcher ("Cyornis rubeculoides") - VR/PM
*Mangrove Blue-flycatcher ("Cyornis rufigastra") - VR/RB - PT, SB
*Siberian Blue Robin ("Luscinia cyane") - U/WVPM - BT, CF, PU, SB
*Oriental Magpie Robin ("Copsychus saularis") - U/RB - Secondary growths
*White-rumped Shama ("Copsychus malabaricus") - R/RB - BT, CF, MF, PU, SB
*Siberian Stonechat ("Saxicola maura") - R/WVPM - CR, Kranji grassland, MS, PG, TG

Family Sturnidae (Starlings, mynas, oxpeckers)

*Asian Glossy Starling ("Aplonis panayensis") - VC/RB - Islandwide
*Purple-backed Starling ("Sturnus sturninus") - VC/WVPM - Wooded areas
*Chestnut-cheeked Starling ("Sturnus philippensis") - R/PM
*White-shouldered Starling ("Sturnus sinensis") - U/WVPM - PG
*Black-winged Starling ("Sturnus melanopterus") - R/FRB - Jurong, "SJ (1983)"
*Rosy Starling ("Sturnus roseus") - VR/WV - CR (2006), "TG (1990s)"
*Black-collared Starling ("Sturnus nigricollis") - VR/Es - "SB", KD (2007)
*Brahminy Starling ("Sturnus pagodarum") - VR/Es - MS
*Red-winged Starling ("Onychognathus morio") - VR/Es - JL
*Crested Myna ("Acridotheres cristatellus") - VR/IRB
*Javan Myna ("Acridotheres javanicus") - VC/IRB - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
*Common Myna ("Acridotheres tristis") - C/RB - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
*Hill Myna ("Gracula religiosa") - C/RB - BT, CF, SL

Family Hirundinidae (Swallows)

*Red-rumped Swallow ("Hirundo daurica") - U/WVPM - CF, CR, PG, SL, TG
*Barn Swallow ("Hirundo rustica") - VC/WVPM - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
*Pacific Swallow ("Hirundo tahitica") - C/RB - Islandwide (including offshore islands)
*Sand Martin ("Riparia riparia") - U/WVPM - CF, CR, KM
*Asian House Martin ("Delichon dasypus") - U/PM - BT

=Family Pycnonotidae (bulbuls)=

*Black-headed Bulbul ("Pycnonotus atriceps") - R/RB - CF
*Sooty-headed Bulbul ("Pycnonotus aurigaster") - U/R - PG, PR, SS, TP
*Red-eyed Bulbul ("Pycnonotus brunneus") - R/RB - BB, BT, CF
*Yellow-vented Bulbul ("Pycnonotus goiavier") - VC/RB - Parks
*Red-whiskered Bulbul ("Pycnonotus jocosus") - U/IRB - Secondary growths
*Black-crested Bulbul ("Pycnonotus melanicterus") - U/IR - BT
*Olive-winged Bulbul ("Pycnonotus plumosus") - C/RB - BT, CF, SB
*Cream-vented Bulbul ("Pycnonotus simplex") - U/RB - BT, CF
*Straw-headed Bulbul ("Pycnonotus zeylanicus") - U/RB - Secondary forests
*Orange-spotted Bulbul ("Pycnonotus bimaculatus") - VR/Es - BG
*Spectacled Bulbul ("Pycnonotus erythropthalmos") - VR/NBV - BT (2006)
*Grey-bellied Bulbul ("Pycnonotus cyaniventris") - Ex/RB
*Puff-backed Bulbul ("Pycnonotus eutilotus") - Ex/RB
*Black-and-white Bulbul ("Pycnonotus melanoleucus") - Ex/RB
*Yellow-bellied Bulbul ("Alophoixus phaeocephalus") - Ex/RB
*Ashy Bulbul ("Hemixos flavala") - U/NBV - BT, MS, SB
*Buff-vented Bulbul ("Iole olivacea") - VR/RB - BT
*Streaked Bulbul ("Ixos malaccensis") - R/NBV - BT, SB

Family Sylviidae (Old World warblers)

*Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler ("Locustella certhiola") - U/WVPM - Grasslands
*Lanceolated Warbler ("Locustella lanceolata") - R/WVPM - PG
*Black-browed Reed-warbler ("Acrocephalus bistrigiceps") - U/WV - MS, PG, SB, TG
*Oriental Reed-warbler ("Acrocephalus orientalis") - C/WV - Marshes
*Arctic Warbler ("Phylloscopus borealis") - C/WVPM - Wooded areas
*Eastern Crowned Warbler ("Phylloscopus coronatus") - U/WV - BT, CF, SB
*Dusky Warbler ("Phylloscopus fuscatus") - VR/PM - CF
*Inornate Warbler ("Phylloscopus inornatus") - R/WVPM - BB, BT, CF
*Dark-necked Tailorbird ("Orthotomus atrogularis") - C/RB - Forests
*Rufous-tailed Tailorbird ("Orthotomus sericeus") - U/RB - Forests
*Common Tailorbird ("Orthotomus sutorius") - C/RB - Scrubby areas
*Ashy Tailorbird ("Orthotomus ruficeps") - C/RB - Mangroves
*Zitting Cisticola ("Cisticola juncidis") - C/RB - Grasslands
*Yellow-bellied Prinia ("Prinia flaviventris") - C/RB - Grasslands

Family Timaliidae (Old World babblers)

*White-crested Laughingthrush ("Garrulax leucolophus") - Wooded areas
*Hwamei ("Garrulax canorus") - U/IRB - ST
*Black-capped Babbler ("Pellorneum capistratum") - Ex/RB
*White-chested Babbler ("Trichastoma rostratum") - R/RB - CF, SB
*Abbott's Babbler ("Malacocincla abbotti") - C/RB - CF, PU, SB
*Short-tailed Babbler ("Malacocincla malaccensis") - C/RB - CF
*Moustached Babbler ("Malacopteron magnirostre") - VR/RB - CF
*Grey-breasted Babbler ("Malacopteron albogulare") - Ex/RB
*Chestnut-winged Babbler ("Stachyris erythroptera") - U/RB - CF
*Chestnut-rumped Babbler ("Stachyris maculata") - Ex/RB
*Black-throated Babbler ("Stachyris nigricollis") - Ex/RB
*Striped Tit-babbler ("Macronous gularis") - C/RB - Forests
*Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler ("Macronous ptilosus") - Ex/RB
*Large Wren-babbler ("Napothera macrodactyla") - Ex/RB
*Striped Wren-babbler ("Kenopia striata") - Ex/RB
*Red-billed Leiothrix ("Leiothrix lutea") - VR/Es - Hougang (2004)

=Family Zosteropidae (White-eyes)=

*Oriental White-eye ("Zosterops palpebrosus") - U/rIRB - Wooded areas
*Japanese White-eye ("Zosterops japonicus") - R/I
*Chestnut-flanked White-eye ("Zosterops erythropleurus") - R/I
*Mountain White-eye ("Zosterops montanus") - R/I
*Everett's White-eye ("Zosterops everetti") - R/I
*Mangrove White-eye ("Zosterops chloris") - R/I

Family Dicaeidae (Flowerpeckers)

*Thick-billed Flowerpecker ("Dicaeum agile") - VR/NBV - BB, BT, CF
*Yellow-vented Flowerpecker ("Dicaeum chrysorrheum") - VR/R - BB, BT, CF
*Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker ("Dicaeum cruentatum") - C/RB - Parks
*Orange-bellied Flowerpecker ("Dicaeum trigonostigma") - C/RB - Forests
*Plain Flowerpecker ("Dicaeum concolor") - Ex/RB
*Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker ("Prionochilus maculatus") - Ex/RB

Family Nectariniidae (Sunbirds and spiderhunters)

*Crimson Sunbird ("Aethopyga siparaja") - C/RB - Parks, Forests
*Plain-throated Sunbird ("Anthreptes malacensis") - C/RB - Parks
*Plain Sunbird ("Anthreptes simplex") - R/R - CF
*Olive-backed Sunbird ("Cinnyris jugularis") - C/RB - Parks
*Purple-naped Sunbird ("Hypogramma hypogrammicum") - Ex/RB
*Copper-throated Sunbird ("Leptocoma calcostetha") - U/RB - BB, SB, PU
*Purple-throated Sunbird ("Leptocoma sperata") - C/RB - BB, BT, CF, PU
*Yellow-eared Spiderhunter ("Arachnothera chrysogenys") - R/RB - BT, CF
*Thick-billed Spiderhunter ("Arachnothera crassirostris") - R/R - BT, CF
*Little Spiderhunter ("Arachnothera longirostra") - U/RB - BT, CF
*Grey-breasted Spiderhunter ("Arachnothera affinis") - Ex/RB
*Spectacled Spiderhunter ("Arachnothera chrysogenys") - Ex/RB

Family Motacillidae (Wagtails, pipits and relatives)

*Forest Wagtail ("Dendronanthus indicus") - U/WVPM - Forest edges
*White Wagtail ("Motacilla alba") - R/WV - BC, BG, CR, PG
*Grey Wagtail ("Motacilla cinerea") - U/WVPM - BB, BT, CF, CR, PG, PU
*Yellow-hooded Wagtail ("Motacilla citreola") - VR/WV
*Yellow Wagtail ("Motacilla flava") - C/WV - CR, PG
*Red-throated Pipit ("Anthus cervinus") - R/WV - CR
*Paddyfield Pipit ("Anthus rufulus") - C/RB - Urban

=Family Ploceidae (Weavers and relatives)=

*Streaked Weaver ("Ploceus manyar") - VR/RB - LH, SB, SS
*Baya Weaver ("Ploceus philippinus") - C/RB - Grasslands

Family Estrildidae (Estrildid finches)

*Javan Munia ("Lonchura leucogastroides") - C/RB - Grasslands
*White-headed Munia ("Lonchura maja") - C/RB - Grasslands
*Black-headed Munia ("Lonchura malacca") - C/RB - Grasslands
*Scaly-breasted Munia ("Lonchura punctulata") - C/RB - Grasslands
*White-rumped Munia ("Lonchura striata") - R/RB - CF, PT, PU, ST, Tagore Lane, TG
*Red Avadavat ("Estrilda amandava") - R/I - CR, MS, PG, TG
*Indian Silverbill ("Lonchura malabarica") - R/Es - CR (2005-6)
*Java Sparrow ("Padda oryzivora") - VR/Es - PU

Family Viduidae (Indigobirds and Whydahs)

*Pin-tailed Whydah ("Vidua macroura") - VR/Es - CR

Family Fringillidae (True Finches)

*Yellow-fronted Canary ("Serinus mozambicus") - R/Es - CR, MS, PP

Family Emberizidae (Buntings and relatives)

*Yellow-breasted Bunting ("Emberiza aureola") - VR/WV

Family Passeridae (Old World sparrows)

*House Sparrow ("Passer domesticus") - R/IRB - Pasir Panjang, Jurong Island
*Eurasian Tree Sparrow ("Passer montanus") - VC/RB - Urban

ee Also

*List of Singapore mammals
*List of Singapore reptiles
*List of Singapore amphibians

External links

* [ Red Data Book]
* [ Species search for Singapore national parks]
* [ IUCN red list]
* [ Species search for ARCBC ASEAN database]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • List of World War II films — Below is an incomplete list of fictional feature films or mini series which feature events of World War II in the narrative. A separate list of full fledged TV series appears at the end. Contents 1 Restrictions 2 Films made during the war …   Wikipedia

  • List of Beanie Babies — Contents Numbered · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · …   Wikipedia

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