

name = Passerines
fossil_range = Early Eocene (Wangerripian) to Recent

image_width = 250px
image_caption = House Sparrow ("Passer domesticus")
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
subclassis = Neornithes
infraclassis = Neognathae
superordo = Neoaves
ordo = Passeriformes
ordo_authority = Linnaeus, 1758
diversity_link = #Taxonomic list of Passeriformes families
diversity = Roughly 100 families, around 5,400 species
type_species = "Fringilla domestica"
type_species_authority = Linnaeus, 1758
subdivision_ranks = Suborders
subdivision =
*Passeriand see text

A passerine is a bird of the order Passeriformes, which includes more than half of all bird species. Sometimes known as perching birds or, less accurately, as songbirds, the passerines form one of the most diverse terrestrial vertebrate orders: with around 5,093 species [ [ Ernst Mayr, "The Number of Species of Birds", "The Auk," Volume 63, Number 1 (January, 1946), p.67] ] , it is roughly twice as diverse as the largest of the mammal orders, the Rodentia.

The names "passerines" and "Passeriformes" are derived from "Passer domesticus", the scientific name of the type speciesthe House Sparrowand ultimately from the Latin term "passer" for true sparrows and similar small birds.

Origin and evolution

The evolutionary history of and relationships among the passerine families remained rather mysterious until around the end of the 20th century. Many passerine families were grouped together on the basis of morphological similarities that, it is now believed, are the result of convergent evolution, not a close genetic relationship. For example, the "wrens" of the northern hemisphere, those of Australia, and those of New Zealand look very similar and behave in similar ways, and yet belong to three far-flung branches of the passerine family tree; they are as unrelated as it is possible to be while remaining Passeriformes.

Much research remains to be done, but advances in molecular biology and improved paleobiogeographical data are gradually revealing a clearer picture of passerine origins and evolution. It is now thought that the first passerines evolved in Gondwana at some time in the Paleogene, maybe around the Late Paleocene some 6055 million years ago (mya)Fact|date=April 2008. The initial split was between the Tyranni, the songbirds, the Eurylaimides and the New Zealand "wrens", which must have diverged during a short period of time (some million years at most). The Passeriformes apparently evolved out of a fairly close-knit clade of "near passerines" which contains such birds as the Piciformes, Coraciiformes, and Cuculiformes. [Johansson & Ericson (2003)]

A little later, a great radiation of forms took place out of Australia-New Guinea: the Passeri or songbirds. A major branch of the Passeri, "Parvorder Passerida", emerged either as the sister group to the basal lineages and corvoids ("Parvorder Corvida"), or more likely as a subgroup of it, and expanded deep into Eurasia and Africa, where there was a further explosive radiation of new lineages. This eventually led to three major passeridan lineages comprising about 4,000 species, which in addition to the corvoidan clade and numerous minor lineages make up songbird diversity today. There has been extensive biogeographical mixing, with northern forms returning to the south, southern forms moving north, and so on.

Fossil record

Earliest passerines Perching bird osteology, especially of the limb bones, is rather diagnostic. [See e.g. Boles (1997), Manegold "et al." (2004), Mayr & Manegold (2006)] However, the early fossil record is poor because the first Passeriformes were apparently on the small side of the present size range, and their delicate bones did not preserve well. QM specimens F20688 (carpometacarpus) and F24685 (tibiotarsus) from Murgon, Queensland are fossil bone fragments clearly recognizable as passeriform; they represent two species of approximately some 10 and some 20 cm in overall length and prove that some 55 mya, barely into the Early Eocene, early perching birds were recognizably distinct. [Boles (1997)] A quite similar group, the Zygodactylidae (named for their zygodactylous approach to perching) independently arose at much the same timeand possibly from closely related ancestorsin the landmasses bordering the North Atlantic, which at that time was only some two-thirds of its present width.

Until the discovery of the Australian fossils, it was believed for some time that "Palaeospiza bella" from the Priabonian Florissant Fossil Beds (Late Eocene, around 35 mya) was the oldest known passeriform. However, it is now considered a non-passeriform near passerine.

From the Bathans Formation at the Manuherikia River in Otago, New Zealand, MNZ S42815 (a distal right tarsometatarsus of a Tui-sized bird) and several bones of at least one species of Saddleback-sized bird have recently been described. These date from the Early to Middle Miocene (Awamoan to Lillburnian, 19-16 million years ago). [Worthy "et al." (2007)]

Modern knowledge about the living passerines' interrelationships (see the list of families below) suggests that the last common ancestor of all living Passeriformes was a small forest bird, probably with a stubby tail [The last common ancestor of all songbirds most likely had a decidedly longer tail. See del Hoyo "et al." (2003, 2004).] and an overall drab coloration, but possibly with marked sexual dimorphism. The latter trait seems to have been lost and re-evolved multiple times in songbird evolution alone, judging from its distribution among the extant lineages: the common ancestor of Passerida for example was almost certainly not markedly dimorphic considering the trait is very rare among the basal lineages of these, but very common among the youngest passerid clade, the Passeroidea; on the other hand among the basalmost Passeri there are a considerable number of strongly dimorphic lineages such as the very ancient Menuridae as well as many Meliphagoidea and Corvoidea. Sexual dimorphism is also not uncommon in the Acanthisittidae and prominent in some suboscines such as the Pipridae and Cotingidae.

Early European passerines
In Europe, perching birds are not too uncommon in the fossil record from the Oligocene onwards, but most are too fragmentary for a more definite placement:
*"Wieslochia" (Early Oligocene of Frauenweiler, Germany)
*Passeriformes gen. et sp. indet. (Early Oligocene of Luberon, France) – suboscine or basal [Specimen SMF Av 504. A flattened right hand of a passerine perhaps 10 cm long overall. If suboscine, perhaps closer to Cotingidae than to Eurylaimides: Roux (2002), Mayr & Manegold (2006)]
*Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Late Oligocene of France) – several suboscine and oscine taxa [Huguenet "et al." (2003), Mayr & Manegold (2006)]
*Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Middle Miocene of France and Germany) – basal? [Specimens SMF Av 487-496; SMNS 86822, 86825-86826; MNHN SA 12591263: tibiotarsus remains of small, possibly basal Passeriformes: Manegold "et al." (2004)]
*Passeriformes gen. et spp. indet. (Sajóvölgyi Middle Miocene of Mátraszõlõs, Hungary) – at least 2 taxa, possibly 3; at least one probably Oscines [A partial coracoid of a probably Muscicapoidea, possibly Turdidae; distal tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus of a smallish to mid-sized passerine which may be the same as the preceding; proximal ulna and tarsometatarsus of a Paridae-sized passerine: Gál "et al." (1998-1999, 2000)]

"Wieslochia" was possibly not a member of any extant suborder. That not only the Passeri expanded much beyond their region of origin is proven by an undetermined broadbill (Eurylaimidae) from the Early Miocene (roughly 20 mya) of Wintershof, Germany, and the indeterminate Late Oligocene suboscine from France listed above. Even very basal Passeriformes might have been common in Europe until the Middle Miocene, some 12 mya. [Manegold "et al." (2004)] Extant Passeri superfamilies were quite distinct by that time and are known since about 1213 mya when modern genera were present in the corvoidean and basal songbirds. The modern diversity of Passerida genera is known mostly from the Late Miocene onwards and into the Pliocene (about 102 mya). Pleistocene and early Holocene lagerstätten (<1.8 mya) yield numerous extant species, and many yield almost nothing but extant species or their chronospecies and paleosubspecies.

American fossils
In the Americas, the fossil record is more scant before the Pleistocene, from which several still-existing suboscine families are documented. Apart from the indeterminable MACN-SC-1411 (Pinturas Early/Middle Miocene of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina), [Distal right humerus, possibly suboscine: Noriega & Chiappe (1991, 1993)] an extinct lineage of perching birds has been described from the Late Miocene of California, USA: the Palaeoscinidae with the single genus "Paleoscinis". "Palaeostruthus" eurius" (Pliocene of Florida) probably belongs to an extant family, most likely passeroidean.

:"See also Late Quaternary prehistoric birds."

ystematics and taxonomy

InitiallyFact|date=February 2007 , the Corvida and Passerida were classified as "parvorders" in the suborder Passeri; in accord with the usual taxonomic practice, they would probably be ranked as infraorders. As originally envisioned in the Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy, they contained, respectively, the large superfamilies Corvoidea and Meliphagoidea as well as minor lineages, and the superfamilies Sylvioidea, Muscicapoidea and Passeroidea.

This arrangement has been found to be overly simplified by more recent research. Since the mid 2000s, literally dozens of studies are being published which try rather successfully to resolve the phylogeny of the passeriform radiation. For example, the Corvida in the traditional sense were a rather arbitrary assemblage of early and/or minor lineages of passeriform birds of Old World origin, generally from the region of Australia, New Zealand, and Wallacea. The Passeri on the other hand can be made monophyletic by moving some families about, but the "clean" three-superfamily-arrangement has turned out to be far more complex and it is uncertain whether future authors will stick to it.

Major "wastebin" families such as the Old World warblers and Old World babblers have turned out to be paraphyletic and are being rearranged. Several taxa turned out to represent highly distinct species-poor lineages and consequently new families had to be established, some of themlike the Stitchbird of New Zealand and the Eurasian Bearded Reedlingmonotypic with only one living species. [The former does not even have recognized subspecies, while the latter is one of the most singular birds alive today. Good photos of a Bearded Reedling are for example [] and [] .] . It seems likely that in the Passeri alone, a number of minor lineages will eventually be recognized as distinct superfamilies. For example, the kinglets constitute a single genus with less than 10 species today, but seem to have been among the first perching bird lineages to diverge as the group spread across Eurasia. No particularly close relatives of them have been found among comprehensive studies of the living Passeri, though it is suspected that they might be fairly close to some little-studied tropical Asian groups. Treatment of the nuthatches, wrens, and their closest relatives as a distinct subfamily Certioidea is increasingly considered justified; the same might eventually apply to the titmice and their closest relatives.

This process is still continuing. Therefore, the arrangement as presented here is subject to change. However, it should take precedence over unreferenced conflicting treatments in family, genus and species articles here; see the next section for default sources.

Taxonomic list of Passeriformes families

This list is in taxonomic order, placing related species/groups next to each other. The Passerida subdivisions are updated as needed from the default sequence of the "Handbook of the Birds of the World", [del Hoyo "et al." (2003-)] based on the most modern and comprehensive studies. [Lovette & Bermingham (2000), Cibois "et al." (2001), Barker "et al." (2002, 2004), Ericson & Johansson (2003), Beresford "et al." (2005), Alström "et al." (2006), Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006)] Updates are added as necessary.

Regarding arrangement of families

The families are sorted into a somewhat unusual sequence. This is because so many reallocations have taken place since about 2005 that a definite arrangement has not been established yet. The present sequence is an attempt to preserve as much of the traditional sequence while giving priority to adequately addressing the relationships between the families.

uborder Acanthisitti

* Acanthisittidae: New Zealand "wrens"

uborder Tyranni

* Infraorder EurylaimidesOld World suboscines (or Broad-billed suboscines). Probably a separate suborder.
** Superfamily Eurylaimoideabroadbills and allies
*** Eurylaimidae: broadbills
*** Philepittidae: asities
*** Sapayoidae: Broad-billed Sapayoa
** Superfamily Pittoidea
*** Pittidae: pittas
* Infraorder Tyrannides - New World suboscines
** Superfamily N.N. – "bronchophones"
*** Tyrannidae: tyrant flycatchers
*** Tityridae: tityras and allies.
*** Cotingidae: cotingas
*** Pipridae: manakins
** Superfamily Furnarioidea - tracheophones
*** Furnariidae: ovenbirds and woodcreepers
*** Thamnophilidae: antbirds
*** Formicariidae: antpittas, antthrushes and typical tapaculos. Possibly polyphyletic.
*** Conopophagidae: gnateaters and gnatpittas
*** N.N.: atypical "tapaculos" (crescent-chests and allies)

uborder Passeri

Songbirds or oscines
*Basal Passerithe most ancient true songbirds, endemic to Australia. Sometimes considered a superfamily "Menuroidea"Verify source|date=January 2008 .
** Menuridae: lyrebirds
** Atrichornithidae: scrub-birds

*Superfamily Meliphagoideamainly insectivores and nectarivores, distribution centered on Australo-Melanesian region extending into surroundings, notably the Pacific.
** Maluridae: fairy-wrens, emu-wrens and grasswrens
** Dasyornithidae: bristlebirds. Formerly in Acanthizidae.
** Acanthizidae: scrubwrens, thornbills, and gerygones
** Meliphagidae: honeyeaters
** Meliphagoidea "incertae sedis"
*** Pardalotidae: pardalotes. Formerly in Acanthizidae, might be included in Meliphagidae.
*** "Acanthorhynchus": spinebills. Usually included in Meliphagidae; might be considered a monotypic family if Pardalotidae are considered valid too.

*Superfamily Corvoideaa highly diverse group of global distribution, but most plentiful in the Australasian region and surroundings. The oldest truly globally successful group of passerines, they include among them what may well be the most intelligent and the most spectacular of the order.
** Melanocharitidae: berrypeckers and longbills. Tentatively placed here.
** Callaeidae: New Zealand wattlebirds. Tentatively placed here.
** Family N.N.: Stitchbird. Tentatively placed here.
** Cnemophilidae: satinbirds. Tentatively placed here.
** Neosittidae: sittellas
** Vireonidae: vireos
** Campephagidae: cuckoo-shrikes and trillers
** Pachycephalidae: whistlers and allies. Delimitation with regards to several proposed families and subfamilies requires thorough study.
** Oriolidae: orioles and Figbird
** Paramythiidae: Tit Berrypecker and Crested Berrypecker. Formerly in Passerida.
** Artamidae: woodswallows, butcherbirds, currawongs and Australian Magpie
** Malaconotidae: puffback shrikes, bush shrikes, tchagras and boubous
** Platysteiridae: wattle-eyes. Formerly in Passerida. Probably paraphyletic.
** Aegithinidae: ioras
** Pityriaseidae: Bornean Bristlehead. Tentatively placed here.
** Prionopidae: helmetshrikes and woodshrikes
** Vangidae: vangas
** Dicruridae: drongos
** Monarchidae: monarch flycatchers
** Rhipiduridae: fantails
** Paradisaeidae: birds of paradise
** Corcoracidae: White-winged Chough and Apostlebird
** Laniidae: shrikes
** Corvidae: crows, ravens and jays
** Corvoidea "incertae sedis"
*** "Vireolanius": shrike-vireos. Usually included in Vireonidae, possibly a monotypic family,
*** "Erpornis": White-bellied Erpornis. Formerly in "Yuhina" (Passerida: Timaliidae); possibly a monotypic family, possibly in Vireonidae
*** Colluricinclidae: shrike-thrushes. Often included in Pachycephalidae but perhaps recognizable as a subfamily at least.
*** Cinclosomatidae: whipbirds and allies. Contains Psophodidae but that might make it paraphyletic. At least some species belong in Pachycephalidae if Falcunculinae are not considered a distinct family.
*** Falcunculidae: Shrike-tit and allies. Usually included in Pachycephalidae; might be distinct family or merged in Cinclosomatidae or PsophodidaeVerify source|date=January 2008 .
*** "Pitohuidae": pitohuis. Usually included in Pachycephalidae but seem closer to Oriolidae and best considered a distinct family including "Oreoica" and possibly other Pachycephalidae "sensu lato".
*** "

* Passeri (mainly "Corvida") "incertae sedis"
** Possible superfamily "Ptilonorhynchoidea"Verify source|date=January 2008bowerbirds and Australian treecreepers
*** Climacteridae: Australian treecreepers
*** Turnagridae: Piopio (extinct)
*** Ptilonorhynchidae: bowerbirds
** Possible superfamily N.N. - logrunners and pseudo-babblers
*** Orthonychidae: logrunners
*** Pomatostomidae: pseudo-babblers
** Petroicidae: Australian robins
** Possible superfamily N.N.
*** Picathartidae: rockfowl.
*** Chaetopidae: rock-jumpers. Recently split from Turdidae.
*** Eupetidae: Malaysian Rail-babbler. Recently split from Cinclosomatidae.
** Possible monotypic superfamily Reguloideakinglets
*** Regulidae: kinglets
** Possible monotypic superfamily N.N.
** Family N.N.: Hyliotas. Recently split from Sylviidae.
** Irenidae: fairy-bluebirds. Reguloidea? Basal to/in Passeroidea?
** Chloropseidae: leafbirds. Reguloidea? Basal to/in Passeroidea?

Infraorder Passerida

* Superfamily Sylvioideamostly insectivores, distribution centered on the Indo-Pacific region. Few occur in the Australian region and fewer still in the Americas. Usually sleek and drab birds, few have pronounced sexual dimorphism.
** Alaudidae: larks
** Hirundinidae: swallows and martins
** Phylloscopidae: leaf-warblers and allies. Recently split from Sylviidae.
** Aegithalidae: long-tailed tits or bushtits [Gill, F., Wright, M. & Donsker, D. (2008). IOC World Bird Names (version 1.6). Available at]
** Cettiidae: ground-warblers and allies. Recently split from Sylviidae.
** Megaluridae: grass-warblers and allies. Recently split from Sylviidae.
** "Bernieridae": Malagasy warblers. A newly assembled family.
** Acrocephalidae: marsh- and tree-warblers. Recently split from Sylviidae.
** Pycnonotidae: bulbuls
** Cisticolidae: cisticolas and allies
** Sylviidae: "true/sylviid warblers" and parrotbills. Might be merged in Timaliidae. Monophyly needs confirmation.
** Zosteropidae: white-eyes. Probably belongs in Timaliidae.
** Timaliidae: (Old World) babblers. Monophyly needs confirmation.
** Sylvioidea "incertae sedis"
*** "African warblers": A proposed clade, but monophyly needs confirmation. Formerly in Sylviidae.
*** "Donacobius": Black-capped Donacobius. Monotypic family? Tentatively placed here; possibly closest to Megaluridae. Formerly in Troglodytidae and Mimidae.
*** "Nicator": Relationships unresolved, monotypic family? Tentatively placed here; formerly in Pycnonotidae.

* Superfamily Muscicapoideamostly insectivores, near-global distribution centered on Old World tropics. One family endemic to Americas. Nearly absent (except introductions) from the Australian region. Usually rather stocky for their size, most are quite dark and dull though Sturnidae are commonly iridescent and/or colorful. Sexual dimorphism often absent, sometimes pronounced.
** Cinclidae: dippers
** Muscicapidae: Old World flycatchers and chats. Monophyly needs confirmation.
** Turdidae: thrushes and allies. Monophyly needs confirmation.
** Buphagidae: oxpeckers. Formerly usually included in Sturnidae.
** Sturnidae: starlings and possibly Philippine creepers. Placement of latter in Muscicapoidea seems good, but inclusion in Sturnidae requires confirmation; possibly distinct family Rhabdornithidae.
** Mimidae: mockingbirds and thrashers

* Superfamily Certhioidea - wrens and allies. Sometimes included in Muscicapoidea.
** Sittidae: nuthatches
** Tichodromadidae: Wallcreeper: Traditionally placed as a subfamily of the nuthatches and more rarely of the treecreepers, no study has been able to verify either placement this far. Thus it is better considered a monotypic family, at least for the time being.
** Certhiidae: treecreepers
** Salpornithidae: Spotted Creeper. Tentatively placed here; often considered a subfamily of the Certhidae.
** Troglodytidae: wrens
** Polioptilidae: gnatcatchers

* Superfamily Passeroideamostly herbivores including many seed-eaters, near-global distribution centered on Palearctic and Americas. Includes the Nine-primaried oscines (probably a subclade). A very high proportion of colorful and highly sexually dimorphic forms.
** Passeridae: true sparrows
** Prunellidae: accentors
** Motacillidae: wagtails and pipits
** Urocynchramidae: Przewalski's Finch. Recently split from Fringillidae; tentatively placed here.
** Peucedramidae: Olive Warbler
** Estrildidae: estrildid finches (waxbills, munias, etc)
** Ploceidae: weavers
** Viduidae: indigobirds and whydahs
** Fringillidae: true finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers. Possibly polyphyletic.
** Icteridae: grackles, New World blackbirds, and New World orioles
** Parulidae: New World warblers
** Thraupidae: tanagers and allies
** Cardinalidae: cardinals
** Emberizidae: buntings and American sparrows
** Passeroidea "incertae sedis"
*** Coerebidae: Bananaquit. Family invalid or not monotypic; reallocation pending.

* Passerida "incertae sedis" - Rather basal Passerida, most of which seem to constitute several small but distinct lineages that could be considered superfamilies. Most occur in Asia, Africa and North America.
** "Panurus": Bearded Reedling (Bearded "Tit"). Relationships enigmatic. Formerly in "Paradoxornithidae", might be included in Sylvioidea as monotypic family Panuridae or even constitute the smallest passerine superfamily.
** Possible superfamily Paroideatitmice and allies. Might be included in Sylvioidea.
*** Paridae: tits, chickadees and titmice
*** Remizidae: penduline tits. Sometimes included in Paridae.
*** Stenostiridae: stenostirids ("flycatcher-tits"). A newly assembled family; sometimes included in Paridae.
** Possible superfamily Bombycilloideawaxwings and allies. Included in Muscicapoidea if Sittoidea/Certhioidea are not considered a distinct superfamily.
*** Bombycillidae: waxwings
*** Dulidae: Palmchat. Tentatively placed here.
*** Ptilogonatidae: silky flycatchers. Tentatively placed here.
*** Hypocoliidae: Hypocolius. Tentatively placed here.
** Possible superfamily "Dicaeoidea" – sunbirds and flowerpeckers. Might be included in Passeroidea.
*** Nectariniidae: sunbirds
*** Dicaeidae: flowerpeckers
** Possible monotypic superfamily N.N.
*** Promeropidae: sugarbirds. Might be included in Passeroidea.



* (2006): Phylogeny and classification of the avian superfamily Sylvioidea. "Mol. Phylogenet. Evol." 38(2): 381397. doi|10.1016/j.ympev.2005.05.015
* (2002): A phylogenetic hypothesis for passerine birds: taxonomic and biogeographic implications of an analysis of nuclear DNA sequence data. "Proc. R. Soc. B" 269(1488): 295-308. doi|10.1098/rspb.2001.1883 [ PDF fulltext]
* (2004): Phylogeny and diversification of the largest avian radiation. "PNAS" 101(30): 11040-11045. doi|10.1073/pnas.0401892101 [ PDF fulltext] [ Supporting information]
* (2005): African endemics span the tree of songbirds (Passeri): molecular systematics of several evolutionary 'enigmas'. "Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B" 272(1565): 849858. DOI|10.1098/rspb.2004.2997 [ PDF fulltext] [ Electronic appendix]
* (1997): Fossil Songbirds (Passeriformes) from the Early Eocene of Australia. "Emu" 97(1): 43-50. doi|10.1071/MU97004
* (2001): An endemic radiation of Malagasy songbirds is revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequence data. "Evolution" 55(6): 1198-1206. DOI:10.1554/0014-3820(2001)055 [1198:AEROMS] 2.0.CO;2 [ PDF fulltext]
* (2003): "Handbook of the Birds of the World" (Vol. 8: Broadbills to Tapaculos). Lynx Edicions. ISBN 8487334504
* (2004): "Handbook of the Birds of the World" (Vol. 9: Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails. Lynx Edicions). ISBN 8487334695
* (2005): "Handbook of the Birds of the World" (Vol. 10: Cuckoo-Shrikes to Thrushes. Lynx Edicions). ISBN 8487334725
* (2006): "Handbook of the Birds of the World" (Vol. 11: Old World Flycatchers to Old World Warblers). Lynx Edicions. ISBN 849655306X
* (2007): "Handbook of the Birds of the World" (Vol. 12: Picathartes to Tits and Chickadees). Lynx Edicions. ISBN 9788496553422
* (2003): "The Howard and Moore complete checklist of the birds of the World" (3rd edition). Christopher Helm, London. ISBN 071366536X
* (2003): Phylogeny of Passerida (Aves: Passeriformes) based on nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data. "Mol. Phylogenet. Evol." 29(1): 126138 doi|10.1016/S1055-7903(03)00067-8 [ PDF fulltext]
* (1998-99): Középsõ-miocén õsmaradványok, a Mátraszõlõs, Rákóczi-kápolna alatti útbevágásból. I. A Mátraszõlõs 1. lelõhely [Middle Miocene fossils from the sections at the Rákóczi chapel at Mátraszőlős. Locality Mátraszõlõs I.] . "Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis" 23: 33-78. [Hungarian with English abstract] [ PDF fulltext]
* (2000): Középsõ-miocén õsmaradványok a Mátraszõlõs, Rákóczi-kápolna alatti útbevágásból II. A Mátraszõlõs 2. lelõhely [Middle Miocene fossils from the section of the road at the Rákóczi Chapel, Mátraszõlõs. II. Locality Mátraszõlõs 2] . "Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis" 24: 39-75. [Hungarian with English abstract] [ PDF fulltext]
* (2003): La limite Oligocène-Miocène en Limagne: changements fauniques chez les mammifères, oiseaux et ostracodes des différents niveaux de Billy-Créchy (Allier, France) [The Oligocene-Miocene boundary in Limagne: faunal changes in the mammals, birds and ostracods from the different levels of Billy-Créchy (Allier, France)] [French with English abstract] . "Geobios" 36(6): 719731. doi|10.1016/j.geobios.2003.01.002 (HTML abstract)
* (2003): Molecular support for a sister group relationship between Pici and Galbulae (Piciformes sensu Wetmore 1960). "J. Avian Biol." 34(2): 185197. doi|10.1034/j.1600-048X.2003.03103.x [ PDF fulltext]
* (2006): A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds (Aves: Passeri). "Zool. Scripta" 35(2): 149186. doi|10.1111/j.1463-6409.2006.00221.x (HTML abstract)
* (2000): "c-mos" Variation in Songbirds: Molecular Evolution, Phylogenetic Implications, and Comparisons with Mitochondrial Differentiation. "Mol. Biol. Evol." 17(10): 15691577. [ PDF fulltext]
* (2006): A Small Suboscine-like Passeriform Bird from the Early Oligocene of France. "Condor" 108(3): 717-720. [English with Spanish abstract] DOI:10.1650/0010-5422(2006)108 [717:ASSPBF] 2.0.CO;2 [ HTML abstract]
* (2004): Miocene Songbirds and the Composition of the European Passeriform Avifauna. "Auk" 121(4): 11551160. [English with Spanish abstract] DOI:10.1642/0004-8038(2004)121 [1155:MSATCO] 2.0.CO;2 [ Imageless HTML fulltext]
* (1991): El más antiguo Passeriformes de America del Sur. Presentation at VIII Journadas Argentinas de Paleontologia de Vertebrados ["The most ancient passerine from South America"] . [Spanish] Abstract in "Ameghiniana" 28(3-4): 410. [ Google Books fulltext]
* (1993): An Early Miocene Passeriform from Argentina. "Auk" 110(4): 936-938. [ PDF fulltext] [ DjVu fulltext]
* (2002): Deux fossiles d'oiseaux de l'Oligocène inférieur du Luberon ["Two bird fossils from the Lower Oligocene of Luberon"] . [FrenchVerify source|date=February 2008 ] "Courrier Scientifique du Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon" 6: 3857.
* (2007): Miocene waterfowl and other birds from central Otago, New Zealand. "J. Syst. Palaeontol." 5(1): 1-39. doi|10.1017/S1477201906001957 (HTML abstract)

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  • passerine — [ pasrin ] n. f. • passerin adj. « qui ressemble au moineau » 1611; lat. passer, eris « moineau » → passereau 1 ♦ Plante (daphnoïdés) appelée communément langue de moineau, herbe à l hirondelle, proche de la daphné. 2 ♦ (1775) Passereau d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Passerine — Pas ser*ine, a. [L. passerinus, fr. passer a sparrow.] (Zo[ o]l.) Of or pertaining to the Passeres. [1913 Webster] The columbine, gallinaceous, and passerine tribes people the fruit trees. Sydney Smith. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Passerine — Pas ser*ine, n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the Passeres. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • passerine — (adj.) 1776, from L. passerinus of a sparrow, from passer sparrow, possibly of imitative origin. The noun is 1842, from the adj …   Etymology dictionary

  • passerine — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ denoting birds of a large group (the order Passeriformes) distinguished by having feet adapted for perching and including all songbirds. ORIGIN from Latin passer sparrow …   English terms dictionary

  • passerine — [pas′ər in, pas′ərīn΄] adj. [L passerinus < passer, a sparrow] of or pertaining to an order (Passeriformes) of small or medium sized, chiefly perching songbirds having grasping feet with the first toe directed backward: more than half of all… …   English World dictionary

  • Passerine — Passerine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • passerine — (pa se ri n ) s. f. 1°   Genre de plantes qui se rapprochent de la lauréole. La passerine dioïque, qui se trouve dans les Pyrénées. •   La passerine thymélée, DC, dite vulgairement herbe de Mont Serrat, et qui était le daphné thymélée de Linné,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • passerine — adjective Etymology: Latin passerinus of sparrows, from passer sparrow Date: 1776 of or relating to the largest order (Passeriformes) of birds which includes over half of all living birds and consists chiefly of altricial songbirds of perching… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • passerine — /pas euhr in, euh ruyn , euh reen /, adj. 1. of, belonging, or pertaining to the order Passeriformes, comprising more than half of all birds and typically having the feet adapted for perching. 2. oscine (def. 1). n. 3. any bird of the order… …   Universalium

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