- Village
A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet, but smaller than a
town orcity [ [http://www.answers.com/village&r=67 village: Definition and Much More from Answers.com ] ] . Though generally located inrural areas, the termurban village may be applied to certain urbanneighbourhood s, such as theWest Village inManhattan ,New York City and theSaifi Village inBeirut ,Lebanon . Villages are normally permanent, with fixed dwellings; however, transient villages [http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22transient+villages%22&btnG=Search&meta=] can occur. Further, the dwellings of a village are fairly close to one another, not scattered broadly over the landscape (‘dispersed settlement ’).Villages have been the usual form of
community for societies that practice subsistence agriculture, and even for some non-agricultural societies. Towns and cities were few, and were home to only a small proportion of the population. TheIndustrial Revolution caused many villages to grow into towns and cities; this trend ofurbanisation has continued, though not always in connection with industrialisation. Villages have thus been eclipsed in importance as units of human society and settlement.Traditional villages
Although many patterns of village life have existed, the typical village was small, consisting of perhaps 5 to 30 families. Homes were situated together for sociability and defense, and land surrounding the living quarters was farmed.
South Asia
"The soul of
India lives in its villages", declared M. K.Gandhi [http://www.pibbng.kar.nic.in/feature1.pdf] at the beginning of 20th century. According to the 2001 Indian census, 74% of Indians live in 638,365 different villages. [ [http://www.censusindia.gov.in/ Indian Census] ] The size of these villages varies considerably. 236,004 Indian villages have a population less than 500, while 3,976 villages have a population of 10,000+. Most villages have their own temple, mosque or church depending on the local religious following.East Asia
Taiwan , villages are divisions under president. The village is called a "GRAM/GAON" (村) under a rural township (鄉) and a "li" (里) under an urban township (鎮) or a county-controlled city.Southeast Asia
Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia
The term "kampung" in the
English language has been defined specifically as "a Malay hamlet or village in a Malay-speaking country" [http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/kampung Meriam-Webster Online] In other words, a "kampung" is defined today as a village inBrunei ,Indonesia orMalaysia . In Malaysia, a "kampung" is determined as a locality with 10,000 or fewer people. Since historical times, every Malay village came under the leadership of a "penghulu" (village chief), who has the power to hear civil matters in his village (see Courts of Malaysia for more details). A Malay village typically contains a "masjid" (mosque ) or "surau" (Muslim chapel),stilt house s andpaddy fields . Malay and Indonesian villagers practice the culture of helping one another as a community, which is better known as "joint bearing of burdens" ("gotong royong ") [Geertz, Clifford. "Local Knowledge: Fact and Law in Comparative Perspective", pp. 167-234 in Geertz "Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology," NY: Basic Books. 1983.] , as well as being family-oriented (especially the concept of respecting one's family [particularly the parents and elders] ), courtesy and believing inGod ("Tuhan") as paramount to everything else. It is common to see a cemetery near the mosque, as all Muslims in the Malay or Indonesian village want to be prayed for, and to receiveAllah 's blessings in the afterlife.Philippines
In urban areas of the
Philippines , the term "village" most commonly refers to private subdivisions, especially gated communities. These villages emerged in the mid-20th century and were initially the domain ofelite urban dwellers. Now they are now common inMetro Manila and other major cities in the country and their residents have a wide range of income levels. Such villages may or may not correspond to administrative units (usuallybarangay s) and/or be privately administered. Well-known villages in Metro Manila includeForbes Park andDasmariñas Village .Vietnam
Village, or "làng", is a basis of
Vietnam society. Vietnam's village is the typical symbol of Asian agricultural production. Vietnam's village typically contains: a village gate, "lũy tre" (bamboo hedges), "đình làng" (communal house) where "thành hoàng" (tutelary god) is worshiped, "đồng lúa" (rice field), "chùa" (temple) and houses of all families in the village. All the people in Vietnam's villages usually have a blood relationship. They arefarmers who grow rice and have the same traditionalhandicraft . Vietnam's villages have an important role in society (Vietnamese saying: "Custom rules the law" -"Phép vua thua lệ làng" [literally: the king's law yields to village customs] ). Everyone in Vietnam wants to be buried in their village when they die.Central and Eastern Europe
lavic countries
Selo (Cyrillic: село; _pl. wieś) is a Slavic word meaning "village" in
Bosnia and Herzegovina ,Bulgaria ,Croatia , Macedonia,Russia ,Serbia , andUkraine . For example there are numerous "sela" (plural of "selo") calledNovo Selo inBulgaria ,Croatia , and others inSerbia , andMacedonia . InSlovenia , the word "selo" is used for very small villages (less then thousand people) and in dialects; the Slovene word "vas" is used all overSlovenia .Bulgaria
In Bulgaria the different types of "Sela" vary from a small selo of 5 to 30 families to one of several thousand people. In Bulgaria it is becoming popular to visit villages for the atmosphere, culture, crafts, hospitality of the people and the surrounding nature. This is called "selski tourism" (Bulgarian:селски туризъм), meaning "village tourism".
In Russia, the bulk of the rural population are concentrated in villages. In Russian, two terms are mainly used to refer to these rural localities: "selo" ( _ru. село) or "derevnya" ( _ru. деревня). Historically, the formal indication of status was religious: a city ("gorod") had a
cathedral , a "selo" had a church, while a "derevnya" had neither.The lowest administrative unit of the
Russian Empire , "volost ", or its Soviet or modern Russian successor, "selsoviet ", was usually headquartered in a "selo" and embraced a few neighboring villages.Between 1926 and 1989, Russia's rural population shrank from 76 million people to 39 million, due to urbanization,
collectivization , dekulakisation and theWorld War II losses, but has nearly stabilized since.Fact|date=October 2007 During 1930–1937, massstarvation in Russia and other parts of theSoviet Union lead to the death of at least 14.5 million peasants (including 5-7 million in theHolodomor ). [Robert Conquest (1986) "The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine". Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-505180-7. ]Most Russian villages have populations of less than 200 people, and the smaller villages take the brunt of depopulation: e.g., in 1959, about one half of Russia's rural population lived in villages of fewer than 500 people, while now less than one third does. In the 1960s–1970s, the depopulation of the smaller villages was driven by the central planners' drive to get the farm workers out of smaller, "prospect-less" hamlets and into the collective or state farm's main village, with more amenities. [ [http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2006/0253/tema04.php "Российское село в демографическом измерении" ("Rural Russia measured demographically")] ru icon. This article reports the following census statistics: ]
Most Russian rural residents are involved in agricultural work, and it is very common for villagers to produce their own food. As prosperous urbanites purchase village houses for their second homes, Russian villages sometimes are transformed into
dacha settlements, used mostly for seasonal residence.The historically
Cossack regions of Southern Russia and parts ofUkraine , with their fertile soil and absence ofserfdom , had a rather different pattern of settlement from central and northern Russia. While peasants of central Russia lived in a village around the lord's manor, a Cossack family often lived on its own farm, called "khutor ". A number of such "khutor"s plus a central village made up the administrative unit "stanitsa " ( _ru. стани́ца; _uk. станиця, "stanytsia"). Such a "stanitsa" village, often with a few thousand residents, was usually larger than a "selo" in central Russia.The term "
aul "/"aal" is used to refer mostly Muslim-populated villages inCaucasus andIdel-Ural , without regard to the number of residents.Western & Southern Europe
United Kingdom
A village in the UK is a compact settlement of houses, smaller in size than a town, and generally based on agriculture or, in some areas, mining or quarrying.
The major factors in the type of settlement are location of water sources, organization of agriculture and landholding, and likelihood of flooding. For example, in areas such as the
Lincolnshire Wolds , the villages are often found along the spring line halfway down the hillsides, and with the original open field systems around the village. In northernScotland , most villages are planned to a grid pattern located on or close to major roads, whereas in areas such as the Forest of Arden, woodland clearances produced small hamlets around village greens.Some villages have disappeared (for example,
deserted medieval village s), sometimes leaving behind a church or manor house and sometimes nothing but bumps in the fields. Clearances may have been to accommodatesheep or game estates, or may have resulted from depopulation, such as after theBlack Death or following a move of the inhabitants to more prosperous districts. Other villages have grown and merged and often form hubs within the general mass of suburbia -Charlton, London orHampstead inLondon and in some cases outgrew a nearby town, such asBirmingham which outgrewAston to become a major city. Many are now predominantlydormitory locations and have suffered the loss of shops, churches and other facilities.From an English point of view, the village represents an
ideal ofEngland . Seen as being far from the bustle of modern life, it is quiet, harmonious, if a little inward-looking. This concept of an unspoilt Arcadia is present in many popular representations of the village such asThe Archers or thebest kept village competitions.Many villages in
South Yorkshire ,North Nottinghamshire ,North East Derbyshire andNorthumberland are known aspit village s. They (such asMurton, County Durham ) grew from hamlets when the sinking of acolliery in the early 20th century forced a rapid growth of their population and the colliery owners built new housing, shops, pubs and churches. Some pit villages outgrew nearby towns by area and population; for example,Rossington inSouth Yorkshire came to have over four times more people than the nearby town ofBawtry . Some pit villages grew to becometown s; for example,Maltby in South Yorkshire grew from 500 people in the 19th century to over 75,000 in 2007.Villages tend to occur in lowland
England , where they partly replaced the more scattered single farms and hamlets in the mid-Saxon period. In the UK, the main historical distinction between a hamlet and a village is that the latter had a church, and so usually was the centre of worship for anecclesiastical parish . However, somecivil parish es may contain more than one village. The typical village had a pub, shops, and ablacksmith . But many of these facilities are now gone, and many villages are dormitories for commuters. The population of such settlements ranges from a few hundred people to around five thousand. A village is distinguished from a town in that:
* A village should not have a regular agriculturalmarket , although today such markets are uncommon even in settlements which clearly are towns.
* A village does not have a town hall nor amayor .
* There should be a cleargreen belt or open fields surrounding its parish borders. However this may not be applicable to urbanised villages, although these are usually not considered to be villages, they are often still widely referred to as being so, an example of this isHorsforth inLeeds .France
Same general definition as in England, see, for example,
Saint-Benoît-du-Sault .Netherlands
In the flood prone districts of the Netherlands, villages were traditionally built on low man-made hills called terps before the introduction of regional dyke-systems.
Villages in Ireland traditionally consisted of a church, a pub, a shop and a post office. Some also contain facilities such as schools and health centres.
The Middle East
Like France, villages in
Lebanon are usually located in remote mountainous areas. The majority of villages in Lebanon retain theirAramaic names or are derivative of the Aramaic names, and this is because Aramaic was still in use inMount Lebanon up to the 18th century. [ [http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/400/410/412/elies_project/glimse_of_yesterday.html A project proposal ] ]Many of the Lebanese villages are a part of districts, these districts are known as "kadaa" which includes the districts of Baabda (Baabda), Aley (Aley), Matn (Jdeideh), Keserwan (Jounieh), Chouf (Beiteddine), Jbeil (Byblos), Tripoli (Tripoli), Zgharta (Zgharta / Ehden), Bsharri (Bsharri), Batroun (Batroun), Koura (Amioun), Miniyeh-Danniyeh (Minyeh / Sir Ed-Danniyeh), Zahle (Zahle), Rashaya (Rashaya), Western Beqaa (Jebjennine / Saghbine), Sidon (Sidon), Jezzine (Jezzine), Tyre (Tyre), Nabatiyeh (Nabatiyeh), Marjeyoun (Marjeyoun), Hasbaya (Hasbaya), Bint Jbeil (Bint Jbeil), Baalbek (Baalbek), and Hermel (Hermel).
The district of Danniyeh conists of thirty six small villages, which includes Almrah, Kfirchlan, Kfirhbab, Hakel al Azimah, Siir, Bakhoun, Miryata, Assoun, Sfiiri, Kharnoub, Katteen, Kfirhabou, Zghartegrein, Ein Qibil.
Danniyeh (known also as Addinniyeh, Al Dinniyeh, Al Danniyeh, Arabic: سير الضنية) is a region located in Miniyeh-Danniyeh District in the North Governorate of Lebanon. The region lies east of Tripoli, extends north as far as Akkar District, south to Bsharri District and Zgharta District and as far east as Baalbek and Hermel. Dinniyeh has an excellent ecological environment filled with woodlands, orchards and groves. Several villages are located in this mountainous area, the largest town being Sir Al Dinniyeh.
An example of a typical mountainous Lebanese village in Dannieh would be Hakel al Azimah which is a small village that belongs to the district of Danniyeh, situated between Bakhoun and Assoun's boundaries. It is in the centre of the valleys that lie between the Arbeen Mountains and the Khanzouh.
*http://Rmaich.com Village in South LebanonSub-Saharan Africa
Australasia & Oceania
Pacific IslandsCommunities on pacific islands were historically called villages by English speakers who traveled and settled in the area. Some communities such as several
Villages of Guam continue to be called villages despite having large populations that can exceed 40,000 residents.New Zealand
The traditional
Maori village was the pa, a fortified hill-top settlement. Tree-fern logs and flax were the main building materials.AustraliaThe term village often is used in reference to small planned communities such as
retirement communities , shopping districts, and tourist areas. Small rural communities are usually known as towns regardless of how small they are.South America
Usually set in remote mountainous areas, some also cater to winter sports and/or tourism, see:
Uspallata ,La Cumbrecita ,Villa Traful and La CumbreNorth America
United States
Incorporated villages
In twenty [ [http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/vi/village.html#Definitions Village ] ]
U.S. state s, the term "village" refers to a specific form of incorporatedmunicipal government , similar to a city but with less authority and geographic scope. However, this is a generality; in many states, there are villages that are an order of magnitude larger than the smallest cities in the state. The distinction is not necessarily based on population, but on the relative powers granted to the different types of municipalities and correspondingly, different obligations to provide specific services to residents.In some states such as New York, Wisconsin, or Michigan, a village is an incorporated municipality, usually, but not always, within a single town or
civil township . Residents pay taxes to the village and town or township and may vote inelections for both as well. In some cases, the village may be with the town or township. There are also many villages which span the boundaries of more than one town or township, and some villages may even straddle county borders.There is no limit to the population of a village in New York; Hempstead, the largest village in the state, has 55,000 residents, making it more populous than some of the state's cities. However, villages in the state may not exceed five square miles (13 km²) in area.
In the state of
Wisconsin a village is always legally separate from the township(s) that it has been incorporated from. The largest village is Menomonee Falls, which has over 32,000 residents.Michigan and Illinois also have no set population limit for villages and there are many villages that are larger than cities in those states.
Villages in
Ohio are almost always legally separate from anytownships that they may have been incorporated from (there are exceptions, such as Chagrin Falls, where the township includes the entirety of the village). They have no area limitations, but must reincorporate as cities if they grow to over 5,000 in population. Villages have the same home-rule rights as cities with fewer of the responsibilities. Unlike cities, they have the option of being either a "statutory village" and running their governments according to state law (with a six-member council serving four-year terms and a mayor who votes only to break ties) or being a "charter village" and writing acharter to run their government as they see fit.
Facts|date=February 2007In
Maryland , a locality designated "Village of ..." may be either an incorporated town or a special tax district. [ [http://www.census.gov/prod/2005pubs/gc021x2.pdf 2002 Census of Governments, Individual State Descriptions] (PDF )] An example of the latter is the Village of Friendship Heights.In states that have
New England town s, a "village" is a center of population or trade, including the town center, in an otherwise sparsely-developed town or city — for instance, the village of Hyannis in the city of the Town of Barnstable. Although over the years the village has become more like a small town within a town with it now being the center of everything for Barnstable.Unincorporated villages
In many states, the term "village" is used to refer to a relatively small
unincorporated community , similar to a hamlet in New York state. This informal usage may be found even in states that have villages as an incorporated municipality, although such usage might be considered incorrect and confusing.ee also
Developed Environments
*Dogon villages
*Hakka architecture
*Linear village
*Village green
*Village lock-up
*Settlement types:
**Types of inhabited localities in Russia
*Villages in China
*Developed environments:
**Suburb an
*Anthropogenic biomes
*Villages in Bihar
**Exurb an
*Global Village
*Sołectwo (rough equivalent in Poland)Footnotes
External links
"Village types:"
* [http://www.gloriousindia.com/places/villages/index.html Information about villages in India from GloriousIndia]
* [http://www.ukvillages.co.uk Information on all villages in the UK]
* [http://www.archinomy.com/blog/planning-a-village.html Planning A Village]
* [http://www.ecotope.org/anthromes/v1/guide/villages/ Types of villages (anthropogenic biomes)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.