- Comparative military ranks of World War I
The following table shows comparative officer ranks of the principal Allied and Central powers during World War I. For modern ranks refer to Comparative military ranks. See also: Comparative military ranks of World War II
Major participants not shown:
Belgium (entered war on the side of the Allies after the German invasion in 1914)
Bulgaria (entered war on side of the Central Powers 1914)
Portugal (entered war on side of the Allies 1916)
Serbia (entered war on side of the Allies)KEY:
- Navy
- Army
- Air Force
modern NATO
equivalentUnited States British Empire1 France Italy Russian Empire2 German Empire Austro-Hungarian Empire3 Ottoman Empire4 OF-10 Admiral of the Navy
General of the ArmiesAdmiral of the Fleet
Field MarshalAmiral de France5
Maréchal de France5Ammiraglio
Generale d’EsercitoГенера́л-адмира́л (General Admiral)
Генера́л-фельдма́ршал (General Field Marshal)Großadmiral
GeneralfeldmarschallGroßadmiral / Vezértengernagy
Feldmarschall /TábornagyMüşir Amiral
MüşirOF-9 Admiral
Général d’ArméeVice Ammiraglio d’Armata
Tenente Generale in Comando di ArmataАдмира́л (Admiral)
Генерал от инфанте́рии / кавале́рии / артилле́рии (General of the Infantry / Cavalry / Artillery)Generaladmiral
GeneraloberstAdmiral / Tengernagy
Generaloberst (since 1915)/ VezérezredesBirinci Ferik Amiral
Birinci FerikOF-8 Vice Admiral
Lieutenant GeneralVice-Admiral
Lieutenant-GeneralVice-Amiral d’Escadre
Général de Corps d’ArméeVice Ammiraglio di Squadra
Tenente Generale in Comando di Corpo d'ArmataВи́це-адмира́л (Vice Admiral)
Генера́л-лейтена́нт (Lieutenant General)Admiral
General der Infanterie, General der Kavallerie, General der ArtillerieVizeadmiral / Altengernagy
General der Infanterie / Gyalogsági tábornok, General der Kavallerie / lovassági tábornok, Feldzeugmeister (artillery) / táborszernagyFerik Amiral
FerikOF-7 Rear Admiral
Major GeneralRear-Admiral
Général de DivisionContrammiraglio di Divisione
Maggior GeneraleКо́нтр-адмира́л (Counter Admiral)
Генера́л-майо́р (Major General)Vizeadmiral
GeneralleutnantKontreadmiral / Ellentengernagy
Feldmarschalleutnant / AltábornagyLiva Amiral
MirlivaOF-6 Commodore
Brigadier GeneralCommodore 1st Class Contre-Amiral
Général de BrigadeContrammiraglio
Brigadier Generale- Konteradmiral
Generalmajor / VezérőrnagyCommodore 2nd Class
Brigadier-GeneralOF-5 Captain
ColonelCapitaine de Vaisseau
ColonelCapitano di Vascello
ColonelloКапита́н 1-го ра́нга (Captain 1st rank)
Полко́вник (Polkovnik)Kapitän zur See
OberstLinienschiffskapitän / Sorhajókapitány
Oberst / EzredesKalyon Kaptanı
MiralayOF-4 Commander
Lieutenant-ColonelCapitaine de Frégate
Lieutenant-ColonelCapitano di Frigata
Tenente ColonelloКапита́н 2-го ра́нга (Captain 2nd rank)
Подполко́вник (Podpolkovnik)Fregattenkapitän
OberstleutnantFregattenkapitän / Fregattkapitány
Oberstleutnant / AlezredesFırkateyn Kaptanı
KaymakamOF-3 Lieutenant-Commander
MajorCapitaine de Corvette
CommandantCapitano di Corvetta
MaggioreСта́рший лейтена́нт (Senior Lieutenant)
Капита́н/ро́тмистр (Captain/Rittmeister)6Korvettenkapitän
MajorKorvettenkapitän / Korvettkapitány
Major / ŐrnagyKorvet Kaptanı
BinbaşıOF-2 Lieutenant
CaptainLieutenant de Vaisseau
CapitaineTenente di Vascello
CapitanoЛейтена́нт (Lieutenant)
Шта́бс-капита́н/Шта́бс-ро́тмистр (Stabs-Captain/Stabs-Rittmeister)6Kapitänleutnant
Hauptmann / Rittmeister 7Linienschiffsleutnant / Sorhajóhadnagy
Hauptmann / Százados, Rittmeister / Kapitány7Yüzbaşı
YüzbaşıOF-1 Lieutenant Junior Grade
First LieutenantSub-Lieutenant
LieutenantEnseigne de Vaisseau de 1re classe
LieutenantSottotenente di Vascello
TenenteМи́чман (Midshipman)
Пору́чик/пору́чик (Poruchik/Poruchik) 6Oberleutnant zur See
OberleutnantFregattenleutnant / Fregatthadnagy
Oberleutnant / FőhadnagyMülazım
Mülazım-ı evvelEnsign
Second LieutenantMate[citation needed]
Second Lieutenant
Second LieutenantEnseigne de Vaisseau de 2e Classe
SottotenenteПодпору́чик/корне́т (Sub-Poruchik/Coronet)6 Leutnant zur See
LeutnantKorvettenleutnant / Korvetthadnagy
Leutnant / HadnagyMülazım
Mülazım-ı saniMidshipman Commissioned Warrant Officer/ Midshipman/ Boatswain Aspirant
AspirantAspirante Guardiamarina
AspiranteПра́порщик (Praporshchik) (army reserve) Notes
- From 1 April 1918, the date of its official formation, until a little after the close of World War I, the Royal Air Force used the same ranks as the British Army. The highest RAF rank held during this period was lieutenant-general.
- For transliterations, refer to History of Russian military ranks.
- Austro-Hungarian ranks are shown in both German and Hungarian, as would have been contemporary practice.
- Military personnel in the Ottoman Empire were assigned different duties according to their capabilities in order to administer the Armed Forces and particularly to be successful in battle. They were given various ranks so that they could conduct relations with each other and be fully aware of their duties. The issue of what sort of duties should be allocated to which unit or to which military institution used to be determined by the ranking within the Armed Forces. In Islamic countries, certain 'degrees', instead of ranks, were given in accordance with the categorization of government duties. In the course of time, these 'degrees' had taken on certain characteristics. In the Ottoman Empire, besides the ranks that were awarded after passing through certain stages of promotion, there was also the rank of "Pasha" that was given directly by the Ottoman Sultan. This rank, which continued until the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, was also given to civilian administrators who were approved of and found suitable. After the establishment of the Republic, the Sultanate was abolished, and the title became synonymous with the General rank, restricted to the Armed Forces only. Paymaster of a regiment - Captain of the Right Wing (Alay Emini - Sağ Kolağası): The rank of the Captain of the Right Wing was very high. The rank of the Adjutant and Paymaster of a regiment was also high but such individuals were not from the military class and they dealt with clerical duties and equipment needed by the regiment. Captain of the Wing - The Captain of the Left Wing- (Kolağası - Sol Kolağası): Captain of the Wing or the Captain of the Left Wing was the senior Captain. If he was educated in the regiment, he was called "Ağa" but if he was the son of a pasha, he was called "Bey".
- Maréchal de France and Amiral de France were as much a dignity of state as a military title. Thus British Field Marshals consulted with French Generals in 1914. The elevation of Joffre to Maréchal in 1916 actually marked a diminution of his powers of command. There was no Amiral de France alive during World War I.
- Army/cavalry ranks. Cossack cavalry had distinct ranks below Podpolkovnik: войсково́й старшина́ (Voiskovoy Starshina), есау́л (Yesaul), подъесау́л (Sub-Yesaul), со́тник (Sotnik), хору́нжий (Khorunzhiy)
- Captains in the cavalry and mounted transport corps in Germanic-derived rank systems were called Rittmeister.
Categories:- Military ranks by country
- World War I
- Military comparisons
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