- Musa (Winx Club)
Princess Musa Winx Club character First appearance Benvenuti a Magix/Welcome to Magix!/More than High School Voiced by Gemma Donati (Italian)
Sarah McCullough (Seasons 1-3) Anik Matern (Season 3-4) (Cinélume English)
Lisa Ortiz (4Kids English)
Romi Dames (Nickelodeon English)[1][2]Information Associated Pixie Tune, Pixie of Etiquette and Good Manners Age at first appearance 16 (first season)
17 (second season)
18 (third season and first movie)
19 (fourth season and second movie)
20 (fifth season)Birthday May 30 [3] Origin/Nationality Planet Melody[4] Affiliation Alfea, Winx Club Abilities and Powers Draws strength, energy and power from music and sound.
- Sound/Sonic-based attacks and spells
- Musical-based attacks and spells
- Sound Manipulation/Control
Musa is a character in the Winx Club animated series. Her first appearance was in the second episode of the first season, Benvenuti a Magix (translation: Welcome to Magix!) (USA dub: More than High School). She is Tecna's roommate.
Personality profile
Musa is a fairy from the planet Melody, where she once lived. In the edits made by 4kids Entertainment, she is portrayed as a princess, but in season 3, she meets the real princess of Melody, Princess Galatea. Her mother died when she was very young, but she loves her father a lot. Her mother had an amazing voice and her father was a pianist, but after her mother's death, her father was devastated and refused music, and even once threatened to withdraw Musa from Alfea for appearing at a concert at Redfountain.
Her birthday is May 30, and her best friend is Tecna. In season 3, Musa is the only Winx member who literally tried to claw Tecna out of the Omega Dimension when Tecna got her Enchantix saving Andros. She loves music, dancing, singing, and playing all instruments, her favorite of which is the concert flute. Musa usually plays amazing music, but plays best when she is alone at Alfea in a quiet spot. Despite being a bit of a tomboy, she is the most emotionally vulnerable. Musa compensates by putting up a tough front and is quick to temper. Her emotional weakness is probably a result from her mother's early death and disputes with her father.
Musa can be a bit of a loner, she likes her space, though she developed a crush for Riven. Despite their initial interest at the beginning of season one, Riven began to act cruel towards Musa and the other winx when he began dating one of the trix Darcy. When he came back at the end of season one he apologised to Musa and they became friends. Neither admit they like each other until the end of season two and start dating. Their relationship sees a lot of arguments but they genuinely care for each other.
Surprisingly, Musa gets the best grades of the group, as mentioned in the fifteenth episode of the first season.
In season three, Musa admits she wanted to break up with Riven, but they later reconcile. Later on in the season, she is told by Arcadia to choose between eternal happiness with her dead mother and saving the magical universe. It was a difficult choice for her, but she had to remain loyal to her duty to protect the universe. In doing so, she claimed the final of the Water Stars that would be used to defeat Valtor.
Musa's bonded pixie is Tune, the Pixie of Etiquette. They often annoy each other, due to their polarizing nature. Tune believes in being ladylike, as opposed to Musa who is known for being outgoing and tomboyish in behavior. However, despite these contrasts they balance each other out.
Musa is Asian in appearance and has blackish blue hair in pigtails, deep blue eyes and a pale skin tone.In seasons 1 and 2, her casual outfit consists of a one-shouldered red tank top, baggy blue jeans, and red sneakers with white heels. She also wears a purple band on her right arm.
In season 3, her casual outfit changes to a long, dark blue top with a red grid pattern, red belt, light blue jeans, and light blue sneakers with dark blue heels. She has fingerless arm sleeves. In season 3, she gets her hair spelled, so the pigtails reach her hips.
In season 4, her casual outfit changes to a hot pink with white polka-dot t-shirt with ruffled sleeves, a pink and black plaid skirt, black belt and red heels, red striped tube socks. Under her t-shirt, she wears a baby pink undershirt with dark red sleeves. In this season, Musa lets her hair down out of her pigtails.
Musa's Winx outfit is a red dress, a sparkling one-shouldered tank top and skirt, with transparent ree fabric connecting the two and covering her midsection. Her shoes are dark red knee-high platform boots. She now wears a purple arm band, with two strings of fabric hanging from it, on her right arm. Her hair, depending on the season, remains the same style, with a pair of purple headphones. Her wings are basic four section blue insect wings, going at each 45 degree angle from her back.Charmix
Musa's Charmix is a treble clef broach and CD-player shaped waist bag. Musa earns her Charmix by facing her fear to trust someone, that being Riven.Enchantix
Musa's Enchantix consists of a red and light pink striped tube top with yellow petal ribbon over one shoulder draping down the front and red elizabethian minstrel shorts. The skirt also has two strips of yellow petals tied at the hip. Her shoes are alternatly yellow or red barefoot sandals. Her hair becomes longer, though it stays in pigtails, and she wears a three-pointed gold tiara. On her arms are pink, translucent shoulder-length gloves. Her wings are gold and purple edged, and white and translucent gold on the inside. From each wing point hangs a purple bobble.She earned her Enchantix in the tenth episode of season three, after staying behind to save Princess Galatea from a fire the Trix had started in the Alfea library that had gotten out of control.
Fairy Dust
Musa's fairy dust pendant is teardrop shaped and light pink. It is shaped like an orientel paper lantern in blue and red with three strings of pink beads hanging from the bottom.Believix
Musa's Believix consists of a pink tank top, over which there is a red one-shouldered torn t-shirt with jagged edges, with a strip of white fabric at the bottom. She also wears a pair of red extreme mini shorts over blue knee-length tights. Over one hip is a transparent ruffled fabric. Around her neck is a pink choker with a blue jewel, and black tie. Her shoes are red with pink-tint white heels, and bunched tops. She also has a pair of elbow-length, transparent, light pink fingerless gloves. Her hair is longer, with one braided pigtail, held together with a red band, on the right side of her head and a red double wire headband. Her wings are curled at the tops, creating an optical illusion, outlined with red, and is bejeweled on the inside, along with light and dark blue swirling designs suggesting the flow of melody. The shape of the wings hint as music symbols and sheet music.Sophix
Musa's Sophix consists of a dark pink one-shouldered tank top. Her pants are now dark pink, with ruffles below the knee, and covered by a light and dark green skirt. Her shoes are green platform heels with dark green straps holding them on, and one pink ruffle on the front of each shoe. Around her neck is a dark pink choker, and on her arms are light purple, shoulder-length, fluffy gloves topped with a band of light green. Her hair remains in the same style, although the band holding her pigtail and her headband have changed to dark green, with a purple flower on the headband. Her wings remain the same shape, though are now edged with a lighter pink and are light pink and green on the inside.Lovix
Musa's Lovix consists of a light blue, one-shouldered top with a pink strap on the other shoulder and a light blue diamond-shaped jewel on the chest. Her pants are the same blue as her top, and connected to the top with light purple fabric that covers her midsection. Over the pants is a white fluffy half-skirt, tied on with a red belt. On her arms are light purple, elbow-length fingerless gloves, with fluffy white fabric at the tops. Her shoes are now dark pink boots with light pink platform heels, with white fluffy tops. Her hair remains the same style, although the band holding her pigtail turns light blue, and her headband now has three white diamond-shaped jewels on the right side. Her wings remain the same shape, although they are now edged with light purple and light blue, dark blue, and another shade of purple inside, with dark purple jewels on each side.Transformation Sequences
Musa's Winx transformation lasts eleven seconds.
First, Musa dances around on a dance floor for a few seconds, then reaches up and crosses her wrists. There is a flash of light, then her boots are shown materializing out of glowing checkered light. After another flash, Musa is shown with eyes closed and arms raised as her outfit appears out of the same light. Her arm band ties itself on as she floats away from the camera, winged and clothed. Finally, she strikes her final pose, spinning around on a CD.In the Nickelodeon version, Musa's transformation sequence begins with her floating around surrounded by golden music bars and music notes. There is a flash of light and she appears to be wearing her Winx outfit. There is another flash of light, she appears spinning as a music bar strikes her back to form her wings and she strikes her final pose.
Musa's Charmix transformation lasts nine seconds.
First, Musa is seen in her Winx outfit, eyes closed and arms down. She spins once, moving closer to the camera, then lifts her arms up and yells while her Charmix pin appears. She twirls once while her bag appears. Fnally, there is a flash of light and she spins once more, then strikes her final pose.Enchantix
Musa's Enchantix transformation lasts thirty-seven seconds.
First, Musa lifts her arms up into the air, where her gloves form out of sparkles. There is a flash, then pink bands of light in the form of a music bar are shown flying around on the screen. The bands move closer to the screen, then there is another flash, and the bands, now condensed into one band, wrap around Musa's arm. She turns around to face the camera while floating away and turning to a silhouette. She spins around, then brings the band of light up, wrapping it around her body and legs. After another flash, her body is shown with her top and skirt on, as the golden bands of fabric bloom like a flower. Musa then moves her head through the shot, leaning backwards until her hair fills the screen. The hair moves, and an outline of her wings made of sparkles flies in circles around the screen, settling in the middle. Musa materializes in a flash of light, her wings attaching to her back, then turns around and flies upward. Finally, she flies away from the camera to strike her final pose.Fairy Dust
Musa's Fairy dust lasts for twenty seconds.
First, Musa draws her sign, several swirls inside a large circle. Then, the camera cuts to her fairy dust vial. The beads on the bottom burst into sparkles one by one, then the cage of blue rings start spinning, accelerating so fast they burst into sparkles. Finally, the stopper lifts out of the vial.CGI Movie Enchantix
Musa's CGI movie Enchantix, as seen in Secret of the Lost Kingdom, lasts eleven seconds.
First, Musa is seen curled into a ball. Pink sparkles rise from under her, turning into golden bars that surround her. She twirls several times as her outfit and wings materialize. After twirling once more, she strikes her final pose, the bars disappearing.Believix
Musa's Believix transformation lasts twenty-three seconds.
First, a silhouette of Musa is seen, with her gloves already on, dancing on her hands on a dance floor. Spinning rapidly, she pushes herself up into the air and lands on her feet. She does a short dance while her outfit appears. There is a flash, then Musa flies onto the screen again, turning. Her hair is braided by a band of light surrounded by small music notes. Then, several multi-colored spotlights turn on. Musa flies through them, twisting the lights around her until they begin to form her wings. Finally, she strikes a pose, her wings fully formed.Sophix
Musa's Sophix transformation lasts for six seconds.
Musa appears waving her right arm around with purple flower petals swirling around it. She desolves and instantly reappears in her Sophix outfit as her wings appear.Lovix
Musa's Lovix transformation lasts for fourteen seconds.
Musa flies into view and then she dissolves. In a white flash, she reappears in her Lovix outfit.CGI Movie Believix
Musa's CGI movie Believix, as seen in Magical Adventure, lasts for twelve seconds.
First, Musa appears as a blue music bar swirls around her, forming her top, pants and boots. The music bar then makes its way to her arms and her fingerless gloves appear. When the other girls get their wings, Musa flies into focus with the same music bar trailing her and it forms her wings and she flies out of focus.Magical Abilities
Musa's powers are connected, not just with music, but the actual power of sound waves and sonic pressure. She also has "sonar ears", allowing her to hear just about any vibration. Musa can create sonic vibes and pulses which charge through the air like energy blasts. She can also conjure any instrument by mere thought and is able to unleash disrupting sonic booms which can split the earth and crash the air. She usually uses attacks that are disco themed and can create disco-ball force-fields, distracting musical blasts, and virtual speakers which enclose around an enemy and immobilize them through incredibly loud bass music. Musa can also create walls and barriers of the musical scale and explosive musical notes.
- Sonic Blast: Two huge purple speakers appear that plays loud music blaring music. (Winx-level)
- Funky Forcefield: A force field in the shape of a disco ball. (Winx-level)
- Sound Waves: Releases sound waves. (Winx-level)
- Enchantix Stereo: It takes the form of a large fuchsia speaker with slightly transparent edges that pounds loud rock music. (Enchantix-level)
- Soundwave attack: Musa releases a bunch of purple rings with a hint of sparkles that pounds loud music at the enemy. (Enchantix-level)
- Disco Shell: Musa putt herself in a purple gell and it look's like a shield. (Enchantix-level)
- Sound Shield: Musa releases transparent squares that form into a pink bubble surrounding her. (Enchantix-level)
- Sonic Screen: Musa's standard Believix shield it red with blue in the shape of a circle. (Believix-level)
- Harmonic Attack: Blasts multiple enemies with disrupting soundwaves. (Believix-level)
- Stereo Crash: Shoots out two separate sound sphere that collide into, damage, and deafen the target. (Believix-level)
- Power of Harmony: Traps multiple enemies within a barrier of sound waves. (Believix-level)
- Bright Heart: Musa's Believix power, helps a person believe in themselves. (Believix-level)
- Pure Harmony: The power of peace and harmony, it is a whisper of the wind among the leaves. (Sophix-level)
- Snow's Melody: Is shouted by Musa during her Lovix transformation sequence, but was never used.(Lovix-level)
- Sonic Scream Is a Charmix Power that involves sound waves emerging from Musa's mouth creating a distraction and possibly pain
- In total she has sixteen (16) spells.
In the first season, Musa shows affection for Riven, but says she doesn't like him after discovering that he was dating Darcy. However, when Darcy's spell is broken, he tells Musa he has feelings for her, but the two only stay friends.
In the second season, Musa and Riven's affections are stronger. Musa gains her Charmix because she learns to trust Riven. She becomes good friends with Layla, to whom she entrusts the entire story about her mother's death. Musa and Layla get along well because they have much in common such as their tomboyishness, love for dance, sensitivity and difficulty with their parents. Musa and her father's relationship becomes stronger as he sees her talent for music and he begins to accept the fact that she likes Riven, who proved himself by rallying the audience to sing with Musa to increase her power in order to defeat Stormy at the Alfea concert in season 2. Musa and Riven begin dating at the end of season 2. Musa did know her mother before she died, as she told Layla. Her mother died because of an illness, although she does not mention what illness, but her family could hardly afford to buy food, much less medicine, so her mother died.
In the third season, Musa and Riven nearly break up. The two argue a lot and this causes a lot of tension, but they stay together in the end. Neither of them growing up in stable families really knew how to handle the difficult sides of being in relationships. Their fear or sadness gets lashed out in anger, making the other lash back for the same reasons. Not sure how to resolve these fights they usually split, but their feelings for each other usually bring them back together with some openess of feelings and apoligies.
In the first movie, Musa and Riven's relationship is shown to improve. Riven is possessed by Mandragora, and when he is about to kill Sky, Musa jumps in front of him. Riven sees what he has done and has flashbacks of everything that he and Musa have been through. He carries her in his arms as asks him why he tried to kill Sky, to which he responds with sorrow and tells her that he now knows what he must fight for – Musa.
In the fourth season, Musa and Riven's arguments come back in play when Musa gets a recording deal with a manager whom Riven is not very fond of. The manager seems to have deep affections for Musa and she has a small crush on him, although she is aware that deep inside, her heart belongs to Riven. Her crush was ended when she was invited to the manager's wedding. Musa and Riven break up in episode 14 and get back together in episode 20. Musa is still best friends with Tecna.
Among all of the Winx Club members, Layla is probably the closest to Musa, as both share the same love for music and dancing. However, the official website states that Tecna is actually her best friend, and that Layla's best friend is Flora. Musa is also very close to Stella, although they may have some conflicts at first. Her bond is very strong with the entire Winx Club.
See also
Voice Actresses
- Italy - Gemma Donati
- Singapore (Cinélume English) - Sarah McCullough (Seasons 1-3), Anik Matern (Seasons 3-4)
- Netherlands - Monique Van Der Ster
- Poland - Iwona Rulewicz (Seasons 1-3), Agnieszka Kudelska (Season 4)
- France - Mélanie Dambermont
- Russia - Ramilia Iskander (Seasons 1-2), Maria Ovchinnikova (Seasons 3-4)
- Spain - Mercedez Espinosa
- Portugal - Mónica Figueiras (from Season 3 and 4)
- USA - Lisa Ortiz (4Kids), Romi Dames (Nickelodeon)
- Japan - Yui Horie
- India - Asha Sachdeva (from Season 4)
- Latin America - Anabella Silva (Seasons 1-2), Yaraíbi Alcedo (Season 3), María José Estévez (Season 4)
- Germany - Inken Baxmeier
- Brazil - Mariana Torres
- Finland - Katja Mäenpää
- Sweden - Emma Iggström
- Persia - Farsa Khurao (Seasons 1-2), Anya Dharoa (Season 3), Khasma Finadi (Season 4)
- UAE - Sana-Al-Korfy (Season 1), Nawah-E-Ghorbi (Seasons 2-4)
Notes and references
- ^ http://twitter.com/#!/TheRomiDames/status/72818635789434882
- ^ http://twitter.com/#!/TheRomiDames/status/72825401705119744
- ^ In the 4kids dub, Musa's birthday is changed from May 30 to May 10.
- ^ In the USA dub, Musa's home planet, Planet Melody is renamed "The Harmonic Nebula, Melodic Fairyland. She is a Melodian Citizin, from Asian descent".
Winx Club Articles Characters TV Films Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom • Winx Club 3D: Magical AdventureVideo games Dance Dance Revolution Winx Club • Winx Club • Winx Club: Believix in You • Winx Club: Mission Enchantix • Winx Club: The Quest for the CodexOther Categories:- Fictional fairies and sprites
- Winx Club characters
- Fictional musicians
- Fictional singers
- Magical girls
- 2004 introductions
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