Harvey Award

Harvey Award

The Harvey Awards, named for writer-artist Harvey Kurtzman (1924-1993) and coordinated by the publisher Fantagraphics are given for achievement in comic books. The Harveys were created as part of a successor to the Kirby Awards which were discontinued after 1987.

The Harvey Awards are nominated by an open vote among comic-book professionals. The winners are selected from the top five nominees in each category by a final round of voting.

Since their inception, the awards have been presented at various fan conventions such as the Chicago Comic-Con, the Dallas Fantasy Fair, Oakland, California's Wondercon, and the Pittsburgh Comicon. In 2004 and 2005, the presentation was held at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA) in New York City. [ [http://www.harveyawards.org/news_03.html HarveyAwards.org: "Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art Announces 2004 Harveys Nominees"] ] [Press release (May 13, 2005): [http://www.moccany.org/press.html "18th Annual Harvey Awards Winners to Be Announced in June 11 Ceremony in NYC"] ] In 2006 the awards' presentation was moved to Baltimore Comic-Con.

Categories and winners of Harvey Awards are:

Best Writer

*1988 Alan Moore, for "Watchmen" (DC)
*1989 Gilbert Hernandez, for "Love and Rockets" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1990 Gilbert Hernandez, for "Love and Rockets" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1991 Neil Gaiman, for "The Sandman" (DC)
*1992 Neil Gaiman, for "The Sandman" (DC)
*1993 Will Eisner, for "Invisible People" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1994 Scott McCloud, for "Understanding Comics" (Tundra/Kitchen Sink Press)
*1995 Alan Moore, for "From Hell" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1996 Alan Moore, for "From Hell" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1997 Daniel Clowes for "Eightball" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 Kurt Busiek, for his body of work in 1997, including "Kurt Busiek's Astro City" (Image/Homage), "Avengers" (Marvel Comics), and "Thunderbolts" (Marvel Comics)
*1999 Alan Moore, for his body of work in 1998, including "From Hell" (Kitchen Sink Press) and "Supreme" (Awesome)
*2000 Alan Moore, for "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" (ABC)
*2001 Alan Moore, for "Promethea" (ABC)
*2002 Brian Azzarello, "100 Bullets" (DC)
*2003 Alan Moore, for "Promethea" (ABC)
*2004 Chester Brown, for "" (Drawn & Quarterly Publishing)
*2005 Daniel Clowes, for "Eightball" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2006 Ed Brubaker, for "Captain America" (Marvel Comics)
*2007 Ed Brubaker, for "Daredevil" (Marvel Comics)

Best Artist or Penciller

*1988 Dave Gibbons, for "Watchmen" (DC)
*1989 Brian Bolland, for "" (DC)
*1990 Mark Schultz, for "Xenozoic Tales" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1991 Steve Rude, for "World's Finest" (DC)
*1992 Mark Schultz, for "Xenozoic Tales" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1993 Mark Schultz, for "Xenozoic Tales" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1994 Alex Ross, for "Marvels" (Marvel Comics)
*1995 Mike Mignola, for "Hellboy" (Dark Horse Comics)
*1996 Mike Mignola, for "Hellboy" (Dark Horse Comics)
*1997 Alex Ross for "Kingdom Come" (DC)
*1998 P. Craig Russell, for his body of work in 1997, including "Elric: Stormbringer" (Dark Horse Comics/Topps Comics), and "Dr. Strange: What Is It That Disturbs You, Stephen?" (Marvel Comics)
*1999 Jaime Hernandez, for his body of work in 1998, including "Penny Century" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2000 Mike Mignola, for "Hellboy: Box Full of Evil" (Dark Horse Comics/Maverick)
*2001 Jaime Hernandez, for "Penny Century" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2002 Eduardo Risso, for "100 Bullets" (DC)
*2003 Eduardo Risso, for "100 Bullets" (DC)
*2004 Craig Thompson, for "Blankets" (Top Shelf Productions)
*2005 Darwyn Cooke, for "" (DC)
*2006 J.H. Williams III, for "Promethea" (DC/ABC/Wildstorm)
*2007 Frank Quitely, for "All Star Superman" (DC)

Best Cartoonist (Writer/Artist)

*1988 Paul Chadwick, for "Concrete" (Dark Horse Comics)
*1989 Paul Chadwick, for "Concrete" (Dark Horse Comics)
*1990 Chester Brown, for "Yummy Fur" (Vortex)
*1991 Peter Bagge, for "Hate" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1992 Dave Sim, for "Cerebus" (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
*1993 Will Eisner, for "Invisible People" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1994 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Cartoon Books)
*1995 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Cartoon Books)
*1996 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Cartoon Books/Image Comics)
*1997 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Image Comics/Cartoon Books)
*1998 Sergio Aragones, for his body of work in 1997, including "Sergio Aragones' Louder than Words" (Dark Horse Comics)
*1999 Jeff Smith, for his body of work in 1998, including "Bone" (Cartoon Books)
*2000 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Cartoon Books)
*2001 Al Jaffee for "MAD Magazine" (E.C. Publications, Inc.)
*2002 Daniel Clowes, for "Eightball" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2003 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Cartoon Books)
*2004 Craig Thompson, for "Blankets" (Top Shelf Productions)
*2005 Jeff Smith, for "Bone" (Cartoon Books)
*2006 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (ACME Novelty Library)
*2007 Jaime Hernandez, for "Love and Rockets" (Fantagraphics Books)

pecial Award For Humor

*1989 Bill Watterson, for "Calvin and Hobbes" (UPS/Andrews & McMeel)
*1990 Sergio Aragones
*1991 Sergio Aragones
*1992 Sergio Aragones
*1993 Sergio Aragones
*1994 Jeff Smith
*1995 Sergio Aragones
*1996 Evan Dorkin
*1997 Sergio Aragones
*1998 Sergio Aragones
*1999 Sergio Aragones
*2000 Sergio Aragones, for "Groo", etc
*2001 Sergio Aragones, for "Groo", etc
*2002 Evan Dorkin, for "Dork" (Slave Labor Graphics)
*2003 Evan Dorkin, for "Dork" (Slave Labor Graphics)
*2004 Tony Millionaire, "Sock Monkey" (Dark Horse Comics)
*2005 Kyle Baker, for "Plastic Man" (DC)
*2006 Kyle Baker, for "Plastic Man" (DC)
*2007 Bryan Lee O'Malley, for "Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness" (Oni Press)

Best Inker

*1988 Al Williamson, for "Daredevil" (Marvel Comics)
*1989 Al Williamson, for "Daredevil" (Marvel Comics)
*1990 Al Williamson, for "Daredevil" (Marvel Comics)
*1991 Al Williamson, for "Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser" (Marvel Comics/Epic)
*1992 Jaime Hernandez, for "Love and Rockets" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1993 Al Williamson, for "Spider-Man 2099" (Marvel Comics)
*1994 Al Williamson, for "Spider-Man 2099" (Marvel Comics)
*1995 Al Williamson, for "Spider-Man 2099" (Marvel Comics)
*1996 Kevin Nowlan, for "Superman vs. Aliens" (DC/Dark Horse Comics)
*1997 Mark Schultz, for "Xenozoic Tales" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1998 Charles Burns, for his body of work in 1997, including "Black Hole" (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1999 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2000 Jaime Hernandez, for "Penny Century" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2002 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2003 Jaime Hernandez, for "Love and Rockets" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2004 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2005 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2006 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2007 Danny Miki, for "Eternals" (Marvel Comics)

Best Letterer

*1988 Ken Bruzenak, for "American Flagg" (First)
*1989 Ken Bruzenak, for "Mr. Monster" (Dark Horse Comics)
*1990 Ken Bruzenak, for "Black Kiss" (Vortex)
*1991 Dan Clowes, for "Eightball" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1992 Todd Klein, for "The Sandman" (DC)
*1993 Todd Klein, for "The Sandman" (DC)
*1994 Tom Orzechowski, for "Spawn" (Image)
*1995 Todd Klein, for "The Sandman" (DC)
*1996 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1997 Dan Clowes, for "Eightball" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 Todd Klein, for his body of work in 1997, including "Ka-Zar", "Castle Waiting", "Uncle Sam"
*1999 Todd Klein, for his body of work in 1998, including "House of Secrets" and "Captain America"
*2000 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 Todd Klein, for "Castle Waiting" (Cartoon Books)
*2002 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2003 Todd Klein, for "Promethea" (ABC)
*2004 Dave Sim, for "Cerebus" (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
*2005 Todd Klein, for "Wonder Woman" (DC)
*2006 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (ACME Novelty Library)
*2007 Stan Sakai, for "Usagi Yojimbo" (Dark Horse Comics)

Best Colorist

*1988 John Higgins, for "Watchmen" (DC)
*1989 John Higgins, for "" (DC)
*1990 Steve Oliff, for "Akira" (Marvel Comics)
*1991 Steve Oliff, for "Akira" (Marvel Comics/Epic Comics)
*1992 Steve Oliff, for "Akira" (Marvel Comics/Epic Comics)
*1993 Jim Woodring, for "Tantalizing Stories Presents Frank In The River" (Tundra)
*1994 Steve Oliff, for "Spawn" (Image)
*1995 Steve Oliff/Olyoptics, for "Spawn" (Image)
*1996 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1997 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 Chris Ware, for his body of work in 1997, including "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*1999 Lynn Varley, for "300" (Dark Horse Comics)
*2000 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 Laura DePuy, for "The Authority" (Wildstorm/DC)
*2002 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2003 Dave Stewart, for "Hellboy" (Dark Horse Comics)
*2004 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Datebook" (Drawn & Quarterly Publishing)
*2005 Dave Stewart, for "" (DC)
*2006 Laura Martin, for "Astonishing X-Men" (Marvel Comics)
*2007 Lark Pien, for "American Born Chinese" (First Second Books)

Best Cover Artist

*1996 Alex Ross, for "Kurt Busiek's Astro City" #1 (Image)
*1997 Alex Ross, for "Kingdom Come" #1 (DC)
*1998 Alex Ross, for "Kurt Busiek's Astro City" (Image/Homage), "" #100 (DC), "Squadron Supreme" (Marvel Comics)
*1999 Alex Ross, for "Kurt Busiek's Astro City" (Image/Homage), "Superman Forever" (DC), "" (DC)
*2000 Chris Ware, for "Acme Novelty Library" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 Adam Hughes, for "Wonder Woman" (DC)
*2002 Adam Hughes, for "Wonder Woman" (DC)
*2003 Adam Hughes, for "Wonder Woman" (DC)
*2004 Charles Burns, for "Black Hole" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2005 James Jean, for "Fables" (DC/Vertigo)
*2006 James Jean, for "Fables" (DC/Vertigo)
*2007 James Jean, for "Fables" (DC/Vertigo)

pecial Award for Excellence in Production/Presentation

*1988 "Watchmen", by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, (DC)
*1989 "Hardboiled Defective Stories", by Charles Burns, design by Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly (RAW/Pantheon)
*1990 "Arkham Asylum", by Grant Morrison and Dave McKean (DC)
*1991 "Complete Little Nemo In Slumberland", by Winsor McCay, edited by Richard Marschall, designed by Dale Crain (Fantagraphics Books)
*1992 "Complete Little Nemo In Slumberland", by Winsor McCay, edited by Richard Marschall, art directed by Dale Crain (Fantagraphics Books)
*1993 "", by Archie Goodwin and Scott Hampton, edited by Denny O'Neil, art direction by Robbin Brosterman (DC)
*1994 "Marvels", by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross; edited by Marcus McLaurin; design by Joe Kaufman and Comicraft (Marvel Comics)
*1995 "Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware; edited by Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics Books)
*1996 "'Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware; edited by Kim Thompson; art directed by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*1997 "'Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware; edited by Kim Thompson, art directed by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 "'Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware; edited by Kim Thompson, art directed by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*1999 "'Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware; edited by Kim Thompson, art direction by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*2000 "Acme Novelty Library" #13, by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 "Jimmy Corrigan", by Chris Ware, designed by Chris Ware (Pantheon)
*2002 "Spirit Archives" (DC)
*2003 "Krazy and Ignatz", designed by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*2004 "Acme Novelty Datebook", by Chris Ware (Drawn & Quarterly Publishing)
*2005 "The Complete Peanuts 1950-52", by Charles Schulz, designed by Seth (Fantagraphics Books)
*2006 "Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays", by Winsor McCay (Sunday Press Books)
*2007 "Lost Girls", art directed by Brett Warnock and Matt Kindt (Top Shelf Productions)

Best New Series

*1988 "Concrete", by Paul Chadwick (Dark Horse Comics)
*1989 "Kings in Disguise", by James Vance and Dan Burr (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1990 "Eightball", by Dan Clowes (Fantagraphics Books)
*1991 "Hate", by Peter Bagge (Fantagraphics Books)
*1992 "Cages", by Dave McKean assisted by Clare Haythornthwaite (Tundra)
*1993 "Madman", by Michael Dalton Allred (Tundra)
*1994 "Captain Sternn", by Bernie Wrightson and Shephard Hendrix; edited by Phil Amara (Tundra/Kitchen Sink Press)
*1995 "Acme Novelty Library" by Chris Ware; edited by Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics Books)
*1996 "Kurt Busiek's Astro City", by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson (Image)
*1997 "Leave It to Chance", by James Robinson and Paul Smith, edited by Jonathan Peterson (Image)
*1998 "Penny Century", by Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics Books)
*1999 "The Spirit: New Adventures", by various, edited by Katie Garnier
*2000 "Weasel", by Dave Cooper, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 "Luba's Comix and Stories", by Gilbert Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics Books)
*2002 "La Perdida", by Jessica Abel (Fantagraphics Books)
*2003 "Rubber Necker", by Nick Bertozzi (Alternative)
*2004 "Plastic Man", by Kyle Baker (DC)
*2005 "Michael Chabon Presents: The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist" (Dark Horse Comics)
*2006 "Young Avengers" (Marvel Comics)
*2007 "Will Eisner's The Spirit" (DC)

Best Continuing or Limited Series

*1988 "Watchmen", by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (DC)
*1989 "Love and Rockets", by Jaime Hernandez and Gilbert Hernandez (Fantagraphics Books)
*1990 "Love and Rockets", by Jaime Hernandez and Gilbert Hernandez (Fantagraphics Books)
*1991 "Eightball" by Dan Clowes (Fantagraphics Books)
*1992 "Eightball" by Dan Clowes, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics Books)
*1993 "The Sandman", by Neil Gaiman and various artists, edited by Karen Berger (DC)
*1994 "Marvels", by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross; edited by Marcus McLaurin (Marvel Comics)
*1995 "From Hell", by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell; edited by Phil Amara (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1996 "Sin City", by Frank Miller (Dark Horse Comics)
*1997 "Eightball" by Dan Clowes, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 "Kurt Busiek's Astro City" by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson (Image/Homage)
*1999 "300", by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley (Dark Horse Comics)
*2000 "Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware, edited by Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 "Acme Novelty Library", by Chris Ware, edited by Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics Books)
*2002 "100 Bullets" (DC)
*2003 "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill (ABC)
*2004 "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" Volume II, by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill (ABC/Wildstorm/DC)
*2005 "", by Darwyn Cooke (DC)
*2006 "Runaways", by Brian K. Vaughan (Marvel Comics)
*2007 "Daredevil", by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark (Marvel Comics)

Best Single Issue or Story

*1988 "Watchmen #9", by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (DC)
*1989 "", by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland and John Higgins (DC)
*1990 "Eightball #1", by Dan Clowes (Fantagraphics Books)
*1991 "Eightball #3", by Dan Clowes (Fantagraphics Books)
*1992 "Xenozoic Tales #11", by Mark Schultz and Steve Stiles, edited by Dave Schreiner (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1993 "Tantalizing Stories Presents Frank In The River", by Jim Woodring and Mark Martin (Tundra)
*1994 "", by Paul Dini and Bruce W. Timm; edited by Scott Peterson (DC)
*1995 "Marvels #4", by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross; edited by Marcus McLaurin (Marvel Comics)
*1996 "Kurt Busiek's Astro City #1", by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson (Image)
*1997 "Acme Novelty Library #7" by Chris Ware, edited by Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 "Eightball #18" by Dan Clowes, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics Books)
*1999 "Penny Century #3: "Home School", by Jaime Hernandez (Fantagraphics Books)
*2000 "Acme Novelty Library #13", by Chris Ware (Fantagraphics Books)
*2001 "", by Evan Dorkin & various artists (DC)
*2002 "Eightball #22" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2003 "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. II, #1", by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill (ABC)
*2004 "Gotham Central #6-10", by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark (DC) and "Love and Rockets #9", by Gilbert Hernandez and Jaime Hernandez (Fantagraphics Books)
*2005 "Eightball #23", by Daniel Clowes (Fantagraphics Books)
*2006 "Love and Rockets, vol. 2, #15" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2007 "Marvel Civil War #1" (Marvel Comics)

Best Graphic Album

*1988 "Watchmen", by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (DC)
*1989 "", by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland (DC)
*1990 "Ed the Happy Clown", by Chester Brown (Vortex)

Best Graphic Album of Original Work

*1991 "Why I Hate Saturn" by Kyle Baker (Piranha)
*1992 "To the Heart of the Storm" by Will Eisner, edited by Dave Schreiner (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1993 "Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde" by Oscar Wilde and P. Craig Russell (NBM)
*1994 "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud; edited by Mark Martin (Tundra/Kitchen Sink Press)
*1995 "Our Cancer Year" by Harvey Pekar, Joyce Brabner and Frank Stack (Four Walls Eight Windows)
*1996 "Stuck Rubber Baby" by Howard Cruse; edited by Bronwyn Carlton Taggart (Paradox)
*1997 "Fax from Sarajevo" by Joe Kubert, edited by Bob Cooper (Dark Horse Comics)
*1998 "" by Frank Miller, edited by Diana Schutz (Dark Horse Comics)
*1999 "You Are Here" by Kyle Baker (Paradox)
*2000 "" by Paul Dini and Alex Ross, edited by Charles Kochman and Joey Cavalieri (DC)
*2001 "Last Day in Vietnam" by Will Eisner, edited by Diana Schutz (Dark Horse Comics/Maverick)
*2002 "The Golem's Mighty Swing" by James Sturm (Drawn and Quarterly)
*2003 "" by Larry Gonick (W.W. Norton)
*2004 "Blankets" by Craig Thompson (Top Shelf Productions)
*2005 "Blacksad 2" by Juanjo Guarnido and Juan Diaz Canales (iBooks/Komikwerks)
*2006 "Tricked" by Alex Robinson (Top Shelf Productions)
*2007 "Pride of Baghdad" by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon (DC/Vertigo)

Best Graphic Album of Previously Published Work

*1991 "Warts and All" by Drew Friedman (RAW/Penguin)
*1992 "Maus II", also known as "", by Art Spiegelman (Pantheon)
*1993 "Hey Look!" by Harvey Kurtzman, edited by Dave Schreiner (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1994 "The Complete Bone Adventures" (Cartoon Books), reissued in color as "" (Scholastic Corporation), by Jeff Smith
*1995 "Marvels" by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross; edited by Marcus McLaurin (Graphitti Graphics)
*1996 "" by Mike Mignola; edited by Barbara Kesel and Scott Alley (Dark Horse Comics)
*1997 "" by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson, edited by Ann Huntington Busiek (Homage)
*1998 "" by various creators, edited by Bob Kahan, art directed by Robbin Brosterman, Mark Chiarello, and Georg Brewer (DC)
*1999 "Cages" by Dave McKean (Kitchen Sink Press)
*2000 "From Hell" by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell (Eddie Campbell Comics)
*2001 "Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth" by Chris Ware, edited by Chip Kidd (Pantheon)
*2002 "Lone Wolf and Cub" by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima (Dark Horse Comics)
*2003 "20th Century Eightball" by Daniel Clowes (Fantagraphics)
*2004 "" by Chester Brown (Drawn & Quarterly Publishing)
*2005 "" by Jeff Smith (Cartoon Books)
*2006 "Black Hole" by Charles Burns (Pantheon)
*2007 "" by Darwyn Cooke (DC)

Best Anthology

*1990 "A1", by various creators (Atomeka)
*1991 "Raw", edited by Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly (RAW/Penguin)
*1992 "Dark Horse Presents", edited by Randy Stradley (Dark Horse)
*1993 "Dark Horse Presents", edited by Randy Stradley (Dark Horse)
*1994 "Blab!", edited by Monte Beauchamp (Kitchen Sink Press)
*1995 "Dark Horse Presents", edited by Bob Schreck and Randy Stradley (Dark Horse)
*1996 "Drawn & Quarterly", edited by Marina Lesenko (Drawn & Quarterly)
*1997 "Dark Horse Presents", edited by Bob Schreck (Dark Horse)
*1998 "Dark Horse Presents", edited Bob Schreck & Jamie S. Rich, (Dark Horse Comics)
*1999 "Oni Double Feature", edited by Bob Schreck (Oni)
*2000 "Tomorrow Stories", edited by Scott Dunbier (ABC)
*2001 "Drawn & Quarterly" Vol. 3, #1, edited by Chris Oliveros (Drawn & Quarterly)
*2002 "Bizarro" (DC Comics)
*2003 "Comics Journal Summer Special 2002" (Fantagraphics)
*2004 "Drawn & Quarterly" #5, edited by Chris Oliveros (Drawn & Quarterly Publishing)
*2005 (tie) "Michael Chabon Presents: The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist", edited by Diana Schutz (Dark Horse); "McSweeney's Quarterly Concern" #13, edited by Chris Ware (McSweeney's Books)
*2006 "Solo" (DC Comics)
*2007 "Flight" vol. 3 (Ballantine Books)

Best Syndicated Strip or Panel

*1990 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1991 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1992 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1993 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1994 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1995 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1996 "Calvin and Hobbes", by Bill Watterson (Universal Press Syndicate)
*1997 "Dilbert", by Scott Adams (United Feature)
*1998 "Mutts", by Patrick McDonnell (King Feature Syndicate)
*1999 "For Better or For Worse", by Lynn Johnston (United Feature Syndicate)
*2000 "Peanuts", by Charles M. Schulz
*2001 "Mutts", by Patrick McDonnell (King Feature Syndicate)
*2002 "Mutts", by Patrick McDonnell (King Feature Syndicate)
*2003 "Mutts", by Patrick McDonnell (King Feature Syndicate)
*2004 "Maakies", by Tony Millionaire
*2005 "Mutts", by Patrick McDonnell (King Feature Syndicate)
*2006 "Maakies", by Tony Millionaire (Self-syndicated)
*2007 "The K Chronicles" by Keith Knight

Best Biographical, Historical, or Journalistic Presentation

*1990 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
*1991 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth and Helena Harvilicz (Fantagraphics)
*1992 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth, Helena Harvilicz and Frank Young (Fantagraphics)
*1993 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth and Frank Young (Fantagraphics)
*1994 "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud; edited by Mark Martin (Tundra/Kitchen Sink Press)
*1995 "The Comics Journal" edited by Gary Groth and Frank Young (Comics Journal Inc.)
*1996 "Crumb", directed by Terry Zwigoff, produced by Terry Zwigoff and Lynn O'Donnell (Sony Pictures)
*1997 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth and Tom Spurgeon (Fantagraphics Books)
*1998 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
*1999 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth and Tom Spurgeon (Fantagraphics)
*2000 "The Comics Journal" (Fantagraphics)
*2001 "The Comics Journal" (Fantagraphics)
*2002 "Jack Cole and Plastic Man", edited by Steve Korte (Chronicle Books)
*2003 "B. Krigstein" Vol. 1 (Fantagraphics)
*2004 "Comic Art Magazine" (Comic Art)
*2005 "Comic Book Artist", edited by Jon B. Cooke (Top Shelf Productions)
*2006 "The Comics Journal", edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
*2007 "Art Out of Time", edited by Dan Nadel (Harry N. Abrams)

Best American Edition of Foreign Material

*1988 Moebius album series, by Jean Giraud (also known as Moebius) (Marvel)
*1989 "Incal", by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jean "Moebius" Giraud (Marvel)
*1990 "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo (Marvel)
*1991 "Lt. Blueberry", by Jean "Moebius" Giraud (Marvel/Epic)
*1992 "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo (Marvel/Epic)
*1993 "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo (Marvel/Epic)
*1994 "Billie Holiday", by José Antonio Muñoz and Carlos Sampayo; edited by Gary Groth, Robert Boyd, and Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics)
*1995 "Druuna: Carnivora", by Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri; edited by Debra Rabas (Heavy Metal/Kitchen Sink Press)
*1996 "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo; translated by Yoko Umezawa and Jo Duffy; edited by Kochi Yuri, Hisataka Nishitani and Marie Javins (Marvel Comics/Epic)
*1997 "Gon", by Masashi Tanaka, edited by Andrew Helfer (DC/Paradox Press)
*1998 "Drawn & Quarterly", by various creators, edited by Chris Oliveros, Marina Lesenko, Steve Solomos (Drawn & Quarterly)
*1999 "A Jew in Communist Prague", vol. 3: "Rebellion" by Vittorio Giardino, edited by Terry Nantier, translated by Joe Johnson (NBM)
*2000 " ", by Toshiki Kudo and Shin-Ichi Hiromoto based on stories by George Lucas, edited by David Land (Dark Horse)
*2001 "Lone Wolf & Cub", by Kazuo Koike & Goseki Kojima, edited by Mike Hansen (Dark Horse)
*2002 "Lone Wolf & Cub", by Kazuo Koike & Goseki Kojima (Dark Horse Comics)
*2003 "Lone Wolf & Cub", by Kazuo Koike & Goseki Kojima (Dark Horse Comics)
*2004 "Persepolis", by Marjane Satrapi (Pantheon Books)
*2005 "Buddha", by Osamu Tezuka (Vertical Inc.)
*2006 "Buddha", by Osamu Tuzuka (Vertical Inc.)
*2007 TIE: "Abandon the Old in Tokyo" by Yoshihiro Tatsumi (Drawn & Quarterly) and "Moomin" by Tove Jansson (D&Q)

Best Domestic Reprint Project

*1988 "The Spirit", by Will Eisner (Kitchen Sink)
*1989 "Complete Crumb Comics", by Robert Crumb (Fantagraphics)
*1990 "Complete Little Nemo In Slumberland", by Winsor McCay (Fantagraphics)
*1991 "Complete Crumb Comics", by Robert Crumb (Fantagraphics)
*1992 "Complete Crumb Comics", by Robert Crumb (Fantagraphics)
*1993 "Complete Crumb Comics", by Robert Crumb (Fantagraphics)
*1994 "Complete Little Nemo in Slumberland" Vol. 6, by Winsor McCay; edited by Bill Blackbeard; packaged by Dale Crain (Fantagraphics)
*1995 "The Complete Crumb Comics", by Robert Crumb; edited by Gary Groth and Robert Boyd; art direction by Mark Thompson (Fantagraphics)
*1996 "The Complete Crumb Comics" Vol. II, by Robert Crumb; edited by Mark Thompson (Fantagraphics Books)
*1997 "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns", 10th Anniversary Hardcover Edition, by Frank Miller, original series co-edited by Dick Giordano and Dennis O'Neil, reprint edited by Archie Goodwin and Bob Kahan (DC Comics)
*1998 "Jack Kirby's New Gods" by Jack Kirby, and edited by Bob Kahan (DC Comics)
*1999 "DC Archives: Plastic Man", by Jack Cole, edited by Bob Kahan and Rick Taylor (DC)
*2000 "DC Archive Series", edited by Dale Crain (DC Comics)
*2001 "Spirit Archives", by Will Eisner, edited by Dale Crain (DC)
*2002 "Spirit Archives" (DC Comics)
*2003 "Krazy and Ignatz" (Fantagraphics)
*2004 "Krazy and Ignatz", by George Herriman, edited by Bill Blackbeard (Fantagraphics)
*2005 "The Complete Peanuts 1950-52", by [Charles Schulz (Fantagraphics)
*2006 "Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays" (Sunday Press Books)
*2007 "The Complete Peanuts" (Fantagraphics)

Best New Talent

*1990 Jim Lee
*1991 Julie Doucet
*1992 Joe Quesada
*1996 Adrian Tomine
*1997 Jessica Abel, for "Artbabe" (self-published)
*1998 Steven Weissman, for "Yikes" (Alternative Press, Inc.)
*1999 Kevin Smith, for "Clerks." (Oni), "Daredevil" (Marvel Comics), "Jay and Silent Bob" (Oni)
*2000 Craig Thompson, for "Good-Bye, Chunky Rice", etc.
*2001 Michel Rabagliati, for "Drawn & Quarterly" Vol. 3, #1, "Paul in the Country", etc.
*2002 Jason, for "Hey Wait"
*2003 Nick Bertozzi, for "Rubber Necker"
*2004 Derek Kirk Kim, for "Same Difference and Other Stories" (Alternative Comics)
*2005 Andy Runton, for "Owly" (Top Shelf)
*2006 (tie) Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, for "Marvel Knights Four" (Marvel Comics); R. Kikuo Johnson, for "Night Fisher" (Fantagraphics Books)
*2007 Brian Fies

Best Online Comics Work

*2006 "American Elf", by James Kochalka, www.americanelf.com
*2007 "The Perry Bible Fellowship", by Nicholas Gurewich, www.pbfcomics.com

The Jack Kirby Hall of Fame

*1989 Wally Wood
*1990 Steve Ditko
*1990 Alex Toth
*1991 Jack Cole
*1991 Basil Wolverton
*1992 Walt Kelly
*1992 Bernard Krigstein
*1993 Jerry Siegel
*1993 Joe Shuster
*1994 Bill Finger
*1994 Bob Kane
*1995 Bill Everett
*1995 Stan Lee
*1996 Carl Burgos
*1996 Sheldon Mayer
*1996 Julius Schwartz
*1997 C. C. Beck (Retroactive)
*1997 William Gaines (Retroactive)
*1997 Gil Kane (Lifetime Achievement)
*1997 Joe Kubert (Lifetime Achievement)
*1997 Jean Giraud, also known as "Moebius" (International)
*1998 Reed Crandall (Retroactive)
*1998 Gardner F. Fox (Retroactive)
*1998 Carmine Infantino (Lifetime Achievement)
*1998 Murphy Anderson (Lifetime Achievement)
*1998 Milo Manara (International)
*1999 Otto Binder (Retroactive)
*1999 Morton Meskin (Retroactive)
*1999 Neal Adams (Lifetime Achievement)
*1999 Frank Frazetta (Lifetime Achievement)
*1999 John Romita, Sr. (Lifetime Achievement)
*1999 Georges Remi, also known as "Hergé" (International)

The Hero Initiative Lifetime Achievement Award

*2006 George Pérez
*2006 John Romita, Sr.
*2007 Joe Kubert

ee also

*Alley Award
*Eagle Award
*Eisner Award
*Inkpot Award
*Kirby Award
*Shazam Award



* [http://www.harveyawards.org/ The Harvey Awards] (official site)

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